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The crucial problem for radiation shielding design at heavy ion accelerator facilities with beam energies of several GeV/n is the source term problem. Experimental data on double differential neutron yields from thick targets irradiated with high-energy uranium nuclei are lacking. At present there are not many Monte Carlo multipurpose codes that can work with primary high-energy uranium nuclei. These codes use different physical models for simulating nucleus–nucleus reactions. Therefore, verification of the codes with available experimental data is very important for selection of the most reliable code for practical tasks. This paper presents comparisons of the FLUKA, GEANT4 and SHIELD code simulations with experimental data on neutron production at 1 GeV/n 238U beam interaction with a thick Fe target.  相似文献   

Data on neutron dose attenuation by thick concrete, cast iron, and cast iron plus concrete composite shields for heavy ions and protons having high energies (200-1000 MeV/u) are necessary for shielding designs of high-powered heavy ion accelerator facilities. Neutron production source terms, shield material attenuation lengths, and neutron dose rate reduction effectiveness of the bulk shielding in the angular range from 0° to 125° were determined by the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code (PHITS) for beams of 300 and 550 MeV/u 48Ca ions, 200 and 400 MeV/u 238U ions, 800 MeV/u 3He and 1 GeV protons. Calculated results of interaction lengths of concrete and cast iron were also compared with similar work performed by Agosteo et al., and to experimental and other calculated data on interaction lengths. The agreement can be regarded as acceptable.  相似文献   

中子辐射屏蔽材料PVA/PEO水凝胶的制备及其作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究一种新型中子辐射屏蔽材料水凝胶的制备及其对中子辐射的防护作用,应用物理交联法制备不同厚度的单纯和含有金属离子的PVA/PEO水凝胶;利用基于Monte Carlo模拟的SHIELD程序计算不同组分水凝胶对中子输运的影响,以期在理论上证实PVA/PEO水凝胶材料对2.45MeV中子辐射的屏蔽作用;采用BF3中子辐射探测器测量了K-400型高压倍加器发射的2.45MeV中子经过不同水凝胶后的中子通量变化。模拟计算结果显示,随着水凝胶厚度的增加,中子通量和能量逐渐减少;与单纯组比较,相同厚度含金属组中子数和能量减少更明显。BF3探测器测量结果显示,厚度为6—10cm的含金属组的中子通量计数减少的百分率显著高于单纯水凝胶组,辐射屏蔽效率与水凝胶厚度符合线性方程y=-4.51x+86.23,10m厚的含金属离子水凝胶中子通量计数的百分率可减低61.3?。结果表明,高分子聚合物PVA/PEO水凝胶对快中子辐射具有良好的屏蔽作用,含金属组的中子屏蔽效果明显优于单纯组。  相似文献   

Neutron energy,fluence rate,angular distributions and dose equivalent rate distributions around the thick Be,Cu,Au targets bombarded by 50MeV/u ^18O-ion were measured using a threshold detector activation method.At the same time,the neutron yields of ^18O-ion and the neutron emission rates in the forward direction were obtained approximately.  相似文献   

在苏联杜布纳联合核子研究所同步稳相加速器上用CR-39探测器测量了44GeV ~(12)C+Cu(厚靶)核反应产生的中子能量和通量。测量表明.这一核反应释放的中子的平均能量为15.8±2.8MeV,当入射重离子数目为6×10~(11)时,与~(12)C束成~70°方向,距靶~60cm处的中子积分通量为(4.5±0.3)×10~9cm~2。这一方法可用来测量相对论重离子核反应释放的中子的角分布和每个入射重离子或每次核反应可产生的中子平均数目。  相似文献   

利用蒙卡程序DCM/CEM和LAHET对加速器驱动的次临界系统ADS标准散裂中子靶进行了计算。长为0.6m、直径为0.2m的圆柱形^208Pb靶在0.15—1.6GeV的高能质子轰击的情况下,利用两软件对质子在靶内的能量沉积、Pb靶发生散裂反应产生的中子及靶内和表面的中子注量、中子能谱分布等进行了比较计算。结果表明:两者模拟结果在中能区(0.8—1.0GeV)符合很好,但在质子能量较高或较低时,两者略有差别。  相似文献   

An upgrade and validation test of the recommended cross-section database for production of gamma emitter radioisotopes by charged particle induced reactions, published by the IAEA in 2001, was performed. Experimental microscopic cross-section data published earlier or measured recently and not yet included in the evaluation work were collected and added to the primary database in order to improve the quality of the recommended data. The newly compiled experimental data in general supported the previous recommended data, but in a few cases they influenced the decision and resulted in different selected cross-section data sets. A Spline fitting method was used to calculate the recommended data from the selected data sets. Integral thick target yields were deduced from the newly calculated recommended cross-sections and were critically compared with the available experimental yield data.  相似文献   

We examine the energy loss to electron–positron pairs and bremsstrahlung for relativistic heavy ions penetrating matter. Pair production is the dominant source of loss at extreme projectile energies, and already at energies of a few hundred GeV/u it may add several per cent to the stopping power. An analytical formula for the pair-production contribution to the average energy loss is produced. In bremsstrahlung coherent action of the constituents of each collision partner is required in order to keep the nuclei from breaking up. This limits the emission substantially at high energies compared to the emission in collisions between pointlike non-composite but otherwise similar objects. A simple formula for the bremsstrahlung loss is presented. We conclude with remarks on the statistics of the energy-loss processes.  相似文献   

兰州重离子加速器辐照终端与快重离子辐照效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯明东  孙友梅 《核技术》1996,19(10):594-596
介绍了兰州重离子加速器辐照终端的基本概况,并就可能开展的研究项目提出了建议。  相似文献   

Experimental excitation functions for deuteron-induced reactions up to 20 MeV on high purity natural hafnium were measured with the activation method using a stacked foil irradiation technique. Metallic hafnium foils with thickness of 10 μm were stacked together with 50 μm thick aluminium and 12 μm thick titanium foils. The aluminium foils served as energy absorber while the titanium foils were used to monitor the energy and intensity of the bombarding deuteron beam. From a detailed remeasurement of the complete excitation function of the natTi(d,x)48V monitor reaction it was possible to adopt the proper incident energy and beam intensity by comparing the results with the recommended values. High resolution off-line gamma-ray spectrometry was applied to assess the activity of each foil. From the measured activity independent and/or cumulative elemental or isotopic cross section data for production of Ta, Hf and Lu radioisotopes by (d,x) reactions were determined. No experimental cross section data have been published earlier for these reactions in the investigated energy region. The work focuses on the production of 177gLu that one of the promising radionuclides for small tumor therapy due to appropriate average energy of the emitted β-particles and the main gamma-rays that are suitable for detection by gamma-camera.The presented experimental data and results predicted by the TALYS theoretical code are compared. Thick target yields for production of the investigated radionuclides were calculated from a fit to our experimental excitation curves.  相似文献   

In a systematic study of light charged particle induced nuclear reactions we investigated the excitation functions of proton induced reactions on natural hafnium targets. Experimental excitation functions of proton induced reactions up to 36 MeV on high purity natural hafnium were determined using the stacked foil activation technique. High resolution off-line gamma-ray spectrometry was applied to assess the activity of each foil. From the measured activity independent and/or cumulative elemental or isotopic cross section data for production of Ta, Hf and Lu radioisotopes were determined. The experimental data were compared to the data published earlier by other authors and to results of TALYS theoretical code taken from TENDL-2010 database. Thick target yields of the investigated radionuclides were calculated from the excitation function that was deduced as an analytical fit to our experimental cross section data points.  相似文献   

考虑特征γ射线分支比、衰变常量和标准截面等修正,对氘引起的核反应186W(d,p)187W和186W(d,2n)186Re的激发函数进行了研究。收集并分析了这些反应激发函数的实验测量数据,应用数学方法对分析处理后的实验数据进行了拟合。同时,采用TALYS程序对这些激发函数进行了理论计算。经过综合评价,给出了50 MeV以下186W(d,p)187W和186W(d,2n)186Re反应激发函数的推荐值,利用得到的186W(d,2n)186Re激发函数推荐值计算了医用放射性核素186Re的厚靶产额。  相似文献   

Spallation and neutron capture reaction rate distributions were measured using activation detectors inside a 90-cm thick ordinary concrete pile exposed to a field of secondary particles escaping a thick (stopping length) iron target bombarded with various intermediate energy ions, 230 MeV/u He, 400 MeV/u C, and 800 MeV/u Si. Activation detectors of aluminum, bismuth, gold, and gold covered with cadmium were inserted at various depths in the concrete pile. In addition, the distributions of activation reaction rate were simulated by FLUKA and PHITS Monte-Carlo codes. Generally, comparison of measured and calculated reaction rates show agreement within a factor of two. The experimental data will be useful for benchmarking Monte-Carlo radiation transport simulation code capabilities in estimating radioactivity induced in accelerator radiation shielding.  相似文献   

This article deals with the determination of the adsorption properties of metal ions and humic acid in water on crosslinked chitosan derivatives (carboxymethylchitosan) which were formed using the irradiation technique without any additives. The solubility test of these crosslinked materials were investigated in acidic, alkaline media, distilled water, and certain organic solvents. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images showed that the crosslinked chitosan derivatives possessed a porous morphological structure. Charged characteristic analyses demon- strated typically pH-dependent properties of the crosslinked materials. The adsorption studies were carried out by the batch method at room temperature. Adsorption of heavy metal ions (such as Cu^2+, Cd^2+) and humic acid onto crosslinked samples was found to be strongly pH-dependent. Adsorption kinetic studies indicated the rapid removal of metal ions, and humic acid from the aqueous solutions. Moreover, isothermal adsorption data revealed that Cu^2+, Cd^2+, and humic acid were removed by these crosslinked materials with high efficiency. Adsorption isothermal data were interpreted well by the Langmuir equation. These crosslinked carboxymethylated chitosan derivatives indicate favorable adsorption of metal ions and humic acid.  相似文献   

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