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针对现网OTT业务传统调度系统存在的痛点,从运营商的角度提出了一种基于态势感知的智能调度设想,构建了智能调度系统的框架,搭建了智能调度系统原型并投入现网应用,极大提升了OTT业务调度的智能化和精准度,进一步增强OTT业务系统整体运维和运营能力。  相似文献   

杨熙 《中国新通信》2013,(21):28-28
移动互联网时代,OTT业务、客户端APP应用等的快速发展,对运营商移动互联网流量经营有所拉动,但同时却导致运营商流量压力骤增,迫使运营商必须不断加大移动网络扩容投资。移动互联网业务的异质替代作用也日益凸显,不仅对短信、彩信等增值业务形成替代效应,而且大量分流了语音业务。即时通信类OTT业务正在对运营商SMS业务产生颠覆性的影响,分流电信运营商收入,比如微信推出后,运营商短信发送量下降了9%。OTT视频业务占用了运营商大量带宽,对业务网络现有业务造成极大的冲击,而创造的价值却十分有限。Facetime、Viber等新型应用随着智能手机的普及推广开来,用户可通过3G网络及Wi-Fi实现语音通话,传统移动语音业务有逐渐被边缘化的趋势。产业价值正逐步从管道向内容、从通信网向互联网、从话音服务向信息服务转移。  相似文献   

为了避免在OTT业务的发展过程中沦为纯管道服务商,运营商应考虑利用自身网络资源优势及管控能力,根据与OTT内容提供商合作渠道的不同,对OTT业务提供差异化承载,从而更深入地介入OTT业务的运营中。通过较高资费或者合作分成等方式把部分OTT发展为运营商合作OTT,并在网内、网间提供较好的承载服务质量;其他非合作关系的普通OTT,则与普通互联网应用一样,获得尽力而为的服务。提出了OTT业务的QoS策略及进行不同场景下3种技术方案的探讨研究,以实现OTT业务的差异化保障及用户体验。  相似文献   

推荐理由:OTT在通信服务领域是指互联网企业利用通信运营商的网络直接向用户提供服务。广义理解,互联网本身就是OTT;狭义理解,业界当前关注的OTT,主要指OTT IM和OTTTv业务。OTT的本质是价值转移,随着互联网产业生态体系的不断成熟,OTT业务已经成为融合通信、传媒、娱乐、生活等多种需求的新型信息服务平台,对电信、广电、金融等多个传统行业产生了巨大的影响,且未来随着技术和业务的不断演进,趋势会进一步加剧。  相似文献   

在爆发式的增长需求和快速迭代的互联网技术推动下,全球视频业务正处在一个高速发展、不断创新的阶段——大视频时代.4K、8K、VR/AR等超高清视频对网络更敏感,对网络质量和服务带宽要求更高,通过叠加以融合CDN为核心的智能内容管道,运营商网络优势可以得到最大化的发挥,提供比互联网OTT更高质最、更好体验的视频服务,形成差异化的竞争力,这是运营商在大视频时代掌握主动、保持领先的重要保障.  相似文献   

OTT在移动互联网中的挑战与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OTT是指通过互联网向用户提供各种应用服务。这种应用和目前运营商所提供的通信业务不同,它仅利用运营商的网络,而服务由运营商之外的第三方提供。目前,典型的OTT业务有互联网电视业务、苹果应用商店等。随着技术发展和用户需求不断提升,OTT业务越来越普及,种类越来越丰富。爱立信(中国)通信有限公司王春萌所撰《OTT在移动互联网中的挑战与机遇》一文从移动互联网的现状出发,对现有OTT业务模式、价值链等进行分析,基于目前存在的一些问题,结合爱立信对OTT技术发展趋势的理解,探讨了如何根据移动互联网的特点与优势,将OTT服务与网络运营商有机结合的实现方案。  相似文献   

智能电网是未来电网的发展方式,智能变电站和智能调度技术支持系统则是智能电网的重要组成部分。文章通过对对智能变电站的特点和调度技术支持系统一体化平台进行了研究,讨论了智能变电站与调度技术支持系统之间的信息交互问题。对信息交互中可能出现的时钟同步问题、信息冗余问题以及网络安全问题进行了分析,并给出了相应的解决方案,最后结合宜昌电网的实际情况提出了智能调度支持系统在宜昌电网中的应用展望。  相似文献   

针对当前行业发展态势,分析互联网领域发展趋势以及电信运营商所面临的挑战,介绍江苏电信在智能管道运营方面开展的创新与实践,以网络能力、运营支撑能力和运营能力三个层面为基础,开展业务感知、流量智能调度、能力开放、大数据运营等多方面研究及部署,通过拉升流量规模,提升流量价值,挖掘数据价值,按需提供服务,提升管道运营效率,以高效的运营支撑实现企业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着高流量4G计划的普及以及在线游戏,在线视频,即时消息等移动互联网应用的快速发展,4G网络负载变得越来越繁重。在网络资源不足的情况下,电信运营商必须为不同类型的用户和服务提供差异化的网络服务,以吸引和留住高价值用户,提高网络的竞争力。本文尝试以无线资源利用率为触点,联动核心网与无线侧能力,通过实施基于Qo S(Quality Of Service)管控的差异化调度方案,在无线网络资源不足时,为不同类型的4G用户提供不同的网络感知服务。  相似文献   

文章分析了OTT时代移动通信产业现状与特点,对4G智能管道的QoS能力管控进行了研究,提出一个基于智能管道能力开放的OTT产业合作体系。该体系从运营商网络核心优势出发,从与OTT的流量合作、自服务、实时QoS控制三个层面分别介绍了智能管道QoS能力开放创造的价值,帮助移动运营商提升OTT时代的用户感知,从OTT业务发展的旁观者转变为OTT产业升级的获益者。  相似文献   

随着网络技术发展,以网络虚拟化为手段解决TCP/IP网络体系结构僵化问题已成为未来网络领域发展的主流方向之一.SDN(software defined networking,软件定义网络)作为一种新兴的网络体系结构,为网络虚拟化提供了有效的解决方案.首先总结了当前具有代表性的SDN网络虚拟化平台,并对比了SDN与传统网络环境中部署虚拟网的区别,然后针对SDN网络虚拟化平台中的虚拟网络映射问题,提出一种时延敏感的虚拟化控制器放置算法,最后通过实验验证了该算法在提高网络资源的利用效率的同时,保证了控制器与底层交换机的通信时延在可接受范围之内.  相似文献   

陈吉祥 《移动信息》2023,45(12):216-218
文中以数据中心的网络虚拟化技术为研究对象,探讨了在现代数据中心环境下如何优化网络资源利用、提高网络性能和灵活性的问题。首先,引入了软件定义网络(Software Defined Networking,SDN)的基本概念与架构,分析了SDN与网络虚拟化的关系。在此基础上,设计了一个综合性的网络虚拟化总体架构,以支持多租户的虚拟网络隔离和灵活配置。随后,详细介绍了虚拟局域网(Virtual Local Area Network,VLAN)技术在该总体架构中的实现方法。为验证VLAN技术在数据中心网络中的效果,文中设计了实验环境并进行了实验评估。结果表明,VLAN技术有效提高了数据中心网络的资源利用率,提升了网络的灵活性和性能,验证了其在数据中心网络中的实用性和优越性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于软件定义网络的多区域网络虚拟化模型。该模型引入了网络区域的逻辑概念,在同一个区域中使用某种网络虚拟化技术,在区域与区域的边界通过控制平面的统一控制实现不同虚拟网络标识符的转换,完成跨区域交互。该模型可以同时兼容多种网络虚拟化技术,实现高效率、可扩展、大规模的网络虚拟化。  相似文献   

Network function virtualization (NFV) technology achieves flexible service deployment by replacing the middleboxes with virtual network functions (VNFs). In NFV, a set of VNFs are chained in a given order, called service function chain (SFC), and accordingly, data flow is steered to traverse all the VNFs in order to offer a service. With a large number of network devices and end users being connected into Internet, there is a growing demand for large‐scale multi‐domain networks to dynamically deploy the SFC across multiple network domains, in order to support efficient service provisioning. To this end, in this paper, we first investigate the state of the art of multi‐domain SFC deployment, and then propose an intelligent multi‐domain SFC deployment (IMSD) architecture by leveraging software‐defined networking (SDN), NFV, and deep learning technologies. Furthermore, we discuss the potential challenges to realize the IMSD and provide some promising solutions.  相似文献   

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm where control plane is decoupled from the forwarding plane. Nowadays, for the development of information technology large number of data traffic has been added in the global network each day. Due to proliferation of the Internet, e-commerce, video content and personalized cloud-based services higher channel bandwidth required to deliver larger data from one center to others. Lower data communication speed and fault tolerance are major factors for SDN which degrades network performance. This paper presents enhancement of data communication speed and fault tolerance over SDN using link aggregation control protocol (LACP). The result of this paper shows network performance has been improved by increasing approximately 31% data transmission speed over SDN using LACP. Moreover, this paper shows fault tolerance have been improved by LACP which prevents failure of any single component link from leading to breakdown the entire communications.  相似文献   

Mobile Internet traffic is expected to grow faster than the fixed Internet traffic in a near future. Since, today’s broadband networks are approaching theoretical limits in terms of spectral efficiency per link, mobile operators are compelled to seek for new solutions that will be able to accommodate the expected traffic growth and improve their position in the competitive market. Addressing those challenges with current inflexible, not scalable and complex architecture is very hard, if possible at all. Software defined networking (SDN) is a new networking architecture paradigm that holds great promise to overcome many of mentioned limitations and provides required improvements in performance by decoupling control functions from underlying physical infrastructure. In this paper, we explain key reasons for transition to SDN based mobile networks and briefly describe several proposals of design scenario. Special emphasis is placed on SDN’s contribution to more efficient inter-cell interference management, traffic control and network virtualization.  相似文献   

软件定义网络(SDN)采用控制和转发的分离架构,使研究者可以通过软件实现任意的网络控制逻辑,而不需对网络设备本身进行修改,具备极强的灵活性,已经在路由决策、网络虚拟化、无线接入、云计算数据中心网络等领域得到研究和应用,成为一项热点技术。但SDN在蓬勃发展的同时,也引入了新的安全风险,带来新的安全问题。另一方面,SDN也给传统安全技术以冲击,带来创新的网络安全应用发展的机会。鉴于此,结合SDN网络架构的特点综述了SDN安全的研究现状,包括SDN安全风险分析和安全技术及应用,并思考了SDN对信息安全的意义。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的发展离不开IP技术,物联网、WiFi、IPv6、5G等均与IP技术密不可分。通过分析广电网络现有架构,从网络安全、组网成本、网络传输能力等方面探讨基于SDN的组网方案与传统的组网方案的区别。针对传统网络架构存在的不足,将网络设备上的控制权分离出来,统一由集中的控制器管理,从而无须再依赖底层网络设备,屏蔽了来自底层网络设备的差异,自定义实现网络路由和传输规则策略,取消了一些不必要的中间传输环节,使广电网络传输更安全、智能、高效。  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in delivering end‐to‐end service chains across multiple software‐defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) domains is to achieve unified management and orchestration functions. A very critical aspect is the definition of an open, vendor‐agnostic, and interoperable northbound interface (NBI) that should be as abstract as possible and decoupled from domain‐specific data and control plane technologies. In this paper, we propose a reference architecture and an intent‐based NBI for end‐to‐end service management across multiple technological domains. The general approach is tested in a heterogeneous OpenFlow/Internet‐of‐Things (IoT) SDN test bed, where the proposed solution is applied to a rather complex service provisioning scenario spanning three different technological domains: an IoT infrastructure deployment, a cloud‐based data collection, processing, and publishing platform, and a transport domain over a geographic network interconnecting the IoT domain and the data center hosting the cloud services.  相似文献   

During recently years, several OpenFlow-enabled testbeds have been deployed in world-wide research community. Typically, these OpenFlow-enabled testbeds need to stitch to other testbeds to link to virtual servers and immit experimentation traffic. From the view point of researchers, these OpenFlow-enabled testbeds only provide OpenFlow networking resource, and they have to resort to other experiment infrastructure to provide computing and storage resource. Due to the OpenFlow networking and other resource belongs to different infrastructure provider and is managed by their own control software, it is difficult to coordinate these partners to provide a full programmable experiment environment. Meanwhile, the control software of these testbeds are tight coupling with their substrate resources, which means that these substrate resources, together with virtualization technologies, are permanently dedicated to the control software and difficult to be used by other services. In this paper, a new future Internet testbed architecture based on the open Infrastructure-as-a-service cloud and software defined network (SDN) paradigm is proposed. It extends the current virtual network service by adding programmable virtual switch and controller resources that can be controlled by the researcher. Its loose coupling model allows the testbed operator decouple the experiment service from the infrastructure provider, which is a more flexible way to build the testbed. The initial prototype implementation in this paper shows that this new testbed architecture built on IaaS cloud and SDN is feasible and flexible to provide programmable virtual network service.  相似文献   

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