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从肉馅中分离硬粒子杂质的技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从肉馅中分离硬粒子杂质对提高肉馅制品质量具有重要意义.分析了国内外从肉馅绞切加工过程中的杂质分离技术的现状和研究进展,介绍了中心除杂系统和周向除杂系统的原理、几种典型的实用装置和改善肉馅除杂效率的绞切工艺参数控制技术.  相似文献   

结合实际生产,通过测定从生猪屠宰到分割加工不同阶段猪肉的温度和pH值,确定影响渗水发白的宰后因素,根据对比试验结果判定猪肉渗水发白是否得到改善.试验表明:在屠宰过程进一步优化工艺条件,对胴体脊骨腰条部位及时降温,尽快将胴体分割扒骨并采用物理方法对胴体和分割肉品进行及时散热和降温,使分割肉品的表面尽快形成保护膜,可以改善猪肉渗水发白.  相似文献   

During the last two decades the major food safety problems in Denmark, as determined by the number of human patients, has been associated with bacterial infections stemming from meat products and eggs. The bacterial pathogens causing the majority of human infections has been Salmonella and Campylobacter, and to a lesser extent Yersinia, Escherichiacoli O157 and Listeria. Danish initiatives to improve the safety of meat products have focused on the entire production chain from the farm to the consumer, with a special emphasis on the pre-harvest stage of production. The control of bacterial pathogens which are resistant to antibiotics has been a new area of attention in the recent decade, and recently, the increasing globalization of the domestic food supply has called for a complete rethinking of the national food safety strategies. The implementations of a “case-by-case” risk assessment system, as well as increased international collaboration on surveillance, are both elements in this new strategy.  相似文献   

Li CT 《Meat science》2006,72(3):581-583
Myofibrillar protein (MP) from spent hen meat was used as an ingredient for chicken breasts and pork hams. Cooking loss (CL) and texture of both products were evaluated. Salt-soluble MP was extracted following centrifugation. A brine with 6% MP or a brine without MP were injected into meat to 20% of the original meat weight. CL was reduced in pork hams treated with 6% MP (P<0.05). Chicken breasts with 6% MP had greater hardness and gumminess than those without MP (P<0.05). Pork hams with 6% MP had greater hardness, gumminess and chewiness than those without MP (P<0.05). It was concluded MP from spent hen meat may be used to improve the functional properties of whole-muscle meat products.  相似文献   

王琦  靳烨 《食品工业科技》2011,32(2):422-424
HDP(Hydrodynamic pressure processing)技术是一项用于改善肉品嫩度、提高肉品安全性、延长肉品货架期的新兴技术。HDP技术通过使肌肉结构物理性断裂从而使肉得到嫩化,并且它作为一种非热处理可杀死肉中非致病细菌,降低肉中微生物菌落数,从而延长肉品的货架期。  相似文献   

Three hundred meat samples, recovered from beef neck- and breast-bones using a conventional advanced meat recovery (AMR) system, the de-sinewed minced meat (DMM10) technology, and hand-boning, were collected and tested for presence of central nervous system tissue (CNST) in meat using an ELISA-based test. Samples were collected at two processing facilities (Est. A and B). Sternum meat was the non-CNST reference (control) – it is distant from brain and spinal cord locations on a carcass, with low likelihood of contamination with CNST. Neckbone meat was recovered from bones obtained from carcasses where the spinal cord was removed manually, Est. B, or using a Jarvis circular hydraulic cord remover saw, Est. A. All samples from AMR, DMM, and hand methods showed lower calculated levels of “risk material” than the stated limit of detection (0.1%) of ELISA kit. There was no apparent difference among these, and use of the Jarvis saw had no perceptible advantage.  相似文献   

保湿剂对鸭肉干品质改良的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对肉干经常出现干硬、口感差、出品率低等问题,通过添加保湿剂对鸭肉干的品质进行了改良研究,结果表明:改善鸭肉干品质的最佳保湿剂组合为山梨醇0.20%,甘露醇0.20%,蔗糖0.15%.此配比具有良好的保湿性,它使肉干在不改变水分活度的条件下,能使水分含量提高将近7%,使肉干质地、口感、持香性均得到了很好的改善.  相似文献   

Changes in consumer demand of meat products as well as increased global competition are causing an unprecedented spur in processing and ingredient system developments within the meat manufacturing sector. Consumers demand healthier meat products that are low in salt, fat, cholesterol, nitrites and calories in general and contain in addition health-promoting bioactive components such as for example carotenoids, unsaturated fatty acids, sterols, and fibers. On the other hand, consumers expect these novel meat products with altered formulations to taste, look and smell the same way as their traditionally formulated and processed counterparts. At the same time, competition is forcing the meat processing industry to use the increasingly expensive raw material “meat” more efficiently and produce products at lower costs. With these changes in mind, this article presents a review of novel ingredient systems and processing approaches that are emerging to create high quality, affordable meat products not only in batch mode but also in large-scale continuous processes. Fat replacers, fat profile modification and cholesterol reduction techniques, new texture modifiers and alternative antioxidant and antimicrobial systems are being discussed. Modern processing equipment to establish continuously operating product manufacturing lines and that allow new meat product structures to be created and novel ingredients to be effectively utilized including vacuum fillers, grinders and fine dispersers, and slicers is reviewed in the context of structure creation in meat products. Finally, trends in future developments of ingredient and processing systems for meat products are highlighted.  相似文献   

Composition of minced meat part B: A survey of commercial ground meat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skrökki A  Hormi O 《Meat science》1994,38(3):503-509
A modified polyacrylamide-gel electrophoretic method was used to differentiate qualitatively various species of meat such as beef, pork, venison, reindeer, and mutton. The composition of commercial minced meat was examined; and illegal adulterations of minced beef with pork were detected.  相似文献   

段爱琴 《中华纸业》2011,32(18):87-88
采用双元助留新工艺,运行一段时间后,由于阴离子垃圾的堆积,使阳离子需求度增大,大大降低填料留着率,采取措施降低阳离子需求度,改用四元助留,稳定并进一步提高填料留着率,降低成本。  相似文献   

Sensory panels were used to evaluate five different ground meat products. The control product was ground beef and this was compared with products consisting of 70% beef and 30% pork; 50% beef, 30% pork, and 20% chevaline; 40% beef, 30% pork, and 30% chevaline; and 30% beef, 30% pork, and 40% chevaline. Analysis of sensory panel data revealed no significant difference (P < 0·05) in juiciness, flavor intensity, or flavor desirability. Raw and cooked samples of each of the five products were analyzed for proximate composition and were found to be comparable in nutritive value. There were small but non-significant differences in amino acid composition.  相似文献   

<正> 德国香肠的种类繁多,原材料从猪肉、牛肉到动物内脏或蔬菜等,也会配搭各类香料以制作具地方色彩的独特产品,因此香肠会以地区米命名,例如:法兰克福香肠(Frankfurter) 、维也纳香肠(Wiener)、纽伦香肠堡(Nurnberger)等。除了德国香肠外,  相似文献   

人类对重金属的开采、冶炼、加工日益增多,造成不少重金属如铅、汞、镉、钴等进入大气、水、土壤中,引起严重的环境污染,进而对生物体造成巨大危害。因此,利用各种技术方法脱除其中的重金属是各行业都要解决的问题。文章主要介绍了用以处理污水、污泥、瓜果蔬菜、中药、水产品、果汁、植物等的重金属脱除法,包括化学沉淀法、吸附法、离子交换法等。此类方法在水产品的研发有着极其重要的作用,也为海洋食品加工利用中重金属的脱除提供了有用的参考。   相似文献   

文章综述了利用组织学和生物学来检验肉糜产品中掺杂低档肉制品的主要方法,分别是以DNA为基础的检测技术、以蛋白质为基础的检测技术、免疫学检测技术以及电泳联合检测技术,并探讨不同检验技术的原理、检验结果精确度及其优缺点。  相似文献   

The present work investigates the possibility of constructing a multivariate calibration model for predicting the composition of ground beef with respect to different meat quality types, based on intensity profiles from isoelectric focusing of water-soluble proteins. Beef mixtures containing various amounts of mechanically recovered meat, head meat and production meat from beef, were analysed by isoelectric focusing in immobilised pH-gradients. The gels were photographed and the images transferred to a digital format. By simple image processing procedures, background colour was virtually eliminated and signal strength was improved to a considerable degree. Multivariate analysis of protein profiles from the gels gave models explaining 75 to 90% of variance in sample composition. Manually deboned meat was explained to the highest degree, and with a precision of 7%. Two different qualities of mechanically recovered meat could be detected even when treated as one category. The present approach needs further refinement, but seems applicable for detecting intentional substitution of high quality meat products with low-price raw materials. One advantage of the approach is that evaluation of samples is not dependent on specific knowledge on the individual components to be analysed, so that such analytical methods are relatively easy to implement in any standard laboratory.  相似文献   

The previously developed p-nitroaniline test for assessing the microbial load of meat surfaces has been now adapted to determine the microbial quality of raw ground meat. A good correlation (r=0.91) between bacterial count determined by the pour plate method and the p-nitroaniline test was obtained. The sensitivity of the new method was of the order of magnitude of 10(4)cfu/g. This method allows the assay of ground meat in approximately 2.5h, it does not require expensive equipment and the results can be interpreted both spectrophotometrically and visually. Additionally, it has been proven that the method is useful in estimating the microbial quality of raw meat irrespective of the species of Gram-negative psychrotrophic bacteria prevailing in the meat during refrigerated storage.  相似文献   

去年以来,在江苏省食品安全委员会的统一部署下,泰兴市开展了多轮肉类食品安全专项整治。为巩固发展专项整治的成果,总结推广其中的好做法和新经验,今年5月,市食品安全委员会组织食品药品监督局、经贸委、农业等部门,对全市肉类食品行业开展了专题调研。令人惊喜的是,我市各地各有关部门在专项整治中采取了一系列有效措施,积极提升肉类食品质量安全水平,推动行业又好又快发展,其中的一些做法不乏特色和亮点,给我们有益启示。我们在泰兴市了解到,为破解猪肉食品安全监管的难题,该市坚持突出重点,带动全面的工作思路,以清理整顿生猪定点屠宰场…  相似文献   

随着国民生活质量的提高,人们对肉制品的需求也不再仅仅局限于感官质量和卫生质量等基本特性。肉制品中蛋白质含量高达10%-20%,是人体不可缺少的营养物质。近年来,如何提高肉制品的消化率这一问题受到了广泛的关注。目前,改善肉制品中蛋白质的结构和功能特性是提高消化率的主要可行性途径。在传统蒸煮、烘烤等加工方式的前提下,肉制品的制作过程中辅以新型加工技术(如超声波,超高压,脉冲电场,真空低温烹饪,酶解技术等),可以达到改变蛋白质结构、提高蛋白质分解酶活性的目的,从而提高肉制品的消化率。本文系统综述新型辅助加工技术在提高肉制品消化特性方面的研究进展,旨在探求更经济有效的加工方法,为改善提高肉制品的消化特性提供理论基础。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in centralized preparation of retail-ready meat cuts for distribution to widely dispersed retail stores due to the convenience of having high-quality ready-to-go products that are consistently provided to consumers at lower cost. Various centralized packaging techniques are described. Of all packaging techniques, master packaging is the most economical and shows promise for commercial application. Nevertheless, the master-packaging technique must be integrated with strict temperature control in a narrow range just above freezing (- 1.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C), good processing hygiene, and maintenance of a completely anoxic atmosphere in the package headspace throughout the distribution period to maximize storage life. Packaging using the CAPTECH process reduces the residual O2 present in the headspace to 300 ppm. Oxygen scavengers must be incorporated in the package to absorb the residual O2 and preserve the metmyoglobin reducing activity of meat tissues. Integration of all these technologies can provide a storage life of retail-ready meat up to 10 weeks in the master package followed by 3 days of retail display life. This extension of storage life is sufficient for transporting meat to distant markets.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty 100-g samples of ground beef free of salmonellae were purchased from a meat plant. High levels of Salmonella typhimurium or Salmonella enteritidis were added to each of 80 samples, and Salmonella anatum or Salmonella dublin to each of 60 samples. After storage at −30°C for 2–3 months the samples were defrosted and blended with 900 ml of buffered peptone water. The suspensions were pre-enriched at 37°C for 20 h, and from each culture 1 ml and in parallel 1 loop (4 mm diameter) were transferred to selective enrichment media, and subsequently streaked onto selective agar plates. Taking into consideration all single combinations of the selective enrichment media and agar plates, salmonellae were isolated 968 times and 1038 times with 1-ml and 1 loop trasfer volumes, respectively. The loop method gave a statistically significant (P < 0.001) increase in recoveries of salmonellae over the 1-ml volume. Colonies orginating from the loop transfers more frequently represented pure or almost pure cultures of salmonellae.  相似文献   

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