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1引言 自20世纪90年代中期研发出Al2O3含量60%~65%、比重2.8~3.0的耐磨瓷球、衬砖以来,由于在建筑陶瓷企业使用取得了明显的增产节电效果,因而在建卫陶瓷全行业得以推广应用,并由此促进了耐磨陶瓷产业发展。在这样的大背景下,耐磨陶瓷市场需求结构必将随之调整、变化,对原有的铝矾土质耐磨陶瓷产品进行改进、成为必然,故而,研究开发并推广应用新一代耐磨瓷产品十分重要。  相似文献   

吴冷杰 《中国陶瓷》1999,35(1):42-44
如果说,陶瓷产品的创造性设计,给陶瓷产品带来的是生命活力。这是由于陶瓷产品的创新设计,一旦为社会所接受,它就不仅是构成陶瓷产品价值质的飞跃的决定性因素,同时,也是陶瓷产品在销售中取得竞争优势的重要条件。许多经济、技术发达的国家,都非常重视科学技术上的...  相似文献   

大中型陶瓷企业与小型陶瓷企业有着各自的特长,能适应陶瓷产品中不同特性生产需要。振兴景德镇陶瓷经济产业,就应将大中型陶瓷企业与小型陶瓷企业结合起来,去满足陶瓷经济中各种陶瓷产品生产的需要。  相似文献   

语义学是研究语言意义的学问。产品语义学是研究产品的形态在使用情境中的象征特性,以及如何应用在产品创作上的学问。现代陶瓷产品因其兼具适用和美观两大属性而备受人们青睐。陶瓷产品设计师对意识、形态、观念的整理和创造常通过泥性、釉色、肌理、烧成等多种语义特点来表达和诉求。而这种诉求的不断升华最终促成了当代中国的陶瓷产品重新叩开了现代日用陶瓷艺术之门,形成了鲜明的自我语义特征。  相似文献   

陶瓷作为一种产生经济效益的工业产品存在,其价值与人们消费的观念息息相关。当代人的消费心理已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们在进行陶瓷产品消费时,对陶瓷产品的选择不仅仅是单一的使用价值的选择,而是出现个性化、高级化的选择新趋势。对陶瓷产品附加值的研究为那些想要在市场中取得满意的经济效益的企业或个人提供了一个全新的研究平台。对陶瓷产品附加值理论进行阐述,以期能给与陶瓷生产者有益的参考。  相似文献   

伴随着现代社会经济的繁荣发展和消费者审美能力的提高,人们对建筑陶瓷产品的要求不再满足于功能需求更注重追求个性化的审美精神需求,因此主题性建筑陶瓷产品将成为室内空间中的运用的选择趋势。本文通过探讨"主题性"建筑陶瓷产品在室内空间中应用的进行分析,论述主题性建筑陶瓷产品在室内空间应用的重要性及潮流趋势。  相似文献   

在以绿色、环保、可持续发展为主题的今天,环境竞争力已逐渐成为陶瓷企业的核心竞争力。本文首先分析我国陶瓷产品对外贸易状况,在此基础上指出我国陶瓷产品在对外贸易中已陷入环境困境,并对其原因给予了分析,提出了提高陶瓷产品环境竞争力的几点对策。  相似文献   

陶瓷这一类产品非常注重产品的设计元素,在陶瓷产品的造型、图案以及色彩选择等方面进行不断创新,这是陶瓷产品设计者的永恒追求,这也是陶瓷文化在我国能够不断发展的重要原因。现如今,人们的生活水平越来越高,更多人会选择一些拥有时尚元素的陶瓷产品来体现出自我对生活的追求。当今时代,越来越多时尚元素融入到陶瓷产品的设计中,体现出陶瓷产品产业的创新与发展,文章就当前陶瓷产品中的一些时尚元素的运用进行深刻分析。  相似文献   

王晨阳 《佛山陶瓷》2022,(11):152-154
如今,陶瓷成为当代人不可缺少的一种装饰品,陶瓷外表精美,且具有一定的实用性,越来越受到人们的欢迎。陶瓷可以根据实际的用途制作成各种各样的形式,但是也应当看到,如今的不少陶瓷产品大多以实用功能为主。陶瓷产品包括日常陶瓷产品和环境陶瓷用品等,满足了人们的多样化需求。如今信息化时代已经到来,实用性和审美性不再是陶瓷设计品的唯一特性,以情感共鸣为主的设计模式逐渐被接受。陶瓷在使用时,需要传递一种情感价值,这种情感价值能够让使用者在使用时切身体验和感受到,陶瓷产品的颜色、形状和花纹等元素都可以转化为一种视觉语言,转化为一种情感信息,直击人的心灵,让人有情感共鸣。因此在设计时,设计者应当更多地从情感体验和审美体验上下功夫,使陶瓷产品更加多元。  相似文献   

王敦海 《陶瓷》2014,(7):30-32
党的十八大以来中央不断下发文件,严令禁止各地政府部门、事业单位等购买、使用各种高档产品。这使得以往很多高档酒、高档烟、高档茶、高档陶瓷等商品的销量受到很大的影响。尤其是高档陶瓷产品受到了前所未有的负面影响,各地政府和事业单位对于办公和礼品接待用瓷大为减少。如何适应新形势,在新形势下研究有效的陶瓷营销模式成为陶瓷企业的当务之急。笔者以陶瓷产品销售为研究对象,探讨瓷器在新形势下营销过程中4P策略应用,希望能对陶瓷企业销售有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Low density and high strength ceramic proppant was prepared by sintering high aluminium type low-grade bauxite and high iron type low-grade bauxite at the temperature range from 1300℃ to 1360℃. The phase composition and micromorphology of ceramic proppant were, respectively, characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The bulk density, apparent density, and breakage ratio of ceramic proppant were tested using standard methods. The results show that mullite crystal and corundum crystal are fully developed, the spatial network structure of rod-shaped mullite is formed, and corundum crystal is evenly distributed in the sample when the sintering temperature is 1340℃. At this temperature, the bulk density of the sample is 1.42 g/cm3, the apparent density is 2.67 g/cm3, and the breakage ratio is 5.1% under the closure pressure of 52 MPa. Then, the growth mechanism of mullite crystal in ceramic proppant was explored. The results reveal that the mullite crystal in ceramic proppant conforms to the layer growth theory. The secondary crystal nucleus is formed in the growth process and shows a step growth mechanism. With the increase in sintering temperature, the preferred orientation growth of mullite crystal finally forms needle-like morphology.  相似文献   

Thermal reactions of bauxite, kaolin, and talc compound were investigated at 1550°C to obtain high rigidity ceramic for ballistic applications. The compressed strength and density of the bauxite ceramics with kaolin and talc substitutions varied from 195 to 455 MPa and density from 2.85 to 4.05 g/cm3. The Young’s modulus varied from 107 GPa to 222 GPa with water absorption varying from 1.4 wt% to 5.9 wt% for 0 wt% and 15 wt% substitution of kaolin. The substitution of bauxite-kaolin by talc up to 7.5 wt% contributes to the resorption of microporosity and increase the Young's modulus from 107 to 195 GPa. The XRD of bauxite ceramic with kaolin substitution showed the presence of corundum and mullite; whereas the XRD of bauxite ceramic with kaolin and talc substitution showed the presence of corundum, mullite, and spinel. The ballistic simulation with abaqus dassult SIMULA using the JH-2 model predict that an impact with velocity of 525 to 810 m/s on the 10 mm thick bauxite ceramic does not erode or damage for a projectile consisting of tungsten alloy with dimensions: 12 mm in diameter, 61.5 mm length, and 72 g of mass. The bauxite ceramics can be used for ballistic applications.  相似文献   

工业窑炉蓄热式换热器用莫来石质蜂窝陶瓷的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以高铝矾土、粘土、莫来石为主要原料 ,添加适量硅线石、红柱石和蓝晶石 ,用挤出成型法制备了蜂窝陶瓷。利用TG -DTA分析了在烧成过程中所发生的物理化学变化 ;X射线衍射分析结果表明 ,材料的主晶相为莫来石。  相似文献   

高热稳定性莫来石质理化陶瓷的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用富铝原料并进行预烧、细磨处理提高料浆细度 ,加入适量的添加剂 ,采取适宜的烧成热工制度等方法 ,促进制品的固相、液相烧结 ,增加主晶相莫来石的含量 ,研制出了高热稳定性莫来石质理化陶瓷产品  相似文献   

Ceramic proppants are preferred in hydraulic fracturing because of their high strength, good sphericity, and excellent acid corrosion resistance. Bauxite is the main raw material of ceramic proppants, but with the increasing depletion of bauxite resources, substitutes for bauxite need to be sought. Coal gangue is a solid waste that is rich in SiO2 and Al2O3, making it a potential substitute for the preparation of ceramic proppants. The use of coal gangue to prepare ceramic proppants can reduce the cost of ceramic proppants and benefit environmental protection. Studies on using coal gangue to prepare ceramic proppants have been conducted and achieved progress, but further improvement can still be obtained. Here, the basic principle, progress, and prospects of coal gangue ceramic proppants are reviewed. First, coal gangue ceramic proppants are divided into two categories, namely, proppants prepared using coal gangue as an auxiliary material and proppants prepared using coal gangue as the main material. Second, the progress of research of coal gangue ceramic proppants is summarized from the perspective of additives, and the influence of different kinds of additives on the sintering temperature and performance of proppants is discussed. Lastly, the future prospects of coal gangue ceramic proppants are presented.  相似文献   

硬铝合金表面微弧氧化着色工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了利用微弧氧化的方法在铝合金基体上制备有色陶瓷层的工艺研究,通过微弧实验得到制备黑褐色及深黑色膜的最佳工艺.分析了电解液的成分以及添加剂的质量浓度对氧化膜着色的影响,并讨论了实验过程中可能出现的问题及解决办法.  相似文献   

Double-layer glass-ceramic/ceramic tiles made from bauxite tailings and red mud were prepared using a single firing powder processing route. The influence of the preparation method used for the green bodies on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the final products was investigated. The macroscopic appearance, microstructure, and mechanical properties indicated that the production of double-layer glass-ceramic/ceramic tiles may be an attractive method for recycling industrial waste into building materials.  相似文献   

铝合金表面陶瓷化对前处理的依赖性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合等离子体增强的电化学表面陶瓷化技术原理,陶瓷膜的形成过程及特点,介绍了不同材质铝合金前处理工艺技术及主要特点,阐述了该技术对前处理的依赖性,根据陶瓷膜的不同用途及功能采取不同的前处理方法,突出了该技术的先进性。  相似文献   

提出了钛酸铝陶瓷研究中存在的问题.论述了颗粒弥散强化陶瓷基复合陶瓷的机理,叙述了第二相颗粒补强钛酸铝基复合陶瓷的国内外研究状况.认为钛酸铝基复合陶瓷是一种很有前途的抗热震冲击且耐高温的材料,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Results are provided for comparative evaluation of the properties of pressed specimens of a matrix system and ceramic concrete specimens prepared on the basis of bauxite with very fine quartz glass and quartz sand (VFQG and VFQS), and also the thermal expansion of castings based on a suspension of quartz sand, bauxite and bauxite ceramic concrete. It is established that high-silica molded and unmolded ceramic concretes prepared on a basis of bauxite VFQG (85%) and VFQS (15%) have improved physicomechanical properties. After firing at 1150 and 1420°C their open porosity is 16 – 18% and the ultimate strength in compression is 95 – 125 MPa. Their temperature for the onset of softening is above 1570°C and higher than 1650°C (for compositions containing SiC). Part 1 was published in Novye Ogneupory, No. 1 (2009). Translated from Novye Ogneupory, No. 3, pp. 34 – 40, March 2009.  相似文献   

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