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针对未知环境中无人机(unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV)目标搜索问题进行研究。建立UAV目标搜索模型,将强化学习理论应用于目标搜索问题中。提出一种未知环境中基于Q学习的UAV目标搜索算法,并将其与基于D-S证据理论的UAV搜索方法进行仿真比较。仿真结果显示此算法收敛且UAV快速搜索到了目标,此结果表明,通过对UAV在设定条件下的强化学习训练,可以使其具备一定的环境适应能力,UAV在没有任何目标信息的战场环境中能够有效执行搜索任务。  相似文献   

针对强化学习在视觉语义导航任务中准确率低,导航效率不高,容错率太差,且部分只适用于单智能体等问题,提出一种基于场景先验的多智能体目标搜索算法。该算法利用强化学习,将单智能体系统拓展到多智能体系统上将场景图谱作为先验知识辅助智能体团队进行视觉探索,利用集中式训练分布式探索的多智能体强化学习的方法以大幅度提升智能体团队的准确率和工作效率。通过在AI2THOR中进行训练测试,并与其他算法进行对比证明此方法无论在目标搜索的准确率还是效率上都优先于其他算法。  相似文献   

Zhang  Wei 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(11):7990-8009

When reinforcement learning with a deep neural network is applied to heuristic search, the search becomes a learning search. In a learning search system, there are two key components: (1) a deep neural network with sufficient expression ability as a heuristic function approximator that estimates the distance from any state to a goal; (2) a strategy to guide the interaction of an agent with its environment to obtain more efficient simulated experience to update the Q-value or V-value function of reinforcement learning. To date, neither component has been sufficiently discussed. This study theoretically discusses the size of a deep neural network for approximating a product function of p piecewise multivariate linear functions. The existence of such a deep neural network with O(n + p) layers and O(dn + dnp + dp) neurons has been proven, where d is the number of variables of the multivariate function being approximated, ?? is the approximation error, and n = O(p + log2(pd/??)). For the second component, this study proposes a general propagational reinforcement-learning-based learning search method that improves the estimate h(.) according to the newly observed distance information about the goals, propagates the improvement bidirectionally in the search tree, and consequently obtains a sequence of more accurate V-values for a sequence of states. Experiments on the maze problems show that our method increases the convergence rate of reinforcement learning by a factor of 2.06 and reduces the number of learning episodes to 1/4 that of other nonpropagating methods.


Bayesian policy gradient algorithms have been recently proposed for modeling the policy gradient of the performance measure in reinforcement learning as a Gaussian process. These methods were known to reduce the variance and the number of samples needed to obtain accurate gradient estimates in comparison to the conventional Monte-Carlo policy gradient algorithms. In this paper, we propose an improvement over previous Bayesian frameworks for the policy gradient. We use the Hessian matrix distribution as a learning rate schedule to improve the performance of the Bayesian policy gradient algorithm in terms of the variance and the number of samples. As in computing the policy gradient distributions, the Bayesian quadrature method is used to estimate the Hessian matrix distributions. We prove that the posterior mean of the Hessian distribution estimate is symmetric, one of the important properties of the Hessian matrix. Moreover, we prove that with an appropriate choice of kernel, the computational complexity of Hessian distribution estimate is equal to that of the policy gradient distribution estimates. Using simulations, we show encouraging experimental results comparing the proposed algorithm to the Bayesian policy gradient and the Bayesian policy natural gradient algorithms described in Ghavamzadeh and Engel [10].  相似文献   

Direct policy search is a promising reinforcement learning framework, in particular for controlling continuous, high-dimensional systems. Policy search often requires a large number of samples for obtaining a stable policy update estimator, and this is prohibitive when the sampling cost is expensive. In this letter, we extend an expectation-maximization-based policy search method so that previously collected samples can be efficiently reused. The usefulness of the proposed method, reward-weighted regression with sample reuse (R3), is demonstrated through robot learning experiments. (This letter is an extended version of our earlier conference paper: Hachiya, Peters, & Sugiyama, 2009 .).  相似文献   

增强学习中的直接策略搜索方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对增强学习中各种策略搜索算法进行了简单介绍,建立了策略梯度方法的理论框架,并且根据这个理论框架的指导,对一些现有的策略梯度算法进行了推广,讨论了近年来出现的提高策略梯度算法收敛速度的几种方法-对于非策略梯度搜索算法的最新进展进行了介绍,对进一步研究工作的方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Classical decision tree model is one of the classical machine learning models for its simplicity and effectiveness in applications. However, compared to the DT model, probability estimation trees (PETs) give a better estimation on class probability. In order to get a good probability estimation, we usually need large trees which are not desirable with respect to model transparency. Linguistic decision tree (LDT) is a PET model based on label semantics. Fuzzy labels are used for building the tree and each branch is associated with a probability distribution over classes. If there is no overlap between neighboring fuzzy labels, these fuzzy labels then become discrete labels and a LDT with discrete labels becomes a special case of the PET model. In this paper, two hybrid models by combining the naive Bayes classifier and PETs are proposed in order to build a model with good performance without losing too much transparency. The first model uses naive Bayes estimation given a PET, and the second model uses a set of small-sized PETs as estimators by assuming the independence between these trees. Empirical studies on discrete and fuzzy labels show that the first model outperforms the PET model at shallow depth, and the second model is equivalent to the naive Bayes and PET.  相似文献   

Classical decision tree model is one of the classical machine learning models for its simplicity and effectiveness in applications. However, compared to the DT model, probability estimation trees (PETs) give a better estimation on class probability. In order to get a good probability estimation, we usually need large trees which are not desirable with respect to model transparency. Linguistic decision tree (LDT) is a PET model based on label semantics. Fuzzy labels are used for building the tree and each branch is associated with a probability distribution over classes. If there is no overlap between neighboring fuzzy labels, these fuzzy labels then become discrete labels and a LDT with discrete labels becomes a special case of the PET model. In this paper, two hybrid models by combining the naive Bayes classifier and PETs are proposed in order to build a model with good performance without losing too much transparency. The first model uses naive Bayes estimation given a PET, and the second model uses a set of small-sized PETs as estimators by assuming the independence between these trees. Empirical studies on discrete and fuzzy labels show that the first model outperforms the PET model at shallow depth, and the second model is equivalent to the naive Bayes and PET.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to computational problem solving is to use one of the available algorithms to obtain solutions for all given instances of a problem. However, typically not all instances are the same, nor a single algorithm performs best on all instances. Our work investigates a more sophisticated approach to problem solving, called Recursive Algorithm Selection, whereby several algorithms for a problem (including some recursive ones) are available to an agent that makes an informed decision on which algorithm to select for handling each sub-instance of a problem at each recursive call made while solving an instance. Reinforcement learning methods are used for learning decision policies that optimize any given performance criterion (time, memory, or a combination thereof) from actual execution and profiling experience. This paper focuses on the well-known problem of state-space heuristic search and combines the A* and RBFS algorithms to yield a hybrid search algorithm, whose decision policy is learned using the Least-Squares Policy Iteration (LSPI) algorithm. Our benchmark problem domain involves shortest path finding problems in a real-world dataset encoding the entire street network of the District of Columbia (DC), USA. The derived hybrid algorithm exhibits better performance results than the individual algorithms in the majority of cases according to a variety of performance criteria balancing time and memory. It is noted that the proposed methodology is generic, can be applied to a variety of other problems, and requires no prior knowledge about the individual algorithms used or the properties of the underlying problem instances being solved.  相似文献   

The democratization of robotics technology and the development of new actuators progressively bring robots closer to humans. The applications that can now be envisaged drastically contrast with the requirements of industrial robots. In standard manufacturing settings, the criterions used to assess performance are usually related to the robot’s accuracy, repeatability, speed or stiffness. Learning a control policy to actuate such robots is characterized by the search of a single solution for the task, with a representation of the policy consisting of moving the robot through a set of points to follow a trajectory. With new environments such as homes and offices populated with humans, the reproduction performance is portrayed differently. These robots are expected to acquire rich motor skills that can be generalized to new situations, while behaving safely in the vicinity of users. Skills acquisition can no longer be guided by a single form of learning, and must instead combine different approaches to continuously create, adapt and refine policies. The family of search strategies based on expectation-maximization (EM) looks particularly promising to cope with these new requirements. The exploration can be performed directly in the policy parameters space, by refining the policy together with exploration parameters represented in the form of covariances. With this formulation, RL can be extended to a multi-optima search problem in which several policy alternatives can be considered. We present here two applications exploiting EM-based exploration strategies, by considering parameterized policies based on dynamical systems, and by using Gaussian mixture models for the search of multiple policy alternatives.  相似文献   

针对移动机器人在未知的特殊环境(如U型、狭窄且不规则通道等)下路径规划效率低问题,本文提出一种强化学习(RL)驱动快速探索随机树(RRT)的局部路径重规划方法(RL-RRT).该方法利用Sarsa(λ)优化RRT的随机树扩展过程,既保持未知环境中RRT的随机探索性,又利用Sarsa(λ)缩减无效区域的探索代价.具体来说,在满足移动机器人运动学模型约束的同时,通过设定扩展节点的回报函数、目标距离函数和平滑度目标函数,缩减无效节点,加速探索过程,从而达到路径规划多目标决策优化的目标.仿真实验中,将本方法用于多种未知的特殊环境,实验结果显示出RL-RRT算法的可行性、有效性及其性能优势.  相似文献   

As an important approach to solving complex sequential decision problems, reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely studied in the community of artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, the generalization ability of RL is still an open problem and it is difficult for existing RL algorithms to solve Markov decision problems (MDPs) with both continuous state and action spaces. In this paper, a novel RL approach with fast policy search and adaptive basis function selection, which is called Continuous-action Approximate Policy Iteration (CAPI), is proposed for RL in MDPs with both continuous state and action spaces. In CAPI, based on the value functions estimated by temporal-difference learning, a fast policy search technique is suggested to search for optimal actions in continuous spaces, which is computationally efficient and easy to implement. To improve the generalization ability and learning efficiency of CAPI, two adaptive basis function selection methods are developed so that sparse approximation of value functions can be obtained efficiently both for linear function approximators and kernel machines. Simulation results on benchmark learning control tasks with continuous state and action spaces show that the proposed approach not only can converge to a near-optimal policy in a few iterations but also can obtain comparable or even better performance than Sarsa-learning, and previous approximate policy iteration methods such as LSPI and KLSPI.  相似文献   

Andersson [1] presented a search algorithm for binary search trees that uses only two-way key comparisons by deferring equality comparisons until the leaves are reached. The use of a different search algorithm means that the optimal tree for the traditional search algorithm, which has been shown to be computable inO(n 2) time by Knuth [3], is not optimal with respect to the different search algorithm. This paper shows that the optimal binary search tree for Andersson's search algorithm can be computed inO(nlogn) time using existing algorithms for the special case of zero successful access frequencies, such as the Hu-Tucker algorithm [2].  相似文献   

We introduce a novel approach to preference-based reinforcement learning, namely a preference-based variant of a direct policy search method based on evolutionary optimization. The core of our approach is a preference-based racing algorithm that selects the best among a given set of candidate policies with high probability. To this end, the algorithm operates on a suitable ordinal preference structure and only uses pairwise comparisons between sample rollouts of the policies. Embedding the racing algorithm in a rank-based evolutionary search procedure, we show that approximations of the so-called Smith set of optimal policies can be produced with certain theoretical guarantees. Apart from a formal performance and complexity analysis, we present first experimental studies showing that our approach performs well in practice.  相似文献   

搜索和救援优化算法(SAR)是2020年提出的模拟搜救行为的一种元启发式优化算法,用来解决工程中的约束优化问题.但是, SAR存在收敛慢、个体不能自适应选择操作等问题,鉴于此,提出一种新的基于强化学习改进的SAR算法(即RLSAR).该算法重新设计SAR的局部搜索和全局搜索操作,并增加路径调整操作,采用异步优势演员评论家算法(A3C)训练强化学习模型使得SAR个体获得自适应选择算子的能力.所有智能体在威胁区数量、位置和大小均随机生成的动态环境中训练,进而从每个动作的贡献、不同威胁区下规划出的路径长度和每个个体的执行操作序列3个方面对训练好的模型进行探索性实验.实验结果表明, RLSAR比标准SAR、差分进化算法、松鼠搜索算法具有更高的收敛速度,能够在随机生成的三维动态环境中成功地为无人机规划出更加经济且安全有效的可行路径,表明所提出算法可作为一种有效的无人机路径规划方法.  相似文献   

Neural reinforcement learning for behaviour synthesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We present the results of a research aimed at improving the Q-learning method through the use of artificial neural networks. Neural implementations are interesting due to their generalisation ability. Two implementations are proposed: one with a competitive multilayer perceptron and the other with a self-organising map. Results obtained on a task of learning an obstacle avoidance behaviour for the mobile miniature robot Khepera show that this last implementation is very effective, learning more than 40 times faster than the basic Q-learning implementation. These neural implementations are also compared with several Q-learning enhancements, like the Q-learning with Hamming distance, Q-learning with statistical clustering and Dyna-Q.  相似文献   

This article proposes a field application of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot in a cable tracking task. The Ictineu Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) learns to perform a visual based cable tracking task in a two step learning process. First, a policy is computed by means of simulation where a hydrodynamic model of the vehicle simulates the cable following task. The identification procedure follows a specially designed Least Squares (LS) technique. Once the simulated results are accurate enough, in a second step, the learnt-in-simulation policy is transferred to the vehicle where the learning procedure continues in a real environment, improving the initial policy. The Natural Actor–Critic (NAC) algorithm has been selected to solve the problem. This Actor–Critic (AC) algorithm aims to take advantage of Policy Gradient (PG) and Value Function (VF) techniques for fast convergence. The work presented contains extensive real experimentation. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of RL techniques to learn autonomous underwater tasks, the selection of a cable tracking task is motivated by an increasing industrial demand in a technology to survey and maintain underwater structures.  相似文献   

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