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利用微波谐振腔实现对气体折射率的测量,需在真空环境中精确确定测量系统的零点频率,即微波谐振腔零点频率.针对微波谐振腔定标中真空度难以保证的现状,提出了一种常规大气环境下腔体零点频率的标定方法.通过精确测量大气环境的温度、湿度、压强参数得到高精度实时折射率,最后根据得到的高精度实时折射率对腔体谐振零点频率进行调节,以实现... 相似文献
倏逝波的强弱决定了波导型倏逝波传感器的探测极限。在波导表面涂覆一层高折射率树脂薄膜,提高光波导外倏逝波的占比。高折射率薄膜的涂覆可以大幅度改变波导中的光场分布,并提高倏逝波强度。通过研究不同折射率下倏逝波占比与镀膜厚度间的相互关系,得到了不同折射率下的覆膜最佳厚度。通过激光诱导波导自成型技术在聚合物波导上涂覆了一层折射率为1.6,厚度为300 nm的树脂薄膜。光谱测量结果表明,经过薄膜涂覆后,传感器对罗丹明B水溶液的吸收检测极限提高至1×10-9 g/mL,比未覆膜传感器高了10倍。该传感器成本低、体积小、制作简单、灵敏度高,在各个领域都拥有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
便携高精度大气折射率测试仪的设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
准确测量蒸发波导的关键是对大气折射率的精确测量.根据空腔谐振器的谐振频率随充入气体介质不同而变化的原理,设计了一种由谐振腔传感器、高精度标准频率振荡器、混频器、数据处理等单元组成的便携高精度大气折射率测试仪.在开放性大气环境下,通过检测谐振传感器的谐振频率变化,得到流过谐振器气体的折射率.实验证明:该仪器的误差小于常规气象仪器测量误差,并且具有测量速度快、精度高、便于携带等优点.该设备已成功应用于大气折射率精细结构的实际测量,从而为利用蒸发波导实现舰船雷达、通信系统的超视距传播奠定了基础. 相似文献
食用油折射率的光干涉快速测量方法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
折射率是食用油品质的一项重要指标。为测量食用油折射率,基于泰曼-格林干涉仪,在室温20℃、光源波长632.8nm条件下,通过面阵CCD相机拍照获取食用油的干涉条纹图像,并利用图像处理技术,快速测量出不同食用油样品干涉条纹的移动量,进而求得其折射率。对几种常见的食用油进行了测量,得到花生油、玉米油、大豆油、菜籽油、橄榄油以及葵花和玉米油1∶1混合后的折射率分别为1.470 9、1.473 5、1.472 9、1.471 8、1.469 4、1.473 8。结果表明,利用该方法能够对食用油折射率进行快速测定,同时实验结果精度高,能为食用油品质及地沟油的现场检测提供一种简便有效的手段。 相似文献
针对飞灰含碳量测量困难的问题,提出了基于粒子群算法优化BP神经网络的飞灰含碳量测量方法。以飞灰含碳量影响因素为模型的输入,飞灰含碳量为模型的输出,建立飞灰含碳量预测模型,并将预测结果和传统BP神经网络预测结果相比较。实验结果表明,该测量方法具有较高的预测精度。 相似文献
为了提高利用倏逝波传感的光纤传感器的灵敏度问题,仿真并验证了一种基于高折射率镀膜的光纤传感器.首先两根光纤之间利用激光诱导波导自行成技术形成聚合物波导,并在波导表面镀上一层高折射率Ta2O5薄膜以增强波导表面倏逝波强度,从而增加传感器灵敏度.根据聚合物波导制备结果,使用COMSOL Multiphysics?软件对Ta... 相似文献
为了实时、原位和非接触测量工业生产过程中封闭管道系统内透明、半透明液体折射率,提出了一种简单的基于玻璃管壁光学特性的液体折射率测量方法。该方法通过涂覆在玻璃管壁外表面上的透射散射层,将入射激光束转换为进入玻璃管壁的大角度分布的透射散射光;透射散射光到达玻璃管壁与液体的界面上后,符合全反射条件的散射光反射到透射散射层上,自动形成与玻璃管内液体折射率值相关的椭圆形暗斑图像。根据椭圆形暗斑长轴长度与液体折射率之间的解析关系,即可实现玻璃管内液体折射率的原位、非接触测量。对几种常见的透明、半透明液体的折射率进行了实验测量,结果表明:该测量方法的准确性与目前商用数字阿贝折射仪相当(±2×10-4 RIU)。该测量方法具有成本低、稳定性好、抗干扰且光源稳定等优点,而且在处理与液体折射率相关的光学图像时无需调试,光照即显,有望用于封闭管道在非常温、非常压状态下液体折射率的实时、自动和非接触在线监测。 相似文献
Gao W 《Journal of microscopy》2012,245(1):43-48
折射率失配对双光子三维信息存储中信息点的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
根据Torok的光在多层介质中传播的理论,模拟了在折射率失配情况下点扩展函数的强度分布.在介质折射率为1.48,多种物镜数值孔径NA=0.25、0.45、0.65、0.85条件下,分析了信息点轴向尺寸及读出信号强度变化趋势.选取合适的光学参数(如物镜的数值孔径NA=0.45,存储介质的折射率1.48),能够使信息点在深度200μm内轴向尺寸变化率小于4%,信号读出强度变化率小于30%,提高了存储效果.对选取各种物镜和介质折射率的情况下信息点的变化趋势分析表明,折射率失配使信息点横向尺寸随深度变化不大,而轴向尺寸及信号读出强度产生较大的变化,变化的程度与物镜NA、介质的折射率及存储深度密切相关.采用与模拟时相同的光学参数,在光致变色材料中进行了双光子三维存储实验.通过观察信息点的轴向及横向扫描图像和信号的读出强度,证实了这种变化趋势.实验结果为双光子三维存储提供了参考依据. 相似文献
企业信息化水平评价指标与评价方法研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
从通用性与实用性的角度,提出了企业信息化水平评价指标体系,并从企业信息设备水平、信息人力资源水平和信息资源开发利用水平等3方面,系统而深入地分析了企业信息化水平评价各层次指标的构成、含义与计算公式。在此基础上,针对具体应用需要,探讨了企业信息指标体系构成方法、权重系数的确定和评价方法。 相似文献
Optical diffraction tomography (ODT) is used to reconstruct the complex refractive index distribution in cross-sections of semi-transparent, birefringent fibres. The selected fibres were polymer and animal fibres of either circular or non-circular cross-section with average thicknesses in the range 8–110 μm. This choice of samples was made to illustrate the imaging capabilities of ODT, and also to demonstrate some potential applications of the technique. The images representing the reconstructed refractive index distributions have a spatial resolution of about 2 μm, and show noticeable image contrast for refractive index variations of about 0·001. The ODT reconstructions compare well with refractive index information provided with the samples, and with scanning electron micrographs of cross-sections of the same fibre samples. From these results it appears that ODT can be used to reconstruct the complex refractive index distribution in cross-sections of semi-transparent, birefringent fibres. 相似文献
Yusipovich AI Zagubizhenko MV Levin GG Platonova A Parshina EY Grygorzcyk R Maksimov GV Rubin AB Orlov SN 《Journal of microscopy》2011,244(3):223-229
This study examined the action of anisosmotic media on the volume of nucleated erythrocytes isolated from Rana temporaria. Elevation of medium osmolarity from 100 to 345 mOsm resulted in attenuation of mean cell volume by more than 3-fold, estimated by hematocrit measurement. By contrast to this 'classic' erythrocyte volume evaluation technique, we did not observe any significant cell volume modulation by examining the 3D reconstruction of erythrocyte interference images obtained by laser interference microscopy. Comparative analysis of mean cell volume, phase height and cell area appraised by laser interference microscopy showed that the lack of visible alterations of phase image geometry was caused by sharp elevation of the average refractive index of the cytoplasm in shrunken cells. Thus, our results show for the first time that laser interference microscopy in combination with a direct method for cell volume measurement may be employed for estimation of the refractory index of intracellular milieu and for assessment of changes of physical chemical properties of the cytoplasm evoked by diverse stimuli including osmotic stress. 相似文献
Methods to calibrate and scale axial distances in confocal microscopy as a function of refractive index 下载免费PDF全文
Accurate distance measurement in 3D confocal microscopy is important for quantitative analysis, volume visualization and image restoration. However, axial distances can be distorted by both the point spread function (PSF) and by a refractive‐index mismatch between the sample and immersion liquid, which are difficult to separate. Additionally, accurate calibration of the axial distances in confocal microscopy remains cumbersome, although several high‐end methods exist. In this paper we present two methods to calibrate axial distances in 3D confocal microscopy that are both accurate and easily implemented. With these methods, we measured axial scaling factors as a function of refractive‐index mismatch for high‐aperture confocal microscopy imaging. We found that our scaling factors are almost completely linearly dependent on refractive index and that they were in good agreement with theoretical predictions that take the full vectorial properties of light into account. There was however a strong deviation with the theoretical predictions using (high‐angle) geometrical optics, which predict much lower scaling factors. As an illustration, we measured the PSF of a correctly calibrated point‐scanning confocal microscope and showed that a nearly index‐matched, micron‐sized spherical object is still significantly elongated due to this PSF, which signifies that care has to be taken when determining axial calibration or axial scaling using such particles. 相似文献
Wongkasem N Akyurtlu A Marx KA Goodhue WD Li J Dong Q Ada ET 《Microscopy research and technique》2007,70(6):497-505
In this report, we describe the fabrication of a chiral metamaterial based on a periodic array of Y-shaped Al structures on a dielectric Mylar substrate. The unit cell dimensions of the Y-structure are approximately 100 microm on a side with 8 microm linewidths. The fabricated Y-structure elements are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Quantitative elemental analyses were carried out on both the Y-structure, comprised of Al and its oxide, as well as adjacent regions of the underlying mylar substrate using the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) capability of the SEM. Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) calculations of the negative index of refraction for a 3D wedge of multiple layers of the 2D metamaterials showed that these metamaterials possess double negative (-mu,-epsilon) electromagnetic bulk properties at THz frequencies. The same negative index of refraction was determined for a wedge comprised of appropriately scaled larger Y-structures simulated in the microwave region. This double negative property was confirmed experimentally by microwave measurements on a 3D wedge comprised of stacked and registered Y-structure sheets. 相似文献