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<正>Developing ecological lighting source The world is facing the big problem of energy shortage today and the contradiction between economy development and environmental protection is worsened.Therefore,people are more likely to choose an ecological light source that is more energy efficient and environmental friendly.The choice provides great opportunity for the development of rare earth optical material industry in China.The concept of green lighting positions rare earth luminescent material as a leading player in illumination market.The light source of both rare earth luminescent lamp and LED lamp is ecological and energy saving.This is why  相似文献   

Introduction Great changes have taken place in rare earth industry,rare earth market and related rare earth policies in China since 2011.Some rare earth policies have been put forward,like the newly adjusted rare earth resource tax standards,Pollutant Discharge Standards for Rare Earth Industry and especially Several Opinions on Promoting the  相似文献   

Ⅱ.Outlook 1.Development trend of the industry (1)Regional rare earth economy basically formed and consolidation of rare earth industry is progressing steadily Baotou Steel Rare Earths has consolidated the rare earth industry in Inner Mongolia and Northern Rare Earth Group led by Baotou Steel(Group) Company has been established.Consolidation Work  相似文献   

这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。本文以河南某稀土及伴生萤石资源为研究对象,依据工艺矿物学和小型选矿实验所得的研究结果,进行了处理量为60 kg/h的扩大连续实验。通过化学分析、AMICS镜下鉴定等分析手段发现,该原矿样品中主要有用元素REO含量为1.53%,CaF2含量为18.22%,稀土选别目标矿物为氟碳铈矿和氟碳钙铈矿;采用“稀土、萤石混合浮选-稀土、萤石分离”的工艺对矿石中的稀土、萤石进行回收,实验室小型实验取得了良好指标。在此基础上,对原矿样品进行了扩大连续实验,最终获得了REO品位52.54%、回收率51.15%的稀土精矿和CaF2品位94.76%、回收率60.80%的萤石精矿,精矿产品指标良好,扩大实验结果较为理想,初步实现了稀土伴生萤石的综合回收利用,有助于为企业生产提供技术支撑,有助于为同类型稀土及共伴生资源矿床的综合开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

State government Intensified regulation on rare earth industry during the "Eleventh-Five year" period(2006~2010) and had implemented series of control measures,which played an positive role in reversing low selling price of rare earths,prohibiting illegal mining,improving scattered operation and cracking down on smuggling.Through asset replacement,  相似文献   

这是一篇冶金工程领域的论文。以赣州地区某离子型稀土矿为研究对象,采用连续搅拌浸出和柱浸的方式,研究不同条件下矿样中稀土及杂质元素的浸出情况,为离子型稀土矿产资源的绿色高效开采提供参考。实验结果表明:连续搅拌浸出过程中稀土浸出率均在80%左右,二次浸出液中TREO/Al明显增大,TREO/Ca明显减小,TREO/Mg略微减小;柱浸实验中随着浸矿深度的增加,浸出液pH值逐步上升,TREO/Al增加至15.52,TREO/Ca降低至0.64。稀土浸出率均达到96%以上,但随着深度的增加轻稀土配分由49.43%上升到了53.28%,重稀土配分从35.91%逐步下降至32.18%。连续搅拌浸出和柱浸实验均表明随着矿样深度的增加,稀土浸出率无明显降低,低品位矿层稀土浸出仍然具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Ⅱ,Maior problems existing in China rare-earth industry 1.Slow development of rare earth application technology and stagnant upgrade of the industry structure There are some problems existing in China rare earth industry currently,including weak development of new rare earth application technologies,slow industrialization of research achievements.  相似文献   

<正>China rare earth industry develops in a fast and stable way in recent years.Domestic rare earth consumption increases rapidly and the consumption structure is markedly optimized.Export volume of rare earths is reduced but the price rises.Rare earth industrial clusters develop fast and harmoniously.Exploitation,dis-  相似文献   

论述了近年来稀土住我国高新技术业中应用的情况,以及稀土材料在广东省某些高新技术产业中的发展现状.指出了我国稀土行业存在的问题。  相似文献   

论述了近年来稀土在我国高新技术产业中应用的情况,以及稀土材料在广东省某些高新技术产业中的发展现状.指出了我国稀土行业存在的问题.  相似文献   

纳米稀土发光材料的研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了纳米稀土发光材料的研究现状和其新奇的光学性能,综述了纳米稀土发光材料的化学制备方法,并讨论了各种方法的优缺点,最后指出了它的应用前景和发展趋势.  相似文献   

煤炭工业设计现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中首先从矿井生产及地面辅助系统的布置,采掘、运输设备的配置情况、选煤工艺的发展变化等方面介绍了我国煤炭设计工业的现状。随后,对煤炭工业设计的发展趋势进行了详细的分析,提出煤炭设计行业应加速理念创新,积极推进我国高产、高效矿井建设,矿井应走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少的新型工业化道路,从而实现我国煤炭工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

分析了稀土铝酸盐长余辉发光材料国内市场需求的现状,以及其在塑料、纤维、涂料等行业中的研究应用现状.最后对长余辉发光材料的发展进行了展望,指出通过优化生产工艺,生产高亮度、低成本的不同粒径稀土铝酸盐长余辉发光材料,并通过粉体表面处理技术提高产品的应用性能,加速其产业的发展.  相似文献   

<正>d.Rare earth export 1).RE export volume.Export volume of rare earths increased year-on-year from 1986 to 2005 in China. But,to stabilize rare earth market and facilitate the optimization of rare earth industry structure,Chinese government had taken series policies since 2006,including reducing export quota,canceling export tariff rebate,adjusting tariff policies,increasing export tax  相似文献   

<正>3.Current rare earth export situation a.RE export enterprises To further strengthen administration on export of rare earths and standardize export system,the Ministry of Commerce instituted the"Qualification Standards and  相似文献   

白云鄂博稀土浮选研究现状及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近几年白云鄂博稀土浮选工业生产实践进展,总结了国内外稀土浮选药剂及浮选理论的研究现状及发展趋势。并针对稀土选矿现存的问题,提出了采用稀土矿物与含Ca、Ba脉石矿物分步浮选工艺,先从稀土浮选给料中浮选脱除萤石、重晶石等含Ca、Ba脉石矿物,增加稀土浮选给料中稀土品位,降低脉石矿物含量,对稀土浮选有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

我国选煤技术现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国选煤技术发展快速,原煤入选比例大幅提高,选煤厂规模大型化、生产运行高效化、工艺流程差异化、装备大型化、生产自动化、设计标准化、工艺布置模块化的迫切要求和技术发展趋势,提出了进一步提高装备大型化、可靠性、自动化水平,开发和完善褐煤提质技术、稀缺煤种的深度精选技术的近期选煤技术主攻方向。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Media backgroundRare earthhas become a hot topic globally since 2009.The Times of UK published an article entitled China takes charge of keys to technologies' future on 9th March 2009,in which China was considered to have become the largest monopoly country on rare earth metals' supply and the leading position would make China control the future of consumer electronic products and green technology.Triggered by the article,more and more attentions were paid toChina rare earthby media inside and outside ...  相似文献   

信息化与工业化的融合已经成了我国的基本国策,以信息化带动工业化发展是提升传统行业改造升级的必由之路,我国现代化露天矿在企业信息化、数字化、自动化方面作了大量的工作,建设了以光缆为基础的高速企业内联网,逐步开发建设了诸如管理信息系统、生产调度监控系统、矿床三维建模系统等针对性的软件,并与网络对接。从实施信息化对露天矿企业的生产、管理影响来看,信息化系统的使用为露天矿生产、经营、管理水平的提高起到了很大的促进作用,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。通过回顾我国露天矿信息化的发展过程,总结了露天矿信息化系统组成,提出了系统架构,进而指出未来的发展趋势,供露天矿山参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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