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Although recent evidence indicated that the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by human spermatozoa may be involved in the regulation of capacitation, very little is known about the role of ROS in the acrosome reaction. To address this issue, Percoll-washed spermatozoa were incubated in Ham's F-10 medium in the absence (no capacitation) or presence (capacitation) of fetal cord serum ultrafiltrate (FCSu) or progesterone. The effects of the ROS scavengers, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase were then tested on the acrosome reaction induced by lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), A23187, and ultrafiltrates from follicular fluid (FFu) and FCSu, as well as on the protein tyrosine phosphorylation associated with this process. 2-Methyl-6-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo [1,2-a] pyrazin-3-one (MCLA)-amplified chemiluminescence was used to determine the extracellular superoxide (O2.-) production from spermatozoa. The observations that both SOD and catalase reduced (in the case of LPC) or totally prevented (in the other cases) the acrosome reaction of capacitated spermatozoa and that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or ROS generated by the combination of xanthine and xanthine oxidase (O2.-, which dismutates to H2O2) triggered the acrosome reaction indicated the involvement of ROS in this process. In fact, capacitated spermatozoa in which the acrosome reaction was induced by LPC, A23187, and FFu produced more O2.- than noncapacitated spermatozoa treated with the same agents. A23187 and LPC had minor effects on protein tyrosine phosphorylation of noncapacitated spermatozoa. However, these inducers caused a decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation of Triton-soluble proteins (mainly those of 37, 42, and 47 kDa) from capacitated spermatozoa, a decrease more pronounced in the presence of SOD. On the other hand, there was a marked increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of few proteins (70 to 105 kDa) from the Triton-insoluble fraction, which was partly reversed by SOD (in the case of LPC and A23187) or catalase (in the case of A23187), or abolished in the presence of the two antioxidants (in the case of A23187). These data indicate that the acrosome reaction is associated with an extracellular O2.- generation by spermatozoa and that both O2.- and H2O2 may be involved in the regulation of this process. The mechanism by which these ROS act is unknown but may involve tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in the c-K-ras gene occur in about 40% of human colorectal carcinomas, yet the role of this oncogene in tumorigenesis is not known. We have developed a model cell culture system to study this problem, utilizing the immortalized but non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line IEC18, originally derived from normal rat intestine epithelium. These cells were cotransfected with the drug resistance selectable marker tk-neo and the plasmid pMIKcys, which encodes a mini human c-K-ras gene (15 kb) containing a cysteine mutation at codon 12. Drug resistant clones were isolated. Clones which also expressed the activated c-K-ras gene displayed a transformed morphology, decreased doubling time, increased level of diacylglycerol, anchorage independent growth in soft agar and an aneuploid karyotype and they were also tumorigenic when injected into nude mice. These clones also displayed increased expression, at both the mRNA and protein levels, of cyclin D1 and Rb. These findings may be of clinical relevance since human colorectal tumors also frequently display increased expression of both cyclin D1 and Rb. This model system may be useful for understanding the role and interrelationship between activation of the c-K-ras oncogene and increased expression of cyclin D1 and Rb in colorectal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The EMS1 and CCND1 genes at chromosome 11q13 are amplified in about 15% of primary breast cancers but appear to confer different phenotypes in ER positive and ER negative tumours. Since there are no published data on EMS1 expression in large series of breast cancers we examined the relationship of EMS1 expression with EMS1 gene copy number and expression of mRNAs for cyclin D1 and ER. In a subset of 129 patients, where matched tumour RNA and DNA was available, EMS1 mRNA overexpression was associated predominantly with gene amplification (P = 0.0061), whereas cyclin D1 mRNA overexpression was not (P = 0.3142). In a more extensive series of 351 breast cancers, there was no correlation between cyclin D1 and EMS1 expression in the EMS1 and cyclin D1 overexpressors (P = 0.3503). Although an association between EMS1 mRNA expression and ER positivity was evident (P = 0.0232), when the samples were divided into quartiles of EMS1 or cyclin D1 mRNA expression, the increase in the proportion of ER positive tumours in the ascending EMS1 mRNA quartiles was not statistically significant (P = 0.0951). In marked contrast there was a significant stepwise increase in ER positivity in ascending quartiles of cyclin D1 mRNA (P = 0.030). A potential explanation for this difference was provided by the observation that in ER positive breast cancer cells oestradiol treatment resulted in increased cyclin D1 gene expression but was without effect on EMS1. The relationship between EMS1 expression and clinical outcome was examined in a subset of 234 patients with median follow-up of 74 months. High EMS1 expression was associated with age > 50 years (P = 0.0001), postmenopausal status (P = 0.0008), lymph node negativity (P = 0.019) and an apparent trend for worse prognosis in the ER negative subgroup. These data demonstrate that overexpression of EMS1 mRNA is largely due to EMS1 gene amplification, is independent of cyclin D1 and ER expression and, in contrast to cyclin D1, is not regulated by oestrogen. Independent overexpression of these genes may confer different phenotypes and disease outcomes in breast cancer as has been inferred from recent studies of EMS1 and CCND1 gene amplification.  相似文献   

When human fibroblast, TIG-1, was growth-stimulated with fetal bovine serum, the induction level of cell cycle-dependent genes was generally much lower in senescent cells than in young counterparts. Exceptionally, the expression level of cyclin D1 in senescent cells was constitutively higher than in young cells and further increased after serum stimulation, which was confirmed by Northern and Western blots and immunoprecipitation. This was also true in other human diploid fibroblast lines, TIG-3 and MRC-5. However, cyclin D1-dependent kinase activity was not detected in senescent cells. When sense- or antisense-cyclin D1 cDNA driven by beta-actin promoter was transfected into young TIG-1 cells, the number of appeared colonies from sense-strand transfected cultures was lower than that from antisense-strand-transfected ones. However, clones expressing cyclin D1 at low or undetectable level which were isolated after transfection with antisense-cyclin D1 proliferated up to the same division limit as untransfected and sense-strand transfected cells. Four clones of SV40-transformed TIG-1 expressed cyclin D1 at moderate levels during their extended proliferative lifespan. It appears that, if the extremely overexpressed cyclin D1 could cause an inhibition of cell proliferation at senescent stage, cellular senescence occurs regardless of overexpression of cyclin D1.  相似文献   

Cyclin D2 is a member of the family of D-type cyclins that is implicated in cell cycle regulation, differentiation, and oncogenic transformation. To better understand the role of this cyclin in the control of cell proliferation, cyclin D2 expression was monitored under various growth conditions in primary human and established murine fibroblasts. In different states of cellular growth arrest initiated by contact inhibition, serum starvation, or cellular senescence, marked increases (5- to 20-fold) were seen in the expression levels of cyclin D2 mRNA and protein. Indirect immunofluorescence studies showed that cyclin D2 protein localized to the nucleus in G0, suggesting a nuclear function for cyclin D2 in quiescent cells. Cyclin D2 was also found to be associated with the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK2 and CDK4 but not CDK6 during growth arrest. Cyclin D2-CDK2 complexes increased in amounts but were inactive as histone H1 kinases in quiescent cells. Transient transfection and needle microinjection of cyclin D2 expression constructs demonstrated that overexpression of cyclin D2 protein efficiently inhibited cell cycle progression and DNA synthesis. These data suggest that in addition to a role in promoting cell cycle progression through phosphorylation of retinoblastoma family proteins in some cell systems, cyclin D2 may contribute to the induction and/or maintenance of a nonproliferative state, possibly through sequestration of the CDK2 catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from genetic studies suggests that abnormalities of some of the members of the cyclin superfamily may be intimately associated with tumourigenesis, most likely through deregulation of the cell cycle control. In an attempt to elucidate the potential role of cyclin D1 (a gene located within the 11q13 amplicon and a candidate BCL-1, PRAD-1 oncogene) in the pathogenesis of human neoplasias, we have developed and characterized a novel monoclonal antibody specifically recognizing cyclin D1 protein in various assays including immunohistochemistry on frozen and paraffin sections. Using the DCS-6 antibody as a tool, we now show a characteristic cell cycle-dependent variation of the cyclin D1 protein in human cultured cells and report on the first immunohistochemical study of this G1 cyclin in a range of normal human tissues and breast carcinomas. Analysis of normal tissues revealed generally low levels of cyclin D1 protein, mainly restricted to the proliferative zones of some epithelial tissues, and the lack of its expression in several human tissues including lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils. In contrast, pronounced overexpression/nuclear accumulation of cyclin D1 was found in 37 per cent of cases in a series of 35 primary ductal carcinomas of the breast. We conclude that the DCS-6 antibody provides a potentially useful tool for the establishment of simple methods suitable for verifying any diagnostic and/or prognostic value of this novel marker on large series of histological specimens and opens the way for biochemical, immunocytochemical, and immunohistochemical studies of the role played by cyclin D1 aberrations in human oncogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) and cyclins constitute the subunits of the maturation-promoting factor that controls the process of cell division. High levels of these proteins have been reported in human malignancies of the stomach, colon, breast, and lung, and have been implicated in aberrant cell division and dysregulated tumor growth. METHODS: p34cdc2 CDK and cyclin D1 (D1) protein expression were evaluated in 140 radical prostatectomy specimens harboring adenocarcinoma (PAC), using the respective monoclonal antibodies on archival tissue sections. In each case, slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin were examined for evaluation of Gleason's grade and pathologic stage. The DNA content of the tumors was determined by the Feulgen method with the CAS200 Image Analyzer (Cell Analysis Systems, Lombard, IL). Nuclear immunoreactivity for the two proteins was semiquantitatively scored, and results were correlated with Gleason's grade, stage, ploidy, metastatic status, and disease recurrence after radical prostatectomy. RESULTS: p34cdc2 was expressed in 84 of 140 PACs (60%) and correlated with high Gleason's grade (P = 0.0001), advanced pathologic stage (P = 0.01), nondiploid DNA content (P = 0.0001), and metastases (P = 0.04). On multivariate analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model, p34cdc2 immunoreactivity (P = 0.0001) and high Gleason's grade (P = 0.01) each independently predicted disease recurrence. When tumors were of low Gleason's grade and lacked p34cdc2 expression, 4 of 39 PACs (10%) recurred, as compared with 18 of 47 (38%) that recurred when tumors were of high Gleason's grade and expressed p34cdc2 protein. D1 was positive in 31 of 140 PACs (22%) and showed a trend (P = 0.07) of high Gleason's grade, but it did not reach statistical significance with any of the prognostic variables. In the majority of PACs expressing both p34cdc2 and D1 proteins, the adjacent benign prostate acini showed focal, scattered nuclear positivity of the basal and secretory epithelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: p34cdc2 is expressed in a majority of PACs and correlates with high Gleason's grade, advanced pathologic stage, nondiploid DNA content, and metastases. On multivariate analyses high Gleason's grade and p34cdc2 immunoreactivity predict disease recurrence independently of the pathologic stage. Thus, p34cdc2 appears to play a critical role in the evolution, proliferation, and spread of PACs and may be of prognostic value when applied to initial prostate tissue samples taken by needle biopsy.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that neuronal apoptosis is the consequence of an inappropriate reentry into the cell cycle. Expression of the cell cycle gene cyclin D1, a G1-phase cell cycle regulator, was examined in primary cultures of murine cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) during kainate (KA)-mediated apoptosis. Using cultures of CGCs, we found that a 24-h exposure to KA (1-3,000 microM) induced a concentration-dependent cell death with neurons exhibiting characteristic apoptotic morphology and extensive labeling using the terminal transferase-mediated nick end-DNA labeling (TUNEL) method. KA induced a time- and concentration-dependent increase in expression of cyclin D1 as determined by immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. KA-induced apoptosis and cyclin D1 expression exhibited a similar concentration dependence and were significantly attenuated by the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (50 microM), indicating a KA receptor-mediated effect. Here we present evidence for the first time that KA-induced apoptosis in cultured CGCs involves the induction of cyclin D1, suggesting its involvement in excitotoxic receptor-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

A six-dimensional variational code, recently presented for the determination of the rovibrational energy levels of formaldehyde, has been used to refine a quartic potential surface of thioformaldehyde and simultaneously to optimize its geometry. The parameters have been adjusted to obtain as good agreement as possible with the known J = 0 vibrational energy levels and the corresponding observed J = 1 rotational lines of both H2CS and D2CS, where known. This is a highly nonlinear problem, and it is not possible to refine separately the geometry and force field. We have simultaneously optimized the HCS bond angle, the quadratic force field, and a partial cubic and quartic force field. Fermi and Coriolis resonances have been reproduced. The predicted geometry is CH = 1.0856 ?, CS = 1.6110 ?, HCS = 121.88 degrees. Predictions are made for overtones and combination bands of H2CS and D2CS. Furthermore, a prediction is made for the unobserved fundamental nu5 of D2CS, which lies very close to 3nu6. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

We studied the endoscopic removal of tracheobronchial foreign bodies from 13 patients. Eight patients were treated under local anesthesia and 5 under general anesthesia. Complications included mild bleeding during endoscopic treatment of 3 patients. One patient was placed under general anesthesia because the patient was irritable and because hemorrhage made observation difficult. Laryngeal masks were used in 4 cases, and resulted in no complications. The follow-up courses ranged from 4 months to 12 years and were uneventful for all patients. Use of a fiberoptic bronchoscope in combination with laryngeal masks facilitated the management and removal of tracheobronchial foreign bodies by providing a secure airway and by minimizing the effect on the cardiorespiratory system.  相似文献   

Estrogen-induced progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle is preceded by increased expression of the G1-phase regulatory proteins c-Myc and cyclin D1. To investigate the potential contribution of these proteins to estrogen action, we derived clonal MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines in which c-Myc or cyclin D1 was expressed under the control of the metal-inducible metallothionein promoter. Inducible expression of either c-Myc or cyclin D1 was sufficient for S-phase entry in cells previously arrested in G1 phase by pretreatment with ICI 182780, a potent estrogen antagonist. c-Myc expression was not accompanied by increased cyclin D1 expression or Cdk4 activation, nor was cyclin D1 induction accompanied by increases in c-Myc. Expression of c-Myc or cyclin D1 was sufficient to activate cyclin E-Cdk2 by promoting the formation of high-molecular-weight complexes lacking the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, as has been described, following estrogen treatment. Interestingly, this was accompanied by an association between active cyclin E-Cdk2 complexes and hyperphosphorylated p130, identifying a previously undefined role for p130 in estrogen action. These data provide evidence for distinct c-Myc and cyclin D1 pathways in estrogen-induced mitogenesis which converge on or prior to the formation of active cyclin E-Cdk2-p130 complexes and loss of inactive cyclin E-Cdk2-p21 complexes, indicating a physiologically relevant role for the cyclin E binding motifs shared by p130 and p21.  相似文献   

The deregulation of cyclin D1 (BCL-1, PRAD1, CCND1) protein, normally synthesized in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of some malignant neoplasms, including invasive mammary carcinomas. We used rabbit polyclonal antibody 19 to detect cyclin D1 in 55 infiltrating ductal carcinomas and compared the findings to six important clinicopathologic parameters and cyclin D1 gene amplification. Nuclear immunoreactivity of variable intensity for cyclin D1 was present in 35% of the neoplasms, whereas immunoreactivity of normal mammary epithelial nuclei was absent. No significant correlations were observed between immunoreactivity and patient age, axillary lymph node status, estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, histologic grade, or any of its three components. There was a correlation between cyclin D1 immunostaining and tumor size (P = 0.013). Fourteen of 15 tumors 2 cm or less were negative, whereas 7 of 12 neoplasms larger than 4 cm were immunopositive. Fifteen percent of the invasive carcinomas had cyclin D1 gene amplification. Of these eight tumors, six showed cyclin D1 immunoreactivity (P = 0.017). In this study, cyclin D1 was detected immunohistochemically in approximately one-third of infiltrating ductal carcinomas; approximately one-third of these had detectable cyclin D1 gene amplification. These results further implicate cyclin D1 in breast tumorigenesis and are additional evidence for the role of cell cycle regulatory proteins in invasive mammary carcinoma.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 proto-oncogene is a key regulator of the mammalian cell-cycle acting at the restriction point in late G1. Amplification of the cyclin D1 locus, located on chromosome 11q13, as well as cyclin D1 protein overexpression have been reported in several human malignancies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate cyclin D1 gene copy status and protein expression during the multistep process of head and neck tumorigenesis, using a combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry techniques. From 29 selected patients presenting with head and neck squamous carcinoma and whose tumor cytospins had been previously screened for presence (16 cases) or absence (13 cases) of amplification at the 11q13 band, we analysed 46 paraffin-embedded tissue specimens that demonstrated, besides the primary tumor, the presence of contiguous adjacent normal tissue and/or premalignant lesions. Of the 16 amplified cases, nine demonstrated a continuous progression from premalignant to invasive carcinoma and seven (77.7%) of these cases showed cyclin D1 gene amplification in premalignant lesions prior to development of invasive carcinoma. Increased cyclin D1 protein expression was observed in all 16 amplified tumors and five of the 13 (38.4%) non-amplified tumors. Interestingly, dysregulated cyclin D1 expression was also found in the premalignant lesions adjacent to all 16 amplified tumors, and it appeared to precede cyclin D1 gene amplification. In contrast no dysregulated expression was detected in the premalignant lesions of the non-amplified tumors. In conclusion, these findings provide strong evidence for early dysregulation of cyclin D1 expression during the tumorigenesis process and suggest that dysregulated increased expression precedes and possibly enables gene amplification.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 plays a key regulatory role during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and its gene is amplified and overexpressed in many cancers. To address the relationship between cyclin D1 and other cell cycle regulatory proteins, we established human glioma and rodent fibroblast cell lines in which cyclin D1 expression could be regulated ectopically with tetracycline. In both of these cell lines, we found that ectopic expression of cyclin D1 in asynchronously growing cells was accompanied by increased levels of the p53 tumor suppressor protein and the cyclin/cdk inhibitor p21. Despite the induction of these cell cycle inhibitory proteins, cyclin D1-associated cdk kinase remained activated and the cells grew essentially like that of the parent cells. Although growth parameters were unchanged in these cells, morphological changes were clearly identifiable and anchorage independent growth was observed in NIH3T3 cells. In a first step toward elaborating the mechanism for cyclin D1-mediated induction of p21 gene expression we show that co-expression of E2F-1 and DP-1 can specifically transactivate the p21 promoter. In support of these findings and a direct effect of E2F on induction of p21 gene expression a putative E2F binding site was identified within the p21 promoter. In summary, our results demonstrate that ectopic expression of cyclin D1 can induce gene expression of the cdk inhibitor p21 through an E2F mechanism the consequences of which are not to growth arrest cells but possibly to stabilize cyclin D1/cdk function.  相似文献   

IPRS is a freely available software system which consists of about 250 library functions in C, and a set of application programs. It is designed to run under UNIX and comes with full source code, system manual pages, and a comprehensive user's and programmer's guide. It is intended for use by researchers in human vision, pattern recognition, image processing, machine vision and machine learning.  相似文献   

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