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Using the 2006 New Zealand Census data, we examine the spatial clustering of the four largest ethnic minority groups—Chinese, Indian, Māori and Samoan—in Auckland. To guide our analysis, we employ three theoretical models—the immigrant enclave, ethnic community and place stratification models—that have helped explain the residential patterns of ethnic minority groups in immigrant destination countries. The results of spatial autocorrelation analysis show that all four ethnic minority groups form ethnic neighbourhoods. Indian neighbourhoods are more reflective of the immigrant enclave model as these neighbourhoods are socio-economically impoverished and have a higher percentage of foreign born. On the other hand, Chinese neighbourhoods are better explained by the ethnic community model, which describes an ethnic neighbourhood based more on preference than economic necessity. While the overall findings conform to patterns found in other countries, the severely socially deprived characteristics of Samoan and Māori neighbourhoods are reflective of the place stratification model.  相似文献   

Medium Density Housing (MDH) is a relatively new form of housing in New Zealand where the standalone house on a separate lot has traditionally been revered. This paper reports on the findings of a research project on Ambrico Place, a major MDH initiative in Waitakere City, one of four cities in the Auckland metropolitan area. This case study explores the development of a site that has been significantly influenced by new urbanist principles. The paper provides an overview of the historical and political context influencing the take up of MDH in Auckland. It briefly reviews theory and principles arising from new urbanist movements then describes the Ambrico Place Research Project. Next, it explores three interrelated issues, relevant to new urbanism, that arose from the research; the quality of the built environment, community and social interaction, and transport patterns of MDH residents. Implications for planning are identified. Finally, three problems are noted: the uncritical and incoherent implementation of new urbanist principles; the contradiction between the drives for both diversity and homogeneity in the built environment; and the tensions arising from the application of an environmental effects-based approach to planning in an urban setting.  相似文献   

Expert technical knowledge has a central role in decision-making for urban transport and is subject to public scrutiny for major investments. This paper examines how expertise is produced and contested by advocacy groups in Auckland, New Zealand. A network of advocates has emerged, garnering considerable influence as “experts” on urban transport and planning. In response to the perceived over-reliance on outdated approaches to transport, advocates mobilised alternative expertise using blogs and social media. Internet platforms enabled groups to extend the public sphere online, creating spaces for deliberation and contestation. Their activities targeted the technocratic logics embedded in forecasting models, reasserted transport infrastructure’s function as urban space, and highlighted how transport infrastructure shapes everyday experience. This case shows how advocates countered the postpolitical condition by re-ordering the polity of transport in Auckland. Advocates have been instrumental in appropriating globally mobile policies and successfully promoted improvements to public transport and cycling. However, those interviewed showed limited consideration of equity issues related to income, race and gender. This raises questions over whether the expertise mobilised favoured privileged groups, as advocates may be unaware of marginalisation that they rarely experience themselves. Alliances with community groups and local researchers can support broader engagement with distributional issues.  相似文献   

李健美   《城市建筑》2011,(12):70-75
位于奥克兰中央商务区的新西兰国际中心是一座商务办公大厦.建筑,室内/工作场所的设计均由Jasmax事务所完成.服务于两个不同的客户。该建筑代表了新西兰新一代具有社会责任感的开发项目的设计思路.即以使用环境为中心。内部设计是重点所在.同时关注内部空间及其与城市环境之间的整体平衡。  相似文献   

钱辰伟   《城市建筑》2011,(12):64-69
占地412万平方米的奥尔巴尼高中坐落于North Shore边缘.毗邻奥尔巴尼高速公路。为满足1300名学生就学的设施标准.设计必须充分考虑基地特点.应对种种约束条件.并适应周边环境的快速变化。同时.学校环境必须能够激发学生的热情与活力.以灵活可变的功能设施适应21世纪的教育教学发展趋势。  相似文献   

FJMT和Archimedia共同设计了新西兰奥克兰大学商学院新楼。这一崭新的地标式建筑象征着卓越、创新、进步与开放。建筑设计的灵感来源于自然景观,城市规划以及毛利人文化遗产三者的融合,由一系列玻璃窗和不锈钢条构成的流动开放的建筑形式,仿佛是敞开的怀抱,迎接着人们的到来,  相似文献   

Contamination of potable roof-collected rainwater in Auckland, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simmons G  Hope V  Lewis G  Whitmore J  Gao W 《Water research》2001,35(6):1518-1524
One-hundred and twenty-five domestic roof-collected rainwater supplies in four rural Auckland districts were investigated in a cross-sectional survey to determine water quality. Samples of cold faucet water were analysed for physico-chemical and microbiological determinands, including metals (zinc, copper and lead), bacterial indicator organisms--heterotrophic plate count (HPC), total coilforms (TC), faecal coliforms (FC), enterococci (ENT), bacterial pathogens including Salmonella spp., Legionella spp., Campylobacter spp., Aeromonas spp. and the protozoa, Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Twenty-two supplies (17.6%) exceeded one or more of the maximum acceptable values (MAV) or maximum guideline values for chemical determinands of the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards (NZDWS) and 70 (56.0%) supplies exceeded the microbiological criteria of < 1 FC/100 mL. Eighteen supplies (14.4%) exceeded the NZDWS MAV for lead of 0.01 mg/L and three (2.4%) exceeded that for copper, of 2 mg/L. Those supplies with lead or galvanised iron comprising part of the roof or collecting system were more likely to show lead contamination (p = 0.019) as were those supplies with a pH less than 7 (p = 0.013). The presence of the indicator organisms HPC, TC, FC and ENT were all significantly correlated with one another. Aeromonas spp. were identified in 20 (16.0%) supplies. There was a positive association between the presence of Aeromonas and the bacterial indicator organisms. Households reporting at least one member with gastrointestinal symptoms in the month prior to sampling, were more likely to have Aeromonas spp. identified in their water supply than those households without symptoms (odds ratio 3.22, 95% CI 1.15-9.01, p = 0.021). Salmonella typhimurium was detected in one of 115 (0.9%) supplies. Legionella spp. and Campylobacter spp. were not detected. There were 50 supplies sampled for protozoa (sampling criteria: > or = 30 FC or > or = 60 ENT). Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in 2 (4%) of these. Giardia was not detected. This study demonstrates that roof-collected rainwater systems provide potable supplies of relatively poor physiochemical and microbiological quality in the Auckland area. Further research is required on Aeromonas spp. as potential indicators of both microbiological quality and health risk along with design and maintenance strategies to minimise contamination of potable roof-collected rainwater supplies.  相似文献   

While commonplace throughout most of the world, inner-city apartments have often been perceived as unsuitable for children in countries such as Australia and New Zealand, where discourses of houses, gardens and open spaces as being desirable sites for children prevail. However, increasing awareness of the need for environmental sustainability has placed the viability of sprawling suburbs in question. As city centres intensify, more families are moving into inner-city apartments. In a study carried out in response to this change, in-depth interviews with parents living in Auckland's CBD found that key drivers were affordability, less reliance on cars and the convenience of the central location. Drawbacks included poor quality apartment design and lack of play space for children, both inside apartment complexes and outdoors. Fears about children's safety were strong. An assessment of the findings raises questions about the social sustainability of recent apartment developments in Auckland, particularly for families.  相似文献   

Housing research has mostly addressed notions of housing qualities either from a quantitative approach or through the provision and availability of housing. The literature has predominantly focused on physical structures, often neglecting residents’ experiences of the built environment. Including individuals’ perceptions of their dwelling environment can add insights valuable to planning and design efforts which are aimed at providing good ‘quality’ and need to be taken into account in concepts of housing quality. The present study considers the housing qualities of a suburban built environment as psychological and socio-cultural aspects that are experienced by residents. Owner-occupants’ perceptions of housing quality are illustrated through the use of ‘tag clouds’ that represent visual dwelling-quality profiles. They highlight which attributes of the occupants’ living environment are meaningful to them and how they achieve a greater sense of belonging in the dwelling as well as in the neighbourhood. This paper draws on results from in-depth interviews and brainstorming about housing qualities with 19 owner-occupants in the suburb of Farm Cove in Manukau City in the Auckland Region, New Zealand. Two predominant age groups were identified in this case study: the elderly long-term residents who moved to the area in the 1970s during the time of suburbanization; and families in their thirties and early forties who moved to the area in recent years. The paper reveals a shift in experienced housing qualities from tangible among the younger cohort towards more intangible qualities among the elderly. An assessment of the findings suggests a need for future planning which caters for more heterogeneous housing qualities.  相似文献   

Atmospheric fine particles (with a diameter less than 2.5 microm) and coarse particles (with a diameter between 2.5 and 10 microm) were collected simultaneously at an urban background site in Auckland, New Zealand, in the summer and winter of 2003. Major water-soluble ions, black carbon (BC), and some elements in the samples were analysed, and the data compiled into two sets. Selected trace gases (NH3, HONO, HNO3, and SO2) were also collected at the same time. Application of positive matrix factorisation to the particle data resolved five sources for the fine particles and five for the coarse particles. Weighted multiple linear regression was used to investigate the mass contributions of the sources. It was found that although natural sources had significant contributions to the coarse particles, anthropogenic sources dominated the contributions to the fine particles, particularly in winter. Significant seasonal changes of the sources were observed. Overall, sea salt and wind-blown soil had significantly stronger contributions in the summer; in contrast, the winter contribution of vehicle emissions, road dust, and industry and incineration sources was significantly higher. These seasonal changes may be explained by variations in meteorological conditions and atmospheric chemistry. The nonparametric correlations between the atmospheric concentrations of the trace gases and the mass contributions of the resolved sources demonstrate that these sources are realistic, providing a useful supplementary approach for the assessment of receptor modelling.  相似文献   

作为空间发展和治理工具,国土空间规划体系中城市设计是实现国土空间高质量发展的重要支撑,如何培养与之相适应的城市设计人才是当前城市设计教学改革关注的焦点。新西兰奥克兰大学城市设计课程采用行动研究式工作坊特色教学,注重城市设计人才空间设计和治理能力培养,其经验值得我国高校城市设计教学参考和借鉴。奥克兰大学城市设计工作坊教学秉持CPS创新性教学理念,以行动研究为特色,注重学生的学术素养、批判思维、决策能力、研究独立性和社会责任感等综合能力培养。城市设计工作坊教学包括现状调查、发现问题、观点产生、找出解决方案和形成解决策略五个环节,教学内容涵盖空间设计和治理实施等系列课程。通过讲座、调研、阅读、研讨、咨询等教学方式,将城市形态学理论贯穿于项目实践教学,让学生多视角参与城市动态发展与建设的行动研究中,实现创新性解决问题的目的。以奥克兰滨海地块的更新与开发工作坊教学为例,介绍了行动研究方法在奥克兰大学城市设计教学中的应用及实践。针对我国城市设计工作坊教学中存在的问题,从强调综合能力培养、建构设计与治理并重的教学内容体系、运用行动研究的实践教学方法等对我国城市设计专业人才培养提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

快速城镇化时期,城市建设最具活力的区域不是城市,而是城市周边的城乡结合部。传统的规划模式对城乡结合部的用地以保护与控制为主,导致其发展一直处于被动状态。研究构建了基于主动性战略的城乡结合部用地规划框架,该框架采用系统论的动力机制与反馈机制来控制用地开发,具体对建设用地的开发总量、非建设用地的生态斑块等进行主动控制,并对建设用地的布局模式、用地功能和非建设用地的生态基础设施构建等进行主动引导。基于主动性战略的城乡结合部用地规划模式在武汉花山生态新城的建设中取得了成效,其在一定程度上保证了该地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

公众参与是现代城市公园规划建设的一项重要议题。新西兰植物园建设管理成果显著,产生了良好的社会价值,对城市公共生活和生态环境发挥了重要的作用,这得益于新西兰围绕“植物园之友”展开的全面、系统的公众参与机制。以新西兰奥克兰植物园为例,阐述其依据公众调查信息完善规划与建设的措施与做法,剖析“植物园之友”制度下植物园公众参与的管理体系、公众活动组织和运营养护的方法,总结公众参与下新西兰植物园的建设经验。针对中国植物园发展中面临的问题,从提高公众参与度、培育社区合作组织、构建公众参与体系三方面探讨了中国植物园如何建立广泛、有效的公共参与机制,实现植物园的多元化服务效益和文化潜能,推进我国公园城市的建设与发展。  相似文献   

The long-term routine use of agrichemicals can result in elevated levels of trace elements and persistent organic pollutants in soils. Trace element concentrations and SigmaDDT levels were measured in soil (0-7.5 cm) samples collected from horticultural and grazing properties in 3 regions of New Zealand (Auckland, Tasman and Waikato). Elevated levels of arsenic (<2 to 58 mg kg(-1)), cadmium (<0.1 to 1.5 mg kg(-1)), copper (5 to 523 mg kg(-1)), lead (5 to 243 mg kg(-1)) and SigmaDDT (<0.03 to 34.5 mg kg(-1)) were detected in soils from all 3 regions. With the exception of cadmium and zinc, significantly higher levels of contaminants were generally detected in horticultural soils than in grazing soils. Our results have implications for the on-going use of agrichemicals as concentrations of cadmium, copper, tin and zinc in some samples exceeded ecotoxicity based soil criteria. The p,p'-DDE:DDT ratios indicate that the degradation of DDT in NZ horticultural soils may be inhibited by the co-contamination with trace elements.  相似文献   

随着20世纪80年代以来广州城市向东和向北扩展,城市在天河地区形成新城市轴线。介绍了针对新城市轴线珠江新城段的城市设计方案,包括对城市设计背景的分析,都市绿核、生态、场所等设计理念及其目标的提出,方案主要的构思特点,都市绿核的设计意向等。  相似文献   

This paper examines a local government initiated urban development under current New Zealand legislation. It finds that planning vision for the common good of the community has been replaced by urban policy objectives of economic efficiency and minimisation of public expenditure. These new objectives also appears to negate a range of amenity and civic rights, some of which are statutory responsibilities of local government that are necessary to ensure the ongoing process of local democracy. The paper then questions the future of planning in this environment and suggests one important task for practitioners must be that of the protection, facilitation and empowerment of diverse communities through civic debate, either within, or outside of institutional structures.  相似文献   

需要日常照料的老年人数量正在急速增长。即使老年人自理能力不断减弱并越来越趋向于独居,当代社会的主流选择与政策目标仍着重于协助他们在原先的居所度过晚年。然而现阶段,美国和其他很多国家的住房均未针对日益严峻的老龄化挑战采取应对措施,为居家老年人提供的公共服务与支持相当匮乏。本文基于满足老年人在衰弱过程中的各项需求,从空间和社会的视角系统地检视了社区和住房层面的创新模式,内容包括服务强化型社区、集中照料型社区、全龄型社区,为老人服务型住房组团,小规模代际融合居住型住房,以及交通、输送和通信等方面技术手段的创新。这些对策目前尚未得到广泛应用,但有理由相信这些手段有助于推进居家和社区养老战略目标的实现。规划与设计人员应认识到老年人在生理、感官、认知障碍和独居时面临的挑战,利用设计手段改善公共空间及其连接性。  相似文献   

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