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以300目非晶Fe73Si1 8B9粉体为敏感组元,硅橡胶为基体,制得了粉体含量为25%,75%及83.3%(质量分数),厚度200μm复合薄膜;采用LYYL-500N高档型微机控制压力实验机对薄膜试样进行连续加载卸载实验,同时,使用TH2816LCR数字电桥采集薄膜在测试频率为1kHz,压应力加载速度分别为0.05,0.1和0.5mm/min条件下的阻抗值Z,研究了不同粉体含量的复合薄膜的力敏特性,比较了纳米晶FeCuNbSiB粉体/硅橡胶复合薄膜和非晶FeSiB粉体/硅橡胶复合薄膜力敏特性。研究表明,复合薄膜在连续加载/卸载速度≤0.1mm/min,测试频率1kHz、压应力0.03~1.0MPa时,具有良好的力敏稳定性和灵敏性。薄膜对于小于0.2 MPa应力更加灵敏,在此应力范围内,薄膜中粉体含量增加,薄膜的力敏特性变化趋势相同,但薄膜的力敏敏感度增大。当薄膜中粉体含量为83.3%(质量分数),压应力由0.03增大到0.2MPa时,在加载过程中薄膜的SI%由36.51%增大到82.48%,k值由42.91减小到1.889;当应力为0.2~0.7 MPa时,薄膜的k值在1.889~0.6之间,应力继续增大至1MPa时,k值逐渐接近0。  相似文献   

周佳  朱正吼  杜康  付远  黄渝鸿  乔宝英 《功能材料》2013,(21):3117-3121
以Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9粉体为复合相,硅橡胶为基体,制得粉体含量为83%(质量分数)、厚度200μm的复合薄膜;采用TH2816LCR数字电桥测试频率1kHz下薄膜的阻抗Z随压应力σ的变化情况,用LYYL-500N高档型微机控制压力试验机对薄膜体系进行程序控制加载;薄膜采用电容方式连接。研究了复合薄膜在压应力连续加载/卸载和压应力保持加载/卸载状况下的力敏特性。研究表明,复合薄膜在连续加载/卸载速度≤0.5mm/min和保压加载/卸载条件下,当测试频率1kHz、压应力0.2~1.0MPa时,具有良好的力敏稳定性和灵敏性。随着应力σ增大,阻抗Z呈非线性下降,SI%值为6%~23%,灵敏精度k值为2~0.2,测试标准偏差稳定在0.02~0.05,薄膜对于<0.3MPa应力更加灵敏。增加测试频率可以提高薄膜体系的力敏灵敏度。在压应力0.2~1.0MPa范围内,薄膜弹性后效现象显著,导致薄膜加载Z-σ曲线与卸载曲线不重合。  相似文献   

周佳  朱正吼  李晓敏  黄渝鸿  乔宝英 《功能材料》2012,43(18):2519-2522
分别以FeCuNbSiB和FeSiB非晶粉为粉体与硅橡胶复合,制成具有压磁效应的复合薄膜。利用4284A阻抗分析仪对两种薄膜的压磁特性进行了研究。研究表明,非晶FeCuNbSiB粉体/硅橡胶和FeSiB粉体/硅橡胶复合薄膜均具有良好的压磁性能,对于FeCuNbSiB粉体/硅橡胶复合薄膜,在压应力〈0.6MPa,频率低于200kHz的条件下,压磁效应敏感;对于FeSiB粉体/硅橡胶复合薄膜在0~1.45MPa内,薄膜的压磁效应变化幅度比较均匀;薄膜中粉体含量越高,复合薄膜的压磁效应越大,当含量为83.3%(质量分数)时,压磁性能最好;相同条件下,以FeCuNb-SiB为粉体制成的复合薄膜的压磁性能优于以FeSiB为粉体制成的薄膜的压磁性能。  相似文献   

为开发力敏性能更为优异的复合材料薄膜,首先,通过液相还原法制备了粒径约为100 nm的纳米Fe50Ni50粉体,并通过液态混合分散工艺将纳米粉体与丁基橡胶(IIR)混合分散;然后,通过机械混炼及压制得到了粉体分布均匀、含量为65wt%的纳米Fe50Ni50粉体/IIR复合材料薄膜;最后,研究了在连续加载/卸载速度为0.10 mm/min、测试频率为1 kHz的条件下,纳米Fe50Ni50粉体/IIR复合材料薄膜的力敏特性。结果表明:液态混合分散工艺可使Fe50Ni50粉体在复合材料薄膜中达到纳米级均匀分散效果;当压应力为0.20~0.90 MPa时,薄膜越厚,其标准偏差越大,力敏稳定性越差;随压应力增大,厚度为185μm的薄膜在加载阶段的阻抗近似线性下降,力敏灵敏度稳定在40~60范围内,标准偏差约为1~2。所得结论表明在压应力为0.20~0.90 MPa时,制备的薄膜具有优异的力敏特性。   相似文献   

根据目前接触压力测量的研究现状和发展趋势,提出了一种新型柔性力敏导电胶敏感材料用于接触压力测量的思想.研究了柔性力敏导电胶的导电机理和力敏效应,对炭黑/硅橡胶/纳米二氧化硅复合体系的压阻特性,迟滞特性及时间响应特性进行了实验和分析.表明了这种可液体成型的新型力敏导电胶敏感材料具有较好的电学和力学性能,且工艺简单,成本低,可任意成型,适应于接触压力特别是柔性接触压力的测量场合.  相似文献   

以Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9粉体为复合相,硅橡胶为基体,制得粉体含量为83%(质量分数)、厚度200μm的复合薄膜;采用TH2816LCR数字电桥测试频率1kHz下薄膜的阻抗Z 随压应力σ 的变化情况,用LYYL-500N高档型微机控制压力试验机对薄膜体系进行程序控制加载;薄膜采用电容方式连接。研究了复合薄膜在压应力连续加载/卸载和压应力保持加载/卸载状况下的力敏特性。研究表明,复合薄膜在连续加载/卸载速度≤0.5mm/min和保压加载/卸载条件下,当测试频率1kHz、压应力0.2~1.0MPa时,具有良好的力敏稳定性和灵敏性。随着应力σ 增大,阻抗Z 呈非线性下降,SI%值为6%~23%,灵敏精度k值为2~0.2,测试标准偏差稳定在0.02~0.05,薄膜对于<0.3MPa应力更加灵敏。增加测试频率可以提高薄膜体系的力敏灵敏度。在压应力0.2~1.0MPa范围内,薄膜弹性后效现象显著,导致薄膜加载Z-σ 曲线与卸载曲线不重合。  相似文献   

厚度与工作温度对TiO2薄膜气敏性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用浸渍提拉法工艺在印制有金电极的Al2O3基片上制备了TiO2薄膜,并对不同厚度及工作温度下TiO2薄膜的气敏性能作了研究.结果显示,当TiO2气敏薄膜的工作温度一定时,存在一个最佳厚度,在该厚度下TiO2薄膜对H2具有最佳的气敏响应;当TiO2薄膜的厚度一定时,TiO2薄膜存在一个最佳工作温度,在该温度下TiO2薄膜对H2的气敏响应最为灵敏.XPS测试表明,TiO2薄膜经过H2氛围后,薄膜中吸附氧含量降低.利用TiO2薄膜表面吸附氧与H2的反应、薄膜对H2的吸附与脱附理论、电子的迁移等过程较为合理地解释了TiO2薄膜对H2的气敏响应.  相似文献   

在射频辉光放电条件下制备出等离子体聚丙烯薄膜.用红外吸收光谱(IR)、用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析了聚合膜的本体及表面结构;测量了聚合膜的电气特性和湿敏特性。  相似文献   

应力对薄膜结构与性能影响的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产生薄膜应力是在沉积薄膜过程中普遍存在的现象。薄膜应力的存在将影响薄膜的微观结构和性能,如薄膜的光学、力学等物理性能。同时影响到薄膜与基体材料的结合度以及基体材料的基本性能。主要总结了薄膜应力的产生机理、测试方法及其对薄膜结构和性能的影响,同时对薄膜应力的有效控制提出了展望。  相似文献   

利用脉冲激光沉积法在石英衬底上制备出可见光透过率高、电阻率极低的Ga、Mo共掺杂ITO基透明导电InSnGaMo复合氧化物薄膜,研究了退火温度对薄膜结构、表面形貌、光电性能的影响。实验结果表明,退火温度对InSnGaMo复合氧化物薄膜形貌、光电性能均有很大影响。XRD、SEM和霍尔测试结果表明,随着退火温度的升高,薄膜...  相似文献   

P.J. Abbott  J.P. Looney 《Vacuum》2005,77(2):217-222
We measured the sensitivities of five hot-cathode ionization gauges for ambient laboratory temperatures between 23 and 31 °C. All of the ionization gauges exhibited very similar behavior, and the sensitivity could be adequately modeled with a linear function of temperature. The slopes of the fits were smaller than one would expect due to changes in the calibration chamber number density. The thermal transpiration effect, due to local heating of the gauge structures, can account for this, and a characteristic gauge tube temperature can be inferred from the temperature dependence of the sensitivity. A recent comparison of the high vacuum standards of several National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) was performed over the range of 10−6-10−3 Pa using hot-cathode and spinning rotor gauges as transfer standards. Among the participants, laboratory temperatures varied by as much as 5 °C. It is necessary to know how laboratory temperature affects the sensitivity of the hot-cathode transfer standards (spinning rotor gauges explicitly account for the gas temperature) so that individual laboratory results can be corrected to a common temperature.  相似文献   

Electrospinning is a process that generates nanofibres. Temperature and humidity affect this process. In this article the influence of humidity and temperature on the formation and the properties of nanofibres are studied using cellulose acetate (CA) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) as target materials. The experiments indicate that two major parameters are dependent of temperature and have their influence on the average fibre diameter. A first parameter is the solvent evaporation rate that increases with increasing temperature. The second parameter is the viscosity of the polymer solution that decreases with increasing temperature. The trend in variation of the average nanofibre diameter as a function of humidity is different for CA and PVP, which can be explained by variations in chemical and molecular interaction and its influence on the solvent evaporation rate. As the humidity increases, the average fibre diameter of the CA nanofibres increases, whilst for PVP the average diameter decreases. The average diameter of nanofibres made by electrospinning change significantly through variation of temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of different annealing conditions (air, O2, N2, vacuum) on the chemical and electrical characteristics of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFT) were investigated. The contact resistance and interface properties between the IGZO film and the gate dielectric improved after an annealing treatment. However, the chemical bonds in the IGZO bulk changed under various annealing atmospheres, which, in turn, altered the characteristics of the TFTs. The TFTs annealed in vacuum and N2 ambients exhibited undesired switching properties due to the high carrier concentration (>10(17) cm(-3)) of the IGZO active layer. In contrast, the IGZO TFTs annealed in air and oxygen ambients displayed clear transfer characteristics due to an adequately adjusted carrier concentration in the operating range of the TFT. Such an optimal carrier concentration arose through the stabilization of unstable chemical bonds in the IGZO film. With regard to device performance, the TFTs annealed in O2 and air exhibited saturation mobility values of 8.29 and 7.54 cm2/Vs, on-off ratios of 7.34 x 10(8) and 3.95 x 10(8), and subthreshold swing (SS) values of 0.23 and 0.19 V/decade, respectively. Therefore, proper annealing ambients contributed to internal modifications in the IGZO structure and led to an enhancement in the oxidation state of the metal. As a result, defects such as oxygen vacancies were eliminated. Oxygen annealing is thus effective for controlling the carrier concentration of the active layer, decreasing electron traps, and enhancing TFT performance.  相似文献   

Gold-titanium thin films are frequently used in a number of devices where gold is the conductor and titanium the bonding agent between gold and glass or ceramic substrates. Exposed to the corrosive environments, gold-titanium metallizations deteriorate and lead to failure of the devices. In this work, a preliminary study, the effect of humidity and temperature on interdiffusion of gold and titanium films was investigated. It was found that during the initial exposure period of gold-titanium thin film samples, the electrical resistance decreased. This decrease of electrical resistance occurs at temperatures as low as 70° C and can probably be ascribed to annealing processes in the samples. Exposure of the samples to higher temperatures results in the diffusion of titanium along the grain boundaries of the gold to the surface of the sample and in an increase of electrical resistance. It was observed that at 325° C titanium diffuses from grain boundaries into the gold grains and forms a gold-titanium alloy. An addition of the water vapour to the agron atmosphere does not noticeably affect the diffusion process. Optical microscope observations, of the titanium diffusion to the sample surface were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and by X-ray fluoroscence counts in a scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of tests designed to assess the changes in ambient temperature ductility of Alloy BOOH, a 20%Cr-32%Ni austenitic steel, resulting from exposure to an aggressive carburizing environment at 10000°C. A gas mixture of H2-CH4 with 0.8 carbon activity has been used as the corrosive medium and postexposure compression testing of the carburized tubular specimens has enabled the significant reduction in ductility accompanying the uptake of carbon to be demonstrated and understood.  相似文献   

Effects of the temperature and refractive index of ambient air on the eigenfrequencies of a cylindrical dielectric resonator (CDR) featuring whispering-gallery modes have been studied. An attempt to separate the effects of two factors on the spectral and energy characteristics of a fluoroplastic CDR for a millimeter wavelength range has been made for the first time. It is established that the behavior of CDR eigenfrequencies and the stability of Q factors exhibit different characters when the temperature is varied from ?60 to +60°C and the permittivity of air is changed from 1 to 1.0004. A CDR can be used as a sensor of ambient temperature accurate to within 10?4 K, provided that the resonance frequencies in the millimeter wavelength range are measured to within 1 kHz.  相似文献   

FeCuNbSiB/丁基橡胶复合薄膜压磁性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用模压成型法制备了Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9非晶粉体/丁基橡胶和Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5 B9纳米晶粉体/丁基橡胶复合薄膜,采用4284A阻抗分析仪在20~50℃测试温度范围内研究了复合薄膜的压磁性能.结果表明,复合薄膜在<0.09MPa微应力、低于200kHz测试频率下压磁性能最好;升高测试温度使复合薄膜的压磁性能增加,非晶粉体/丁基橡胶复合薄膜在40℃时压磁性能最好,纳米晶粉体/丁基橡胶复合薄膜在50℃时压磁性能最好;在相同条件下,非晶粉体/丁基橡胶复合薄膜的压磁性能优于纳米晶粉体/丁基橡胶复合薄膜.  相似文献   

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