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The introduction of new products catering to specific dietary needs and the corresponding changes in the consumer profile reflect a growing demand for diet and “light” products. However, little information is available regarding the sensory effects of different sweeteners in products consumed at different temperatures and with varying fat contents. In this regard, this study aimed to determine the influence of temperature and fat content on the ideal sucrose concentration and the sweetness equivalence and sweetening power of different sweeteners: Neotame (NutraSweet Corp., Chicago, IL), aspartame, neosucralose, sucralose, and stevia (95% rebaudioside A), with sucrose as reference, in a chocolate milk beverage using a just-about-right (JAR) scale and magnitude estimation. Increasing temperature of consumption had an inverse effect on the ideal sucrose concentration in whole milk beverages, whereas no difference was noted in beverages made skim milk. In addition, a decrease in sweetening power was observed for all of the sweeteners analyzed considering the same conditions. The findings suggest that different optimal conditions exist for consumption of chocolate milk beverage related to sweetness perception, which depends on the fat level of milk used in the formulation. This information can be used by researchers and dairy processors when developing chocolate milk beverage formulations.  相似文献   

Summary The best results were obtained by using a different sulphuric acid concentration for each product, viz. 24° 1.58 for whole egg, 24° 1.53 for yolk, and 24° 1.48 for whole egg powder. By employing hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid instead of sulphuric acid too low fat contents can be prevented. It was shown that too high fat contents were due to amyl alcohol, added before the centrifuging of the fat. This is attributed to the formation of a significant amount of amyl esters from the phospholipid fatty acids released during hydrolysis. Ester formation with amyl alcohol was demonstrated by means of thin layer chromatography. It is concluded that when sulphuric acid and amyl alcohol are used the method is, in fact, not suitable for egg products.[/p]
Zusammenfassung Die besten Ergebnisse wurden erzielt, wenn für jedes Eiprodukt Schwefelsäure verschiedener Stärke benutzt wurde: für Vollei 24° 1.58, für Eigelb 20° . 1.53 und für Trockenvoller 20° 1.48. Wenn die Hydrolyse mit Salzsäure statt mit Schwefelsäure ausgeführt wird, können zu niedrige Fettgehalte vermieden werden. Es zeigte sich, daß zu hohe Gehalte durch den Zusatz von Amylalkohol beim Zentrifugieren des Fettes in dem Butyrometer verursacht werden. Dies wird mit der Bildung einer gewissen Menge von Amylestern aus den bei der Hydrolyse freiwerdenden Fettsäuren der Phospholipiden erklärt. Die Esterbildung mit Amylalkohol wurde mit Hilfe der Diinnschichtchromatographie nachgewiesen. Die Gerber-Methode ist be iVerwendung von Schwefels\:aure und Amylalkohol genau genommen f\:ur Eiprodukte nicht geeignet.[/p]

The author wishes to thank Mr. A. Kraal for his experimental and analytical assistance.  相似文献   

Fat provides multimodal stimulation, particularly through mouthfeel and as a taste stimulant via free fatty acids. Individuals vary in perception of both mouthfeel and taste sensations from fat. Papillae number on the tongue can influence oral tactile and taste sensitivity. In addition, mouth behaviour (how foods are manipulated in the mouth during eating before swallowing) varies between individuals, and may influence mouthfeel perception. Limited research has explored the relationships between these factors.Fatty acid (FA) taste sensitivity was measured at two levels of oleic acid. Oral tactile sensitivity was measured using von Frey filaments. Fungiform papillae density (FPD) was measured on the tongue anterior. Mouth behaviour (MB) was measured by Graphic Jeltema/Beckley Mouth Behaviour (JBMB) classification tool. Mouthfeel perception (hardness, crunchiness, and greasiness) in a biscuit model was measured to examine the influence of FPD, tactile sensitivity and MB on mouthfeel perception.Higher FPD was significantly related to higher taste sensitivity to fatty acid and to higher oral tactile sensitivity. FPD and oral tactile sensitivity both significantly influenced mouthfeel perception of biscuits. The results demonstrate the need to characterise individual differences in oral sensory perception by more than one method, and suggest oral tactile sensitivity can be used as a marker of FPD. Further studies are required to understand the impact of MB on sensory perception. The BMI of participants in this study was negatively related to oral tactile sensitivity and the perception of greasiness.  相似文献   

A test for routine screening of Mozzarella cheese and butter for vegetable fat adulteration is described. Fat is extracted and saponified. The potassium salts of the fatty acids are measured through direct gas chromatographic analysis. A ratio, calculated from the concentrations of butyric and oleic acids, is used to evaluate the purity of a sample. The test offers good precision and can detect less than 10% partially hydrogenated vegetable fat.  相似文献   

The preference and drinkability of fresh beer compared with aged beer was tested using a ‘paired comparison test’. After a duo test with small samples, respondents could freely consume the beer of their choice. The results show that the initial preference for fresh beer was significantly higher than the preference for aged beer, with 65% of respondents taking fresh beer first after the duo test. The drinkability of fresh beer also scored significantly higher, with 35% more fresh beer consumed. However, since multiple respondents consecutively consumed multiple aged beers, it cannot be concluded that aged beer results in a lower consumption volume (per capita) when compared with fresh beer. Additionally, Belgians older than 24 years particularly favoured and consumed the fresh beer in the experiment. This was attributed to the influencing and mimicking behaviour of the other respondent groups, since the table setting and table sizes were also found to be important parameters. In this paper, we show the continuing importance of research into beer flavour stability. © 2019 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The effects of the type and concentration of two hydrocolloids—κ-carrageenan and gellan gum—and of the type and concentration of two sweeteners—sucrose and aspartame—on the gel resistance to compression, on the sweetener diffusion and on the intensity of the gel sweetness and the relationships between the gel physical properties and their perceived sweetness were studied. The gels true rupture stress increased with hydrocolloid concentration, this increase being higher for gellan gels. Gellan gels showed lower true rupture strain values, which in contrast with carrageenan gels, decreased on increasing hydrocolloid concentration. The addition of sucrose produced a bigger increase in gel strength at the higher hydrocolloid concentration. The main effect detected on the sweeteners’ diffusion constant was the higher value observed in low concentration (3 g L−1) κ-carrageenan gels. Gellan gels were perceived as sweeter than κ-carrageenan gels. The decrease in sweetness due to an increase in hydrocolloid concentration was greater in gellan than in carrageenan gels. Variations in sweetener concentration, true rupture strain, and deformability modulus values explained 93% of the variability in sweetness for gels with sucrose and 94% for gels with aspartame.  相似文献   

Thin and fat cows are often credited for low fertility, but body condition score (BCS) has been traditionally treated as a linear trait when genetic correlations with reproductive performance have been estimated. The aims of this study were to assess genetic parameters for fertility, production, and body condition traits in the Brown Swiss population reared in the Alps (Bolzano-Bozen Province, Italy), and to investigate the possible nonlinearity among BCS and other traits by analyzing fat and thin cows. Records of BCS measured on a 5-point scale were preadjusted for year-season and days in milk at scoring, and were considered positive (1) for fat cows if they exceeded the value of 1 residual standard deviation or null (0) otherwise, whereas positive values for thin cows were imputed to records below −1 residual standard deviation. Fertility indicators measured on first- and second-parity cows were interval from parturition to first service, interval from first service to conception, interval from parturition to conception, number of inseminations to conception, conception at first service, and nonreturn rate at 56 d after first service. Production traits were peak milk yield, lactation milk yield, and lactation length. Data were from 1,413 herds and included 16,324 records of BCS, fertility, and production for first-parity, and 10,086 fertility records for second-parity cows. Animals calved from 2002 to 2007 and were progeny of 420 artificial insemination bulls. Genetic parameters for the aforementioned traits were obtained under univariate and bivariate threshold and censored linear sire models implemented in a Bayesian framework. Posterior means of heritabilities for BCS, fat cows, and thin cows were 0.141, 0.122, and 0.115, respectively. Genetic correlations of body condition traits with contemporary production were moderate to high and were between −0.556 and 0.623. Body condition score was moderately related to fertility in first (−0.280 to 0.497) and second (−0.392 to 0.248) lactation. The fat cow trait was scarcely related to fertility, particularly in first-parity cows (−0.203 to 0.281). Finally, the genetic relationships between thin cows and fertility were higher than those between BCS and fertility, both in first (−0.456 to 0.431) and second (−0.335 to 0.524) lactation. Body condition score can be considered a predictor of fertility, and it could be included in evaluation either as linear measure or as thin cow. In the second case, the genetic relationship with fertility was stronger, exacerbating the poorest body condition and considering the possible nonlinearity between fertility and energy reserves of the cow.  相似文献   

Many articles have been published with negative visions related to sugar, because people believe that its intake is related to obesity. For this reason, artificial sweeteners have received special attention. In order to substitute sucrose successfully, it is necessary to know previously sweetener concentrations that would be used and their sweetness equivalency related to sucrose. Hence, the objectives of this study were to determine the ideal sweetness in a peach nectar sweetened with sucrose, using a just-about-right scale, and the equivalent sweetness of samples sweetened with aspartame; cyclamate/saccharin blend 2:1; stevia; sucralose and acesulfame-K, using Magnitude Estimation. The concentration of sucrose considered as ideal by the consumers was 10%, with sweeteners’ equivalent concentrations of 0.054% for aspartame; 0.036% for cyclamate/saccharin blend 2:1; 0.10% for stevia; 0.016% for sucralose and 0.053% for acesulfame-K.  相似文献   

Fat is an important source of both pleasure and calories in the diet. Dairy products are a major source of fat in the diet, and understanding preferences for fat in fluid milk can potentially inform efforts to change fat consumption patterns or optimize consumer products. Here, patterns of preference for fat in milk were determined in the laboratory among 104 free living adults using rejection thresholds. Participants also answered questions relating to their health concerns, the type of fluid milk typically consumed, and their declared preference for type of milk (in terms of fat level). When revealed preferences in blind tasting were stratified by these measures, we observed striking differences in the preferred level of fat in milk. These data indicate a non-trivial number of consumers who prefer low-fat milk to full fat milk, a pattern that would have been overshadowed by the use of a group mean. While it is widely assumed and claimed that increasing fat content in fluid milk universally increases palatability, present data demonstrate this is not true for a segment of the population. These results underscore the need to look beyond group means to understand individual differences in food preferences.  相似文献   

Memory plays a major role in determining people’s expectations and choices of foods. In an experiment we investigated how well young people remember sweetness and fattiness under natural conditions, where they had not been instructed to remember anything about the stimuli when they were first encountered (incidental learning). In order to be able to compare memory of fattiness and sweetness, we also determined perceptual discriminability between the targets and distracters used in the experiment. A full account of the experiment is provided in Hausner and Møller (2006).


Food choice and food behaviour in general depend on appropriateness, expectations and preferences. What is appropriate and which expectations and preferences we entertain rely on previous encounters with foods and memory for foods thus play an important role in determining food choice. In light of the serious problems of overweight in many parts of the world, it is important to better understand the relationships between sensory and nutritional properties of foods (Sørensen, Møller, Flint, Martens, & Raben, 2003).In the experiment we investigated how well young people remember sweetness and fattiness under natural conditions, i.e. conditions where they had not been instructed to remember anything about the stimuli (a milk based rice product, MiniMeal, ARLA Foods Ltd.) when it was first presented to the subjects (incidental learning). In previous work (Møller et al., 2004 and Møller et al., submitted for publication) we have demonstrated that memories of incidentally learned smells, tastes and flavours are stored differently than stimuli stored intentionally. In this experiment it was crucial to make sure that subjects build up their memories in an incidental way, which is exactly how memories for food behaviour develop as a result of our every-day dealings with foods.Subjects in the experiment arrived in the laboratory at 8 a.m. after having fasted for 12 h. They were exposed to the stimulus to be remembered (the ‘target’) via participation in another experiment in which male/female subjects ate 10 portions of 50/40 g of the target. Subjects scored liking, wanting (to eat more of the target) as well as feelings of hunger and satiety during this phase of the experiment. They returned to the laboratory 3 h later and it was only at this time it was revealed to them that we would measure how well they remembered the target they had eaten previously. To evaluate memory of the target we had prepared 3 sweeter versions (S1, S2 and S3) and three more fat versions (F1, F2 and F3) of the product we used as target. These distracters were then presented to the subjects in a random sequence of an equal number of sweet distracters, fatty distracters and targets. On the basis of the number of hits and false alarms we calculated d-prime values for recognition. In order to be able to compare memory of fattiness and sweetness, we also determined perceptual discriminability between the targets and distracters used in the experiment.In this experiment we were particularly interested in the following questions:How well do we remember sweet and fat foods after incidental (ecologically interesting) learning?Both men and women remember fattiness better than sweetness. The womens’ d-prime values for both sweetness and fattiness are larger than they are for men. This result does not occur because women discriminate the target better from the distracters than men do. We found no difference in discriminability between men and women.Does memory for sweetness and fattiness depend on liking?Dividing subjects into likers and non-likers of the stimuli (fat and sweet distracters) at the median (same number of subjects in the two groups) we find that non-likers have much better memories for sweetness and fattiness than likers.Is memory for sweetness and fattiness veridical?Interestingly, we find negative memory d-prime values for sweetness for men in the liking group. This means that subjects score more false alarms than hits. Since all our distracters were sweeter than the target, this means that men who like the (sweet) food we used in the experiment remember the food as more sweet than it was.Is memory based on remembering previous encounters of a stimulus or does it rather serve to detect deviant stimuli (“novelty detection”)?Operationally, remembering requires that memory d-prime values are significantly different from zero. Scoring a large number of hits (‘Reply yes when you are presented with the target in the test phase of the experiment.’) or a low number of false alarms (‘Reply no when you are presented with a distracter in the test phase of the experiment.’) will produce d-prime values different from zero. In this experiment we find that both men and women have difficulty ‘recognizing’ the target. The number of hits and misses are about the same. On the other hand, the correct rejection rate is large corresponding to a low false alarm rate. Memory for sweetness and fattiness is thus based on correctly rejecting new stimuli (the distracters) subjects have not encountered previously.


We have found evidence that there are gender differences with respect to memory for sweetness and fattiness. Women have better memories for both sweetness and fattiness than men. Hedonicity also influences how well we remember these stimuli. Non-likers have much better memories than likers, with the notable exception of women in the case of fattiness. Female likers of fat stimuli remember the stimuli as well as female non-likers.It is interesting to note that likers of sweetness tend to remember the stimuli as more sweet than they were. This might be a contributing factor in the generation of craving for sweet foods.The results of this experiment are in line with other recent experiments by Köster et al., 2004, Mojet and Köster, 2002, Mojet and Köster, 2005, Møller et al., 2004 and Møller et al., submitted for publication. Investigating memory for smell, taste, flavour and texture, these authors consistently find that memory in the “lower senses” is tuned to “novelty detection”, rather than remembering the precise attributes of the target they are asked to pick out among a set of different stimuli (distracters).  相似文献   

An ultrasonic velocity technique has been compared with pulsed NMR'weight' and 'direct' methods of determining solid fat contents (SFC). Measurements were made at 18°C using samples 0–20% of rapidly cooled tristearin in paraffin oil, tristearin in sunflower oil and tripalmitin in paraffin oil. Correlations between the amount of triglyceride added and the SFC predicted by each of the techniques were always better than 0.995 ( n ± 13). The precisions of the ultrasonic technique (0.2%) and the weight method (0.3%) were significantly better than that of the direct method (0.7%). The ultrasonic technique may therefore offer a suitable alternative or adjunct to the established pulsed NMR technique for SFC determinations; it has considerably lower capital cost and a faster sampling rate.  相似文献   

K Hartmann  C Voss  N Hartmann 《Die Nahrung》1977,21(10):919-924
The authors present a method for the whole body analysis of rats which combines the animal body preparation according to Mickelsen with the lipid analysis according to Folch; the liquid analysis has been somewhat modified. In this way and by the non-gutting of the animals, the determination of the body fat becomes less laborious. The body fat content can also be calculated from the water content. The body water content was determined gravimetrically. The body protein content was determined according to Kjeldahl; the protein content may also be calculated from the fat and water contents if an error range of +1% is acceptable.  相似文献   

The dependence of solid fat content at 20°C of adipose tissues on their fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions was studied on lipids extracted from tissues from 166 pigs. The solid fat content (SFC20) was 20% on average but varied widely (9-35%). The SFC20 variability was closely related to the proportions of disaturated triacylglycerols and more specifically to palmitoyl-stearoyl-oleoyl-glycerol (R(2)=0.92). The SFC20 variability was also related to the proportions of the saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acids (R(2)=0.94). The part of the variance of SFC20 explained by the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids was lower (R(2)=0.48). The iodine value showed a high correlation with SFC20 (R(2)=0.81) but carcass lean content was a poor indicator of the solid fat content of adipose tissues (R(2)=0.06).  相似文献   

The bipartite AH,B concept of sweetness is extended to a tripartite AH,B,γ concept. This leads to the novel idea that intramolecular hydrogen bonding may, in some cases, enhance sweetness.  相似文献   

Zhou GH  Yang A  Tume RK 《Meat science》1993,35(2):205-212
Subcutaneous adipose tissue was obtained from pasture-grazed (n = 13) and short-term (70 days) grain-fed (n = 13) cattle. The yellow colour of the adipose tissue was assessed by Minolta b(?) value readings and by determination of total carotenoids and the two measurements gave a correlation coefficient of 0·79 (P < 0·01). The fatty acid composition of the samples varied with fat colour. As the b(?) value and the carotenoid content of the fat increased, there was a significant increase in the total percentage of cis mono-unsaturated fatty acids and a decrease in saturated fatty acids (P < 0·01). Consequently, the ratio of cis mono-unsaturated to saturated fatty acids was found to be higher in those samples exhibiting a greater yellow colour.  相似文献   

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