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作者针对目前非线性编辑教学中常用的编辑技术进行深入讨论,基于非线性编辑软件中时间线的特点阐述了时间线嵌套时间和空间的整合交错的概念,并结合实例给出了在非线性编辑课程教学中时间线嵌套的使用方法和优势。  相似文献   

本文结合我院‘教育技术中心’非线性编辑系统的开发使用,比较分析了非线性编辑系统的优点,论述非线性编辑在视频制作、以及实践教学等方面的综合应用以及在应用非线性编辑系统制作中的一些问题。  相似文献   

汉语的独特性使得汉语成为当今语言学习的一大热点。针对当前汉语教学中出现的汉字错字方面的教学问题,提供一种简单、方便、高效的错字输入法并设计实现了汉字错字字形动态生成与编辑系统,该系统使用动态编辑技术解决了编辑过程中错字的实时编辑、编码和输入的问题,为错字的编辑、印刷和排版及数字化汉语教学研究提供了一种方便的错字输入方法。此方法还可用于古籍异体字、甲骨文、金文、民俗拼合字等字形的动态编辑、生成与处理。  相似文献   

吴祥容 《福建电脑》2013,(6):151-153
音视频编辑是多媒体软件开发中较复杂的部分。系统以VC 6.0为平台,采用irectShow技术架构,使用非线性编辑系统DES实现了多媒体课件编辑器的开发。多媒体课件编辑器用来对录制完成的教学课件进行编辑,包括剪切、添加字幕、视频过渡效果等,以提高课件的质量。  相似文献   

正在课件制作过程中,图片是使用频率最高的元素,往往要经历从收集、编辑、到标注、插入等步骤,用到的工具也是五花八门,如截图用HyperSnap、图片编辑用ACDSee或Photoshop,这些软件体积较大、操作繁琐,需要不断地在各个工具间切换使用。PicPick是一款解决教学课件制作中图片类问题的一站式软件,它不但体积小巧、资源占用少,而且功能非常丰富,涵盖了图片收集、编辑、标注、插入的全过程,可进行屏幕的个性化截取、图片编辑,还可以共享截图到Office三大办公组件与SNS社交网络中。  相似文献   

已过去的九月,是编辑部最忙碌的一月,编辑GG们忙着为读制作一份可口的增刊“大餐”。既是“大餐”,那就得上不同于平常的佳肴——视频教学。谈起这制作视频教学的屏幕录像软件,4个编辑就使用74种不同的软件。在月底的工作总结中,老编建议大家交流一下视频制作的经验,评出编辑部实用高效屏幕录像软件奖,以供今后统一使用。会议记录如下。  相似文献   

屏录式微课具有操作简便、易于实现的特点,在计算机应用软件类课程的学习中得到了广泛应用。参照多媒体教学课件的设计方法来设计微课,使用Camtasia Studio软件进行录制和编辑,实现个性化教学和分层教学的要求。  相似文献   

●教材分析本课内容选自上海科教版《劳动技术》高中一年级第三章第二节第三板块。内容简洁易操作,注重二维截面的大小和形状的编辑,注重了二维编辑工具的使用,但就造型制作而言较为单一,所以我在教学设计上进行了二维  相似文献   

在编辑科技类专业文档时,公式的输入和编辑可能是非常常见。公式编辑可以使用公式编辑器,不过需要提前安装。如果没有安装公式编辑器,使用插入域方式同样可以编辑公式。就笔者感觉,对于需要编辑大量公式的文档,如果使用快捷键方式的话,后者使用起来比前者更容易控制文档的整体格式。效率也更高。  相似文献   

Q1扫描的文字不能编辑问:我使用扫描仪扫描了一篇文章,扫描后想用Word编辑,但是无法实现。请问这种通过扫描仪扫描的文档能否使用Word编辑呢?答:通过扫描仪扫描的文档能够使用文本编辑软件编辑,但先要进行OCR识别。首先,用扫描仪将文档扫描成黑白模式的图片,再使用OCR软件(购买扫描仪时提供的光盘中应该有,如果没有,可以使用Office 2003或者Office 2007自带的程序)进行识别,识别后保存成文本文件。这样就可以用Word编辑了。  相似文献   

王洪彪 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,1(2):1178-1178,1182
对多媒体教学的意义和重要性进行了研究,重点研究了搞好多媒体教学应注意的几个问题:优越的多媒体教学演示方式:简便灵活的模拟教学活动;智能型的人一机结合交互式教学;多媒体教学设计促进教学创新;普及与提高。正确处理好这几个关系是搞好多媒体教学的关键。  相似文献   

In this study we examined how the variables: teaching autonomy, teaching goals teaching style and teachers' perceptions of transactional distance (TTD) work together within the pedagogical decision-making process in different teaching environments. The independent variable was the teaching environment, which was divided into three: entirely distance environment (Distance-E); blended distance environment (Distance-B); and the traditional environment (Traditional). The dependent variables were teaching autonomy, teaching goals, teaching style and TTD, i.e. teachers' evaluation of their ability to communicate with the students, explain the content and their satisfaction from the teaching environment. One hundred and sixty faculty members who teach in distance environments and one hundred and sixty faculty members who teach in a traditional environment answered a five-part study questionnaire. The finding indicated that teaching autonomy, teaching goal and teaching style are significant predictors of TTD. Furthermore, teaching style serves as a mediator variable connecting teaching autonomy and the teaching goal to the TTD. This pattern was repeated in both structural and measurement models in all three teaching environments, indicating the centrality of the teaching style as well as teaching goal and teaching autonomy in the teachers' pedagogical decision-making process and teaching outputs. We concluded that affecting the teachers' pedagogical characteristics, which serve as mechanisms that influence the results of teaching, is an important component in the process of the technological change in 21st century education.  相似文献   

针对当前学生对编程课程学习热情普遍不高的情况,提出在编程语言教学中使用案例教学法来激发学生的学习热情。首先,对案例教学法进行了解释;然后,结合软件工程专业的C#程序设计课程教学实践,从四个方面分析案例教学法的实际作用,具体阐述如何有效运用案例教学来提升学生编程能力;最后,给出了关于如何恰当使用案例教学法的几点建议。  相似文献   

高校平面设计在实践教学中存在诸多问题:实践教学理论化,践行力度不高;教师指导实践的能力有待提高;实践教学制度不完善;考核方法欠科学。提升平面设计实践教学层次要作到:正确认识实践教学的意义,让实践指导老师更为专业化,健全实践教学制度,制定科学的考核方法。高校在培养平面设计专学生时应该多增加实践教学。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of practice teaching in Second Life on the change of preservice teachers’ teaching efficacy, and the difference of changes between individual teaching practice and collaborative teaching practice in their teaching efficacy. Participants were placed into the individual teaching practice or collaborative teaching practice group as a part of a teaching methods and educational technology course. Both groups completed practice teaching sessions twice in Second Life and an instrument adopted for measuring of pre-service teachers’ teaching efficacy beliefs was administered after each of three stages. The researcher collected data from both groups before the first practice teaching, after the first practice teaching session, and after the second session. Results from a Repeated Measure ANOVA indicated that the practice sessions influenced changes in participants’ personal teaching efficacy but not teaching outcome expectancy. In addition, the results indicated significant difference between groups on their personal teaching efficacy after the second practice session, but not on teaching outcome expectancy. The difference between the two groups is attributed to the different methods in preparing for the practice session, practicing the teaching, and the reflection methods posed to each group of participants. This research suggests that pre-service teachers can gain valuable teaching practice in Second Life, and furthermore that collaborative practice teaching is more effective way than individual approaches to practicing teaching.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to integrate asynchronous learning technology with teaching strategies on observation and writing into a teacher education method course. The research questions were to explore the effects of the innovative teaching method and to compare it with the traditional teaching method. There were 134 preservice teachers involved in this study. This study used a mixed method design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The main data included questionnaires, observation reports, and on-line information. According to the findings, there were significant differences in the “teaching and learning interaction” and “application of technology and theories” (F = 9.728, P < 0.01, and F = 16.88, P < 0.001, respectively.), but there were no significant differences in the other aspects. The results also showed the experimental teaching method combined the effect of both traditional classroom and online teaching, and reinforced the integration of teaching theories and practices. The preservice teachers reflected that they had learned how to integrate technologies with teaching through the learning environment of the asynchronous learning network and teaching observation. The interactive teaching and learning of this study could supplement the any existing deficiencies in traditional teaching. Therefore, the experimental teaching method is not only a way to construct knowledge, theories and experiences of teaching, but also a good strategy to promote the utilization of instructional technology within teaching for preservice teachers. The limitations in the asynchronous learning technology and the difficulties associated with the preservice teachers’ learning processes were also discussed.  相似文献   

该文以高校数字化教学资源库的建设为研究对象详细分析了与此相关的问题。文章主要介绍了数字化教学资源库的概念、特点;分析了数字化教学资源库建设的必要性;阐述了数字化教学资源库系统的架构模式及其结构;最后阐述了数字化教学资源库的发展趋势。希望该文的研究能够为高校数字化教学资源库的建设提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

计算机网络专业课程教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机网络专业课程是一门不断高速发展的交叉性应用型课程,该课程的教学难度较大,现实的教学效果并不令人满意。通过对高等院校计算机网络专业课程教学现状的研究,揭示了其中隐含的一些问题,分析造成这些问题的原因,然后从优化教学内容、改进教学方法、注重课程设计、灵活运用多种教学手段和考评制度等几个方面,对计算机网络课程的教学改革进行深入探讨,提出一些行之有效的教学方法和改革措施。  相似文献   

针对《影视后期特效》课程教学中存在的问题,提出了更新教学观念,培养学生学习兴趣,按照工作过程知识的规律建立课程体系,建立基于工作过程的开放式创新性《影视后期特效》教学模式体系,充分利用MOOC、翻转课堂,精心设计课程内容,深化工学结合,传授工作过程知识,创设学习“情境”,以“技能大赛”激励学生,建立新的教学考评体系,取得好的教学效果。  相似文献   

实验教学是计算机网络课程的不可缺少的一部分,是提高学生分析解决问题能力和实际动手能力的重要途径。针对实验教学中存在的问题,对计算机网络实验课程的学情、教学目标,教学内容、教学过程和教学评价进行分析和设计,力图扩大知识面,完善实验教学环节,提高学生学习兴趣,改善教学效果。  相似文献   

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