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Mono ADP-ribosylation is a posttranslational protein modification that has been implicated in the regulation of key biological functions in bacteria as well as in animals. Recently, the first cDNAs for eucaryotic mono(ADPribosyl)transferases were cloned and found to exhibit significant sequence similarity only to one other known protein, the T cell differentiation antigen Rt6. In this paper we describe secondary structure analyses of Rt6 and related proteins and show conserved structure motifs and amino acid residues consistent with a common ancestry of these eucaryotic proteins and bacterial ADP-ribosyltransferases. Moreover, we have expressed soluble mouse Rt6-1 and Rt6-2 gene products in which C-terminal tags (FLAG-His6) replace the native glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor signal sequences. Purified recombinant Rt6-2, but not Rt6-1, shows NAD+ glycohydrolase activity, which is inhibited by the arginine analogue agmatine. Immunoprecipitation of recombinant Rt6-1 and Rt6-2 with anti-FLAG M2 antibody followed by incubation with [32P]NAD+ leads to rapid and covalent incorporation of radioactivity into the light chain of the M2 antibody. The bound label is resistant to treatment with HgCl2 but sensitive to NH2OH, characteristic of arginine-linked ADP-ribosylation. These results demonstrate that Rt6-1 and RT6-2 possess the enzymatic activities typical for NAD+-dependent arginine/protein mono(ADPribosyl)transferases (EC They are the first such enzymes to be molecularly characterized in the immune system.  相似文献   

The actin ADP-ribosylating Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin is a binary toxin composed of the binding component C2II and the enzyme component C2I. C2I ADP-ribosylates G-actin at arginine 177, resulting in the depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. Here, we studied the structure-function relationship of C2I by site-directed mutagenesis. Exchange of Glu389 to glutamine caused the complete loss of ADP-ribosyltransferase and NAD-glycohydrolase activities of C2I. In contrast, exchange of Glu387 to glutamine blocked ADP-ribosyltransferase but not NAD-glycohydrolase activity. Whereas photoaffinity labeling of the double mutant E387Q/E389Q C2I with [carbonyl-14C]NAD was blocked, labeling of the single C2I mutants was reduced (E389Q) or not changed (E387Q). Exchange of the STS motif (amino acid residues 348-350) of C2I caused a decrease in transferase activity by more than 99 (S348A) and 90% (T349V), or did not affect activity (S350A). Exchange of Arg299 and Arg300 to lysine reduced transferase activity to <0.1 and approximately 35% of wild-type activity. The data indicate that the amino acid residues Glu389, Glu387, Ser348, and Arg299, which are conserved in various prokaryotic and eukaryotic arginine-modifying ADP-ribosyltransferases, are essential for ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the enzyme component of C. botulinum C2 toxin.  相似文献   

Selegiline is used as an adjunct to levodopa in the symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). The normal daily dose of selegiline is 10 mg administered orally. This study, based on monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibition, investigates whether a reduction in selegiline dose can provide the same beneficial effects seen with a 10-mg dose. The inhibition of platelet MAO-B activity against multiple dosing of selegiline (2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg) was predicted from the data obtained from literature (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 10 mg). A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for selegiline was also developed. The data suggested that by 96 hours (four doses) the inhibition of platelet MAO-B activity is approximately 95% after a daily dose of 2.5 mg selegiline, whereas it takes only 48 hours (two doses) for doses of 5 mg and 7.5 mg to achieve this degree of inhibition. The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model was best described by a sigmoidal Emax model with an effect compartment. Based on the inhibition of MAO-B activity, a reduction in daily oral dose of selegiline appears possible without compromising the therapeutic effect. Therefore, lower doses of selegiline should be tested in clinical trials.  相似文献   

RT6 is a rat lymphocyte glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored alloantigen with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) glycohydrolase (NADase) and auto-ADP-ribosyltransferase activities. RT6 may have immunoregulatory properties based in part on the observation that injection of diabetes-resistant (DR)-BB rats with depleting doses of anti-RT6.1 mAb induced autoimmune diabetes and thyroiditis. We now report that injection of DR-BB rats with anti-RT6.1 mAb increased plasma NADase activity, which localized, by fluid phase liquid chromatography fractionation, to the high density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction. Following ultracentrifugation in high salt, however, RT6 was found in the nonlipoprotein fraction, where it existed, under nondenaturing conditions, as a 200-kDa complex and, by SDS-PAGE, as a 30- to 36-kDa species. Thy-1, another GPI-linked protein, and proteins that reacted with anti-GPI-oligosaccharide Abs also translocated from HDL to the nonlipoprotein fraction under similar conditions. Injection of anti-RT6.1 mAb into thymectomized DR and diabetes-prone-BB rats increased soluble RT6 to levels comparable to those observed in euthymic DR-BB rats, suggesting that HDL-bound RT6 is not derived from peripheral lymphocytes. In agreement, NADase activity in the plasma of eviscerated DR-BB rats did not increase following injection of anti-RT6 mAb. These data suggest that HDL is a carrier of plasma RT6 and other GPI-linked proteins, with equilibrium between the lipoprotein and nonlipoprotein fractions being salt dependent. Since GPI-linked proteins in HDL can transfer to cells in a functionally active form, the presence of RT6 in HDL is consistent with it having a role in signaling in nonlymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Exogenous ubiquinone-10 was efficiently reduced by rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADH and NADPH under anaerobic conditions. Ubiquinone-10 reduced under anaerobic conditions was rapidly re-oxidized by the re-aeration. The reduction and re-oxidation were not observed when the reactions were carried out with the boiled microsomes or without microsomes, suggesting that the reactions were enzymatically catalyzed by the electron transport system(s) from NAD(P)H to O2 through the ubiquinone. The Km and Vmax of the reductase activity for NADH were 0.4 mM and 1.7 nmol/min per mg of protein, and those for NADPH were 19 microM and 2.1 nmol/min per mg of protein, respectively. The NADH-dependent oxidoreduction system was different from the NADPH-dependent system because of the following observations; (1) rotenone inhibited only the NADH-dependent ubiquinone-10 reductase, (2) dicoumarol inhibited the NADPH-dependent ubiquinone-10 reduction more potently than the NADH-dependent reduction and (3) the activity oxidizing the reduced ubiquinone-10 in the presence of NADH was less than that in the presence of NADPH. Endogenous ubiquinone-9 was also reduced and re-oxidized in essentially the same manner as exogenous ubiquinone-10. Thus, ubiquinone-10 oxidoreductase in rat liver microsomes acts on endogenous ubiquinone-9.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones which appear to encode different subunits of NAD(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH; EC were identified by homology searches from the Arabidopsis EST database. These cDNA clones were obtained and sequenced; both encoded full-length messages and displayed 82.7% nucleotide sequence identity over the coding region. The deduced amino acid sequences revealed preprotein lengths of 367 residues, with an amino acid identity of 86.1%. Genomic Southern blot analysis showed distinct single-copy genes for both IDH subunits. Both IDH subunits were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli, and polyclonal antibodies were raised to each subunit. The Arabidopsis cDNA clones were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants which were deficient in either one or both of the yeast NAD(+)-dependent IDH subunits. The Arabidopsis cDNA clones failed to complement the yeast mutations; although both IDH-I and IDH-II were expressed at detectable levels, neither protein was imported into the mitochondria.  相似文献   

T-cell receptors (Tcrs) of higher organisms play a key role in the specific recognition of self and non-self molecules in the immune system. The large number of Tcr variable (V) genes have been organized into V gene subfamilies according to their sequence similarity at the nucleotide and amino acid level. We cloned and characterized four new members of the Tcra-V22 gene subfamily at the genomic level using a simple and sensitive technique that can rapidly clone members of any multi-member gene family. Sequence analysis reveals that the four Tcra-V22 gene subfamily members have more than 98% sequence similarity in their coding regions, at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. However, the intron between the leader and the coding region varies up to 7% between members of the Tcra-V22 gene subfamily. Comparison of the multi-member Tcra-V22 gene subfamily with other multi-member Tcra-V gene subfamilies (V2, V8, and V11), shows that Tcra-V22 is unique in that it has multiple members with nearly identical amino acid sequence and which are not inherently pseudogenes. Sequence similarity analysis of the Tcra-V22 subfamily with the prototypes of all other Tcra-V subfamilies revealed that the Tcra-V22 subfamily has the closest sequence similarity to that of Tcra-V18 (77% at the nucleotide level and 71% at the amino acid level).  相似文献   

Mutations in the myocilin (MYOC), also known as Trabecular meshwork-Inducible Glucocorticoid Response (TIGR) gene can lead to juvenile open-angle glaucoma in human and may be responsible for at least 3% of primary open-angle glaucoma. To develop a mouse model of primary open angle glaucoma, and to get deeper insight into the mechanisms of the MYOC/TIGR gene regulation and function, we have isolated and characterized full size mouse Myoc/Tigr cDNA and genomic clones. The mouse and human MYOC/TIGR genes have the same exon-intron structure and contain 3 exons, although the mouse gene is 6 kb shorter than the human gene (10 kb versus 16 kb) due to differences in the length of introns. The MYOC/TIGR gene encodes a moderately conserved protein, which is 82% identical between human and mouse. The encoded protein is 14 amino acids shorter at the N-terminus in the mouse than in the human (490 versus 504 amino acids). Mouse and human MYOC/TIGR genes show a similar pattern of expression in adult ocular and nonocular tissues. The mouse Myoc/Tigr gene was mapped to Chromosome 1 at position 82.8 cM from the centromere. All residues, which were identified in the human MYOC/TIGR protein as critical for glaucoma development, are conserved in the mouse Myoc/Tigr.  相似文献   

To determine the efficacy and safety of early coronary stenting for unstable angina, we studied 91 consecutive patients with unstable angina. Thirty-one patients underwent stenting 72 h or more after admission, and another 60 patients underwent stenting within 72 h of admission. The clinical and angiographic follow-up had been done for 6 mo. There were no differences between the baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics of both groups. The maximum balloon pressure was higher (14.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 12.6 +/- 0.9, P < 0.01) and the hospital stay was shorter (9.7 +/- 2.7 vs. 18.7 +/- 5.8 d, P < 0.0001) in the early stenting group. These two groups were similar in the clinical success rate (90.0% vs. 93.5%), without any abrupt closure, subacute thrombosis, death, myocardial infarction, or coronary bypass surgery. These findings indicate that early stenting can be useful in patients with unstable angina.  相似文献   

By using a three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scanner, we compared the anatomic features of the pelvis of three fetuses of same gestational age, one with a normal pelvis representing the reference model, one with classic bladder exstrophy, and one with cloacal exstrophy. The tomography slices were selected at the same levels for each case. Three angles expressing external opening of the pelvis were defined. Comparing normal and abnormal pelvises allowed definition of three criteria for the correction of the malformation: (a) the sum of the differential angles gives the amplitude of the correction needed; (b) a supraacetabular osteotomy appears to allow best closure of the pelvic ring; (c) only three slices of a CT scan are needed, which cannot be harmful, especially for neonates. Therefore, we believe that a CT scan of the pelvis should be performed whenever an osteotomy is planned in the surgical reconstruction of bladder and cloacal exstrophy.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between trainees' conjugal family experience, current intergenerational family relationships, and the client's perception of the therapeutic alliance. Participants were 74 first practicum family therapy trainees, representing two family therapy programs, and 90 clients. Results indicated a moderately significant relationship between conjugal family experience and trainees' reported intergenerational intimacy with parents. Additionally, clients whose therapists had conjugal family experience reported a slightly more favorable therapeutic alliance than clients whose therapists did not have conjugal family experience. Additionally, trainees with conjugal family experience reported more current intimacy and individuation than nonconjugal trainees and felt less intimidated by their parents.  相似文献   

Quantitative determination of insulin secretion is of importance both clinically and in research. The optimal method has not been established, although several different methods have been used. We determined the reproducibility of islet function parameters obtained by the glucose-dependent arginine stimulation test, and also studied the priming effect of arginine on subsequent acute insulin responses. The test measures the acute insulin (AIR) and glucagon (AGR) responses to i.v. arginine (5 g injected over 45 s) at fasting glucose and glucose concentrations clamped at 14 and above 25 mmol/l, as well as the glucose potentiation of insulin secretion (slopeAIR) and the glucose inhibition of glucagon secretion (slopeAGR). When the test was performed twice in seven healthy women (mean +/- SD age 58.7 +/- 0.5 years, BMI 27.6 +/- 5.5 kg/m2), the AIRs to arginine had a within-subject coefficient of variation (CV) of 18.6% at fasting glucose, 18.7% at 14 mmol/l glucose and 16.3% at above 25 mmol/l glucose. The CVs for AGR were 11.6, 14.9 and 8.9%, respectively. The CV of the slopeAIR was 24% and of the slopeAGR 17.2%. The arginine priming study was performed in six healthy women (age 63.7 +/- 0.3 years, BMI 28.0 +/- 6.9 kg/m2). Saline or arginine (5 g) was injected at fasting glucose, followed by arginine (5 g) at 14 mmol/l glucose. There was no difference between the acute insulin or glucagon responses to arginine at 14 mmol/l glucose in the two conditions, suggesting that there is no priming effect of arginine on the subsequent acute insulin or glucagon responses. Therefore, this method is a good tool to determine insulin secretion as, apart from its good reproducibility, it also provides several important parameters of islet function.  相似文献   

The lymphotoxin-alpha beta complex (LT alpha beta) is found on the surface of activated lymphocytes and binds to a specific receptor called the LT beta receptor (LT beta R). In the mouse, signaling through this pathway is important for lymph node development and splenic organization, yet the biochemical properties of murine LT alpha and LT beta are essentially unknown. Here we have used soluble receptor-Ig forms of LT beta R and TNF-R55 and mAbs specific for murine LT alpha, LT beta, and LT beta R to characterize the appearance of surface LT alpha beta complexes and LT beta R on several common murine cell lines. Cells that bound LT beta R also bound anti-LT alpha and anti-LT beta mAbs in a FACS analysis. The ability of these reagents to discriminate between surface TNF and LT was verified by analysis of surface TNF-positive, LPS-activated murine RAW 264.7 monocytic cells. Primary mouse leukocytes from spleen, thymus, lymph node, and peritoneum were activated in vitro, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as B cells expressed surface LT ligand but not the LT beta R. Conversely, elicited peritoneal monocytes/macrophages were surface LT negative yet LT beta R positive. This study shows that on mononuclear cells, surface LT complexes and receptor are expressed similarly in mice and man, and the tools described herein form the foundation for study of the functional roles of the LT system in the mouse.  相似文献   

Nineteen patients are presented with acquired port wine stains. Acquired port wine stains are uncommon vascular lesions with the appearance of a congenital port wine stain but onset after birth. This is the largest group of patients reported to date. The acquired port wine stain was on the head and neck in 17 patients and in six this was associated with preceding trauma. Psychological assessments in adult patients showed similar morbidity to that seen in patients with congenital port wine stains. This morbidity was improved with successful laser treatment. Pulsed dye laser therapy resulted in complete clearance of the lesion in six (46%) of 13 patients treated. Two further patients had an excellent response.  相似文献   

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