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为了能在去除图像噪声的同时有效地克服Gibbs现象,得到令人满意的视觉效果,提出了一种基于局部自适应阈值的小波图像降噪方法.该算法利用局部化信息和层间相关性理论,对小波系数进行分块分类处理.该算法首先把图像划分成子块,通过调节全局阈值得到各个子块阈值,从而有效地利用了局部信息,有选择地对图像进行降噪处理.算法加入自适应的步骤,对于不同尺度的子带,分别赋予大小不同的阈值,使算法具有更好的自适应性.试验结果表明, 与其他几种传统降噪方法相比,该方法能获得较好的降噪效果. 相似文献
为了提高图像的视觉效果,提出了一种改进的基于Curvelet变换的图像融合方法.首先对全色图像进行增强,使图像的细节信息得到加强,再采用Curvelet变换与IHS变换结合的方法对增强后的图像进行融合。该算法既有效的保留了空间信息又抑制了光谱扭曲.结果表明,和常用的小波融合算法相比,笔者提出的融合方法在光谱信息的保持与空间细节信息的增强两个方面的综合性能得到提高,具有更好的效果. 相似文献
为解决500 kV瓷绝缘子串红外图像分割问题,提出了一种基于分水岭算法的图像分割方法。通过调整红外图像G分量消除云雾干扰,图像预处理后采用灰度拉伸法进行图像增强;然后利用Otsu算法将灰度图像二值化,通过Hough变换确定绝缘子串基准线,并据此使用Floodfill算法提取绝缘子串目标区域;角度校正后做欧式距离变换,以局部最小值为标记符避免过分割,再采用分水岭算法进行绝缘子片分割。据此对湖南省某座500 kV变电站700张红外图像进行分析,结果表明,本文所提方法具有良好的自适应性和实用性,可显著提高绝缘子红外图像智能分割准确率。 相似文献
Craig L. Beyler Ph.D. 《Fire Technology》1984,20(4):5-16
The scientific basis of a design method for the detection of flaming fires is reviewed. The equations required to calculate
detector spacings are included and the selection of appropriate design input parameters is discussed. Limitations of the method
and areas for further research are identified. The design method has been implemented and proposed for inclusion in NFPA Standard
72E-1984 as Appendix C by the 72E-M Committee.
Center for Fire Safety Studies Worcester Polytechnic Institute 相似文献
《Fire Safety Journal》2006,41(4):321-326
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of commercial video image fire detection systems for small, cluttered spaces as would be found on Navy ships. The primary goal was to establish an understanding of the performance sensitivity and limitations of the video image detection (VID) systems to various setup and environmental conditions that may occur onboard ship while exposed to a range of flaming and smoldering fire sources and potential nuisance alarm sources. The response of the VID systems was benchmarked against standard fire alarm systems using addressable ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors. 相似文献
提出一种以图像识别技术为基础的火焰识别方法。为将火焰与背景分离,首先通过灰度转换将彩色图像转化为灰度图像,然后用中值滤波处理法对图像进行平滑处理去除图像噪声,再用最大类间方差法进行二值化处理分离火焰与背景图像,用腐蚀与膨胀算法进行数学形态处理突出火焰图像特征,最后采用区域形状参数作为火焰图像判别依据,去除灯光等疑似干扰图像。实验表明,该方法可较好地辨别火焰和干扰源。 相似文献
Richard G. Bright 《Fire Technology》1977,13(2):105-113
A new test method is proposed in which all automatic fire detectors, regardless of sensor type, would be subjected to a series
of the same test fires.
Note: Mr. Bright presented this paper at the 80th Annual Meeting of the National Fire Protection Association in Houston, Texas,
May 1976. 相似文献
《Fire Safety Journal》2006,41(4):285-289
This paper presents an image processing technique for automatic real time fire detection in video images. The underlying algorithm is based on the temporal variation of fire intensity captured by a visual image sensor. The full image sequences are analyzed to select a candidate flame region. Characteristic fire features are extracted from the candidate region and combined to determine the presence of fire or non-fire patterns. Fire alarm is triggered if the fire pattern persists over a period of time. 相似文献