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The ionic components of the action potential (AP) in rabbit right papillary muscle (RRPM) were determined by simple methods such as changes in external concentrations of sodium and calcium ions and addition of MnCl2 ot the perfusion fluid. Two components (fast and slow) were clearly visible in the upstroke of AP in normal Tyrode solution. MnCl2 (5 mmol/l) eliminated the slow component which forms the overshoot (OS) leaving the fast one unaffected, indicating that the former was related to a slow inward current. Mn also drastically reduced AP duration without changing the slope of phase 3 of repolarization. Reduction of Na concentration to 90 mmol/l did not affect the peak voltage of the OS but shortened AP. This low-Na solution reduced both (Vmax)f and the amplitude of the fast component. Ca-free solution reduced OS and increased AP duration. In high-Ca Tyrode (7.2 mmol/l) OS was increased and AP shortened. The effects of MN were reversed in this solution. The results suggest that the upstroke of the RRPM action potential is determined by two different ionic currents: a fast Na current responsible for the fast component and a slow inward current carried mainly by Ca, this latter being responsible for the slow component in the upstroke and for the plateau phase. The existence of propagated, Ca-dependent slow responses was demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the major determination of the repolarization process in this type of AP is probably the inactivation of the slow inward Ca current.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Integration of molecular biology databases remains limited in practice despite its practical importance and considerable research effort. The complexity of the problem is such that an experimental approach is mandatory, yet this very complexity makes it hard to design definitive experiments. This dilemma is common in science, and one tried-and-true strategy is to work with model systems. We propose a model system for this problem, namely a database of genes integrating diverse data across organisms, and describe an experiment using this model. RESULTS: We attempted to construct a database of human and mouse genes integrating data from GenBank and the human and mouse genome-databases. We discovered numerous errors in these well-respected databases: approximately 15% of genes are apparently missing from the genome-databases; links between the sequence and genome-databases are missing for another 5-10% of the cases; about a third of likely homology links are missing between the genome-databases; 10-20% of entries classified as 'genes' are apparently misclassified. By using a model system, we were able to study the problems caused by anomalous data without having to face all the hard problems of database integration. CONTACT: nat@jax.org  相似文献   

A modified method for purifying alpha-amylase from rabbit skeletal muscle is described, which in comparison with the previously published method gives better results of isolation and is economical, less time-consuming, and require less material. The former method gave 1,340-fold purification of the enzyme with a yield of 0-6%, and the new method 2,014-fold purification and 7-6% yield. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel showed absence of a strictly defined zone of enzyme activity and presence of inactive proteins.  相似文献   

The purpose of our investigation was to determine if the near infrared spectroscopy technique was sensitive to changes in tissue oxygenation at low levels of isometric contraction in the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. Nine subjects were seated with the right arm abducted to 45 degrees, elbow flexed to 85 degrees, forearm pronated 45 degrees, and wrist and forearm supported on an armrest throughout the protocol. Altered tissue oxygenation was measured noninvasively with near infrared spectroscopy. The near infrared spectroscopy probe was placed over the extensor carpi radialis brevis of the subject's right forearm and secured with an elastic wrap. After 1 minute of baseline measurements taken with the muscle relaxed, four different loads were applied just proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint such that the subjects isometrically contracted the extensor carpi radialis brevis at 5, 10, 15, and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction for 1 minute each. A 3-minute recovery period followed each level of contraction. At the end of the protocol, with the probe still in place, a value for ischemic tissue oxygenation was obtained for each subject. This value was considered the physiological zero and hence 0% tissue oxygenation. Mean tissue oxygenation (+/-SE) decreased from resting baseline (100% tissue oxygenation) to 89 +/- 4, 81 +/- 8, 78 +/- 8, and 47 +/- 8% at 5, 10, 15, and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction, respectively. Tissue oxygenation levels at 10, 15, and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the baseline value. Our results indicate that tissue oxygenation significantly decreases during brief, low levels of static muscle contraction and that near infrared spectroscopy is a sensitive technique for detecting deoxygenation noninvasively at low levels of forearm muscle contraction. Our findings have important implications in occupational medicine because oxygen depletion induced by low levels of muscle contraction may be directly linked to muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the feasibility of a skeletal muscle pump employing latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) for cardiac assistance. We developed and used a 2-dimensional mathematical model for LDM to investigate how the size of pneumatic balloons (30, 38, and 45 ml) and the three different locations (proximal, center, and distal) affect the pressure applied to the balloon by LDM. The computer simulation was performed by coding a visco-elastic and nonlinear 2-dimensional program that employed the finite element method (FEM). The muscle specific parameters of LDM were obtained from animal experiment results. The model is based on Hill's characteristic equation and composed of a contractile component and a passive element. The simulation results indicated that the intermediate and largest sized balloon lead to the highest and the lowest power (volume reduction per unit time interval), respectively. On the other hand, when the balloon is inserted in the distal LDM, the power is lower than in the other two positions, regardless of the balloon size. The above results suggest that the optimal size of the balloon should be selected depending on the muscle specific parameters of the actuator, and that the balloon should be inserted either in the proximal portion or center of the actuator.  相似文献   

Shared motor error for multiple eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most natural actions are accomplished with a seamless combination of individual movements. Such coordination poses a problem: How does the motor system orchestrate multiple movements to produce a single goal-directed action? The results from current experiments suggest one possible solution. Oculomotor neurons in the superior colliculus of a primate responded to mismatches between eye and target positions, even when the animal made two different types of eye movements. This neuronal activity therefore does not appear to convey a command for a specific type of eye movement but instead encodes an error signal that could be used by multiple movements. The use of shared inputs is one possible strategy for ensuring that different movements share a common goal.  相似文献   

This article illustrates new statistical methods for the study of psychological change in married couples. The design involves time-series data on each partner. The analysis combines longitudinal methods for studies of individual change with cross-sectional methods for the study of matched pairs. Each person is viewed as changing over time as a function of an individual growth curve or change function. As in previous studies of individual change, a person's trajectory depends on time-invariant personal background characteristics and time-varying changes in the environment. However, unlike typical studies of individual change, a person's changing psychological profile depends, in part, on the influence of that person's partner. These methods apply directly to other types of longitudinal studies on families (e.g., studies that use teacher and parent reports of a child's social behavior). The methodology is flexible in allowing randomly missing data, varying spacing of time points, unbalanced designs, and time-varying and time-invariant covariates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. Dithiothreitol (DTT), at 50-100 mM, induced a phasic reversible contraction of frog skeletal muscle. 2. Exposure of single fibers to nifedipine (20 microM), an L-type Ca2+ antagonist, blocked the twitch and tetanus tensions but never affected the DTT-induced contraction. 3. DTT also produced a phasic contraction in fibers where voltage sensors were inactivated in the presence of high K+ concentration (190 mM). 4. A fiber was mechanically skinned after observation of DTT-induced contraction. The skinned fiber contracted in response to a DTT concentration similar to that required to produce contraction in intact fibers before skinning. 5. In skinned fibers, DTT, at 100 or 200 mM, inhibited the accumulation of Ca2+ by SR, but not Ca2+ ATPase activity. 6. These results suggest that a high concentration of DTT triggers Ca2+ efflux from the SR through action on the Ca2+ release channel and/or closely associated proteins, such as triadin and FK-506 binding protein.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium gordonae is an atypical mycobacterium of very low pathogenic potential. It is widely distributed in soil and water and often detected on the mucous membranes of healthy persons. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of infections by M. gordonae in immunocompromised patients. In contrast, only four cases of skin infections by M. gordonae in immunocompetent patients have been published. We report on another patient without evidence of immunodeficiency who developed an atypical mycobacteriosis after a thorn injury during gardening. M. gordonae was isolated by tissue culture. The skin lesion cleared completely after treatment with doxycycline for three months.  相似文献   

This paper reports a fractured femur, jejunal laceration and a torn aorta in a young man who appeared reasonably well on admission to hospital. The diagnostic problems and treatment of this case are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of sensitivity and specificity to disease frequency is considered in quantitative detail for typical screening situations. It is shown by illustrative examples that most screening procedures applied unselectively to total populations will yield a vast abundance of false positive results. The important role of prior probability in interpreting diagnostic test results is spelled out and applied to paradigms for screening.  相似文献   

The direct effect of diazepam on skeletal muscle has been examined in 15 patients with neurological lesions resulting in spasticity. Diazepam 15-30 mg. IV reduced the amplitude of the compound action potential of the direct muscle response (M response) and the isometric twitch tension. It is postulated that diazepam may affect the contractile properties of muscle and, possibly, the electrical properties of the muscle membrane. These peripheral effects may contribute to the reported clinical benefits of the drug in patients with spasticity including those patients with complete spinal lesions.  相似文献   

In cultured human ciliary muscle cells we previously showed that histamine, via an H1 receptor, stimulates the production of inositol phosphates and mobilization of intracellular calcium. We further investigated in this study whether histamine would cause contraction of human ciliary muscle cells. Photomicrographs were taken of the ciliary muscle cells before and after exposure to histamine. Cross sectional surface area of the cells was quantified using image analysis software. A decrease in cross sectional surface area was interpreted as an indication of cell contraction. The results of this study indicated that histamine (10(-6) M-10(-4) M) caused contraction of human ciliary muscle cells in a concentration-dependent fashion. The effect of histamine was mediated by the H1 receptor subtype since the histamine effect was antagonized by 10(-6) M chlorphentramine (an H1 receptor subtype selective antagonist) but not by 10(-6) M cimetidine (H2 antagonist) or thioperamide (H3 antagonist). The phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, U73122 (10(-6) M) and the intracellular calcium store depleting agent thapsigargin (10(-6) M) both prevented the histamine induced contraction, demonstrating that the activation of PLC and the intracellular calcium release were the key steps necessary for contraction. Our data indicate that in ciliary muscle cells, histamine, via an H1 receptor, activates PLC and increases intracellular calcium, which subsequently causes contraction of the cells.  相似文献   

Because the molecular biology and genetics of Arabidopsis thaliana are so well defined, it is potentially a superb subject for research on plant-pathogen interactions. Viruses, bacteria and fungi that infect Arabidopsis and are representative pathogens of economically important plants have recently been described. The search now is for a pathogenic fungus with tractable genetics to combine with a direct analysis of plant resistance genes.  相似文献   

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