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爆炸喷涂技术的发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了爆炸喷涂技术的发展概况、工艺原理、喷涂特点、涂层性能及其应用。 爆炸喷涂的特点是喷涂时颗粒速度高达600~800m/s,从而使所制涂层具有与基体间结合强度高、硬度高、孔隙度低等优点。主要用作耐磨涂层或封严涂层。采用爆炸喷涂涂层的零件的工作寿命可延长几倍至几十倍。  相似文献   

以论文和专利为2种数据源,采用文献计量的方法,从逐年分布情况、专利技术生命周期、论文发表国家分布、技术来源国及受理国、主要机构分布5个方面对全自动生化仪的发展态势进行了研究。结果表明,全自动生化分析仪领域的论文数量基本呈逐年上升趋势,专利数量则呈波动下降趋势发展;技术生命周期可分为5个阶段,其中1982-1990年研发活动达到十分活跃的阶段;中国是基础研究成果的主要发表国家;日本是最主要的技术来源国和受理国;中国高校在基础研究方面较为活跃,日本企业则在技术创新方面占据着优势。  相似文献   

从分析目前电弧喷涂技术的原理、喷涂用材、喷涂设备、喷涂工艺等方面出发,论述了该技术的发展状况和发展方向.  相似文献   

爆炸喷涂工艺原理分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对爆炸喷涂工艺的基本原理进行了深入分析,爆轰波的特性决定了爆炸喷涂设备枪体的长度在1m左右,指出了燃烧气体的化学组成、喷枪结构和喷涂距离对爆炸喷涂层质量的重要影响。  相似文献   

爆炸喷涂WC-Co涂层结合强度的测量方法及喷涂工艺研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
设计了一种新的测量方法用于测量爆炸喷涂涂层与基体的结合强度,从理论上分析了这种方法拉伸面的临界尺寸,实验结果表明,对国产喷枪尺寸设计为2mm左右是合适的,爆炸喷涂涂层与基体的结合离最高可达143MPa.为避免喷涂过程中金属Co的损失,获得较好的显微形,爆炸气体中C2H2需要过量,O2/C2H2(摩尔比)为1.5左右较合适。  相似文献   

爆炸喷涂纳米WC-Co涂层的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为促进爆炸喷涂法替代常规喷涂工艺在工业上的应用,采用爆炸喷涂法制备了纳米和普通WC-12Co涂层.采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜分析比较了两种涂层的显微组织,用显微硬度计和磨料磨损试验机测试了两种涂层的显微硬度及耐磨料磨损性能,并利用扫描电镜对磨损形貌进行了分析.结果显示,纳米涂层具有比普通涂层更高的致密度和显微硬度,纳米涂层中WC颗粒的分布更均匀;纳米涂层的磨损机理为微观切削机制,其耐磨料磨损性能比普通涂层差.  相似文献   

熊书玲  孟浩  谢祥生 《高技术通讯》2021,31(9):1001-1010
当前,纳米技术是全球最重要、发展最快的前沿领域之一。本研究利用Innography专利库及Web of Science论文库检索系统,对我国纳米技术领域的专利和论文产出情况进行分析,从多个维度清晰展示了我国纳米技术基础研究和应用研究发展状况。研究结果表明,自2000年起我国纳米技术领域快速发展,基础研究以石墨烯、纳米晶体等方向为热点,应用研究主要集中在电极、污水处理、催化剂、纳米化合物制备等领域;技术创新主体以高校、科研院所为主,专利布局主要在国内,专利质量有待提升。应积极促进纳米科技成果转化,加大企业研发投入力度,加强纳米技术的专利海外布局,推动我国纳米技术快速实现大规模产业化。  相似文献   

在对石墨烯材料特性、制备、发展态势概述的基础上,以orbit专利数据库为数据源,通过对石墨烯专利申请量、技术领域、专利权人、专利地图和专利被引量等指标的定性分析,研究石墨烯产业的发展趋势、技术特点、主要竞争者和整体专利布局。采用定性与定量相结合,以事实性数据结合石墨烯产业的整体态势,分析目前的石墨烯技术难点和瓶颈问题,并提出建议。  相似文献   

钛铝合金是高推比航空发动机与航天推进系统中极具潜力的候选材料。为了解全球钛铝合金材料知识产权状况,本文对该领域专利进行文献检索、数据提取和计量分析。从专利整体概览、专利技术分析、重点专利分析、专利法律状态的维度予以揭示,呈现出全球钛铝合金材料技术发展态势。研究表明,中国、日本、美国专利申请量多,中国高校、外国企业为该领域专利申请主力军,专利保护核心为合金板材、气体涡轮机等技术主题。  相似文献   

基于德温特专利数据(DII),应用专利计量方法研究金属有机框架(MOFs)材料的研究现状及发展趋势。在DII数据库中检索1963年至2016年12月31日的MOFs专利记录1356条,采用汤森路透开发的分析软件(TDA)对采集的专利数据进行分析和研究,并借助可视化的分析工具,从专利总体态势、专利权人、专利技术领域和MOFs专利在中国的申请情况等方面进行分析。为我国相关领域的研究者提供具有一定价值的技术文献信息,也为我国加快MOFs材料技术创新、增强专利成果转化等提供参考。  相似文献   

Guifeng Liu 《Scientometrics》2013,94(3):1037-1056
Terahertz technology is one of the most promising research areas in the 21st century. In this work, we intend to compare the research status quo on terahertz technology between 1990 and 2010 using knowledge domain visualization techniques. Our data consists of 633 patents retrieved from Aureka management platform and 10,344 journal articles indexed in the ISI web of knowledge. Our analysis is a combination of two information visualization tools for analysis, Aureka and CiteSpace. Aureka is allowed for the analysis of patents filed/granted each year, priority country, inventors, assignees, citation counting, and cluster analysis, while networks of co-authors, countries, institutions, document co-citation networks and document co-citation clusters, are performed by CiteSpace. This research provides a comprehensive domain visualization map of innovation and knowledge in the area of terahertz technology. Our result shows that Aureka and CiteSpace are two promising visualization approaches to analyze patents and papers in any given field.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Korean technological development is linked with scientific activities and spreads to industrial fields through knowledge flows. It empirically assesses the linkages between scientific and technological knowledge flows and technological innovation by determining whether the quantity and quality of scientific papers cited by, and the knowledge being absorbed in, Korean patents filed in USPTO varied over time, and between technology fields. We conducted MANOVA and then canonical discriminate analysis. Our findings are: the patterns of both the absorption of scientific knowledge and the diffusion of technological knowledge differ by period and by field, and the speed of knowledge diffusion differs by technology field. This implies that the time required for Korean investment in basic and applied research to impact her industrial innovation differs by technology field.  相似文献   

Lihua Zhai  Yuntao Pan  Yu Guo  Zheng Ma  Fei Bi 《Scientometrics》2014,101(2):1361-1374
This study adopts a bibliometric approach to quantitatively assess current research trends in nanofiltration membrane technology (NFM), a new membrane separation technology widely used in various fields. It analyses scientific papers published between 1988–2011 in all journals contained in the Science Citation Index and patent data with the same time span from the Derwent patent database. The study examines developments in basic NFM research and technological innovations. Over the past 24 years, there has been a notable growth in publication outputs. Compared with other countries, China exhibited a rapid growth, particularly from 2000–2011, with its total number of papers ranking second only to the United States (US). Chinese NFM papers focus on energy and agriculture, while the US focuses on biochemistry and molecular biology. China holds the most global NFM patents, with rapid growth in patent numbers from 2005–2011. China, the US and Japan together hold 78 % of the total global NFM patents and have a strong technological advantage in water treatment and separation technology. Although there are four Chinese institutions in the top 10 patentee list, most are application patents that focus on the integrated application of existing nanofiltration membrane. In contrast the patents owned by foreign patentees are mostly research patents involving technology innovations of the nanofiltration membrane itself. Therefore, NFM research capacity in China should be further strengthened to maximize the advantages gained via research to date.  相似文献   

Promoting knowledge diffusion and reducing the delay between scientific research and technology patents is important to achieve success in the highly competitive global environment. This paper studies the time delay between scientific research and technology patents, and focuses on the key components of time in the promotion of knowledge transformation. Based on United States Patent and Trademark Office patent data, we apply periodical citation distribution models to the patent process. The results show that our transfer function model is better than others, and is suitable for calculating the delay between basic scientific research activities and technology patents.  相似文献   

裁剪是TRIZ中一种有效解决问题的方法,其通过删除问题元件,重组系统有用功能进行产品创新设计,达到简化系统与优化产品的目的.为了启发和引导设计者在裁剪过程中有效地利用资源,在使用裁剪规则引导创新设计的基础上,以具有预测性和启发性的技术进化趋势作为知识源,综合分析进化趋势解题与裁剪规则引导功能重组的资源来源,构建了进化趋势与裁剪规则的映射关系,提出了基于裁剪规则的多层次进化趋势选择策略,利用进化趋势辅助功能重组,构建了基于进化趋势的裁剪方法过程模型.最后通过钢带铠装机裁剪实例验证了此方法的合理性.  相似文献   

氨纶生产新技术及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了氨纶的性能及其生产工艺,分析了氨纶技术发展趋势,并对氨纶生产提出了几点意见和建议.  相似文献   

对无机膜技术全球、国内和国外来华专利分布、区域申请趋势和主要申请人专利布局等进行分析,研究了其重点、热点和空白点技术领域,为无机膜技术发展提供了参考.  相似文献   

Concerns regarding the high level of research and development (R&D) expenditure on military technology have prompted many nations to pursue a dual-use regime in military R&D. However, the value of dual-use military technology has not yet been quantitatively investigated. We explore whether military technology with a higher level of duality has been more valuable than that with a lower level of duality. We assume that the patent of valuable military technology was renewed until its termination. We retrieve military patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office during 1976–2014 based on their International Patent Classification (IPC) as F41 or F42. Then, we propose three indicators to assess the duality level of them. The first indicator is based on the determination of whether the patented technology is utilizable in both the military and the civilian sectors using its IPC. For the second indicator, we estimate the potential of convergence of a patented technology with various technological fields using the degree of centrality of the IPC’s co-occurrence network. The third indicator is based on ratio of forward citation by the civilian sector over the total number of forward citations as a measurement of technology diffusion toward the civilian sector. Using logistic regression, we found that the first two indicators are positively associated with patent renewal decision, while the last indicator is nonsignificant. The effects of the two significant indicators suggests that military technologies are more valuable when the technology itself can be used in various sectors, including the civilian sector, and can be converged with technologies in different fields. However, the nonsignificant influence of the third variable suggests that the relation between patent value and diffusion effects toward following inventions is not confined to the civilian sector. Our findings provide evidence of the impact of dual-use policies in military R&D.  相似文献   

Someda  Hiroshi  Akagi  Takanori  Kajikawa  Yuya 《Scientometrics》2022,127(8):4299-4314
Scientometrics - A simple and robust approach to predict the spillover effects of emerging technologies enables proper formulation of investment strategies. In this study, we propose the method in...  相似文献   

Türkay  Alptekin   《Technology in Society》2009,31(3):263-272
Economic and technological advances have dramatically changed trends in capital investment. As a result, conventional businesses are at risk of being replaced with businesses that embrace new technology and trends. It is essential to identify and act on business opportunities as they appear within these new trends. This paper introduces an approach that uses patent count data to discover technology trends through a fuzzy-based clustering methodology. Technologies are classified into three types—trendy, classic, and dated—that are identified using K-means clustering. This methodology has been tested using textile patents retrieved from the on-line database of the Turkish Patent Institute. As a result, the most promising sub-sectors in the Turkish textile industry can be determined.  相似文献   

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