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The important challenge of evaluating XPath queries over XML streams has sparked much interest in the past few years. A number of algorithms have been proposed, supporting wider fragments of the query language, and exhibiting better performance and memory utilization. Nevertheless, all the algorithms known to date use a prohibitively large amount of memory for certain types of queries. A natural question then is whether this memory bottleneck is inherent or just an artifact of the proposed algorithms.In this paper we initiate the first systematic and theoretical study of lower bounds on the amount of memory required to evaluate XPath queries over XML streams. We present a general lower bound technique, which given a query, specifies the minimum amount of memory that any algorithm evaluating the query on a stream would need to incur. The lower bounds are stated in terms of new graph-theoretic properties of queries. The proofs are based on tools from communication complexity.We then exploit insights learned from the lower bounds to obtain a new algorithm for XPath evaluation on streams. The algorithm uses space close to the optimum. Our algorithm deviates from the standard paradigm of using automata or transducers, thereby avoiding the need to store large transition tables.  相似文献   

王宏志  骆吉洲  李建中 《软件学报》2009,20(9):2436-2449
研究了图结构XML数据上子图查询处理,给出了一系列高效的处理算法.基于可达编码,首先提出基于哈希的结构连接算法(HGJoin)来处理图结构XML数据上的可达查询.然后,该算法被扩展来处理特殊的二分图查询.基于这些算法和所给出的代价模型,提出了一般DAG子图查询的处理算法和查询优化策略.这些算法经过简单修改即可有效地处理一般的子图查询.理论分析和实验结果表明,算法具有较高的效率.  相似文献   

Finding the occurrences of structural patterns in XML data is a key operation in XML query processing. Existing algorithms for this operation focus almost exclusively on path patterns or tree patterns. Current applications of XML require querying of data whose structure is complex or is not fully known to the user, or integrating XML data sources with different structures. These applications have motivated recently the introduction of query languages that allow a partial specification of path patterns in a query. In this paper, we consider partial path queries, a generalization of path pattern queries, and we focus on their efficient evaluation under the indexed streaming evaluation model. Our approach explicitly deals with repeated labels (that is, multiple occurrences of the same label in a query). We show that partial path queries can be represented as rooted dags for which a topological ordering of the nodes exists. We present three algorithms for the efficient evaluation of these queries. The first one exploits a structural summary of data to generate a set of path patterns that together are equivalent to a partial path query. To evaluate these path patterns, we extend a previous algorithm for path-pattern queries so that it can work on path patterns with repeated labels. The second one extracts a spanning tree from the query dag, uses a stack-based algorithm to find the matches of the root-to-leaf paths in the tree, and merge-joins the matches to compute the answer. Finally, the third one exploits multiple pointers of stack entries and a topological ordering of the query dag to apply a stack-based holistic technique. We analyze our algorithms and perform extensive experimental evaluations. Our experimental results show that the holistic algorithm outperforms the other ones. Our approaches are the first ones to efficiently evaluate this class of queries in the indexed streaming model.  相似文献   

Exploring spatial datasets with histograms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As online spatial datasets grow both in number and sophistication, it becomes increasingly difficult for users to decide whether a dataset is suitable for their tasks, especially when they do not have prior knowledge of the dataset. In this paper, we propose browsing as an effective and efficient way to explore the content of a spatial dataset. Browsing allows users to view the size of a result set before evaluating the query at the database, thereby avoiding zero-hit/mega-hit queries and saving time and resources. Although the underlying technique supporting browsing is similar to range query aggregation and selectivity estimation, spatial dataset browsing poses some unique challenges. In this paper, we identify a set of spatial relations that need to be supported in browsing applications, namely, the contains, contained and the overlap relations. We prove a lower bound on the storage required to answer queries about the contains relation accurately at a given resolution. We then present three storage-efficient approximation algorithms which we believe to be the first to estimate query results about these spatial relations. We evaluate these algorithms with both synthetic and real world datasets and show that they provide highly accurate estimates for datasets with various characteristics. Recommended by: Sunil Prabhakar Work supported by NSF grants IIS 02-23022 and CNF 04-23336. An earlier version of this paper appeared in the 17th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2001).  相似文献   

A number of indexing techniques have been proposed in recent times for optimizing the queries on XML and other semi-structured data models. Most of the semi-structured models use tree-like structures and query languages (XPath, XQuery, etc.) which make use of regular path expressions to optimize the query processing. In this paper, we propose two algorithms called Entry-point algorithm (EPA) and Two-point Entry algorithms that exploit different types of indices to efficiently process XPath queries. We discuss and compare two approaches namely, Root-first and Bottom-first in implementing the EPA. We present the experimental results of the algorithms using XML benchmark queries and data and compare the results with that of traditional methods of query processing with and without the use of indexes, and ToXin indexing approach. Our algorithms show improved performance results than the traditional methods and Toxin indexing approach.  相似文献   

目前已经提出了多种查询XML数据的方法,然而这些传统的方法不能充分利用多处理器和多核心处理器的优势。本文提出了一种XML查询的并行算法,大幅提高了共享存储器多处理器、多核心处理器系统中XML数据的查询效率。  相似文献   

高效的索引是提高XML数据查询效率的关键,目前已经提出了许多XML索引算法,它们大多数都不支持XML数据更新。对CSSU编码进行了改进,提出了一种新的有效支持数据更新的路径索引算法,该索引算法有效支持单支查询和多支查询。  相似文献   

Searching XML data with a structured XML query can improve the precision of results compared with a keyword search. However, the structural heterogeneity of the large number of XML data sources makes it difficult to answer the structured query exactly. As such, query relaxation is necessary. Previous work on XML query relaxation poses the problem of unnecessary computation of a big number of unqualified relaxed queries. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive relaxation approach which relaxes a query against different data sources differently based on their conformed schemas. In this paper, we present a set of techniques that supports this approach, which includes schema-aware relaxation rules for relaxing a query adaptively, a weighted model for ranking relaxed queries, and algorithms for adaptive relaxation of a query and top-k query processing. We discuss results from a comprehensive set of experiments that show the effectiveness and the efficiency of our approach.  相似文献   

We address efficient processing of SPARQL queries over RDF datasets. The proposed techniques, incorporated into the gStore system, handle, in a uniform and scalable manner, SPARQL queries with wildcards and aggregate operators over dynamic RDF datasets. Our approach is graph based. We store RDF data as a large graph and also represent a SPARQL query as a query graph. Thus, the query answering problem is converted into a subgraph matching problem. To achieve efficient and scalable query processing, we develop an index, together with effective pruning rules and efficient search algorithms. We propose techniques that use this infrastructure to answer aggregation queries. We also propose an effective maintenance algorithm to handle online updates over RDF repositories. Extensive experiments confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions.  相似文献   

基数估计是实现数据库多表连接(JOIN)查询优化的重要手段之一。对数据量较大的数据表进行基数估计时常用数据抽样来获得较小的样本,从而估计各种查询负载下所需的数据基数。在单表上利用数据抽样来完成基数估计的方法已经得到广泛研究,但在多个数据表的抽样样本总体存储预算存在限制时,目前仍缺乏有效的多表间样本数划分方法使得整体基数估计达到较优。为此,提出一种面向多表JOIN查询优化的基数估计方法,针对一组给定的含有复杂多JOIN操作的查询负载,为其合理分配数据库中每个表的抽样率,从而在满足样本大小总和限制的同时使得基数估计准确率达到最高。将上述过程抽象为一个抽样率分配搜索问题,在数据库数据抽样问题中引入贝叶斯优化搜索算法,利用该算法快速搜索出不同表之间抽样样本大小的分配比例,使得有限时间内获得的样本分配方案对应的基数估计准确率最高,从而达到查询优化的目的。在TPC-H数据集上的实验结果表明,在相同时间内确定多JOIN操作查询负载下基数估计准确率最高的抽样比例方案时,相比随机搜索算法,贝叶斯优化算法所得方案对应的基数估计误差率降低54.8%~60.2%。  相似文献   

随着半结构化的数据在信息交换中越来越重要,近年来,在XML数据库中,研究工作者提出了很多匹配小枝查询的算法.这些算法对仅含祖先后裔边的查询是很有效的,但是当查询中同时含祖先后裔和父子边时,以前算法仍可能产生大量中间结果,尤其是输入和输出的规模很大时.为避免中间结果的产生,提出了一种新的算法OPTwig,它是基于有序对的,通过查询树和文档树中结点有序对的匹配来进行查询,且不需要进行归并操作.结果表明,该算法优于以前算法.  相似文献   

摘要为了解决XML查询的信息过载问题,提出了基于条件偏好的XML多查询结果排序方法。该方法把用户指定的内容查询谓词作为上下文条件,然后在原始XML数据和查询历史上利用概率信息检索模型推测当前用户偏好,评估结果元素中被查询指定的属性单元值与未指定的属性单元值之间的关联关系以及未指定的属性单元值与用户偏好之间的相关程度,进而构建查询结果元素打分函数;在此基础上,利用打分函数计算结果元素的排序分值,并以此对查询结果进行排序。实验结果表明,提出的排序方法具有较高的排序准确性,能够较好地满足用户需求和偏好。  相似文献   

随着传感器技术的进步,无线传感器网络支持复杂查询在现实应用中越来越重要。Skyline查询由于可用于多种标准下的决策而受到广泛关注。对无线传感器网络中Skyline连续查询进行了研究,提出了一种增量(progressive)算法来解决静态数据集中的Skyline查询求解问题,这种增量算法能够递增返回Skyline结果,而无需事先扫描整个数据集。设计了一种新颖的算法来解决流数据集中的Skyline查询维护问题。通过实验对算法性能进行了验证,结果表明,该算法能够大大延长网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

In many applications, XML documents need to be modelled as graphs. The query processing of graph-structured XML documents brings new challenges. In this paper, we design a method based on labelling scheme for structural queries processing on graph-structured XML documents. We give each node some labels, the reachability labelling scheme. By extending an interval-based reachability labelling scheme for DAG by Rakesh et al., we design labelling schemes to support the judgements of reachability relationships for general graphs. Based on the labelling schemes, we design graph structural join algorithms to answer the structural queries with only ancestor-descendant relationship efficiently. For the processing of subgraph query, we design a subgraph join algorithm. With efficient data structure, the subgraph join algorithm can process subgraph queries with various structures efficiently. Experimental results show that our algorithms have good performance and scalability. Support by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60533110; the National Grand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China under Grant No. 2006CB303000; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60773068 and No. 60773063.  相似文献   

在使用"不完全结构的约束查询(PSTP查询)"从XML文档中获取信息时,用户可以根据自身对XML文档结构的熟悉程度,在查询表达式中灵活地嵌入结构约束条件,从而满足完全不了解、完全了解及了解部分结构信息的各种用户的查询需求。提出一种基于扩展Dewey编码的查询处理算法,可以在仅扫描一遍元素的情况下,处理任意形式的PSTP查询。不同数据集上的实验结果表明,EDPS算法在处理twig查询、不包含"*"结点的PSTP查询及包含"*"结点的PSTP查询时,综合性能明显优于已有方法。  相似文献   

Caching query results is one efficient approach to improving the performance of XML management systems. This entails the discovery of frequent XML queries issued by users. In this paper, we model user queries as a stream of XML query pattern trees and mine the frequent query patterns over the query stream. To facilitate the one-pass mining process, we devise a novel data structure called DTS to summarize the pattern trees seen so far. By grouping the incoming pattern trees into batches, we can dynamically mark the active portion of the current batch in DTS and limit the enumeration of candidate trees to only the currently active pattern trees. We also design another summary data structure called ECTree that provides for the incremental computation of the frequent tree patterns over the query stream. Based on the above two constructs, we present two mining algorithms called XQSMinerI and XQSMinerII. XQSMinerI is fast, but it tends to overestimate, while XQSMinerII adopts a filter-and-refine approach to minimize the amount of overestimation. Experimental results show that the proposed methods are both efficient and scalable and require only small memory footprints.Received: 17 October 2003, Accepted: 16 April 2004, Published online: 14 September 2004Edited by: J. Gehrke and J. Hellerstein.  相似文献   

The gap between storing data in relational databases and transferring data in form of XML has been closed e.g. by SQL/XML queries that generate XML data out of relational data sources. However, only few relational database systems support the evaluation of SQL/XML queries. And even in those systems supporting SQL/XML, the evaluation of such queries is quite slow compared to the evaluation of SQL queries. In this paper, we present S2CX, an approach that allows to efficiently evaluate SQL/XML queries on any relational database system, no matter whether it supports SQL/XML or not. As a result to an SQL/XML query, S2CX supports different output formats ranging from plain XML to different compressed XML representations including a succinct encoding of XML data, schema-aware compressed XML to grammar compressed XML. In many cases, S2CX produces compressed XML as a result to an SQL/XML query even faster than the evaluation of SQL/XML queries into non-compressed XML as provided by Oracle 11 g and by DB2. Furthermore, our approach to query evaluation scales better, i.e., the larger the dataset, the faster is our approach compared to SQL/XML query evaluation in Oracle 11 g and in DB2.  相似文献   

张安珍  李建中  高宏 《软件学报》2020,31(2):406-420
本文研究了基于符号语义的不完整数据聚集查询处理问题.不完整数据又称为缺失数据,缺失值包括可填充的和不可填充的两种类型.现有的缺失值填充算法不能保证填充后查询结果的准确度,为此,本文给出不完整数据聚集查询结果的区间估计.本文在符号语义中扩展传统关系数据库模型,提出一种通用不完整数据库模型,该模型可以处理可填充的和不可填充的两种类型缺失值.在该模型下,提出一种新的不完整数据聚集查询结果语义:可靠结果.可靠结果是真实查询结果的区间估计,可以保证真实查询结果很大概率在该估计区间范围内.本文给出线性时间求解SUM、COUNT和AVG查询可靠结果的方法.真实数据集和合成数据集上的扩展实验验证了本文所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Graphs are widely used for modeling complicated data such as social networks, bibliographical networks and knowledge bases. The growing sizes of graph databases motivate the crucial need for developing powerful and scalable graph-based query engines. We propose a SPARQL-like language, G-SPARQL, for querying attributed graphs. The language enables the expression of different types of graph queries that are of large interest in the databases that are modeled as large graph such as pattern matching, reachability and shortest path queries. Each query can combine both structural predicates and value-based predicates (on the attributes of the graph nodes/edges). We describe an algebraic compilation mechanism for our proposed query language which is extended from the relational algebra and based on the basic construct of building SPARQL queries, the Triple Pattern. We describe an efficient hybrid Memory/Disk representation of large attributed graphs where only the topology of the graph is maintained in memory while the data of the graph are stored in a relational database. The execution engine of our proposed query language splits parts of the query plan to be pushed inside the relational database (using SQL) while the execution of other parts of the query plan is processed using memory-based algorithms, as necessary. Experimental results on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of our approach and show that our approach outperforms native graph databases by several factors.  相似文献   

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