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We report an investigation of saturation effects on the unbalanced magnetic pull in a hydroelectric generator with 20% static eccentricity. We determine the magnetic pull force by the finite-element method in parallel with a simple analytical model for various no-load voltages and loads. Saturation significantly affects the magnitude of the unbalanced magnetic pull for high voltages and large loads.  相似文献   

An eccentric rotor creates an electromagnetic force between the rotor and stator of an electrical machine. This force tends to further increase the rotor eccentricity and may severely degrade the performance of the machine, causing acoustic noise, vibration, excessive wear of bearing, rotor and stator rubbing, and so forth. Parallel connections are known to be a simple yet effective remedy for the problems associated with rotor eccentricity. We have investigated two common types of electrical machines running with eccentric rotors. We examined operation over a wide whirling frequency range. We numerically evaluated and compared the effects of parallel connections in the stator and rotor windings on the eccentricity force. We found that the parallel stator windings can be more effective in mitigating the unbalanced magnetic pull than the rotor cage (or damper winding), which normally has many more parallel circuits.  相似文献   

《电机不平衡磁拉力研究现状与展望》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前国内外电机不平衡磁拉力研究现状进行分析和综述,分析和总结不平衡磁拉力的机理、特征,并对不平衡磁拉力特别是非线性磁拉力的国内外发展概况进行介绍。归纳防止和减小不平衡磁拉力的有效措施,最后对电机不平衡磁拉力未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Although many empirical rules have been established for correctly choosing the number of stator and rotor slots so as to limit the audible magnetic noise level radiated by induction machines, these rules never take into account the stator natural frequencies or the fact that the motor is run at variable speed. In this paper, we present a fast simulation tool for the variable-speed magnetic noise emitted by induction machines, based on fully analytical models. On the basis of these models, we derive and experimentally validate an analytical expression for magnetic vibrations due to slotting reluctance harmonics, confirming the prime importance of slot combination in magnetic noise radiation. We ran simulations on a 700-W squirrel-cage motor in order to quantify the noise emitted by all possible combinations of slot numbers in two- and three-pole pairs, including odd slot numbers. We thus obtained a database that efficiently replaces the old empirical rules for slot combination numbers and helps in designing quiet induction motors. Similar databases can be built for other power ranges.   相似文献   

三轴承支撑不平衡转子非线性动力学研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对具有三个滑动轴承支撑的双跨弹性转子的非线性特点,建立了数学模型,用数值积分和庞加莱映射方法对采用短同承模型的该类转子系统动力学特性随某一参数变化时稳定性的改变进行了分析,计算结果表明,系统具有发生倍周期分叉、概周期的可能,用数值方法得到系统在某些域中的分叉图,直观显示了系统在某些参数域中的运行状态和轴承几何参数变化对系统动力特性的影响,数值分析结果为该类转子--轴承系统的设计和运动状态控制提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

异步电机发生转子断条故障时,其定子电流故障特征频率分量容易被电流基频淹没,加之实际工作中电机负荷突变的干扰,极大地增加了故障特征频率提取及检测的难度。为解决该问题,将解析小波和定子电流谱减法结合,提出一种有效的故障检测新方法。该方法首先利用解析小波变换来判断负荷突变点,然后通过谱减法来消除定子电流频谱中的基频分量,突出故障特征频率,进一步定义故障程度因子来量化转子断条故障程度。仿真和实验分析结果表明,该方法对于负荷突变情况下转子断条故障特征频率更加敏感,能够定量地描述转子故障程度。  相似文献   

具有初始弯曲的不平衡转子碰摩条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
沈小要  贾九红  赵玫 《振动与冲击》2007,26(9):11-13,33
建立了一个具有初始弯曲的不平衡转子模型,通过d'Alembert原理推导了振动方程。通过解析方法,分析了此类转子转静件间发生碰摩的条件。引入并求解了判断碰摩发生的碰摩因子和碰摩起始转速,分析了质量偏心量、初始弯曲长度、转子阻尼系数,和质量偏心与初始弯曲之间相位角对碰摩因子和碰摩转速的影响。该研究对于防止或预测此类转子碰摩的发生和降低碰摩带来的损失具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of iron losses in an inverter-fed induction motor. We performed experimental and numerical investigations to assess the additional losses produced by a pulsewidth modulated (PWM) supply compared to a sinusoidal supply. We developed an iron-loss model, called the hybrid model, and incorporated it into a two-dimensional (2-D) finite-element method (FEM) to investigate the losses. The model predicts the $Bhbox{-}H$ loops and the ensuing iron losses. We also used a traditional iron-loss model based on the statistical theory for the sake of comparison. We solved the nonlinear dynamic equations of the FEM by the fixed-point method and the Crank-Nicolson time-stepping scheme. We found the hybrid model to be fairly accurate in reproducing the iron losses obtained experimentally on a squirrel-cage induction motor operated under several different conditions. The numerical analysis also provided interesting results regarding the role of the PWM supply in characterizing the behavior and distribution of iron losses in the geometry of the motor.   相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of magnetic saturation of core materials on the diagnosis of static and mixed-eccentricity faults in induction motors. We modeled the faults by using a modified winding function (MWF) and time-stepping finite-element (TSFE) methods to compute the stator currents of both healthy and faulty motors for processing. We then analyzed the stator signal spectra of the motors by the MWF and TSFE methods and estimated the amplitudes of sideband components attributable to the faults. The results obtained by TSFE agreed well with experimental measurements. However, there was considerable discrepancy between the MWF results and the experimental measurements. We investigated the reason for the discrepancy by analyzing the air gap magnetic field distribution in both healthy and faulty induction motors in order to determine their linear and actual magnetization characteristics. We found that, in a faulty motor, for fixed permeability, the analytic method yields a much larger magnetic flux amplitude than is actually the case. At the same time, the distribution of magnetic flux in the air gap is more asymmetric than the actual case. Here, we present our experimental results and those obtained with the MWF method, using the finite-element analysis package Opera2d 10.5, for two three-phase, four-pole, 60-Hz, 3-hp motors having 36 stator slots and 44 and 28 rotor slots, respectively.   相似文献   

We investigated the effects of armature reaction on the performance of a three-phase three-stack claw pole motor with soft magnetic composite stator core by using three-dimensional finite-element analysis (FEA), which is an effective approach to accurately compute the parameters and performance such as the back electromotive force (EMF), core losses, and winding inductance at various saturation levels. The motor is rated as 500 W at 1800 rpm when the stator current is 4.1 A, driven by a sensorless brushless DC scheme. Because of the armature reaction, the back EMF produced by the rotor permanent magnets and the developed torque is reduced by about 3.3% at the rated load, and the core losses increase drastically by 41% from no-load to full-load. The winding inductance is computed with different loads at different rotor angles  相似文献   

无轴承永磁同步电机转子磁场定向控制系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无轴承永磁同步电机是具有磁悬浮轴承优点的一种新型电机;在阐述了无轴承永磁同步电机工作原理基础上,采用转子磁场定向控制策略,推导了无轴承永磁同步电机径向悬浮力和电机旋转部分数学模型;根据无轴承电机解耦控制的要求设计了无轴承永磁同步电机转子磁场定向矢量控制系统,并以数字信号处理器TMS320LF2407为核心,研制了矢量控制系统的硬件和软件。实验结果表明:电机工作在0~3000r/min范围内,转子悬浮稳定且电机转速连续可调。  相似文献   

Development of a Spherical Induction Motor With Two Degrees of Freedom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on the development of a spherical actuator with two actuated degrees of freedom (DOFs). The electromechanical conversion principle is that of an induction motor. The paper first discusses possibilities of adapting the actuator to a spherical rotor actuated with an unlimited angular range along two DOFs. These concepts are then characterized and compared by analytical and numerical modeling, and the final shape of the actuator, composed of a two-layer rotor with teeth surrounded by five inductors, is described. A prototype has been built, and its performance, in terms of characteristic torque-speed and efficiency, has been measured.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for obtaining a compact and accurate representation of elongated magnetic sources by a series expansion of prolate spheroidal harmonics. While the general solution involves an infinite series of harmonics, practical measurement grids only support discrimination of a limited number of harmonics. In this paper, we present a method for minimizing the errors introduced when terminating the series expansion. In short, the coordinate system on which the harmonics are developed, is optimized for representing the main features of the source by the first few terms of the series expansion. This allows for an early termination of the series with minimal truncation errors. The improved source representation is demonstrated for both simulated and measured sources.   相似文献   

A key issue, which influences the applications of magnetic flux leakage testing, is defect quantification. There have been many research on the relationship between width, depth and magnetic flux leakage of slot defect. However, the length factor is often ignored. The relationship between characteristics of defect leakage field and defect length was investigated. The magnetic flux leakages of a series of plate specimens with the same width, same depth and different length slot defects were tested under the same magnetizing conditions. Testing results show that defect length is an important parameter needed to consider in quantifying defects.  相似文献   

The steady state availability and average production rate of a single-buffer series system are obtained for a production system whose machines do not index on a common cycle and have the ability to operate at different rates. In the model which is formulated, the machines preceding the buffer are represented as a single subsystem, the input device, and the machines following the buffer are represented as a single subsystem, the output device. Simultaneous repairs are not possible and so repair priority is given to that device, input or output, with the slowest production rate. Tractable results are obtained for systems having exponential uptimes and arbitrary downtimes. These results are of use in the design of new production systems or the modification of existing ones.  相似文献   

转子与定子几何不对中引起的碰摩分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
研究一类与定子几何不对中的转子的碰摩模型。通过碰摩映射的建立,将非光滑运动的研究转化为该映射的动力学研究。从几何角度分析了转子碰摩的机理,并通过数值模拟发现该类转子碰摩具有非线性系统特有的分岔和混沌等现象。  相似文献   

A New Sensorless Technique for the Speed Detection of an Induction Motor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionSpeeddetechonofmotorsplaysanincreasinglyilnPortantpartinmodemmotorapplications.Amongavarietyoftechniquesareavailable,sensoriesstechniquehasbeenfollowedwithgreatinterestformanyresearherssinceitwaspresentedatthelniddleofl98o's.Inthistechl1ique,themotorisregardednotonlyasadriveInotortoprovidemechanicalenergytothelnotorsysteln,butalsoisregardedasasellsorfromwhichthespeedinformahoncanbeobtained,noadditiOna1transducerorsensorrequired.Voltage-basedlnethodalldcurrent-basedlnethodhavebee…  相似文献   

利用状态反馈法,对磁悬浮轴承 - 转子系统的振动进行控制。通过理论推导,证明在原点附近,可近似地将受控系统分解为两个渐近稳定的子系统之和。借助数值仿真对转子受控前后的运动响应进行分析,以验证该控制方案的有效性。通过比较发现,提出的状态反馈控制方案不但能控制转子的周期运动,而且对该系统的概周期运动和混沌运动也能进行有效控制。  相似文献   

非平衡磁控溅射二维磁场分布模拟计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
磁场结构在磁控溅射技术中起着重要的作用。本文利用ANSYS软件模拟计算磁场的磁感应强度及其分布,并分析、比较不同方案中的磁场分布变化规律。计算结果与实测值吻合,并且显示随着与靶面距离的增加磁感应强度减弱的特征,其中在双靶磁场并顶部磁场只有S极的结构中,磁场中磁感应强度最强。  相似文献   

理论分析了传播在层状磁性薄膜开槽波导中的表面静磁波,具体计算了具有不同饱和磁化情况下,表面静磁波传播在开槽波导中的磁场分布和能量分布。  相似文献   

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