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叙述了应对气候变化给我们带来转型发展的机遇,提出,借应对气候变化的机遇,可以完善国家基础设施的建设,带动国家基础研究的进步,推动创新型国家的建设。  相似文献   

张晓华  祁悦 《中国能源》2014,(11):30-33
为了应对气候变化愈加严峻的负面影响和更有效控制温室气体排放,《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的国际谈判进程中各方正致力于在2015年达成一个新的协议(简称2015协议),以推动2020年后的国际气候合作.自2011年德班大会之后,各缔约方围绕着新协议展开了密集的磋商和探讨,对新协议的目标、原则、框架和元素形成了一定的共识,但在弥补各国减排目标与2℃温升控制目标的差距、落实“共同但有区别的责任”原则、保障各国承诺的长期有效性、平衡推进减缓、适应、资金和技术支持等各个要素以及国家自主贡献等问题上仍有分歧,目前各方对达成2015协议有强烈的政治意愿,按期达成协议的前景比较乐观.应对气候变化国际合作和谈判是一个长期的过程,2015协议只是其中重要的里程碑之一.  相似文献   

分析气候变化的起因和国内外应对气候变化的节能减排标准化现状,提出我国节能减排标准化应对气候变化工作的建议,为改善气候变化状况新阶段的工作思路和决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

气候变化是全世界共同面对的最严峻的挑战。当前全球金融危机导致经济增长放缓,要把应对气候变化和金融危机结合起来,加强各国政府间的合作与谈判,在哥本哈根会议上达成有实质效果的并具有强制性约束力的气候变化协议。  相似文献   

减缓全球气候变化的本质和中国应对策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高广生 《中国能源》2002,(7):4-8,12
本文研究和探讨了全球气候变化问题的本质,阐述了我国在减缓温室气体排放量增长方面所做的贡献,并指出了全球气候变化对我国社会经济发展的可能影响和挑战,就我国如何应对全球气候变化提出了建议。  相似文献   

叙述了中国政府应对气候变化的政策和贡献,指出,必须从科学研究、承担责任、制度建设和科技创新与体制创新4个方面作保证,才能实现应对气候变化行动的目标。  相似文献   

章鹏  方颖  李曦 《江西能源》2014,(1):1-5,34
气候变化是社会普遍关注的重大问题。以江西气候变化和影响事实为基础,总结了目前江西应对气候变化所采取的政策和效果,分析了未来江西应对气候变化面临的制约因素,并提出了完善江西应对气侯变化工作的政策建议。  相似文献   

2015年6月30日,中国向联合国气候变化框架公约(以下简称公约)秘书处提交了应对气候变化国家自主贡献文件《强化应对气候变化行动——中国国家自主贡献》。这份文件不仅公布了中国应对气候变化的2030年行动目标,而且还明确了中国2015年气候谈判的立场。  相似文献   

石月  马秀琴  张世强 《节能》2022,41(1):59-63
对钢铁联合企业应对气候变化效应评价体系进行研究,并开发一套包含能源消耗强度、资源循环利用、温室气体排放、低碳减排管理及气候变化应对等5个准则和20个指标的钢铁联合企业应对气候变化效应评价体系.该体系可根据钢铁联合企业的发展情况及相关能源消耗数据,通过运用层次分析法及模糊综合评价法,最终得出企业在应对气候变化效应中所处的...  相似文献   

城市作为人类文明、社会进步的象征和生产力的空间载体,聚集了相应地域范围内的生产资料、资本、劳动力和科学技术,是一定地域内经济集聚实体和纵横交错经济网络的枢纽和区域经济活动中心。城市的规模越大,现代化水平越高,气候变化带来的灾害风险的种类越多,各种灾害发生的概率越高,危险性也越大。另一方面城市化与温室气体排放关系密切,一方面传统化石能源还是城市经济增长的动力因素和基础;另一方面不合理利用能源导致温室气体排放、环境恶化、资源匾乏反过来制约城市健康发展进一步成为整个区域经济发展过程中主要限制因素。适应和减缓由此成为世界城市时代命题。  相似文献   

There will be a vigorous U.S. Photovoltaic (PV) program in 2000, despite the current turmoil and debate over the size and legitimate role of nearly every aspect of the Federal government. There are two fundamental reasons why there will still be an active Federal role in PV development in the 21st century. First, as the program and technology have progressed, the environmental and job creation potential of the PV industry are increasingly recognized as important to the nation's future. Second, Federal investment in research and development is necessary to counteract the private sector's tendency to under-invest in research and development.What will change is the emphasis and role of the Federal PV program, because the PV industry is changing. The U.S. government is no longer the principal customer of the PV industry, and research and development is more of an equal partnership between government and industry compared to 1974, when the terrestrial PV research program began. Today, industry revenues and markets are continuing to grow, while Federal R&D investments will remain relatively stable or contract between then and now. From 1994 to 1995 PV sales increased over 21 percent, from 70 MW to 84 MW, and are expected to continue along this trend. In contrast, from FY95 to FY96, the U.S. PV research budget dropped by roughly 31%. In spite of changes in the relative size of government and industry resources, the PV Program's strategic focus on technology validation, market conditioning, and joint ventures will continue into the year 2000 and beyond, but the relative share of resources and leadership in key areas will continue to shift toward industry.  相似文献   

John W. Lund 《Geothermics》1996,25(1):103-147
In the United States, natural springs, especially geothermal ones, have gone through three stages of development: (1) use by Indians as a sacred place, (2) development by the early European settlers to emulate the spas of Europe, and (3) finally, as a place of relaxation and fitness. The main reasons that people in the U.S.A. visit geothermal spas today are to improve their health and appearance, to escape stress, and to refresh and revitalize their bodies and minds. Unlike European spas, where medical cures of specific ailments are more important, U.S. spas place more emphasis on exercise, on reducing stress, on lifting depression, and on losing weight. Soaking in hot tubs and pools, as well as in natural primitive hot springs, is a favorite pastime. There are over 115 major geothermal spas in the U.S.A., and many more smaller ones, along with thousands of hot springs. The majority of these are located in the volcanic regions of the western states, but several famous ones still exist in the east. The major spas are estimated to have an annual energy use of 1.53 × 1012 kJ (46 × 103 TOE). Most of the geothermal heat is used in bathing, and very little for space heating.  相似文献   

美国政府近日公布的气候变化评估报告称,目前全球范围内的气候变化是人为因素导致的,气候变化给人类社会带来的影响将是广泛而深远的。报告还认为,未来气候变化及其影响将取决于今天的选择。  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic ethanol is a low carbon fuel source with the potential to assist in climate change mitigation. However, as a new technology in the process of moving toward commercial development, it is important to understand obstacles to its development. We focused on the role that policy may be playing in fostering or impeding its development in the U.S. One of the major ways of understanding technological development is the theory of the diffusion of innovation. This theory identifies factors that can impede and facilitate this diffusion. We assessed the degree to which three of the main U.S. federal energy policies aim at addressing three key aspects of innovation diffusion: time; risk; and communication. We determine that these policies focus more on the producer stage of the lignocellulosic ethanol lifecycle than the landowner or consumer stages. In addition, they contain many provisions aimed at overcoming risk- and communication-related impediments to adoption, but fewer aimed at speeding up the process. Finally, they contain at least one provision likely to be a serious impediment to adoption.  相似文献   

美国石油储量220亿桶,石油消耗占美国总能耗的40%以上,是全球主要的石油生产国和消费国.美国煤炭可实现自给自足,每年消耗10亿t,90%用于发电.美国天然气储量6.73万亿m3,年消费量660 km3,页岩气产量占天然气产量的25%左右.美国拥有104个核电反应堆,总生产能力为806.2TWh.美国能源总消费量的8%由可再生能源提供,10%的电力由可再生能源提供,累计风力发电装机容量为43461 MW,拥有48 MW世界上最大的光伏发电项目,地热能安装能力2957 MW.  相似文献   

鉴于传统汛期分期方法较少考虑气候变化和极端天气等因素的问题,为更加科学合理地进行汛期分期,以张家庄水库为例,统计分析了研究区降水的时空分布特征,确定了研究区汛期为6~9月,并以1962~2008年介休市降水量(P)、平均气温(T)、日照时数(SD)等气象因子的年数据序列为指标,运用主成分分析法降维得到研究区气候评价综合指标,再采用Mann-Kendall法、滑动T检验法及Yamamoto法对比分析,检测到研究区气候突变年为1988年,以此突变年为分界点,采用PCA-Fisher最优分割法进行汛期分期,并分析了不同主汛期对水库调度的影响。结果表明,气候突变对汛期分期结果有一定影响,气候突变年后较整个时间序列得到的主汛期少11d,在水库调度过程中可有效改善水库下游水资源利用条件,缓解水库供水压力。  相似文献   

为了有效地了解气候变化背景下我国降雨序列变异情况,采用Hurst系数法进行趋势诊断和跳跃诊断,从而分析年降雨序列的变异,并利用基尼系数法对年内降雨序列的均匀度进行量化分析。对宁波市北仑区5个国家雨量站降雨序列的变异分析结果表明,降雨序列的变异点与当时的气候条件相关性很强。  相似文献   

为探讨三江平原植被覆盖度对气候变化和土地利用变化的响应特征,利用像元二分模型将2000~2014年逐月MODIS卫星遥感影像(NDVI)数据转换为相应的植被覆盖度数据,结合同期气象数据及2000、2005、2014年三期土地利用数据,借助ARCGIS工具,在土地利用未发生变化区域,采用偏相关分析和逐步回归分析方法,分析了气候变化对植被覆盖度的影响,并通过统计分析和矩阵运算,对不同土地利用类型转化方式下植被覆盖度的响应变化进行了量化。结果表明,三江平原植被长势整体较好,多年平均最大植被覆盖度为0.89;植被覆盖度与气温存在极显著的相关关系(P0.01),较降水而言,气温是影响植被覆盖度的主导因子,其中7月份的温度对植被覆盖度的影响最大;不同土地利用类型间存在明显的相互转化,导致相应区域植被覆盖度发生变化。  相似文献   

尼泊尔蓝塘地区气候变化的认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了尼泊尔人对气候变化的认知情况。指出,只有民众深切理解,认同了气候变化对环境带来的影响,才能保证政府的政策和措施得以贯彻执行;  相似文献   

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