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The alkylation of isobutane with 2-butene on dealuminated hexagonal H EMT and dealuminated cubic faujasite H FAU with Si/Al ratios of 5–6 was studied at 80°C and compared with results obtained for the as-synthesized and calcined parent material with Si/Al ratios of 3.5. In both cases, the dealuminated samples favour an improved profile with respect to the alkylate yield and selectivity after 3 h reaction time, with dealuminated H EMT as the superior system. The alkylate composition consisted of 76% and about 70% C8 paraffins for dealuminated H EMT and dealuminated H FAU, respectively. Within the C8 fractions the three trimethylpentanes (TMP) 2,3,3-, 2,3,4- and 2,2,4-TMP were the dominating product compounds in all tests, whereas a higher content of dimethylhexanes (DMH) was observed for the H FAUs, both dealuminated and parent material. However, among the four trimethylpentanes (2,2,3-, 2,2,4-, 2,3,3- and 2,3,4-TMP) usually the 2,3,3-TMP and 2,3,4-TMP were the main compounds formed, at least for the dealuminated samples. Oligomerization was suppressed by using the dealuminated samples, however, increasing amounts of C8 olefins after about one half of the monitored reaction time was observed for the H FAUs. By contrast, the H EMTs exhibited much less formation of C8 olefins (and on a constant level) even after 300 min reaction time. The deactivated samples showed mainly formation of paraffinic coke.  相似文献   

The alkylation of isobutane with 2-butene on hexagonal (protonated form = H EMT, investigated, for the first time on this reaction) and cubic faujasite (protonated form = H FAU) with Si/Al ratios of 3.5 was studied at 80°C and compared with the results obtained for a cerium exchanged Y zeolite (Ce Y). The alkylate composition consisted of 90% and about 80% C8 paraffins for H EMT and H FAU/Ce Y, respectively. Within the C8 fractions the three trimethylpentanes (TMP) 2,2,4-, 2,3,3- and 2,3,4-TMP were the dominating product compounds in all tests, whereas a higher content of dimethylhexanes (DMH) was observed for the H FAU and Ce Y. However, among the four trimethylpentanes 2,3,3,-TMP and 2,3,4-TMP were always the main compounds formed. Oligomerization was favoured only by the H FAU and Ce Y, with a strong increase of C8 olefins after about one third of the observed reaction time. On the contrary, H EMT exhibited much less formation of C8 olefins (and on a constant level) even after 300 min reaction time. The deactivated samples showed only formation of non-aromatic coke. The differences in the product pattern were attributed to the slightly larger size of the second type of supercage in EMT and to the stronger Bronsted acid sites in the hexagonal faujasite.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Martin Klessinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

以Y、β、MCM-41和EU-1分子筛为活性组分制备异丁烷与正丁烯烷基化反应催化剂,并利用NH_3-TPD和N_2物理吸附-脱附对催化剂进行表征。结果表明,HY分子筛催化剂的总酸量最大,MCM-41分子筛催化剂的总酸量最小,Hβ和HEU-1分子筛催化剂总酸量适中,Hβ分子筛催化剂平均孔径最大,而大孔径有利于分子扩散。对分子筛催化异丁烷与正丁烯反应的催化性能进行研究,结果表明,Hβ分子筛催化剂的失活速率最低,正丁烯异构化率最低,生成的烷基化油辛烷值达85.2,对Hβ分子筛催化剂进行Pt元素改性后催化剂的失活速率降低。  相似文献   

The catalytic behavior of the novel MCM-22 zeolite for the continuous alkylation of isobutane with 2-butene has been investigated at a temperature of 50°C, 2.5 MPa total pressure, and a variety of olefin space velocities. At high olefin conversions the MCM-22 zeolite showed a very high initial cracking activity attributable to strong Brønsted acid sites, as well as to the existence of strong diffusional restrictions of the TMP's (formed inside the zeolite) to exit through the channels. At short times on stream (TOS), TMP's account for ca. 40% of the C8 fraction. The olefin conversion and the cracking activity rapidly decline with TOS, while the alkylate product became richer in dimethylhexenes, indicating a predominance of 2-butene dimerization and a loss of hydrogen transfer activity as the catalyst aged. Moreover, MCM-22 gives less TMP's than large-pore zeolites (USY, beta, mordenite), but more than the mediumpore ZSM-5 at similar 2-butene conversion. The latter catalyst was much more selective for olefin dimerization than for isobutane alkylation, presumably because formation of the bulkier TMP's was strongly impeded in its smaller pores.  相似文献   

采用分步浸渍法制备了碱/碱土金属修饰Ni基催化剂Ni-M/Al2O3 (M=K2CO3, Na2CO3, MgO, CaO)。探究了碱/碱土金属的添加对改性Ni基催化剂CO2吸附和甲烷化性能的影响。研究发现,碱/碱土金属的添加提高了Ni/Al2O3催化剂表面的碱性活性位点密度,强化了其CO2吸附性能。碱/碱土金属类型影响Ni-M/Al2O3催化剂碱性活性位点的分布、NiO物相的转化及Ni的分散度,进而影响其甲烷化性能。MgO添加使NiO物相转化为与载体呈强相互作用的β型和γ型NiO,降低了催化剂表面的强碱性活性位点比例,有利于CO2吸附活化。Ni-MgO/Al2O3的CO2吸附容量最高为0.68mmolCO2/g,其CO2转化率和CH4选择性分别高达58.4%和95.4%,其在烟气CO2捕集与原位甲烷化中极具应用前景。  相似文献   

A solid superacidic Nafion-H polymer was examined as a catalyst for isobutane/2-butene alkylation and compared with a cerium-exchanged Y zeolite. Both catalysts demonstrate initial alkylation activity with rapid decrease in alkylation selectivity. The total product distributions were found to be significantly different after three hours of reaction. Nafion-H showed less selectivity towards iso-octanes, but formed relatively more 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. The differences between the two catalysts suggest dissimilar favoured reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

采用液相离子交换法,通过改变交换和焙烧次数制备了5种不同浓度稀土La改性的X分子筛催化剂,使用连续进料的固定床反应器评价其催化异丁烷/丁烯烷基化反应的性能,分析了分子筛物相结构的变化,考察了分子筛的酸性. 结果表明,催化剂制备过程对催化剂结构和性能影响显著,La3+改性后X分子筛结晶度下降,但酸度显著增强,随La3+交换次数增加,分子筛的B酸量增多,L酸量减少;5种催化剂中,焙烧前离子交换2次、焙烧后再交换3次、再焙烧所制催化剂催化性能最佳,丁烯的初始转化率为89.94%, C8收率可达66.71%,这归因于酸性增加加快了氢负离子转移,降低了碳正离子上发生重复烷基化的可能性,抑制了大分子生成. 反应温度和烯烃空速对反应影响显著,温度从80℃升至100℃,副反应裂解生成的C5?C7从9.64%增加到36.74%;丁烯进料空速从0.1 h?1降至0.05 h?1时,低聚生成的C9+从7.2%增至31%.  相似文献   

Potassium salts of H3PW12O40 heteropolyacid have been synthesised with different K contents and studied for their acid and catalytic properties in liquid phase isobutane alkylation by but-2-ene or but-1-ene. Subcritical and supercritical conditions have been chosen for comparison in a batch reactor.

The influence of the protonic site density has been studied. High acid density was observed to be detrimental for akylation reaction which was explained by increased olefin dimerisation, the main side reaction responsible of catalyst poisoning. A K2.6H0.4P sample was tested in a batch reactor in liquid subcritical, near supercritical and in low and high density supercritical isobutane/butene mixture (418 K, P=4–9 MPa). An increase in the quality of the alkylate with the density of the supercritical phase was observed which almost counterbalanced the negative effect of the high temperature necessary to reach supercritical isobutane conditions.

In the presence of porous alkaline salts of 12-tungstophosphoric acid, alkylation to oligomerisation ratio is significantly improved over solids with a low density of strong Brønsted sites and by the use of high density supercritical isobutane conditions, the latter preserving hydride transfer and trimethyl pentane (TMP) formation.  相似文献   

The crystallization and melting behaviour of two sets of ethylene/1-butene copolymers have been analysed by DSC. The samples, with comonomer content in the range from 0 to 21.5 mol%, were obtained by industrial processes using both Mg/Ti-based catalyst systems. The composition dependences of melting and crystallization temperatures were found to be strictly affected by the catalyst type. Moreover, logarithmic plots of the melting and crystallization enthalpy as a function of the ethylene content (mol%) in the copolymers fitted linear relationships whose slopes have been related to the critical sequence length of crystallizable ethylene units, depending on the catalytic system. These results are compared with those reported in the literature for ethylene/1-butene copolymers synthesized by other catalysts and are accounted for by a different distribution of the comonomer units in the macromolecules of the two sets of samples.  相似文献   

丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚树脂等温结晶动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用本体聚合方法合成了丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚树脂,通过DSC研究了丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚物的等温结晶动力学。根据Avrami方程求出了各个结晶温度下的结晶动力学参数K(T)、 n、t1/2,以及样品的结晶活化能。结果表明,随着结晶温度的升高,同一样品的结晶速率逐渐下降,说明样品的结晶是依热成核控制为主;Avrami指数 在3~4之间,表明共聚物晶体的生长方式为三维球状生长。在同一结晶温度条件下,随着共聚物中1-丁烯单元含量的增加,晶体的成核和结晶速率均下降,结晶活化能增加,共聚物中1-丁烯单元含量对结晶速率的影响很大。  相似文献   

Ab initio method was employed to determine the mechanism of alkylation reaction of 2-butene with isobutane. The results indicated that 2-butene is rapidly protonated to form sec-butyl carbonium ion, which then reacts with isobutane to form tert-butyl carbonium ion. The resulting carbonium ion is then deprotonated to form isobutene that reacts rapidly with tert-butyl carbonium ion to form trimethylpentane (TMP) carbonium ion. Finally, the TMP+ carbonium ion is converted to TMP via the hydride transfer process. The transition states of the interactions were obtained by using the SCAN method (a calculation key word for potential energy surface) first and then the intrinsic reaction coordinates were traced using the Gaussian program. In addition, the energy changes and geometric parameters of the interactions were analyzed. The computed results indicated that the energy barriers are close to or less than zero for the interaction of isobutane with protonated 2-butene or for the interaction of tert-butyl carbonium ion with isobutene, suggesting rapid reaction steps of the carbonium ions. The 2,2,3-TMP is kinetically controlled, while the formation of 2,2,4-TMP is controlled by reaction equilibrium. The calculated results were in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

对丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚物(PPB)与丙烯/乙烯抗冲共聚物(PPE)的结晶行为进行对比,在等温结晶时,通过相对结晶度随时间的变化关系、等温结晶曲线等研究,表明丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚物结晶速率明显低于丙烯/乙烯抗冲共聚物,同时丙烯/乙烯抗冲共聚物的等温结晶速率随乙烯单元含量增加没有明显降低。根据Avrami方程计算了共聚物的结晶活化能,证明丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚物的结晶能力较丙烯/乙烯抗冲共聚物低。扫描电镜分析丙烯/1-丁烯无规共聚物在丁烯单元摩尔分数2.39%时没有韧性拉伸,而丙烯/乙烯抗冲共聚物在乙烯单元摩尔分数3%时出现韧性拉伸。  相似文献   

考察焙烧温度对HZSM-5分子筛催化剂结构及1-丁烯齐聚性能的影响,采用XRD、SEM和NH3-TPD对催化剂进行表征。结果表明,升高焙烧温度,对HZSM-5分子筛催化剂的晶相和晶粒尺寸没有影响,催化剂中弱酸与强酸的酸强度和酸量均随焙烧温度的升高逐渐减弱。在催化剂晶粒尺寸一定条件下,催化剂酸性对催化剂的齐聚性能有较大影响,焙烧温度500℃时,C5+收率和C10+选择性最佳。  相似文献   

Electroless deposition has been used to prepare Cu–Pd/SiO2 bimetallic catalysts wherein initial Cu coverages are limited only to the pre-existing Pd surface. Cu loading on the Pd surface can be systematically varied by modification of deposition kinetic parameters. In this case deposition time was used as the kinetic variable for the preparation of a series of Cu–Pd catalysts. These materials have been characterized using atomic absorption, CO chemisorption, and FT-IR (adsorption of CO), and then evaluated for the hydrogenation of 3,4-epoxy-1-butene, a functionalized olefin having many potential reaction pathways. Catalyst performance and characterization results suggest that Cu is not distributed in a monodisperse manner on the Pd surface, indicating the existence of autocatalytic deposition of Cu on Cu sites. The FT-IR results suggest that although CO adsorption on all sites is suppressed by Cu addition, initial Cu deposition occurs more readily on certain sites. The bimetallic Cu–Pd sites that are formed exhibit unusually high activity for EpB conversion and formation of unsaturated alcohols and aldehydes. This bimetallic effect on catalyst activity and selectivity is best explained, not by the existence of either ligand or ensemble effects, but rather by the bifunctional nature of the Cu–Pd sites present on the surface of these catalysts.  相似文献   

The adsorption ratio of isobutane/1-butene on the catalyst surface is one of the most important factors for the C4 alkylation process.Regulation of isobutane/1-butene adsorption ratio on the zeolite-supported acid catalyst is a big challenge for catalyst preparation.To regulate the isobutane/1-butene adsorption ratio,four types of ionic liquid (i.e.,IL) with different alkyl chain lengths and different acid group numbers were synthesized and were subsequently immobilized onto the MCM-22 zeolite.The as-synthesized IL-immobilized MCM-22 (i.e.,MCM-22-IL) was characterized by FTIR,TGA,BET,XPS and XRD,and their adsorption capacities and adsorption molar ratios of isobutane to 1-butene (I/O) were investigated to correlate with surface features of MCM-22-IL Results showed that the immobilization of ILs led to a decrease of specific surface area and pore volume.But the surface density of acid groups was increased and the adsorption molar ratio of isobutane/1-butene (I/O) was significantly improved by the immobilization of ionic liquids.The adsorption molar ratio of I/O is substantially improved from 0.75 to above 0.9 at 300 kPa upon immobilizing ILs.Although the alkyl chain length of ILs was found to have little effect on the adsorption molar ratio of I/O,the increase of acid group numbers led to a dramatic decrease in the adsorption I/O ratio.The results illustrated that immobilizing ionic liquids is an effective way to modify the textural,chemical and morphological properties of MCM-22.Accordingly,the immobilization of ionic liquids provides a novel and a feasible way to regulate the adsorption I/O ratio on an adsorbent or a solid catalyst.  相似文献   

以MCM-49分子筛为催化剂,纯1-丁烯为原料,考察了反应温度对烯烃催化裂解制丙烯、乙烯反应性能的影响。选择适宜的反应温度条件能够有效地抑制副反应,从而提高丙烯、乙烯的总产率。  相似文献   

制备了离子液体[EMIm]Br-FeCl_3,并用于催化1-丁烯齐聚反应,考察了不同反应条件对其催化性能的影响,即对1-丁烯齐聚产物的组分及分布的影响。结果表明,1-丁烯齐聚产物随离子液体的构成和反应条件的变化而变化,其中[EMIm]Br与FeCl_3的物质的量比对产物选择性的影响较为显著。常压下,FeCl_3与[EMIm]Br物质的量比小、温度低和反应时间短有利于提高二聚物的选择性,六聚物减少。在离子液体{n(FeCl_3):n[EMIm]Br=1:1}用量0.01 mol、0.1 MPa时,升高温度和延长时间均会使三聚物、四聚物和五聚物的选择性增加。  相似文献   

介绍了乙烯催化二聚合成1-丁烯的工艺特点、反应机理及影响该反应的因素。成功开发的DC-01乙烯二聚催化剂,可代替同类型的进口催化剂LC2253。  相似文献   

用KF/Al2O3催化1-甲酰氧基-2-甲基-4-乙酰氧基-2-丁烯进行酯交换反应制备1-羟基-2-甲基-4-乙酰氧基-2-丁烯,提高了反应选择性,并因采用反应精馏方式将反应时间缩短到5h,收率由77%提高到95%,后处理方便。  相似文献   

研究了成核剂NA21对丙烯-1-丁烯无规共聚物(PP-R)性能的影响。采用偏光显微镜、差示扫描量热仪、小角X射线散射仪、动态力学分析仪表征了PP-R的结构。添加成核剂使PP-R球晶尺寸减小,从而使雾度从45.93%降至14.46%,弯曲模量从1.14 GPa提高到1.32 GPa,23℃下的Izod缺口冲击强度从32.9 J/m提高至41.0 J/m,热变形温度从81.7℃提高到87.3℃。加入成核剂对片晶熔点、结晶温度、片晶和非晶区厚度分布以及非晶区的玻璃化转变温度均产生影响,但对结晶度和平均长周期的影响不明显。  相似文献   

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