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The immunosuppressive effect of experimental Boophilus microplus infestation on bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and on host antibody production to a protein antigen (ovalbumin) was examined. Boophilus microplus infestation caused a marginal decrease in the percentage of T lymphocytes in PBL, which was observed in both lightly (5000 larvae) and heavily (40,000 larvae) infested cattle, and began at the second infestation and continued until the end of the fourth infestation. The percentage of B lymphocytes in heavily tick-infested cattle was less than that in non-infested control cattle after the fourth infestation. The response of PBL from tick-infested cattle to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was always less than that of tick-free cattle after the second infestation. No noteworthy differences were detected between the three stages of tick infestation, that is, 1 week before the peak of adult engorgement, the middle of the peak and 1 week after all ticks had dropped. Boophilus microplus saliva (100 microliters ml-1) suppressed 47% of the response of bovine PBL to PHA in vitro. This suppressive effect of saliva may contribute to the lower responsiveness of PBL from tick-infested cattle. Antibody production by tick-infested cattle was examined during the third and fourth heavy tick infestation. Tick-infested cattle showed a diminished response against ovalbumin after the second immunization. The immunosuppressive effects of tick infestation may play an important role in tick survival or in the transmission of tick-borne diseases in the field.  相似文献   

Three aspects of the biochemical genetics of resistance to organophosphorus compounds in the Biarra (B), Mackay (M) and Ridgelands (R) strains of the cattle tick B. microplus were studied. These were: decreased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in adult brains of strains B and M; decreased AChE sensitivity to inhibitors in adult brains and in larvae of strains B, M and R; and increased detoxication in larvae and adult females of strain M. Comparisons were made with a susceptible reference strain (S). Microspectrophotometric estimations of AChE activity in histochemical preparations of whole brains showed that hybrids had levels of activity approximately intermediate between those of the parental strains. Homogenates of brains from hybrids assayed biochemically gave similar but more precise results which indicated that decreased brain AChE activity was neither recessive nor dominant (degree of dominance, D = +0-02) in strain B and incompletely recessive (D = -0-26) in strain M. The proportions of brains showing decreased AChE activity in testcross and F2 progenies indicated that decreased AChE activity in strains B and M is controlled by single autosomal genes. Inhibition of AChE at diagnostic concentrations of coroxon in brains of B, B x S hybrid and S types suggested that decreased sensitivity of AChE in strain B is incompletely dominant (D = +0-10). Kinetic studies on coroxon inhibition of AChE in brain homogenates of B, B x S hybrid and S types revealed the presence of each parental AChE component in hybrids in equal amounts and the absence of a hybrid enzyme. Dimethoxon inhibition of AChE in brains, their homogenates and larval homogenates of B, M and R types showed that decreased AChE sensitivity was a major mechanism of resistance to dimethoate strongly expressed in B x S and M x S hybrids. The proportion of brains showing decreased AChE sensitivity to coroxon in testocross and F2 progenies indicated that decreased AChE sensitivity in strain B is controlled by a single autosomal gene. The degree of dominance of increased degradative metabolism of coumaphos in strain M was variable; the hydrolytic rate in all M x S hybrids was similar to that of M but the overall detoxication rate in hybrids was lower. Genetic control of detoxication is discussed.  相似文献   

Mating of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus is mediated by chemical stimuli on the cuticle of females. Males are arrested on the dorsum of females attached to the host, frequently sample the substrate, and then tip-over to the ventrally located gonopore. These behaviours are also observed in vitro when males are placed on a small glass bead treated with a female extract. Time spent and tip-over by male ticks on dummies is used in an assay to test the behavioural significance of fractions of the extract. TLC separation yields one apolar fraction that arrests males, though much less so than the whole extract, but lost tip-over behaviour. This apolar fraction contains a series of cholesteryl esters that, when tested individually, show no arrestment activity at levels present in the extract but, when combined, are as active as the fraction. When a small silica column is used for fractionation, all biological activity is reproduced after recombining the fractions. In addition to the early eluting apolar fraction containing cholesteryl esters, a set of highly active more polar fractions is isolated. Electrophysiological recordings from gustatory sensilla on the pedipalps of male B. microplus, which are regularly brought into contact with the cuticle of the female during mating, provide evidence for receptors in two of them responding to the whole extract and to the behaviourally active polar fractions. Mating behaviour involving arrestment and tip-over is clearly initiated by a mixture of chemical stimuli, and tip-over behaviour is associated with the more polar material.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine practices for the control of cattle ticks on dairy farms in Queensland, the attitudes of farmers to tick infestations and to identify opportunities for and barriers against the introduction of non-chemical methods of tick control. DESIGN: A survey of 199 dairy farmers from tick-infested parts of Queensland was undertaken by 20 dairy advisers and stock inspectors from October 1996 to June 1997. The sample was a proportional, random selection of dairy farms from four regions. A personal interview was conducted with each farmer and answers to 134 questions were obtained. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Most farmers were not concerned by cattle ticks on their own farms, although they believed that ticks are important to the dairy industry. They were most concerned about the development of chemical resistance by cattle ticks. Inadequate facilities and lack of motivation appeared to be the factors most limiting to improving the methods of control. Most farmers claimed to have only small numbers of ticks at worst. Although a control program recommended by the Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organisation was well regarded by farmers, few had adopted it. Many farmers saw no need to implement a strategic control program.  相似文献   

This study presents findings from an updated retrospective cohort mortality study of male police officers from January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1990 (n = 2,593; 58,474 person-years; 98% follow-up). Significantly higher than expected mortality rates were found for all cause mortality (Standardized mortality ratio [SMR] = 110; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 1.04-1.17), all malignant neoplasms (SMR = 125; 95% CI = 1.10-1.41), cancer of the esophagus (SMR = 213; 95% CI = 1.01-3.91), cancer of the colon (SMR = 187; 95% CI = 1.29-2.59), cancer of the kidney (SMR = 2.08, 95% CI = 100-3.82), Hodgkin's disease (SMR = 313; 95% CI = 1.01-7.29), cirrhosis of the liver (SMR = 150; 95% CI = 1.00-2.16), and suicide (SMR = 153; 95% CI = 1.00-2.24). All accidents were significantly lower (SMR = 53; 95% CI = 0.34-0.79). Mortality by years of police service showed higher than expected rates for (1) all malignant neoplasms in the 1- to 9-years-of-service group; (2) all causes, bladder cancer, leukemia, and arteriosclerotic heart disease in the 10 to 19-year group; and (3) colon cancer and cirrhosis of the liver in the over 30 years of service group. Hypotheses for findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A preembedding immunogold technique was used to locate Bm86, an antigen from the gut digest cells of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus. Gut from partially engorged female ticks was everted to expose the cells, lightly fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, and then incubated in rabbit antisera against a recombinant form of Bm86. Following incubation in a secondary antibody conjugated to 1-nm colloidal gold, Bm86 antigenic sites were visualized for both light and electron microscopy using silver enhancement. Bm86 was shown to be located predominantly on the microvilli of digest cells. Antiserum against a nonglycosylated Escherichia coli recombinant form of Bm86 was used to avoid cross-reactivity with carbohydrate epitopes of other digest cell proteins.  相似文献   

Cattle infested with all parasitic life-stages of Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) were treated once with a pour-on formulation of fipronil at 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0% active ingredient (AI) to determine the therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, cattle were infested at weekly intervals for 13 consecutive weeks after treatment to determine the persistent effectiveness of the three concentrations. Results of therapeutic efficacy of fipronil showed that with each increase in concentration there was a corresponding and often significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the numbers, fecundity and fertility of engorged females. The overall control of the Index of Reproduction (IR) achieved at 0.25 and 0.5% AI was 86.2 and 94.3%, respectively, while the control of the IR at the 1.0% AI concentration was 99.7%. The persistent efficacy of fipronil, like the therapeutic efficacy, was also dose related. The 0.25% AI treatment failed to provide complete protection (100%) against larval reinfestation, although control of the IR remained high (> 95%) for the first 6 weeks after treatment. In contrast, at 0.5% AI the control of the IR remained at 100% for the first 4 weeks after treatment, and was > 90% for an additional 2 weeks (6 weeks posttreatment). The 1.0% AI concentration afforded the longest residual activity, providing virtually 100% protection against larval reinfestation for 8 weeks after treatment was applied. Based on the results, neither the 0.25 or 0.5% AI concentration completely eliminated the immature stages of the tick (nymphs and larvae) on the host at the time of treatment (therapeutic efficacy), and the residual activity (persistent efficacy) did not prevent reinfestation by larvae for long periods after treatment. While the 1.0% AI concentration provided both therapeutic and residual efficacy that would be suitable for use in the eradication program, caution is still warranted because a few engorged females detached for up to 25 days after treatment, although none reproduced after the 6th day.  相似文献   

Four groups of cattle infested with Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) were each dipped in a different concentration of amitraz diluted from a 12.5% EC formulation to determine the efficacy and performance of the product in an 11,400 l dipping vat. Except for the period when heifers were dipped, animals were restrained in stanchions placed individually inside 3.3 x 3.3 m2 stalls within an open-sided barn. The amitraz in the vat was stabilized with hydrated lime to maintain a pH of ca. 12. Analyses of vat samples showed that concentrations of amitraz in the vat were 7.6 to 13% lower than the targeted concentrations of 0.010, 0.015, 0.020, and 0.025% active ingredient (AI) for dilutions prepared according to instructions on the manufacturer's label. The large quantity of hydrated lime added to the vat (10 kg/1000 l) interfered with the HPLC analysis of vat samples. Therapeutic efficacy of each of the four observed concentrations (0.0088, 0.0131, 0.0174, and 0.0231% AI) of amitraz was excellent (> 99% control). However, the rapid detachment of all ticks from an animal within a few hours after treatment with amitraz, that has been frequently observed, was not pronounced in the present study. Only 47% of the B. microplus detached in the first 4 h post-treatment, and 84% detached within the first 24 h. All of the treatments, except the lowest concentration, provided protection of cattle against re-infestation by B. microplus larvae for 14 days post-treatment. Possibly as a result of the formation of a compact layer of lime and amitraz on the bottom after the vat was undisturbed for six weeks, intense agitation was required to re-suspend the active ingredient.  相似文献   

Resistance was induced in cattle to the tick Amblyomma variegatum by five consecutive infestations with nymphs and adults. Using the principal component analysis (PCA), it was found that percentage of adults engorged, percentage of adults which died, percentage of nymphs which engorged, percentage of nymphs which moulted and percentage of nymphs which died, were the main indicators of resistance against A. variegatum. The percentages of nymphs which engorged or moulted after the third infestation were significantly (P < 0.01) reduced while the percentage of nymphs which died increased significantly (P < 0.01) after the third infestation. Percentages of adults which engorged or died started to decrease significantly (P < 0.01) from the fourth infestation after an initial increase during this period. The acquisition of resistance by cattle to the adult ticks was slower than to the nymphs. Infection of cattle with Trypanosoma congolense and Babesia bigemina after the fifth infestation enhanced the acquired immunity as revealed by the significantly (P < 0.01) increased feeding period of the adult ticks and changes in other parameters.  相似文献   

An immediate effect of hormones (insulin, oxytocin, glucocorticoids and sex hormones) on the conformation and activity of enzymatically active proteins (hexokinase, glutamate dehydrogenase) was studied. Hormone-enzyme complex of insulin-hexokinase was shown to be formed. This process was accompanied by dissociation of the enzyme into two dimers without a loss of the catalytic activity but with disappearance of the property to be inhibited by glucocorticoids. The effect of insulin on the hexokinase activity was postulated to occur due to reaction of thiol-disulphide exchange between disulphide group of insulin and free sulfhydryl group of hexokinase. The inhibitory effect of sex hormones on the glutamate dehydrogenase activity was shown to be determined by their association with the enzymatically active protein. This phenomenon did not occur under conditions of stabilization of the quaternary structure of the enzyme. If the guanidine groups of glutamate dehydrogenase were blocked the inhibitory effect of sex hormones was found to decrease. These data demonstrate the importance of the guanidine groups in binding of sex hormones.  相似文献   

The effect of natural tick infestation on the liveweight gain (LWG) of male Gudali zebu cattle was studied throughout a year by comparing the performances of two herds, one of which was submitted to weekly acaricidal treatment and the other was left untreated against ticks. Six species of ticks were identified on the untreated animals: Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus decoloratus, Rhipicephalus lunulatus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Hyalomma nitidum and Hyalomma marginatum rufipes. Most of the losses observed in the untreated herd during the rainy season were due to A. variegatum, and the loss in LWG was estimated to be 55-76 g per engorged female A. variegatum. The infestation also leads to wounds and to lesions of dermatophilosis. There was an interval between the peak infestation by A. variegatum and the appearance of weight loss owing to them. The control of ticks on the Gudali zebu in Adamawa, during the months of high infestation by A. variegatum adults, is economically profitable. On the other hand, the performances of the two herds during the dry season were similar, showing that infestation by larvae and nymphs of A. variegatum has no impact on the zebu LWG, and that tick control during that period is not profitable.  相似文献   

The efficacies of two regimens for the treatment of acute clinical mastitis were compared in a randomised multi-centre field trial in Norway, using 657 cows. The purpose was to determine whether repeated intramuscular injections of penicillin G for three days were more effective than a single injection, when given in combination with intramammary treatment for five days. The results were evaluated on the basis of clinical and microbiological examinations and cell count determinations of quarter milk samples taken at the initial visit and four weeks later. There were no significant differences between the effects of the treatments, either for all the cows, or for subgroups of the cows based on age, stage of lactation, and systemic reaction, or the type of causal bacteria.  相似文献   

Adult male albino mice were given single subcutaneous injections of either mipafox (110 mumol/kg) or ecothiopate (0.5 mumol/kg), two organophosphorus compounds (OPs). Acetylcholinesterase activity was measured in the soleus (slow-twitch) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL; fast-twitch) muscles. At 7 and 28 days after dosing, in vitro electrophysiological measurements were carried out in the soleus and EDL. Action potentials and end-plate potentials were evoked at 30 Hz and recorded intracellularly from single muscle fibers. The amplitudes, time course, and latencies of these potentials were measured and the variability (jitter) of latencies was calculated. Recordings after mipafox were also made with 3-Hz stimulation. Acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited by mipafox (65% in the soleus; 76% in the EDL) and ecothiopate (59% in the soleus; 42% in the EDL). Mipafox and ecothiopate both increased postjunctional (muscle action potential) jitter in the soleus and EDL at 7 days after dosing. Organophosphates caused an increase in end-plate potential amplitudes in the soleus. Mipafox caused an increase in prejunctional (end-plate potential) jitter at 28 days after dosing in both muscles. A single dose of ecothiopate also caused an increase in prejunctional jitter at 28 days in the soleus. The OP-induced increase in jitter was different at different frequencies of stimulation. The results show that there are electrophysiological changes in both muscles after administration of organophosphorus compounds. The slow-twitch soleus appears more sensitive to prejunctional changes caused by OPs than the fast-twitch EDL.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to summarize the short-term and long-term results of the authors' clinical prospective study on the treatment of Class III malocclusion using the protraction facemask. An attempt is made to answer questions pertaining to this treatment modality. Twenty patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion were treated consecutively with maxillary expansion and a protraction facemask. A positive overjet was obtained in all cases after 6 to 9 months of treatment. These changes were contributed to by a forward movement of the maxilla, backward and downward rotation of the mandible, proclination of the maxillary incisors, and retroclination of the mandibular incisors. The molar relationship was overcorrected to Class I or Class II dental arch relationship. The overbite was reduced with a significant increase in lower facial height. The treatment was found to be stable 2 years after removal of the appliances. At the end of the 4-year observation period, 15 of the 20 patients maintained a positive overjet or an end-to-end incisal relationship. Patients who reverted back to a negative overjet were found to have excess horizontal mandibular growth that was not compensated by proclination of the maxillary incisors. A review of the literature showed that maxillary expansion in conjunction with protraction produced greater forward movement of the maxilla. Maxillary protraction with a 30 degrees forward and downward force applied at the canine region produced an acceptable clinical response. The reciprocal force from maxillary protraction transmitted to the temporomandibular joint did not increase masticatory muscle pain or activity. Significant soft tissue profile change can be expected with maxillary protraction including straightening of the facial profile and better lip competence and posture. However, one should anticipate individual variations in treatment response and subsequent growth changes. Treatment with the protraction facemask is most effective in Class III patients with a retrusive maxilla and a hypodivergent growth pattern. Treatment initiated at the time of initial eruption of the upper central incisors helps to maintain the anterior occlusion after treatment.  相似文献   

Populations of the polychromatic and bioluminescent species Amphipholis squamata from eight locations were examined for internal and external symbionts. At three locations (two in the United Kingdom and one in Papua New Guinea), no symbionts were present, while four species were recovered from the remaining locations: Cancerilla tubulata and Parachordeumium amphiurae (copepods), Rhopalura ophiocomae (orthonectid) and an undescribed species of rhabdocoel turbellarian. No ophiuroid individual hosted more than one symbiont species, despite the presence of two or more within a population. Symbiont presence and prevalence varied with location, and with colour variety, but with no apparent pattern or trends. Light-production characteristics of the host were affected by the presence of all symbionts except C. tubulata. These effects, however, did not vary between colour varieties or between geographical locations, but were specific to the symbiont species: the presence of P. amphiurae resulted in enhanced intensity of light production, while that of R. ophiocomae and the turbellarian species resulted in reduced intensity. The kinetics of light production (time until maximum output) were altered only by the presence of the turbellarian. Changes in the light-production characteristics are discussed in relation to morphological, energetical and physiological effects of the symbioses.  相似文献   

The effects of red and far red light on the development of the retinas were studied in the neonatal rat models. Red light appeared to be stimulatory and far red light appeared to be inhibitory.  相似文献   

The effect of biweekly flagging on adult Ixodes pacificus Cooley & Kohls abundance was determined by using mark-recapture techniques. Ticks were recaptured up to three times during the 12-wk study, and increasingly higher proportions of marked ticks were recaptured as the study progressed. By week 6 of the study, 46% of the collected ticks had been marked, and on the final sampling date, all ticks had been captured previously. Removal sampling would have substantially reduced estimates of the abundance of the questing I. pacificus adult population. For ecological studies that require the repeated sampling of a given habitat, the most representative data are obtained by returning flagged ticks to their collection site.  相似文献   

We report on an evaluation of the systematic position of the tick Anocentor nitens (Neumann), examining particularly whether Anocentor should be regarded as a subgenus of Dermacentor or as a separate genus. Twelve species of Ixodidae were analyzed phenetically by using 24 characters of adult ticks. A phenogram indicated 3 clusters, with Anocentor more closely related to Rhipicephalus than to Dermacentor. The results of this study endorse the validity of the monotypic genus Anocentor.  相似文献   

Over a period of 8 weeks we compared the tranquilizing effects of the longterm neuroleptic Fluspirilene to those of Diazepam in a series of 28 patients. Both drugs showed good effects on somatization, anxiety and depressive mood. Fluspirilene, however, proved to be the more mood elevating and more activating agent without being hypnotic. The indications for both drugs are being discussed emphazising the new therapeutic perspectives of a long acting tranquilizer.  相似文献   

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