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In this paper, we propose two differential relaying strategies; Active User Strategy (AUS) and Passive Users Relaying Strategy
(PURS), which could be used by the base-station to transmit data of two users over downlink channels in a two-user cooperative communication network. Differential schemes are used so the users do not require the knowledge of channel gains for decoding of their data. The
performance of both schemes is evaluated for the decode-and-forward, selection relaying, and incremental relaying protocols.
For the decode-and-forward protocol, the performance heavily depends upon the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the link between
source and relay. We propose a conditional probability of error based approach, which can be used to regulate the erroneous
relaying of data. Both AUS and PURS are able to achieve performance gains as compared to the direct transmission differential
scheme in the case of selection relaying and incremental relaying protocols at high SNRs. The proposed schemes perform better
than their counterpart of the amplify-and-forward differential relaying proposed previously. 相似文献
Janghoon Yang 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2013,20(3):229-234
Currently, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems are adopted in many current cellular systems such as Long Term Evolution or 802.16 m. However, the performance of MIMO systems is greatly dependent on system parameters and environments. In this study, we evaluate the performance of downlink MIMO systems to find out which operating frequency among 800 MHz, 2.5 GHz, and 3.5 GHz is the best for next generation MIMO cellular systems. For each operating frequency, we consider the most prevalent types of mobile stations (MSs), the USB type, PDA type, and laptop type, which experience different mutual coupling between neighbor antenna elements mainly caused by the miniaturization of MSs. System simulation results show that regardless of the MS type, average and edge throughputs are almost the same for all the considered frequencies in the interference-limited environment. In contrast, the operating frequency of 800 MHz at which the mobile type with a larger antenna spacing has spatial multiplexing gain, provides the best average and edge throughputs in noise limited system environments. 相似文献
In recent years, there has been an upsurge of interest in relay-augmented infrastructure-based networks. On the other hand,
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless system becomes a hot topic for it can achieve significant increases in overall
system performance. This paper gives a detailed analysis of downlink performance of MIMO relaying networks, in which different
channel models and classic MIMO cellular system model with fixed relay are considered. Our results in single cell scenario
show that when meeting effective relay system efficiency of 100%, the required relay SNR gain of 2-antenna system can be reduced to less than half of that with only one transceiver antenna. We also observe that
MIMO is more tolerant to interference compared with the one-transceiver antenna system. After that, multi-hop architecture
is researched and statistics figures out the tolerable number of hops which is supported in wireless communication with a
view to real application. In addition, multi-cell scenario is also studied. Statistics results show that there is more 8 dB
average spectral efficiency gain in a two-hop fixed relay 4 × 4 MIMO system than that in a SISO system. These results present
significant indications in deployment and optimization of relay-based MIMO networks. 相似文献
The nature of the trade-off between reduced overhead of channel state information (CSI) and resultant performance losses influences
the design of frequency-division duplexed practical cellular systems. One candidate for CSI feedback reduction is the use
of covariance-matrix-based CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) in conjunction with linear precoding techniques. This paper analyzes
the performance of such systems in the downlink for both single-user (SU-) and multiuser (MU-) multiple-input multiple output
(MIMO) in comparison to those using optimal perfect-instantaneous-CSIT-based precoding. In addition, the effectiveness of
techniques enforcing frequency domain diversity versus those based on the maximal ergodic channel capacity criterion is evaluated.
A novel precoding scheme using covariance matrix information that supports spatial multiplexing in both SU- and MU-MIMO is
proposed. Simulation results show that the spectral efficiency loss from covariance-CSIT-based techniques from those utilizing
perfect, instantaneous CSIT is shown to be about 1 dB in a highly correlated urban channel environment for both SU- and MU-MIMO,
whereas for microcell environments it is between 3 and 4 dB. 相似文献
提出了一种下行多用户MIMO系统中的鲁棒性线性处理算法.该算法利用了信道均值和天线相关矩阵等信道统计信息,在总发射功率不大于目标值的约束条件下,能够使所有用户的均方误差(total mean square error,TMSE)在随机信道上的平均值最小.该算法不明显依赖瞬时信道信息(channel state information,CSI),当信道估计得到的CSI不准确时,它能够有效降低由CSI偏差带来的性能损失.仿真结果表明提出的算法能够有效地降低由于不准确CSI带来的误码率和平均MSE的损失. 相似文献
Md Habibul Islam Mohammad Saquib Naofal Al-Dhahir 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2007,55(2):645-655
In this paper, we propose a novel low-complexity receiver, namely, a hybrid receiver (HR) for the downlink of a multicell code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system with a transmit delay diversity transmission scheme. The proposed receiver is designed by combining the merits of the decorrelating receiver (DR) and the conventional receiver (CR). Unlike most multiuser receivers, HR operates with the same information as CR. For a target performance metric (e.g., bit error probability (BEP)=10-2), the reduced-complexity HR significantly outperforms CR, DR, and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) receiver with estimated channel information. We also compare the performance of the reduced-complexity HR with a reduced-complexity MMSE receiver, which slightly outperforms the former at a price of higher complexity 相似文献
This letter presents a novel method of user selection in a downlink multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO) system employing the precoding procedures of zero forcing or block diagonalization (BD). The proposed technique utilizes the cross-entropy method (CEM) in order to maintain a performance level comparable to that of the full search (FS) method with reasonable complexity. With the CEM, the proposed system can select multiple users at once instead of selecting a single user at each step. From various computer simulations, it has been verified that the proposed method exhibits nearly 98 % of the sum-rate compared to the FS method, which implies that the proposed method far outperforms conventional methods such as semi-orthogonal user selection (SUS) or the capacity-based suboptimal user selection (CBSUS) algorithm. Compared to CBSUS, the proposed technique enhances the sum-rate by approximately 1.1 bps/Hz with about half the complexity when each user is equipped with two receiving antennas. In the case where each user is equipped with a single antenna, the proposed method outperforms the method of SUS by about 0.3 bps/Hz, at the expense of a complexity increase of $O(2M)$ times. 相似文献
一种多用户MIMO系统的公平调度算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中需要对用户进行合理调度,一般基于信道增益的调度算法忽略了用户之间的公平性。基于此,提出了一种公平的多用户调度算法,其思想是先根据信道条件数初选出用户,然后统计每个用户被选择的次数,如果次数之差的绝对值大于设定门限,则选择次数少的用户。这样既能获得多用户分集增益又兼顾了公平性。仿真结果表明,提出的调度算法在系统性能无明显损失的情况下保证了用户公平性。 相似文献
MIMO技术是LTE系统中的一个关键技术,在实际应用中,下行MIMO信号检测算法的选用需要在计算复杂度和系统性能之间取得合理折中.主要对QRM-MLD检测算法及其优化方案进行了分析与研究,同时结合ML算法仿真比较.结果表明,对于QRM-MLD算法,随M的增大,检测性能提高,同时计算复杂度也增大.在相同计算复杂度下,QRM-MLD优化方案的性能明显优于一般方案,是一种有效的MIMO检测算法. 相似文献
针对多小区MIMO系统的多用户下行链路预编码设计是未来移动通信系统研究的重要内容之一。本文在蜂窝多小区MIMO通信环境下,基于信漏噪声比(Signal-to-Leakage-Noise Ratio,SLNR)最大准则,提出了改进的多用户下行链路线性预编码算法。通过在优化目标中考虑接收端白化滤波器的影响,该预编码算法实现了对用户间干扰和小区间干扰(OCI)的同步抑制消除;在求解预编码矩阵优化问题时,本文基于QR分解提出了一种新的低复杂度求解算法,该算法能以较低的计算复杂度实现系统性能的有效提升。仿真实验结果表明,本文的改进SLNR线性预编码算法能有效抑制小区间干扰(OCI)的影响,使多小区MIMO系统获得更高的和速率(Sum Rate)容量。 相似文献
In a multi-user MIMO system using a successive precoding method such as dirty paper coding, it is combinatorially complex
to determine the optimal set of users to schedule and the proper order to encode their signals in order to optimize a utility
function in a scheduling algorithm. Genetic algorithms represent a fast suboptimal approach to reducing the complexity of
the search. In this paper, we build upon prior work that implements scheduling via genetic algorithms. We examine the impact
of parameter values within the adaptive mutation rate of the algorithm on its convergence time. We demonstrate that although
there is a range of values for the parameters that yields similar near-minimum convergence times, it is nonetheless important
to ensure that the parameters are tuned to be within that range. In one case, tuning the parameter values reduces the time
of convergence to less than 30% compared to that achievable with the initial parameter values. We also demonstrate that the
proper parameter values are dependent on both the number of transmit antennas and the number of users in the pool of users
to be scheduled. A simple equation is proposed that is linear in the adaptive mutation parameters to tune the values for different
numbers of transmit antennas and users. 相似文献
Wireless Personal Communications - Because of versatility and portability brought by remote system made it conceivable in numerous applications. Among all the contemporary remote systems, mobile ad... 相似文献
针对多用户频分双工(Frequency Division Duplexing,FDD)大规模多输入多输出(Multiple-Input MultipleOutput,MIMO)下行系统,从绿色通信角度出发,研究了能效准下基站训练序列信号和有效数据信号的功率分配问题。首先,利用大维随机矩阵理论,推导得出能效目标函数的解析表达式。基于此,采用高发射信噪比条件,将原始的非凸分式问题转化为拟凹问题。进而,证明了全局最优功率解的存在性和唯一性,并发现最优导频功率和数据功率之比为常数,且该常数仅由系统用户数、导频长度以及信道相干时长所决定。利用该关系式,获得最优功率的闭合形式解,并提出一种低复杂度的迭代优化算法。最后,通过Matlab数值仿真对所提功率分配算法进行了验证,分析了不同系统参数(如天线数、用户数、电路功耗等)对系统最优能效性能的影响,同时可以看到通过少量的迭代次数便可收敛到稳定点。 相似文献
《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,57(9):3576-3587
在两跳协作通信中,第一跳增益来自接收分集,第二跳主要增益来自协作编码.利用协作中继节点的多天线构成的MIMO系统,构造一种新型的连续STBC编码,VBLAST-STBC混合解码的中继HARQ策略,可以同时有效获得HARQ的时间分集增益以及空时编码的分集增益与复用增益.理论分析与仿真结果表明,Relay-STBC-HARQ策略可以充分挖掘第一跳的分集增益以及第二跳的协作增益,不仅可以获得可靠性覆盖,而且可以在误码率、码率与时延间获得一种弹性平衡. 相似文献
This paper is considered as an application of a centralized control non orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) based cognitive radio network. Here, a base station (BS) sends simultaneously two information signals by employing the superposition coding scheme to two different types of users, i.e., group of near users and one far user. The near users, namely, the secondary users, exchange cooperatively their own received information among themselves ensuring the realization of maximal diversity gain. Besides, they are responsible for relaying information to the far user, namely, the primary user. One potential secondary user is selected to decode and forward the BS information signal to the primary user and the rest of the secondary users to reinforce the reliability, as well as, mitigate the non-decodable messages. Two equivalent cases of a relay (secondary user) selection scheme are proposed. In the first case, the selection aims at maximizing the minimum of the joint secondary to secondary (S to S) and secondary to primary (S to P) channels’ coefficients under a certain limit of interference condition. In the second case, the selection aims at maximizing the minimum of the BS to S and S to S paths while a certain quality of service of the primary user is strictly guaranteed. Assuming Rayleigh fading channels, new closed form expressions are derived for the achievable capacity associated with the two information signals. Simulation results reveal the advantage of our proposed schemes over the conventional orthogonal max–min approach and confirm the validity of our analysis. 相似文献