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依据国家规范及地方标准,结合工程实例,从供配电系统设计、电缆选择、照明设计、紧急呼叫系统方面,介绍了老年人居住建筑的电气设计。指出老年人居住建筑在电气设计时要充分考虑老年人的使用需求,达到安全可靠、经济合理的要求。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着经济的快速发展和社会的不断进步,我国老年人的消费观念已经发生了很大转变,为适应和满足老年消费群体的需求,一些专门针对老年人开发的产品与服务也相继推出并不断丰富。据奥维咨询预测,目前仅在城镇老年人家庭,每年产生的老年家电需求规模就超过600亿元以上。1老年人家电并非新概念老年人家电,顾名思义就是适合老年人使用的家电。上世纪90年代,西方发达国家率先提出了"老年型家电应有别于一般家电产品"的观念,并对老年人家电的特性  相似文献   

高校离退休人才越来越多,开发与管理这一宝贵的资源既是社会的需要,也是老年人丰富生活、实现自身价值的需要.老年人的心理保健和老年人才开发有直接的关系.本文拟从中老年人心理学的角度,分析开发和管理高校离退休人才的重要性及方法.  相似文献   

高校离退休人才越来越多,开发与管理这一宝贵的资源既是社会的需要,也是老年人丰富生活、实现自身价值的需要。老年人的心理保健和老年人才开发有直接的关系。本文拟从中老年人心理学的角度,分析开发和管理高校离退休人才的重要性及方法。  相似文献   

退休年龄延迟、退休返聘现象常态化以及互联网的快速发展,促使电脑、手机等视频显示终端(VDT)在老年人生活、工作中的需求量及使用率递增,但VDT作业也容易诱发老年人视觉疲劳。本文采用问卷访谈的方式,对老年人群的电脑使用现状、照明环境现状及需求、视疲劳状况进行调查分析。结果显示:老年人电脑VDT作业时间较长,视疲劳发生率较高;老年人VDT作业时对照明有需求,但对照明现状满意度不高;老年人倾向较高的环境亮度和屏幕亮度,偏爱白色光,认为环境亮度、屏幕亮度、光色是影响VDT视疲劳程度的主要因素。基于老年人的视觉特征,提出老年人对VDT照明环境的要求:较高的环境亮度;较大亮度对比度;高质量的显色性,避免低色温;应尽量避免眩光。本研究结论可为下一步研究适宜于老年人VDT作业的照明参数奠定基础。  相似文献   

<正>电网企业文化养老建设的意义"文化养老"是国家政府、社会组织或居民家庭在为老年人提供物质赡养、生活照料基础上构建的精神养护方式,以保障老年人物质生活需求为前提,以满足精神需求为基础,以沟通情感、交流思想、拥有健康身心为基本内容,以知识、道德、情怀修养为价值取向,以张扬个性、崇尚独立、享受快乐、愉悦精神为目的,是体现传统孝道文化与当代人本关怀,有效促进"健康老龄化"、"积极老龄化"的一种养老方式。文化养老建设,对于积极应对老龄化社会、调动离退休人员为实现"中国梦"  相似文献   

<正>家用电器作为老年人日常生活中的重要消费品,在帮助老年人独立生活、提高生活质量等方面扮演着重要角色。近年来,记市场监管总局(国家标准委),积极发挥标准引领作用,适应“银发”需求,强化适老化改造标准供给,制定并发布《适用于老年人的家用电器通用技术要求》《用于老年人生活辅助的智能家电系统架构模型》《用于老年人生活辅助的智能家电系统通用安全要求》等适老化家电国家标准,基本构建了适老家电产品及系统的国家标准体系的基础架构。  相似文献   

随着风电并网容量在系统中比例不断地提高,其出力随机性使净负荷波动范围、机组运行成本等增加而产生了负面价值。为量化风电并网负面价值,本文建立了含风电机组优化调度模型,根据其仿真结果定量分析了风电在不同渗透率下常规机组运行方式与系统运行成本的关系,指出了风电并网产生负面价值的主要原因;依据储能电量平衡原则,建立含储能装置的优化调度模型,确定了兼顾提高风电并网负面价值与系统总运行成本的最优储能装置容量。结果表明:风电渗透率为3.41%时,并网价值为正面;当渗透率提高到5.36%时,并网价值转为负面,在此过程中,基荷、腰荷火电机组启停次数增加起主导作用;削峰率达到0.75时,系统的总运行成本达到最小,该削峰率对应的储能容量为降低风电并网负面价值的最优容量。  相似文献   

<正> 论述热网加热器、管式冷凝再生式加热器等电厂热交换器的改进问题。文中指出非冷凝气体最佳引出口的意义,采用薄壁传热管和防止管壁结垢的经济价值,以及消除裂缝腐蚀的方法。并给出径向汽流热交换器的  相似文献   

<正>近年来随着物联网技术的发展,人们的生活环境中部署了各种各样的智能设备,利用智能设备的初衷是提高经济效益和改善人们生活质量。由于全球老龄化问题日益严重,老年人医疗保健智能家居已成为物联网技术的重要应用。这不仅可以使老年人的健康得到适当的监控和照顾,还可以让他们能够更独立、舒适地生活在自己的家居环境里。然而,由于网络通讯信息保护上的欠缺,老年人的隐私可能在智  相似文献   

本文简述了高考改革的必要性,赞成将现行高考改为高中毕业会考和大学招生考试两次考试,并谈了笔者对两种考试的性质的认识和对高考改革的一些设想。笔者建议,明确高中毕业会考为水平考试,用各科原始分的总和作为合格的标准,明确高校招生考试为选拔性考试、用各科标准分的组合作为录取依据;会考全部采用客观题,高校招生考试采用客观题与主观题相结合;建立国家级题库,以应用于高中毕业会考和高校招生考试。  相似文献   

《Potentials, IEEE》2008,27(2):8-14
This article narrates the experience of a senior electrical engineering student from the University of New Hampshire in Durham (UNH) while studying abroad. Part of his education while involved with UNH's study abroad program was navigating a hostile environment in Budapest, Hungary.  相似文献   

The teaching of computer ethics has taken on a new focus and importance in Australia since the publication in 1997 of the Australian Computer Society's (ACS) body of knowledge for computing professionals. This includes the teaching of ethics in computing courses as mandatory for professional level accreditation of a tertiary degree. The ACS core body of knowledge states that computing students should be "encouraged to develop a personal ethical framework." In order to achieve this I believe it is essential to include the teaching of ethical theory in computer ethics courses as this knowledge gives students the means to analyze and resolve any ethical dilemma be it professional or personal. There are a number of different ways that computer ethics can be presented to students during a computing degree. Some of these are as a junior or senior stand alone course, as modules in other courses or integrated into the technical course. The course described is a senior stand-alone course  相似文献   

董泽林 《湖北电力》2006,30(4):50-51
作者为一名地级供电公司的负责人,参加了湖北省电力公司在国网公司高培中心举办的高级研修班学习。在学习班上,听了国网公司领导就建设特高压电网的重要讲话后有感而发,现主要就建设特高压电网建设的必要性,以及如何服务于"晋-荆"示范工程建设和特高压电网建设的前景,谈了一些个人认识。  相似文献   

Engineering design has become a critical element of the undergraduate engineering curriculum. To become accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) requires that at least 24 credits of design content be included in the four-year undergraduate engineering curriculum. Senior design is the principal course in which students apply their knowledge in several disciplines to one project assignment and is a significant step towards meeting ABET requirements. Engineering experience acquired in the senior design course is a valuable aid to students as they learn how to apply theory to an actual design project. The senior design course develops project management and oral and written communication skills and enables students to learn scheduling, team coordination and cooperation, parts ordering, and cost/performance tradeoffs. Ten senior design projects that have won IEEE and SME student paper contests are presented herein as a guide in the difficult selection of suitable design topics. The unique nature of the senior design course requires certain departures from usual engineering course organization if students are to derive the maximum benefit. Senior design is nearly equivalent to an industrial internship and may be more valuable as the first step a student takes in making the transition to working engineer  相似文献   

Because of the exponential growth of science and technology, the engineering student cannot hope to take more than a small sub-set of the many engineering courses available to him. The question often arises about the degree to which engineering students should find room in their cramped study schedule for work in the humanities, the social sciences, and other nonengineering topics. The engineer is faced with making value decisions in the realistic practice of his profession. In this paper, it is shown that making value decisions is inherent in the design process itself. It is also shown that the engineer's position in modem society is often at the right hand of major decision makers. Since many engineers are in a position where they cannot avoid sharing responsibility for decisions affecting social, political, and economic change, serious training in these areas appears desirable.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of theoretical versus practical performance of algorithms and data structures. It describes an experiment the first author has been using in his data structures course to achieve the primary objective of comparing theoretical behavior of algorithms with their actual performance. It also presents enhancements in performance evaluation experiments and a general methodology that can be used to develop experiments in senior or first-year graduate courses in data structures, algorithm analysis, software engineering, and operating systems  相似文献   

This biography of Norbert Wiener spends less time looking at his enormous contributions to mathematics and far more time exploring his inner personal workings. The authors set out to establish that Wiener's importance and contributions to science and society have been forgotten, and that the man was, in essence, crazy. Although he exhibited erratic behavior and a chaotic temperament, Wiener was a fine scholar, a dedicated mathematician, an inspiring teacher, a tireless seeker of the truth, and in most respects a fine man. The author do provide insight into Wiener's (nonprofessional) life. They give a keen sense of what he was like as a child, as a teenager, as a young adult, and as a senior scholar. They also paint him as the father of information theory and the creator of cybernetics and talk about the feud with his colleagues in this area. Overall, the book portrays a side of Wiener that not everyone saw.  相似文献   

This book is written by an internationally respected scientist with extensive experience in colloids and biomolecules. Most of the topics in the text emphasize the theory and literature findings that may require knowledge in chemistry and biology at senior undergraduate level. It is recommended for early-level graduate courses in biomaterials or as a reference text.  相似文献   

李胜 《电池》2022,52(1):1-2
做一名出色的科技期刊编辑,不一定要是一个学术型的专家,但是一定要做编辑中的杂家,需要终身保持旺盛的求知欲和探索欲,坚持学习各种知识。从个人参加工作遇到的一些事例,如写月度总结、学习期货名词,说明一名编辑要善于自学,要付出精力,在工作中认真学习、提高,不断地总结经验,不断地丰富自己的各种知识、提高自己的工作能力,用学术为所在行业服务。  相似文献   

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