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According to industry research, the automation of vehicles promises a revolution in traffic safety, mobility, and quality of life. However, the success of such vehicles depends on their acceptance. This study investigates the influence of trust in technology, concerns of giving up control, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, the personality factor innovativeness, and the enjoyment of driving a car on the a priori intention to adopt an autonomous vehicle. By means of an online survey with 369 German participants, our study shows that trust in the technology and the concern about handing over control to a machine go hand in hand as respondents’ cognitive and affective perception of this innovation. Moreover, perceived usefulness represents an influential factor, while the enjoyment of driving a car is a barrier to the technology’s acceptance. Innovators represent a promising target for campaigns, as they are more likely to adopt an autonomous vehicle.  相似文献   

水下机器人传感器容错控制技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析水下机器人的解耦控制器及传感器系统的基础上,探讨了传感器出现故障时采用以滑模观测器输出代替传感器输出的容错控制(又叫取代控制)策略.对于传感器出现的无法修复性故障,这种策略最小化了其带给机器人的损伤.对于传感器出现的跳变故障,则在跳变故障的时间内采用取代控制.仿真结果表明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This note investigates the motion control of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The AUV is modeled as a nonholonomic system as any lateral motion of a conventional, slender AUV is quickly damped out. The problem is formulated as an optimal kinematic control problem on the Euclidean Group of Motions $SE(3)$ , where the cost function to be minimized is equal to the integral of a quadratic function of the velocity components. An application of the Maximum Principle to this optimal control problem yields the appropriate Hamiltonian and the corresponding vector fields give the necessary conditions for optimality. For a special case of the cost function, the necessary conditions for optimality can be characterized more easily and we proceed to investigate its solutions. Finally, it is shown that a particular set of optimal motions trace helical paths. Throughout this note we highlight a particular case where the quadratic cost function is weighted in such a way that it equates to the Lagrangian (kinetic energy) of the AUV. For this case, the regular extremal curves are constrained to equate to the AUV's components of momentum and the resulting vector fields are the d'Alembert-Lagrange equations in Hamiltonian form.   相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - The use of autonomous marine robots has been rapidly increasing in the development of marine environments. This paper presents the...  相似文献   

本文研究模型预测控制理论在自主式水下航行体深度控制上的应用,文中介绍了一种用于控制航行体下潜到指定深度并做定深航行的控制方法,试验结果证明了提出的算法的适应性。  相似文献   

唐文彬  朱淼良 《计算机工程》2003,29(10):19-20,49
针对合作Agent的应用问题阐述了一种面向Agent的程序设计方法框架MAOP。提出了一种新的面向Micro—Agent的编程语言MAOPOL,描述了可执行Micro-Agent的生成过程,并在此基础上构建了一个自主机器人车辆。仿真实验结果表明系统中的自主机器人车辆能够协调处理较复杂的应用问题。  相似文献   

Trust in the workplace is both an ethical and a management issue. Virtual teams have become common in IT, but the importance of building trust in such teams is often underappreciated. In this installment of IT Ethics, the authors look at several definitions and theories of trust and their application in virtual IT teams.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(2-3):361-379
This paper deals with the problem of autonomous navigation of an unmanned air vehicle towards a moving ship. The ship is moving in the horizontal plane; however, its motion is not a priori known to the air vehicle. The control laws for the flight path angle and the heading angle of the air vehicle are based on the relative kinematics equations between the vehicle and the moving ship. The goal of the control law is to drive the vertical line of sight angle to zero, while the horizontal line of sight angle tracks the heading angle of the ship. This results in a decreasing range in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The kinematics equations under the control law are derived and our results are rigorously proven. Simulation of various scenarios is carried out.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of considering the slip that is experienced by the wheels of an agricultural autonomous guided vehicle such that the accuracy of dead-reckoning navigation may be improved. Traction models for off-road locomotion are reviewed. Using experimental data from an agricultural AGV, a simplified form suitable for vehicle navigation is derived. This simplified model relates measurements of the torques applied to the wheels with wheel slip, and is used as the basis of an observation model for odometric sensor data in the vehicle's extended Kalman filter (EKF) navigation system. The slip model parameters are included as states in the vehicle EKF so that the vehicle may adapt to changing surface properties. Results using real field data and a simulation of the vehicle EKF show that positional accuracy can be increased by a slip-aware odometric model, and that when used as part of a multi-sensor navigation system, the consistency of the EKF state estimator is improved.  相似文献   

修彩靖  陈慧 《计算机工程》2012,38(10):128-130
研究被控对象无人驾驶车,基于预瞄控制思想,设计一种无人驾驶车路径跟踪控制器,将控制器分为预瞄控制和补偿控制两部分,预瞄控制模拟驾驶员在驾驶车辆过程中对前方的道路环境信息进行预瞄,根据道路曲率程度决定方向盘转向,补偿控制是对车辆遇到干扰偏离原车道的纠正。仿真实验结果表明,该控制器能够保证无人驾驶车准确跟踪各种参考路径,且具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

A fuzzy obstacle avoidance controller is designed for an autonomous vehicle. The controller is given the capability for obstacle avoidance by using negative fuzzy rules in conjunction with traditional positive ones. Negative fuzzy rules prescribe actions to be avoided rather than performed. A rule base of positive rules is specified by an expert for directing the vehicle to the target in the absence of obstacles, while a rule base of negative rules is experimentally determined from expert operation of the vehicle in the presence of obstacles. The consequents of the negative-rule system are codified into a chromosome, and this chromosome is evolved using an evolutionary algorithm. The resulting fuzzy system has far fewer rules than would be necessary for an obstacle avoidance controller using purely positive rules, while in addition retaining greater interpretability.  相似文献   

智能海洋机器人技术进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
徐玉如  肖坤 《自动化学报》2007,33(5):518-521
智能海洋机器人是可以在复杂海洋环境中执行各种任务的智能化无人平台, 包括智能水下机器人和智能水面机器人. 基于实践和在相关技术难题上的经验, 提出了一些关键技术问题的解决方案. 在智能水下机器人方面, 探讨了体系结构、运动控制、智能规划与决策和系统仿真等关键技术. 在智能水面机器人方面, 探讨了快速性和智能化问题. 我国在智能海洋机器人技术研究方面已经取得了较大的进步, 但距离全面应用还有很大差距.  相似文献   

在知识和技术尤其是计算机技术不断更新、不断被淘汰的信息时代里,为了适应生存,必须要不断的掌握并能及时运用与我们生存最密切的新知识和新技术。这一点要求大家在学生时代尤其是大学时代必须培养自主学习能力。自主学习能力的高低也是衡量大学生素质优劣的重要指标,培养高职院校学生自主学习是多么的必要和重要。  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling is a wind‐driven ocean process that brings cooler, saltier, and nutrient‐rich deep water upward to the surface. The boundary between the upwelling water and the normally stratified water is called the “upwelling front.” Upwelling fronts support enriched phytoplankton and zooplankton populations, thus they have great influences on ocean ecosystems. Traditional ship‐based methods for detecting and sampling ocean fronts are often laborious and very difficult, and long‐term tracking of such dynamic features is practically impossible. In our prior work, we developed a method of using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to autonomously detect an upwelling front and track the front's movement on a fixed latitude, and we applied the method in scientific experiments. In this paper, we present an extension of the method. Each time the AUV crosses and detects the front, the vehicle makes a turn at an oblique angle to recross the front, thus zigzagging through the front to map the frontal zone. The AUV's zigzag tracks alternate in northward and southward sweeps, so as to track the front as it moves over time. This way, the AUV maps and tracks the front in four dimensions—vertical, cross‐front, along‐front, and time. From May 29 to June 4, 2013, the Tethys long‐range AUV ran the algorithm to map and track an upwelling front in Monterey Bay, CA, over five and one‐half days. The tracking revealed spatial and temporal variabilities of the upwelling front.  相似文献   

构造了一个虚拟自主汽车(VirtualAutonomousVehicle,VAV)视觉行为模型:信息获取、障碍物避免、目的地追踪和行为融合四部分组成。采用模糊神经网络控制器来模拟该模型中的障碍物避免行为,此控制器共分为五层,可以避免传统的势场法产生局部最小问题,或用模糊控制器造成的主观性强的问题,使VAV轨迹更加平滑。通过神经网络学习,修正模糊隶属函数参数值,可模拟不同类型的驾驶员。  相似文献   

自治水下机器人实时仿真系统开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对自治水下机器人(AUBs)开发和研究中的瓶颈问题,该文开展了AUV实时仿真系统的研究工作。该文提出了采用半实物实时仿真模式,建立实时仿真系统平台的方案,并对实时仿真系统平台的硬件结构和软件结构进行了详细设计。在方案设计的基础上,正在进行实时仿真系统平台开发和研制工作。  相似文献   

针对50公斤级便携式自主水下机器人(AUV)的精确控制和研究,本文介绍了一种基于计算流体力学(CFD)和非线性最优化辨识的动力学建模方法.着重推导了便携式AUV动力学模型,并使用计算流体力学方法代替水池实验获取辨识所需数据和通过非线性最优化方法获得合适的模型结构和模型参数.最终建立了便携式AUV数学模型,并通过对仿真数据与试验数据的对比,证明了该模型及方法的有效性.  相似文献   

自治网络中信任信誉模型的安全现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着P2P网络、Ad hoc、无线传感器网络的深入研究,信任和信誉成为保障这类自治网络安全的一个重要手段.虽然信任信誉系统在自治网络中起到了重要的作用,但其采用了间接推荐等技术,给信任信誉带来很多安全问题.介绍了信任信誉模型的相关概念,总结了目前对信任信誉模型的新攻击手段,并针对这些攻击,比较分析了在自治网络环境中具备一定防御能力的典型信任信誉模型的各自防御方法、防御效果以及性能情况.最后,在分析了现有研究存在的主要问题的基础上,展望了今后提高信任信誉模型安全性研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

导航定位问题是自主式水下机器人研究(AUV)的主要内容之一,本文针对一种开架式AUV设计了一种采用间接反馈校正的捷联惯性导航与GPS、罗盘相组合的导航方案,其中采用卡尔曼滤波器接收两套导航子系统对同一导航参数输出值的差值,经过滤波计算估计出各误差量。仿真实验的结果表明,SINS/GPS/COMPASS组合导航对SINS误差随时间不断加大的现象起到了很好的抑制作用,能够满足AUV定位精度的要求。  相似文献   

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