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The relationship between liver steatosis, evaluated by ultrasonography, and various plasma haemostatic factors was examined in 64 apparently healthy males, aged 38 years. Plasma levels of factor VII clotting activity (F-VIIc), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activity and antigen, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity significantly differed in men with liver steatosis (n = 31) as compared with those without steatosis (n = 33). No significant differences were found in t-PA antigen and F-VII antigen. The men with liver steatosis also had significantly higher body mass index (BMI), plasma triglyceride and 2 h post-load insulin concentrations. While the differences in plasma haemostatic factors were substantially unchanged after adjustment for BMI, they totally disappeared when further allowance was made for plasma triglyceride and 2 h insulin concentrations. In conclusion, these results indicate that liver steatosis correlates specifically with increased PAI-1, F-VIIc and decreased t-PA levels, and suggest that such a relation is largely mediated by concomitant alterations in plasma triglyceride and insulin concentrations.  相似文献   

Ether lipid 1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methoxy-rac-glicero-3-phosphocholine (ET-18-OCH3) is an immunomodulator with antineoplastic activity. Its analog compounds PAF and CPAF share some of its biological effects. In our experiments, even very small amounts of ET-18-OCH3 released a remarkable quantity of nitric oxide (NO) from rat astrocytes cultured in vitro. The NO biosynthesis was inhibited by pretreatment with the antagonist BN 50730. The effect of ET-18-OCH3 was greater than that of the LPS inducer. PAF did not produce NO, even at high doses, while the nonmetabolizable CPAF only induced a significant release of NO from 12 micrograms/ml onwards. These results demonstrate that ET-18-OCH3 is functionally active also in astrocyte cultures. Stimulation of NO biosynthesis is of a great value on account of its the known effect as a neurotransmitter, potentiator of immune defences and possible modulator of cerebral circulation.  相似文献   

Chelonacarus elongatus n. gen., n. sp. is proposed for a cheyletoid mite (Acari: Prostigmata) of the family Cloacaridae found in the cloacal tissue of the endangered green turtle Chelonia mydas Linnaeus, 1758 from the Atlantic coast of the Republic of Panama. In females, the new genus is distinguished from other genera of turtle cloacarids by the elongate slender shape of the idiosoma, the shape and pattern of sclerotization of the dorsal shield, and the fused distal ends of apodemes II. A combination of other features that distinguish the newly proposed genus is the smooth surface of the pedipalps, single dorsal spine on tibiae I-IV, no setae on coxa IV, terminal position of the vulva, and the strongly developed pair of ventral spines on tarsi I-II. This is the first record of cloacarids from sea turtles. The similarity of adult cloacarids in the genus Chelonacarus from sea turtles (Chelonioidea) and Cloacarus Camin et al., 1967 from snapping turtles (Chelydridae) lends support to the hypothesis of some paleontologists that these 2 groups of turtles are linked phylogenetically.  相似文献   

C3 nephritic factor (C3NeF) interacts with native C3 and B in the absence of D to generate a C3 convertase containing an uncleaved form of B. Dose response studies with C3NeF and B, respectively, revealed incremental C3 inactivation without loss of B. These findings are in agreement with the previous isolation from such reaction mixtures of a 10S complex containing haemolytically inactive C3 and active B and manifesting C3 convertase activity. Functional contamination of C3 with C3b was negated by demonstrating that pretreatment of C3 with C3bINA had no effect on its subsequent interaction with B and C3NeF to generate C3 convertase activity, while pretreatment of C3b eliminated its effective interaction with B and C3NeF. Relatively higher concentrations of C3bINA present during interaction of C3, B and C3NeF suppressed C3 inactivation, indicating its dependence on amplification by utilization of the initial C3b generated. Trace quantities of D were not found by functional analyses of C3, B and C3NeF and pretreatment of these proteins with a concentration of DFP sufficient to suppress D activity had no effect on their effective interaction. The introduction of D to mixtures of C3NeF, B, and C3 resulted in B clevage and more efficient expression of C3 convertase function as defined by a reduced requirement for C3NeF.  相似文献   

Cellular localization of platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor in the rat brain was determined by (1) in situ hybridization, (2) Northern blot analysis in primary cell cultures of neurons, microglia, astrocytes, and fibroblasts, and (3) Ca2+ imaging in hippocampal culture. In situ hybridization revealed that the PAF receptor mRNA is expressed intensely in microglia and moderately in neurons. Northern blot analysis revealed that PAF receptor mRNA is the most abundant in microglia. In primary hippocampal cultures, PAF elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration in microglia and also in neurons, but to a lesser extent. These results suggest predominant presence of PAF receptor in microglia. Cultured microglia also expressed cPLA2 mRNA the most intensely. PAF-activated microglia released arachidonic acid in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner and without conversion to its derivatives. We propose that microglia as well as neurons contribute to PAF-related events in the CNS by releasing arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

Macrophage accumulation and proliferation as well as altered macrophage properties have been observed in autoimmune MRL mice. To determine whether there might be innate differences in the proliferative responses, we examined the DNA synthesis responses of peritoneal macrophages and macrophages derived in vitro from bone marrow precursors (bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM)). Murine peritoneal exudate macrophages normally require the addition of macrophage CSF (CSF-1) to enter cell cycle in vitro. In contrast, we have found that many thioglycollate-induced adherent peritoneal macrophages, but not resident peritoneal macrophages, from both MRL/lpr and MRL+/+ mice atypically underwent DNA synthesis even in the absence of added CSF-1. They also responded very well to granulocyte-macrophage CSF. These findings may help to explain the appearance of increased macrophage numbers in MRL lesions. In contrast to a previous report, it was found that MRL/lpr and MRL+/+ BMM did not have an enhanced response to CSF-1 and that modulation of CSF-1 receptor expression was not more rapid in MRL BMM. We also found no evidence for abnormal CSF-1 internalization and degradation or for the lpr mutation to have any enhanced effect on BMM survival in the absence of CSF-1. TNF-alpha lowered the DNA synthesis response to CSF-1 of MRL/lpr BMM rather than enhanced it, as has been reported. Our data suggest that the enhanced accumulation of macrophages in the MRL/lpr kidney cannot be explained by a proposed model of enhanced responsiveness of MRL/lpr BMM to CSF-1, including a contribution by TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This article describes a speech assessment protocol for patients using either obturator prostheses or speech aid prostheses for surgically acquired defects due to cancer of the maxilla and/or soft palate. METHODS: This protocol is structured according to the executive summary of "Disability in America: Toward a National Agenda For Prevention" a report formulated by the Institute of Medicine that describes four levels of disorder: (1) pathology, (2) impairment, (3) functional limitation, and (4) disability. Assessment instruments included (1) the Sentence Intelligibility Test to measure the rate and understandability of speech, (2) a speech physiology system to measure appropriate separation of the nasal/nasopharyngeal and oral compartments, (3) a 13-point interval scale to rate speech nasality, and (4) a scale to rate self-perceptions of communication effectiveness. RESULTS: The results from two patients are reported to illustrate the outcome assessment protocol.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regulation of p27kip1, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, in BALB/c 3T3 cells during growth factor-stimulated transition from quiescence (G0) to a proliferative (G1) state. The level of p27kip1 protein falls dramatically after mitogenic stimulation and is accompanied by a decrease in cyclin E associated p27kip1, as well as a transient increase in cyclin D1-associated p27kip1 that later declines concomitantly with the loss of total p27kip1. Analysis of metabolically labelled cells revealed that cyclin D2, cyclin D3, and cdk4 were also partnered with p27kip1 in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells and that this association decreased after platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) treatment. Furthermore, the decline in p27kip1 and reduced association with cyclin D3, initiated by the addition of PDGF but not plasma-derived factors, suggested that these changes are involved in competence, the first step in the exit from G0. Synthesis of p27kip1 as determined by incorporation of [35S]methionine was repressed upon mitogenic stimulation, and PDGF was sufficient to elicit this repression within 2 to 3 h. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated the reduced rate of synthesis was not the result of an increased rate of degradation. Full repression of p27kip1 synthesis required the continued presence of PDGF and failed to occur in the presence of the RNA polymerase inhibitor 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside. These characteristics demonstrate that repression was a late effect of PDGF and was consistent with our finding that conditional expression of activated H-ras did not affect synthesis of p27kip1. Northern (RNA) analysis of p27kip1 mRNA revealed that the repression was not accompanied by a corresponding decrease in p27kip1 mRNA, suggesting that the PDGF-regulated decrease in p27kip1 expression occurred through a translational mechanism.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that long-term in vivo exposure of dogs to neutral sulfur(IV)/sulfite aerosols induces mild inflammatory reactions, whereas the combination of neutral sulfite with acidic sulfur(VI)/sulfate aerosols evokes less pronounced effects. To understand underlying mechanisms, we studied in vitro the role of lipid mediators in the responses of alveolar macrophages (AMs) to sulfur-related compounds under neutral (pH 7) or moderate acidic (pH 6) conditions. Canine AMs incubated with sulfite at pH 7 released threefold higher amounts of platelet-activating factor than control (P < 0.005). Generation of arachidonic acid, leukotriene B4, 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid, prostaglandin E2, thromboxane B2 and 12-hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid increased twofold (P < 0.0005). However, these metabolites remained unchanged following incubation of AMs with sulfite at pH 6 or with sulfate at pH 7 or pH 6. Mediator release by sulfite-treated AMs at pH 7 stimulated respiratory burst activity of neutrophils. Inhibition of MAPK pathway by PD 98059, of cytosolic (cPLA2) and secretory phospholipases A2 by AACOCF3 and thioetheramide-PC, respectively, reduced sulfite-induced eicosanoid formation in AMs. Sulfite activated cPLA2 activity twofold at pH 7. This mechanism of sulfite-stimulated responses in phospholipid metabolism predicts that chronic exposure to sulfur(IV)/sulfite is associated with a considerable health risk.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) enhances the yield of transformed foci of BALB/c 3T3 cells, but the continuous presence of TGF-beta 1 after foci formation inhibits the growth of transformed foci. The focus-forming ability of Ha-ras-, v-src- and PyMT-transformed cells growing on a monolayer of non-transformed cells was completely suppressed by TGF-beta 1, whereas growth of the transformed cells was little inhibited by TGF-beta 1 in the absence of their normal counterparts. The inhibition by TGF-beta 1 of focus formation by transformed BALB/c 3T3 cells on a normal cell monolayer remained when TGF-beta 1 was removed from the culture medium after 2 weeks. However, the transformed cells were not killed, since they grew in culture conditions under which only transformed cells are able to grow (soft agar). These results suggest that TGF-beta 1 suppresses growth of transformed cells in the presence of normal cells. Furthermore, when non-transformed cells were treated with TGF-beta 1 before co-culture with Ha-ras-transformed cells, formation of transformed foci was inhibited. When normal and transformed cells were cultured in the same dish but separated physically, focus formation was still inhibited. On the other hand, TGF-beta 1 enhanced the growth and changed the morphology of non-transformed cells only in the presence of transformed counterparts. The growth inhibitory effect of TGF-beta 1 on transformed cells and its growth stimulatory effect on non-transformed cells in co-culture conditions suggest the induction of reciprocal paracrine growth regulatory factors. As TGF-beta 1 inhibits the growth of transformed BALB/c 3T3 cells only in the presence of their normal counterparts, a paracrine negative growth control mechanism appears to be operating.  相似文献   

The activity of the renin-angiotensin system was studied in experiments on rats under conditions of the inhibited prostaglandin synthesis. It was found that the injection of indometacin in non-hypertensive doses was accompanied by a substantial lowering of the plasma renin activity and of the secretory function of the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys. The amount of lipid granules increased in the interstitial cells simultaneously, this reflecting the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the medulla of the kidneys. The results of these experiments permit the assumption to be made that the renin synthesis in the juxtaglomerular apparatus was connected with the synthesis of renal prostaglanins.  相似文献   

A factor isolated from the human tonsillar ribosomal wash specifically stimulated the poly (U)-dependent binding of Phe-tRNA to 40S subunits at low Mg2+ concentration and without any requirement for GTP. The stimulated binding of Phe-tRNA to 40S particles was inhibited in proportion to added deacylated tRNA. The factor was inactivated by N-ethylmaleimide, but in the presence of 40S subunits a considerable protection was observed. 40S subunits, incubated with the factor and isolated by centrifugation, carried significant factor activity. The results imply that the human tonsillar factor, which shows a great functional analogy to the eucaryotic initiation factor 1 from other sources, exerts its effect by an initial interaction with the 40S subunit.  相似文献   

Expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene is inhibited by ligand-activated thyroid hormone receptor (T3R). Binding sites for Sp1 and for the T3R.retinoid X receptor (RXR) complex overlap in a functional core of the EGFR promoter. Sp1 inhibited binding of the T3R complex to this 36-base pair (bp) EGFR element in vitro but did not affect binding of the T3R complex to a positive thyroid hormone response element (TRE). In Drosophila SL2 cells, which lack Sp1 and T3R, function of the EGFR promoter was strongly dependent on Sp1. Sp1-dependent promoter function was inhibited by ligand-activated T3R but not by mutant T3R defective in DNA or T3 binding. RXR increased the extent of inhibition. Sp1 enhanced activity of the 36-bp element placed 5' to a minimal TATA promoter and this enhancement was also repressed by T3R. Mutations in the 36-bp element were unable to separate Sp1 and T3R functions. However, addition of a second half-site 5' to the existing site in an inverted repeat configuration created a positive TRE. In the absence of ligand, T3R inhibited Sp1 stimulation from this altered element; addition of T3 reversed the inhibition. When a dimeric TRE is separated from Sp1-binding sites strong synergism was observed. The nature and location of the TRE thus strongly influence biological responses. A TRE site in the EGFR promoter that overlaps an Sp1-binding site inhibits Sp1 function but is unable to direct positive function.  相似文献   

The human platelet-activating factor cell-surface receptor (PTAFR) is a G protein-coupled receptor thought to contribute to many atopic and inflammatory diseases and, perhaps, to the growth of some neoplasms. Exploring the possibility that the PTAFR might be involved in the genetic predisposition to any disease requires knowledge of its chromosomal localization. In this paper we have used a 20-kb human genomic fragment containing the coding sequence of the cloned PTAFR to determine the regional chromosomal localization of the gene. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, the localization of the human PTAFR gene was mapped to 1p35-->p34.3.  相似文献   

Formation and inhibition of malonaldehyde (MA) from blood plasma lipids oxidized by Fenton's reagent in the absence or presence of probucol [4,4'-(isopropylidenedithio)bis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol)] and L-ascorbic acid were investigated. The amount of MA formed was quantitatively analysed by gas chromatography. L-Ascorbic acid inhibited MA formation by about 30% at the level of 4.0/micromol, but the amount of MA formed was increased by the presence of probucol. When 3.0 micromol oxidized probucol was hydrolysed at pH 1. 3 and 5, 2616.5 nmol, 287.5 nmol and 103.9 nmol MA were recovered, respectively. This is the first report of quantitative analysis of MA formed from probucol on oxidation.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori contains alcohol dehydrogenase which oxidizes ethanol to acetaldehyde. In the present study, H. pylori cytosol was incubated in a buffered media at pH 6.0 and 7.4 in the presence of ethanol and tryptamine. Under these conditions, tetrahydroharman (1-methyl-tetrahydro-beta-carboline) was produced as a condensation product of tryptamine and acetaldehyde. At pH 6.0, 20.60 +/- 5.00% of the added tryptamine was converted to tetrahydroharman, while 27.00 +/- 4.80% (mean +/-SD) was converted at pH 7.4. Similar reactions between acetaldehyde and other dietary amines seem likely. Such biogenic alkaloids, if formed in vivo, might contribute to the dysphoric effects of alcohol.  相似文献   

Nuclear pre-mRNA splicing occurs in a large RNA-protein complex containing four small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and additional protein factors. The yeast Prp4 (yPrp4) protein is a specific component of the U4/U6 and U4/U6-U5 snRNPs, which associates transiently with the spliceosome before the first step of splicing. In this work, we used the in vivo yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro immunoprecipitation assays to show that yPrp4 interacts with yPrp3, another U4/U6 snRNP protein. To investigate the domain of yPrp4 that directly contacts yPrp3, we introduced deletions in the N-terminal half of yPrp4 and point mutations in the C-terminal half of the molecule, and we tested the resulting prp4 mutants for cell viability and for their ability to interact with yPrp3. We could not define any particular sequence in the first 161 amino acid residues that are specifically required for protein-protein interactions. However, deletion of a small basic-rich region of 30 amino acid residues is lethal to the cells. Analysis of the C terminus prp4 mutants obtained clearly shows that this region of yPrp4 represents the primary domain of interaction with yPrp3. Interestingly, yPrp4 shows significant similarity in its C-terminal half to the beta-subunits of G proteins. We have generated a three-dimensional computer model of this domain, consisting of a seven-bladed beta-propeller based on the crystalline structure of beta-transducin. Several lines of evidence suggested that yPrp4 is contacting yPrp3 through a large flat surface formed by the long variable loops linking the beta-strands of the propeller. This surface could be used as a scaffold for generating an RNA-protein complex.  相似文献   

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