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核聚变能是解决人类能源危机和环境问题最有效的途径,其主要是利用氘氚聚合释放的能量。磁约束聚变是目前最可能实现受控热核聚变的方法,但要实现长期且稳态的核聚变反应还面临着诸多挑战,其中材料的研究与开发是聚变堆能否商业化的关键。在服役过程中,包层结构材料不仅受到高热负荷及强腐蚀作用,还受到各种粒子如氘(D)、氚(T)、氦(He)等的轰击和D-T聚变反应产物高能中子的影响。目前,确定的候选结构材料主要有奥氏体不锈钢、低活化铁素体/马氏体(RAFM)钢、钒合金以及碳化硅复合材料四种。而RAFM钢因具有低活性、较低的热膨胀系数、较高的热导率、辐照环境下具有较好的几何稳定性被选为目前最具前景的结构材料。获得氘氚在RAFM钢中的输运参数是未来核数据库建立的基础和前提,近几年关于氘在RAFM钢中输运行为的研究较多,然而不同研究者所得的结果差别很大,且缺乏实际的氚实验的基础数据。因此建立实验测试标准十分必要。RAFM钢主要以板条马氏体结构为主,具有较高的氘、氚渗透率,极易造成氘氚燃料的损失及氚放射性污染。因此,必须减少或避免RAFM钢与氘氚的直接接触。在RAFM钢表面制备一定厚度的阻氚涂层是实现氚自持最有效的途径之一。目前,国内外研究较多的阻氚涂层为Al2O3涂层,其阻氚因子可达103,且已实现工程化应用。此外,RAFM钢在服役过程中产生的辐照损伤及表面状态变化必然会影响氘氚的输运行为,主流观点认为辐照产生的缺陷会增加氘氚在金属材料中的滞留量,当材料中氘原子浓度达到10-6时,塑韧性下降,产生氢脆,尤其对于氚,衰变产生的He-3原子浓度达到10-9时,还会引发更严重的氦脆。除了制备阻氚涂层外,最近的研究多致力于通过成分调控及改善热处理工艺来提高RAFM钢的抗氢性能及抗辐照性能。本文归纳了氘氚在RAFM钢中行为的研究进展,分别对RAFM钢中氘氚渗透和滞留行为及其对力学性能的影响等进行介绍,分析了RAFM钢开发面临的问题并展望其前景,期望为RAFM钢数据库的建立以及服役于聚变堆的工程可行性提供参考。 相似文献
冷冻靶靶丸氘氚(DT)内冰层均匀性直接影响到惯性约束聚变(ICF)点火成功率,衡量冰层均匀性的重要指标为靶丸表面温度均匀性。本文利用CFD软件对球腔内的温度场与速度场变化进行模拟,包括恒定冷臂温度下的稳态工况和非稳态降温过程,研究了不同烧蚀层材料以及冰层形貌下的冷冻靶丸传热特性和温度场分布。结果表明,高导热性烧蚀层材料对于提高冷冻靶温度场均匀性具有积极作用,当材料的导热系数高于400 W/(m·K)时,该球形冷冻靶靶丸外表面温差已小于0. 01 m K。在非稳态降温过程中,比热容和导热系数大的高密度碳(HDC)材料的靶丸外壁面温差比碳氢聚合物靶(CH)靶丸约减少81%。 相似文献
王青峰 《中国材料科技与设备》2008,5(1):105-106
三元系统相图教学课件,是以三元系统相图为蓝本,利用Flash、HTML等网络多媒体技术的优势,将复杂的三元相图讲解内容和繁琐的相图判断规则制作成简单实用的网络课件,从而,促使了教学手段的更新和教学方式的转变。 相似文献
钛吸氢、氘和氚的动力学同位素效应研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
应用反应速率分析方法,在高真空金属系统上测定了钛在恒容体系和550℃~750℃范围内吸收氢、氘和氚的P-t曲线,并由此计算了各自在不同温度的速率常数,得到钛吸氢、氘和氚的表观活化能分别为(55.6±2.4)kJ/mol、(110.2±3.0)kJ/mol和(155.5±3.2)kJ/mol.钛吸氚的表观活化能最高,钛吸氢的表观活化能最低,表现出显著的动力学同位素效应,表明钛吸氚进行氚化反应较氘化和氢化更难于进行. 相似文献
Al基三元准晶相图的电子浓度特征 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
准晶是一种电子型金属间化合物,其形成及结构稳定性主要由电子浓度因素控制。三元准晶相图的电子浓度特征表明,三元准晶与其晶体学类似相一起位于一等电子浓度线附近,称为准晶等电子浓度线现象。同时,三元准晶与二元准晶的存在密切联系,它们同第三组元一起落在同一变电子浓度线上,称为准晶变电子浓度线现象,三元准晶的理想成分位于准晶等电子浓度线和准晶变电子浓度线的交点上,据此特征,区分了两种类型的Al-Ni-Fe三元十次准晶,它们的典型成分分别为:D-Al72.5Fe14.5Ni13(Al-Fe型)和D′-Al70.5Fe12Ni17.5(Al-Ni型)。 相似文献
针对ITER氚循环增压输运需求,自主研制了气体循环增压泵,包括主泵和后级泵。主泵采用斜盘式往复柱塞结构,3个往复柱塞完成五级压缩,达到粗真空和增压效果。后级泵采用摇摆柱塞式结构,以增加流量并降低极限真空,使入口压力达到50Pa的同时出口压力仍能达到0.4MPa。使用全金属双层波纹管完全隔离主轴系统和工作气腔,保持了输运气体的纯净度。使用金属C型密封圈作为气腔与外部环境的静密封,整机密封漏率低于1.0×10-7Pa·m3/s。测试结果表明,自研气体循环增压泵可以满足氚循环增压输运要求。 相似文献
采用亚点阵的化合物能模型计算低温区间Fe-N二元相图。计算结果表明,25~350℃低温区,分别存在着α-Fe(N)和γ'-Fe4N,γ'-Fe4N和ε-Fe2N1-x二相平衡。α-Fe(N),γ'-Fe4N,ε-Fe2N1-x均为热力学稳定相。依据Guillermet和Du的热力学性质参数计算的低温区间Fe-N二元相图与现有实验数据相符。 相似文献
聚变中子源可以真实反映材料在聚变中子辐照下的特性变化,对于开展聚变堆材料测试具有重要意义。基于加速器打靶原理的国际聚变材料辐照装置(IFMIF)与理想聚变中子源在聚变中子能谱等方面仍有一定差异,因此需对聚变中子源方案进行新的思索。本文围绕磁约束聚变中子源开展了磁场位形、加热方案设计与相关计算,分析了场反等离子体在两级级联磁压缩后的等离子体温度、密度演化过程及相应的中子产额,并研究了考虑双流体效应与有限拉莫尔半径效应后场反等离子体倾斜模、旋转模等磁流体不稳定性的抑制情况,最终给出了氘氘脉冲聚变中子源的关键物理参数。研究结果表明,该中子源有望获得年均2 MW/m2以上的高通量密度的聚变中子,能够满足商业聚变示范堆材料测试要求;经功率估算显示,基于场反位形进行两级级联磁压缩的新型聚变中子源方案还具备成为氘氘脉冲聚变能源的应用前景。 相似文献
The development of vent pipelines, and venting storage tanks for cryogenic liquids requires the knowledge of the law of motion as well as regularities of vapour content variation in the liquid and heat dissipation by the vapour phase. This is a theoretical study of the effect of superheating (subcooling) of the liquid, relative acceleration and reduced pressure upon the size and velocity of noninteracting vapour bubbles, moving in the liquid, and upon their resistance and heat transfer coefficients. 相似文献
Benchawan Chamsai Sontaya Limmatvapirat Srisagul Sungthongjeen 《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》2017,43(3):483-491
Context: Manidipine (MDP) is generally used clinically as an antihypertensive agent; however, the bioavailability of orally administered MDP is limited due to their very low water solubility.Objective: The objectives of this research were, therefore, to increase the solubility of MDP by the formation of ternary solid dispersions (tSD) with polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG4000) and copovidone and to improve their stability.Methods: Solid ternary phase diagram was constructed to find homogeneous solid dispersion region after melting and solidifying at low temperature with different quenching substances. The pulverized powder of solid dispersions was then determined, for their physicochemical properties, by differential scanning calorimetry, powder X-ray diffractometry, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and hot stage microscopy. The solubility and dissolution of MDP from the tSD were investigated. The physical stability of tSD was also determined under accelerated condition at 40?°C/75% relative humidity (RH) for 6 months.Results and discussion: The results showed that MDP was molecularly dispersed in PEG4000 and copovidone when the tSD was created from homogeneous region of solid ternary phase diagram. FTIR results confirmed that strong hydrogen bonding was presented between MDP and copovidone, leading to a significant increase in the solubility and dissolution of MDP. After storage at accelerated condition (40?°C/75%RH) for 6 months, the tSD still showed a good appearance and high solubility.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that tSD prepared by melting has promising potential for oral administration and may be an efficacious approach for improving the therapeutic potential of MDP. 相似文献
Knowledge of phase equilibria in the Ru–Al–Ni ternary system is relevant to the development of new single crystal Ni-based superalloys as well as to new high temperature protective coating systems for these alloys. A series of diffusion couple investigations have been performed across the Ru–Al–Ni ternary system in order to establish phase fields and possible diffusion paths. A continuous B2 phase has been shown to exist across the Ru–Al–Ni ternary between the RuAl and NiAl phases at temperatures of 1000 and 1100 °C. Ternary isothermal sections for Ru–Al–Ni at 1000 and 1100 °C are presented. 相似文献
聚醚砜四元制膜液体系的相图计算 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
以Flory-Huggins理论为基础,对PES-PG-NMP_H2O_)聚醚砜丙二醇-N-甲基-2-哟咯烷酮水)四元制液体系的相图进行了计算,利用三元相图考察H2O和PG对液-液相分离的影响,在三元的理论的基础上提出了低分子量添加剂的卤元改性Flory-Huggins理论,并提出了一种获得四元相图的方法,利用四元相图能较争地描述四元体系,利用改性的四元理论,能了地理解该种体系的液-液相分离行为。 相似文献
Mohammed Makha Philippe Schwaller Karen Strassel Surendra B. Anantharaman Frank Nüesch Roland Hany 《Science and Technology of Advanced Materials》2018,19(1):669-682
The efficiency of ternary organic solar cells relies on the spontaneous establishment of a nanostructured network of donor and acceptor phases during film formation. A fundamental understanding of phase composition and arrangement and correlations to photovoltaic device parameters is of utmost relevance for both science and technology. We demonstrate a general approach to understanding solar cell behavior from simple thermodynamic principles. For two ternary blend systems we construct and model phase diagrams. Details of EQE and solar cell parameters can be understood from the phase behavior. Our blend system is composed of PC70BM, PBDTTT-C and a near-infrared absorbing cyanine dye. Cyanine dyes are accompanied by counterions, which, in a first approximation, do not change the photophysical properties of the dye, but strongly influence the morphology of the ternary blend. We argue that counterion dissociation is responsible for different mixing behavior. For the dye with a hexafluorophosphate counterion a hierarchical morphology develops, the dye phase separates on a large scale from PC70BM and cannot contribute to photocurrent. Differently, a cyanine dye with a TRISPHAT counterion shows partial miscibility with PC70BM. A large two-phase region dictated by the PC70BM: PBDTTT-C mixture is present and the dye greatly contributes to the short-circuit current. 相似文献
《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》2013,39(10):1547-1554
Context: Mixtures made of oil, water and surfactants give rise to a wide range of structure with different characteristics and phase manifestations.Objective: Aim of this paper is to build up and understand the phase diagram of a model ternary system (Water, Polysorbate 80 and isopropyl myristate) by the use of common techniques such as thermal analysis and rheology, in comparison with visual assessment and polarized light microscopy.Methods: Different ternary systems were prepared and analyzed by means of DSC and rheology in order to highlight the state of water (free, interphasal, bound water) and the samples structural characteristics.Results: The resultant phase diagram is divided into four different zones. Bound water zone is predominant at elevated surfactant/oil ratios, while as the surfactant/oil ratio decreases, DSC reveals the presence of free water. Interphasal water prevails at intermediate water and surfactant content which corresponds with gels systems. Mechanical spectra allow to discern between cubic (true gel) and lamellar mesophases (weak gel), while flow curves allow to distinguish among microemulsions, emulsions or lamellar mesophases.Discussion: A deeper characterization of a model ternary phase diagram is possible, with respect to the simple visual inspection, by the use of thermal analysis and rheology. The state of water molecules and the viscoelastic characteristics of the system allow to obtain important structural considerations.Conclusions: In conclusion, the knowledge of the state of water and of the viscoelastic characteristics of the systems allow a deeper understanding of the structural features of the ternary phase diagram. 相似文献
Investigation of the chemical composition of nonmetallic inclusions utilizing ternary phase diagrams
Marcolino Fernandes Jos Carlos Pires No Cheung Amauri Garcia 《Materials Characterization》2002,49(5):437-443
Nonmetallic inclusions are normally present in steel products, as they originate from reactions that occur during the steelmaking process. Inclusions, which consist of stable nonmetallic phases depending on their chemical composition, can strongly affect the final quality of the metallurgical product. In this sense, the influence of inclusions in the steel is determined by their chemical composition. The aim of this work is to present the evolution of the chemical composition of nonmetallic inclusions utilizing ternary phase diagrams by means of the analysis of steel samples collected during the steel (aluminum-killed steel, SAE 1015) manufacturing process. A computational program was developed to furnish the positions of the inclusions on appropriate ternary phase diagrams by using as input data the chemical composition of the inclusions, determined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) connected to an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS). 相似文献