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基于业务流程的制造云服务组合模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秋云  魏乐  舒红平 《计算机应用》2014,34(11):3100-3103
为了提高云制造系统中制造云服务的组合成功率,实现组合云服务与用户业务需求的准确匹配,在对制造云服务、流程节点任务、云服务的可组合性和流程匹配进行形式化描述的基础上,提出一种基于业务流程的制造云服务组合模型。该模型由业务流程引擎、业务流程、选择逻辑、评估逻辑、监控逻辑、知识库和原子云服务集构成,在功能匹配的基础上,对候选服务的可组合性进行检查,结合负载、服务质量(QoS)和业务流程信息,选择合适的云服务,并将其挂接在业务流程上实现制造云服务的组合。对制造云服务的组合流程进行了详细描述,并给出云服务组合的实现方法。实例分析表明,该模型能够有效地选择满足业务需求的云服务实体并进行组合,从而提高制造云服务的组合成功率,保障用户制造活动的顺利进行。  相似文献   

分析了服务间的组合语义和QoS语义,研究了组合服务的发现与选择过程,并提出了高性价比的服务推荐原则。在组合服务的描述中借鉴了进程代数的思想,对顺序组合、选择组合和并发组合等语义进行了刻画,这些语义是服务组合的纽带。在服务发现的过程中,阐释了exact、plugin、subsume、overlap和fail匹配,两个服务的匹配度越高表示它们在语义上越相似;在服务选择的过程中,依据服务的性价比进行选择推荐,将性价比最高的服务推荐给用户,让用户获得满意的服务。该原则在有偿服务环境中对普通用户特别适用。  相似文献   

针对网格资源调度中用户对QoS的定性描述,利用云模型实现资源调度中的QoS匹配。深入分析了QoS参数云的特征,提出了QoS云处理模型,通过该模型,将离散的多个QoS参数归约到一个定性的概念上;设计了实现参数归约的体系结构;给出了基于定性概念的资源调度算法。实验表明,所提出方法在资源调度率和吞吐量以及系统资源的利用效率等方面体现出良好的特性,实现了基于定性概念的调度,达到了优化调度的目的。  相似文献   

为了进一步分析QoS历史数据的动态变化,对现有的基于QoS历史数据的云服务选择算法进行了改进。将原算法中每一时间段的评价指标权重由QoS历史数据平均值获得,修改为由该时间段对应的QoS历史数据获得,更能发挥历史数据的动态性。使用时间序列预测ARIMA模型对原QoS历史数据进行预测,把预测结果并入原数据集形成新的数据集,在新数据集上进行服务选择。设计了三个模型递进地进行实验分析,通过对比实验结果验证了改进算法的性能效果。  相似文献   

为了确保在服务组合中获得Pareto最优解集,把服务组合建模为多个服务质量属性同时优化的多目标优化问题,提出了一种依据服务质量属性类型的通用预处理方法,采用多个信息素表和单个启发式信息表的多目标蚁群算法,蚂蚁随机选择一种信息素表建构可行解,每个蚁群周期完成后所有信息素都会蒸发,但每个优化函数只有一个最优解获得信息素增加,经过多过蚁群周期后即可解获得最优解集.实验结果表明,该方法可为Web服务组合提供一种很好的优化方案,具有很高的准确率.  相似文献   

对于正态云多准则群决策问题,提出一种基于余弦贴近度与群体共识度的决策方法. 将各专家的正态云决策矩阵转化为泛型正态随机决策矩阵, 利用正态云的线性组合方法, 计算出线性加权泛型正态随机变量. 基于理想方案, 求得各专家认为各方案的余弦相似度、余弦贴近度和排序结果. 通过群体共识度, 判断专家们决策意见的一致性程度, 求得各方案的加权的余弦相似度、余弦贴近度, 并得到最终排序. 最后, 通过算例验证了所提出方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

详细介绍了基于BPEL语言的可视化Web服务组合流程建模工具的体系结构;引入节点和弧的概念实现可视化流程编辑器;采用图形化方法和流程图到WS-BPEL元素的映射技术,实现了Web服务组合流程模型的建立、编辑和配置等功能,简化了抽象流程到可执行流程的转化;提出了基于Web服务QOS约束的服务查询、QOS本体表示和QOS筛选方案,使得符合用户需求的Web服务能够被动态灵活地绑定到业务流程中.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for reconstructing a triangle mesh surface from a given point cloud. Starting with a seed triangle, the algorithm grows a partially reconstructed triangle mesh by selecting a new point based on an intrinsic property of the point cloud, namely, the sampling uniformity degree. The reconstructed mesh is essentially an approximate minimum-weight triangulation to the point cloud constrained to be on a two-dimensional manifold. Thus, the reconstructed surface has only small topological difference from the surface of the sampled object. Topological correct reconstruction can be guaranteed by adding a post-processing step.  相似文献   

基于服务质量的Web服务发现研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着Web服务的广泛应用,网络上提供的服务数量越来越多,如何在动态的环境下从海量的Web服务中找到满足用户需求的最优服务就成了Web服务应用急需解决的问题.介绍了服务质量的量化评价方法,并且在不改变传统Web服务架构的基础上,建立了一种基于服务质量的Web服务三层匹配模型,最后实验结果证明了该模型的可行性.  相似文献   

Wei  Li-feng  Ji  Jian-wei  Wu  Hong-yuan  Jing  Ke 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(19):19723-19739
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Data management is the core module of cloud storage system. Constructed network topology of data center, the data management model of Recursion-based N-regular...  相似文献   

针对本体概念和Web服务活动的交互问题,提出了一种新的Web服务匹配技术,建立了基于语义相似度匹配和QoS匹配相结合的服务匹配模型.根据本体构造虚拟的映射函数,计算该函数涉及的本体概念的语义相似度,进行第一次服务匹配,计算第一次匹配得出的候选服务集属性的QoS效用值,根据效用值进行服务的第二次匹配,由此实现在功能性、非功能性方面都可以达到用户的需求目标.模拟实验验证了所提匹配策略的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

首先对业务进行分类,不同的业务对网络不同的要求使其具有不同的QoS参数约束.然后研究并提出了基于智能业务识别的QoS路由模型和路由结构,根据动态配置的安全/QoS策略,在业务识别的基础上,标志数据包,根据DiffServ代码点DSCP值选择合适的路由算法.并针对带宽-时延-时延抖动-丢包率限制路由提出了一种改进的启发式路由算法,将丢包率转化为可加性条件,并把带宽限制作为剪枝条件,最后通过实验证明了其可行性.  相似文献   

Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the vogue, although somewhat discredited, change management method. It is as an information technology (IT)-based and customer-driven approach to organizational change, undertaken to enable superior performance, such as cost reduction, shorter cycle time, higher product quality and increased customer satisfaction. Although the literature on re-engineering principles and prospects is large, there is little empirical research evaluating the success or failure of BPR initiatives. This is especially so in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in which the potential for BPR benefits may differ significantly from that in their larger counterparts. SMEs are the fastest growing segment of most economies and are perceived to be more flexible and adaptable in terms of structure and speed of response than larger organizations. The literature speculates that SMEs have as good a chance of re-engineering successfully as their larger counterparts, although this is untested. Yet, with limited resources, such as IT and BPR expertise, and financial constraints, SMEs may find it difficult to re-engineer. This paper addresses the role of BPR in SMEs and develops a framework to assess its implementation potential. Factors that facilitate and inhibit BPR performance are identified and analysed as the basis for empirical testing. A set of propositions is developed that allows operationalization of the framework. The ultimate goal is to develop a process and tool set to assist SMEs wishing to undertake business process re-engineering.  相似文献   

In this paper, we presented a novel image representation method to capture the information about spatial relationships between objects in a picture. Our method is more powerful than all other previous methods in terms of accuracy, flexibility, and capability of discriminating pictures. In addition, our method also provides different degrees of granularity for reasoning about directional relations in both 8- and 16-direction reference frames. In similarity retrieval, our system provides twelve types of similarity measures to support flexible matching between the query picture and the database pictures. By exercising a database containing 3600 pictures, we successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of our image retrieval system. Experiment result showed that 97.8% precision rate can be achieved while maintaining 62.5% recall rate; and 97.9% recall rate can be achieved while maintaining 51.7% precision rate. On an average, 86.1% precision rate and 81.2% recall rate can be achieved simultaneously if the threshold is set to 0.5 or 0.6. This performance is considered to be very good as an information retrieval system.  相似文献   

With the explosive growth of the number of transactions conducted via electronic channels, there is a pressing need for the development of intelligent support tools to improve the degree and sophistication of automation for eCommerce. With reference to the BBT business model, negotiation is one of key steps for B2B eCommerce. Nevertheless, classical negotiation models are ineffective for supporting multi-agent multi-issue negotiations often encountered in eBusiness environment. The first contribution of this paper is the exploitation of Web services and intelligent agent techniques for the design and development of a distributed service discovery and negotiation system to streamline B2B eCommerce. In addition, an effective and efficient integrative negotiation mechanism is developed to conduct multi-party multi-issue negotiations for B2B eCommerce. Finally, an empirical study is conducted to evaluate our intelligent agents-based negotiation mechanism and to compare the negotiation performance of our software agents with that of their human counterparts. Our research work opens the door to the development of the next generation of intelligent system solutions to support B2B eCommerce.  相似文献   

Organizations are increasingly concerned about business process model improvement in their efforts to guarantee improved operational efficiency. Quality assurance of business process models should be addressed in the most objective manner, e.g., through the application of measures, but the assessment of measurement results is not a straightforward task and it requires the identification of relevant indicators and threshold values, which are able to distinguish different levels of process model quality. Furthermore, indicators must support the improvements of the models by using suitable guidelines. In this paper, we present a case study to evaluate the BPMIMA framework for BP model improvement. This framework is composed of empirically validated measures related to quality characteristics of the models, a set of indicators with validated thresholds associated with modeling guidelines and a prototype supporting tool. The obtained data suggest that the redesign by applying guidelines driven by the indicator results was successful, as the understandability and modifiability of the models were improved. In addition, the changes in the models according to guidelines were perceived as acceptable by the practitioners who participated in the case study.  相似文献   

郑小发  杨丽 《物联网技术》2014,(3):85-87,90
由于基于传统的不确定时滞鲁棒控制系统不能满足新型电力云网络化控制用户的需求,提出了一种基于模糊云理论系统模型的感知智能配电云网络化控制识别方法,该方法采用优化传统数据值和电力云网络化控制数据的一种云理论系统模型,并用云理论结果代替被控节点预测值,攻破了不确定滞鲁棒控制系统控制效果不能及时反馈的问题,同时将供电系统性能指标引入到电力云网络化控制计算器中,运用性能指标的云模型中正向运算法修正加权系数,实现了感知智能配电云网络化的最优控制。基于实验仿真证明,该识别方法可以优化传统的不确定滞鲁棒控制系统,并具有良好的适应性、鲁棒性、控制性,同时可以进一步改善智能配电云网络化控制的各种性能指标。  相似文献   

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