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 A novel fluctuation method for the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 powders was developed. The raw materials used in this process are Ti, Si, and graphite powders. Fluctuation synthesis utilized Si as in-situ liquid forming phase (additive), which was formed by heating the powder mixtures to 1300°C and using the heat released from the exothermic reaction for Ti3SiC2 formation. The result demonstrated that the reaction time for the formation of Ti3SiC2 was dramatically shortened using fluctuation method and the powders produced using this method contained more than twice amount of Ti3SiC2 compared to the solid reaction synthesized powders. The powders prepared by fluctuation method are fiber-like in morphology with dimensions of 0.8–2 μm in width and 5–10 μm in length. The growth direction of the fiber-like Ti3SiC2 particulate is {1011}*. The lattice parameters for Ti3SiC2 were determined by a trial-and-error method and are a=3.067 ? and c=17.645 ?. Received: 28 September 1998 / Reviewed and accepted: 1 October 1998  相似文献   

Cu/Ti3SiC2 composite: a new electrofriction material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Cu/Ti3SiC2 composite, a new electrofriction material, was prepared, for the first time, by PM method. The microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of the Cu/Ti3SiC2 composites were investigated and were compared with those of Cu/graphite composites. The results demonstrated that Cu/Ti3SiC2 composites had superior mechanical properties over Cu/graphite composites. At filer content of less than 20 vol%, the electrical conductivity for Cu/Ti3SiC2 composites was higher than that for Cu/graphite composites; at high filer content, the electrical conductivity for Cu/Ti3SiC2 composites was lower than that for Cu/graphite composites because of the presence of residual pores. It was found that like Cu/graphite composite, Cu/Ti3SiC2 was a self-lubricated material. The compressive yield strength, Brinell hardness, relative ratio of compressive for Cu-30 vol% Ti3SiC2 composites are 307 MPa, 140, 15.7% respectively. Received: 29 December 1998/Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

Ti3SiC2是一种新型的高性能陶瓷材料,既具有金属的优异性能,如在常温下有很好的导热性能、导电性能、良好的抗热震性、易加工性以及高温塑性,又具有陶瓷的优异性能,如高的屈服强度、高熔点、高热稳定性、高温强度以及良好的抗氧化性能和耐腐蚀性能.因此,Ti3SiC2可用作交流电机的电刷材料,航空发动机的涡轮叶片、固定子材料和金属熔炼的电极材料等.主要介绍了Ti3SiC2的晶体结构、制备方法、性能和应用.  相似文献   

采用机械活化的3Ti/Si/2C/0.2Al单质粉体为原料,在空气中发生自燃反应,成功地合成了Ti3SiC2基材料. 采用XRD、SEM和EDS等手段,分析了合成产物的相组成和微观结构特征. 结果表明,机械合金化3Ti/Si/2C/0.2Al单质混合粉体,不仅细化了粉体颗粒,而且产生严重的晶格畸变,从而明显提高了粉体的反应活性. 把机械活化的粉体暴露在空气中,会发生剧烈的燃烧反应,并引发自蔓延反应,合成Ti3SiC2,冷却后变成多孔块体产物. 燃烧产物由Ti3SiC2、TiC和微量氧化物组成. 产物中Ti3SiC2含量约为83wt%. 产物表层比较致密和均匀,而内部则粗糙且多孔. 产物的表面是以Al2O3和TiO2为主相的氧化膜,氧化物颗粒大小约为2~4μm. 氧化膜厚度约为5~10μm,比较致密. 内部为Ti3SiC2和TiC材料,板条状Ti3SiC2晶粒长约20~40μm,宽约2~4μm,发育完善. 粒状TiC晶粒大小约为3μm.  相似文献   

采用化学镀Cu的TiB2粉和Ti3SiC2粉与cu粉进行湿混,通过真空无压烧结法制备TiB2增强的Cu-Ti3SiC2复合材料.研究了其致密度、硬度随TiB2含量变化的规律.因为TiB2镀Cu和Ti3SiC2镀Cu改善了它们与Cu的湿润性而提高了相互之间的结合强度,从而提高了TiB2增强cu-Ti3SiC2复合材料的效果.结果表明,在Ti3SiC2含量为20%(体积分数),烧结温度为950℃时制备Cu/Ti3SiC2/TiB2的复合材料致密性最好,硬度最高.  相似文献   

 An in-situ hot pressing/solid-liquid reaction process was developed for the synthesis of dense polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 ceramics using Ti, Si, and graphite powders as starting materials. The present work demonstrated that this process was one of the most effective and simple methods for the preparation of dense bulk Ti3SiC2 materials. Lattice constants of a=3.068 and c=17.645 are calculated for Ti3SiC2 made through this process. The synthesis temperature influenced the phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2 prepared at different temperatures. And bulk materials with flexural strength of 480 MPa and fracture toughness of 7.88 MPa.m1/2 were obtained at 1600°C. The high fracture toughness and strength are discussed based on microstructure analysis. Received: 31 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

Ti3SiC2陶瓷的能量耗散机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用维氏和赫兹压痕法研究了Ti3SiC2接触损伤及其演变.结果表明,在维氏压痕接触损伤区从表面到纵深的不同损伤排序为:表面的晶粒粉碎,亚表面的晶粒分层或破碎,再远处的晶粒完好;在赫兹压痕接触损伤区剪切损伤带以内的晶粒破碎,剪切带以外的晶粒完好.因此,造成压痕处的局部能量耗散,使应力传递受限、应力集中下降,使这种三元层状陶瓷具有准塑性特征.用声发射(Acoustic Emission,简称AE)系统监测赫兹压痕加卸载过程中的局部损伤过程,发现在加载过程中声发射信号密集,卸载过程声发射信号稀疏,证明了损伤和局部能量耗散的不可逆性.Ti3SiC2陶瓷的能量局部耗散机理是弱晶界面开裂和晶粒分层导致的局部软化和破碎,在损伤区范围内吸收能量并使局部应力释放.  相似文献   

Ti3SiC2 ceramics exhibit excellent mechanical properties and good biocompatibility,rendering them promising bone substitutes for load-bearing conditions.However,the bone integration and osteogenic ability of Ti3SiC2 ceramics remain unclear.Herein,porous Ti3SiC2 ceramics were prepared and systemati-cally investigated as bone scaffolds.The Ti3SiC2 scaffolds with a porosity of 62.9%±2.5%showed high compressive strength~68.12±4.33 MPa.Silicon hydroxyl groups formed on the surface of Ti3SiC2 after soaking in simulated body fluid,which played a critical role in the apatite mineralization of the scaffolds.Biomineralization of Ti3SiC2 scaffolds was found when implanted subcutaneously in the rat dorsum for 2 weeks,demonstrating good osteogenesis ability.The apatite mineralization of the Ti3SiC2 scaffold facili-tated the polarization of RAW264.7 cells from M1 to M2 phenotype,which also promoted the differen-tiation of MC3T3-E1 cells.The porous Ti3SiC2 scaffolds improved osteointegration and bone regeneration after implantation in rabbit femoral defects.Impressively,the number of the newly formed trabeculae in the Ti3SiC2 group was three times of the control group after implantation for 8 weeks,showing excel-lent bone defect repair.This work demonstrates that Ti3SiC2 implants with improved biological functions likely via in-situ biomineralization are promising candidates for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

The electronic and structural properties for Ti3SiC2 were studied using the first-principle calculation method.By using the calculated band structure and density of states,the high electrical conductivity of Ti3SiC2 are explained ,The bonding character of Ti3SiC2 is analyzed in the map of charge density distribution.  相似文献   

本文综合介绍Ti3SiC2的最新研究进展.三元碳化物Ti3SiC2属于层状六方晶体结构,空间群为P63/mmC;它同时具有金属和陶瓷的优良性能,有良好的导电和导热能力,高弹性模量和低维氏显微硬度,在室温下可切削加工,在高温下能产生塑性变形,良好的高温热稳定性和优秀的抗氧化性能;应用CVD、SHS、HP/HIP等方法可制备该化合物,用HIP方法能制备高纯、致密的Ti3SiC2陶瓷;Ti3SiC2陶瓷材料自身有抵抗损伤的机理.  相似文献   

Compressive tests of polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 were performed from room temperature to 1423 K at strain rates of 1×10–4 s–1 and 2.5×10–5 s–1, respectively. The effect of strain rates on high-temperature compressive property was also investigated. Polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 exhibited positive temperature dependence of flow stress (flow stress anomaly) and showed a temperature peak at 1173 K. The brittle-to-ductile transition temperature (BDTT) for polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 was strain-rate sensitive, an approximately 100 K decrease in transition temperature was associated with four times of magnitude decrease in strain rate. In addition, the fracture morphology changed from predominately intergranular to mostly transgranular. The mechanism responsible for the brittle-to-ductile transition in Ti3SiC2 was involved in the onset of a thermally activated deformation process. Received: 6 July 1999 / Reviewed and accepted: 9 August 1999  相似文献   

Ti/TiSi2/TiC powder mixtures with molar ratios of 1:1:4 (M1) and 1:1:3 (M2) were first employed for the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique in a temperature range of 1100–1325 °C. It was found that Ti3SiC2 phase began to form at the temperature above 1200 °C and its purity did not show obvious dependence on the sintering temperature at 1225–1325 °C. The TiC contents in M2 samples is always lower than that of the M1 samples, and the lowest TiC contents in the M1 and M2 samples were calculated to be about 7 wt% and 5 wt% when the sintering was conducted at the temperature near 1300 °C for 15 minutes. The relative density of the M1 samples is always higher than 99% at sintering temperature above 1225 °C, indicating a good densification effect produced by the PDS technique. A solid-liquid reaction mechanism between Ti-Si liquid phase and TiC particles was proposed to explain the rapid formation of Ti3SiC2. Furthermore, it is suggested that Ti/TiSi2/TiC powder can be regarded as a new mixture to fabricate ternary carbide Ti3SiC2. Received: 5 September 2001 / Accepted: 11 September 2001  相似文献   

Tribological Behavior of Ti3SiC2—based Material   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The wear and friction properties of Ti3SiC2-based materials were studied using the pin-on-disc method. The friction coefficient of Ti3SiC2-based material was not very sensitive to normal load, the steady state value, μ, increased from 0.4 to 0.5 when the normal load increased from 7.7 N to 14.7 N. The wear volume for Ti3SiC2 disc increased with increasing normal load or sliding distance in the tests. The average wear rate of Ti3SiC2-based material was 9.9×10-5 mm3/Nm. The debris on the Ti3SiC2 disc was essentially made up of Ti3SiC2 and steel pin materials, while the debris on the steel sliders was generally pin material. The wear mechanism was concluded as the fracture and delamination of Ti3SiC2-based materials followed by adhesive wear of steel sliders.  相似文献   

Cu/Ti3SiC2体系润湿性及润湿过程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用座滴法研究了温度及Ti3SiC2的两个组成元素Si和Ti对Cu/Ti3SiC2体系润湿性的影响。结果表明, Cu与Ti3SiC2之间有良好的润湿性, 且润湿过程属于反应性润湿。随着温度的升高, Cu与Ti3SiC2间的反应区扩大, 反应层深度增加, 润湿角减小, 温度超过1250℃后反应明显加快, 至1270℃时润湿角降至15.1°。物相分析与微观结构研究表明, Cu/Ti3SiC2界面区域发生了化学反应, 反应产物主要为TiCx和CuxSiy, 同时发生元素的互扩散, 形成反应中间层, 改变体系的界面结构, 促进了Cu和Ti3SiC2基体的界面结合, 从而改善了体系的润湿性。在Cu中添加Si抑制了Ti3SiC2的分解, 而添加Ti阻碍了Cu向Ti3SiC2的渗入, 均不利于Cu/Ti3SiC2体系润湿性的改善。  相似文献   

介绍了三元层状化合物Ti3SiC2的结构、各种性能特征及其常用的制备方法,包括CVD法、自蔓延高温合成法摘要和热压烧结成型法等。论述了三元层状Ti3SiC2材料的抗高温氧化及氧化动力学规律,以及在高温熔盐体系下的腐蚀动力学规律。  相似文献   

In order to obtain the composites with the integration of structural and functional properties, Ti3SiC2 is introduced into C/SiC due to its excellent damage tolerance and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties. C/SiC–Ti3SiC2 has the lower tensile strength, while the higher compressive strength than C/SiC. The penetration energy of C/SiC–Ti3SiC2 in the impact experiment is improved at least three times than that of C/SiC, resulting from the improved damage tolerance. With the introduction of Ti3SiC2, the EMI shielding effectiveness increases from 31 to 41 dB in X‐band (8.2 to 12.8 GHz) due to the increase of electrical conductivity. C/SiC–Ti3SiC2 reveals the great potential as structural and functional materials based on the multi‐functional properties.

新型层状陶瓷材料Ti3SiC2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
六方晶Ti3SiC2是由Si原子形成的Si层被TiC八面体连接起来的构成的层状晶体结构,这种结构赋予它象石墨一样具有润滑性和可加工性,时结合了金属和陶瓷的许多优良性能,具有较好的导电性和导热性,高温延性,抗热震,高强度以及抗氧化等。在国内外研究资料的基础上,对此材料的晶体结构,制备方法,各种性能等方面的研究做了较系统地论述,并展望了此材料的研究方向。  相似文献   

赵小根  何国求  张蕊  张涛  马行驰  刘兵  张玉刚 《功能材料》2012,43(8):980-983,987
为研究铜钛硅碳石墨合金材料摩擦磨损性能,通过常规的粉末冶金方法制备了铜钛硅碳石墨材料。对样品硬度等性能的测试,选择出87%Cu的最优配方。再用无流磨损和载流磨损实验测试其摩擦磨损性能,进而通过扫描电镜对磨损表面进行观察,探讨摩擦磨损机理。结果表明,无流磨损过程中,磨损量呈线性增长,磨损的主要形式为梨削;载流磨损过程中,磨损量呈非线性增长,随着行程的增加,磨损率降低,磨损的主要形式有梨削和电弧烧损,磨损率降低可能是杂质Al相弥散强化铜基体所致,其微观机理是一个复杂的各种机理的组合。  相似文献   

柔性陶瓷三元层状碳化物Ti3SiC2的金属特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ti3SiC2兼有金属和陶瓷材料的优异性能,是新一代高性能高温结构材料、电工材料、自润滑轴承的理想侯选对象。重点介绍制备Ti3SiC2的主要方法:气相沉积法、自蔓延高温合成法、热压和热等静压法、放电等离子烧结法,并论述了Ti3SiC2的未来研究方向和潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

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