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Since the conventional detector performs poorly in bandwidth-efficient Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems, several multiuser detectors were proposed recently. In this paper, we compare performance of the decorrelator, the two-stage detector (2S), and the decision-feedback detector (DF) for the Rayleigh flat fading synchronous CDMA channel. First, assuming perfect channel estimation, we show that the 2S and the DF have much lower bit error rate (BER) than the decorrelator, and prove that the ideal DF has unity Asymptotic Multiuser Efficiency (AME). Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of these detectors in the presence of channel mismatch. We model the Rayleigh flat fading channel as the second order Auto Regressive (AR) process, and use the Kalman filter as the channel estimator. The lower bounds on the BER of the 2S and the DF are derived. The analytical results and the simulations show that the estimation error accumulated due to cancellation of other users limits the performance of the 2S and the DF. Therefore, in the presence of channel mismatch, the decorrelator offers comparable or even better performance than more complex decision-feedback and two-stage detectors.  相似文献   

The problems of blind timing acquisition and channel estimation for DS-CDMA signals in multipath fading channels are investigated. Using only the spreading code of the desired user, methods based on QR decompositions are proposed. These methods perform comparably or even better than subspace based methods with an order lower complexity. Furthermore, the methods exhibit significantly more robustness to channel order mismatch. Based on the acquired timing information, channel estimation algorithms are also developed which are competitive with the previously proposed subspace based channel estimation algorithms. In addition, a channel order estimation algorithm is proposed for the scenario where the order is unknown. Performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated through simulation and comparison to asymptotic Cramér-Rao bounds.  相似文献   

在采用传统信号检测方式的CDMA系统中,多址干扰限制了系统的容量和性能.本文分析了在精确估计信道的情况下平坦瑞利衰落信道中的判决反馈和线性解相关两种多用户检测器的性能,主要分析了二者的误码率性能和抗远近效应的能力,并首次分析了衰落信道中的渐近多用户效率(AME).结果表明,判决反馈多用户检测器的渐近多用户效率优于线性解相关检测器.  相似文献   

王焱  程时昕 《通信学报》1998,19(8):7-12
我们分析了在瑞利衰落信道下,在天线分集的相干多用户检测器的性能。由于多用户检测器是抗远/近效应的,我们将基于SNR的功率控制引入多用户检测器以提高系统的性能。最后,我们给出了在系统设计时,基于SNR的功率控制的参数的选取。  相似文献   

支持向量机是一种建立在结构风险最小化原理之上的新的分类方法,与一些神经网络方法相比较他能更好地解决小样本问题。将支持向量机应用于同步信道多用户检测中,为研究CDMA多用户检测提供了一条新的途径,仿真结果表明其误码性能优于MMSE,逼近于单用户接收机。  相似文献   

本文研究了非完备功控宽带CDMA无线网络上行准入控制问题。首先为非完备功控CDMA网络上行链路建立了系统模型,然后设计相应的准入控制算法,其中无线资源被划分为供各类用户专用的部分和在各类用户之间共享的部分。为了利用非实时用户可以容忍延时的特点,又引入了队列结构以降低阻塞率。通过对算法进行Markov分析,从理论上计算了用户阻塞率和平均吞吐率性能。仿真结果验证了理论模型的正确性。  相似文献   

功率控制技术是CDMA通信系统中克服“远一近效应”,降低多址干扰、增大系统容量的一项关键技术。第三代移动通信系统对功率控制提出了新的研究课题。在本文提出CDMA系统中一种新的白适应功率控制和MMSE多用户检测的联合优化的算法,仿真结果表明,这种新的联合优化算法对提高系统容量,改善系统性能有很大的作用。  相似文献   

Parallel Interference Cancellation in Multiuser CDMA Channel Estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based channel parameter estimators for frequency selective fading channels are proposed for the uplink in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) mobile communication systems. The performance of PIC based algorithms depends heavily on the quality of the multiple-access interference estimates, which can be improved by using adaptive channel estimation filters. The performance of two adaptive complex channel coefficient estimation filters has been verified in a fading channel by computer simulations. According to the results, the PIC based adaptive channel estimators outperform clearly conventional, successive interference cancellation, and decorrelation based adaptive channel estimators. The PIC method is also used in delay tracking. By using the principles of sample-correlate-choose-largest (SCCL) delay trackers, a robust algorithm for multiuser delay tracking in fading channels is obtained.  相似文献   

功率控制和多用户检测是CDMA移动通信系统中克服远近效应、抑制多址干扰(MAI)的两项关键技术。这里简要介绍了CDMA移动通信系统中功率控制与多用户检测技术,阐述了联合功率控制与多用户检测技术的基本概念,重点综述了联合功率控制与线性多用户检测技术以及联合功率控制与非线性多用户检测技术的研究进展,并对今后的研究方向进行了概括性的描述。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Distributed Antenna (DA) system has been proposedas a promising antenna architecture for the future wirelesscommunication systems[1~10]. In the DA systems, with remote antennas, the presentcellular structure is removed and cells are not divided geo graphically, but according to the user needs. That is, ac cording to the channel estimates computed via pilot signals,the Processing Node (PN) continuously measures the chan nels between the mobiles and the remote ante…  相似文献   

DS-CDMA通信系统中基于独立分量分析的盲多用户检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范嘉乐  方勇 《信号处理》2004,20(4):416-419
本文研究了直接序列扩频码分多址(DS-CDMA)通信系统的多用户检测问题,提出了基于独立分量分析(ICA)方法的盲多用户检测算法,实现多用户信号的盲检测。该方法不需知道用户的扩频码就可完成多用户信号的盲检测。仿真结果验证了本文提出的方法的优良性能。  相似文献   

A fast converging adaptive minimum-mean-squared-error (MMSE) multiuser detector is proposed for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems with severe near-far problem where the convergence rate of adaptive MMSE detectors for distinct users can be very different. It is shown that by successively cancelling the interference signals of strong power users, the convergence rate of the proposed detectors for weak power users can be significantly increased, which helps to reduce the length of training sequence for tracking. It is also shown that the order of cancellation and several important parameters required for interference cancellation can be determined from the convergence behavior of the proposed detector. Numerical results are presented to show that the proposed detector offers improved performance in various DS-CDMA environments.Zhiwei Mao received the B.Sc. degrees from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China in 1996 and 1999, respectively. Since 2000, she had been a Research Assistant and graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Coumputer Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. She received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2003. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.Her research interests include wireless communications, multiuser detection, digital communications and digital singal processing.Vijay K. Bhargava received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degree from Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada in 1970, 1972 and 1974 respectively.Currently, he is a Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Previously he was with the Univeristy of Victoria (1984–2003) and with Concordia University in Montréal (1976–1984). He is a co-author of the book Digital Communications by Satellite (New York: Wiley, 1981), co-editor of Reed-Solomon Codes and Their Applications (New York: IEEE, 1994) and co-editor of Communications, Information and Network Security (Boston: Kluwer, 2002). His research interest are in wireless communications.Dr. Bhargava is a Fellow of the B.C. Advanced Systems Institute, Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the IEEE, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society of Canada. He is a recipient of the IEEE Centennial Medal (1984), IEEE Canadas McNaughton Gold Medal (1995), the IEEE Haraden Pratt Award (1999), the IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000), IEEE Graduate Teaching Award (2002), and the Eadie Medal of the Royal Society of Canada (2004).Dr. Bhargava is very active in the IEEE and was nominated by the IEEE Board of Director for the Office of IEEE President-Elect. Currently he serves on the Board of Communications Society. He is an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is a Past President of the IEEE Information Theory Society.  相似文献   

粒子滤波算法是一种基于贝叶斯估计的蒙特卡罗方法,尤其适用于处理非线性、非高斯系统的状态估计问题。该算法应用于DS-CDMA系统的多用户检测中,检测器能在检测性能和计算复杂度之间取得很好的平衡。基于粒子滤波算法的多用户检测器在性能上逼近于最优多用户检测器,而计算复杂度远低于最优多用户检测器,与次优多用户检测器相当。利用白化匹配滤波器的输出可以建立同步DS-CDMA系统的状态空间方程,使得粒子滤波算法应用于多用户检测中。仿真实例证明了基于粒子滤波算法的多用户检测器在等功率和远近效应的情况下的性能优势。  相似文献   

该文将空时多用户检测技术和Turbo-BLAST方案相结合,构造了基于CDMA技术的多用户Turbo- BLAST系统模型,提出了不完全信道状态信息条件下的解相关算法和迭代检测算法。在发送端将V-BLAST结构与CDMA技术相结合实现多路复用,在接收端利用空时多用户检测算法去除用户间干扰,得到期望用户的接收信号,然后采用考虑信道估计误差的软干扰抵消迭代检测算法,对期望用户的接收信号进行检测以去除天线间干扰。仿真结果说明,所提算法对于多用户Turbo-BLAST系统是有效的,可在不增加复杂度的条件下达到良好的迭代效果。  相似文献   

DS-CDMA系统中结合多用户检测的功率控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功率控制和多用户检测是CDMA移动通信中克服远近效应,抑制多址干扰(MAI)的两项关键技术。该文提出了一种在DS-CDMA系统中综合考虑功率控制和多用户检测的方案。该方案能更加有效地消除干扰信号,同时在满足信干比(SIR)要求时,所有用户发射总功率最小,收敛速度最快。  相似文献   

Asymptotically optimal uplink transmission power control policies are derived for synchronous and asynchronous CDMA time varying fading channels with multiple user classes, random spreading sequences and MMSE multiuser detector. One optimal policy minimizes the outage probability subject to maximum average power budget and maximum transmission power constraints. Another minimizes the average power budget subject to maximum outage probability and maximum transmission power constraints. If the channel states are available, we show that both optimal policies are channel inversion threshold cut-off policies and express them explicitly. When channel states are estimated, we show how to transform the optimal policies into estimator-based policies while controlling the degradation of their performance measures . Finally, we compare between the performance of the optimal policies and other policies in an environment with Lognormal and Rayleigh fading.  相似文献   

Multiuser detectors for asynchronous multirate code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems are considered. A multirate CDMA system model able to fit several system concepts in the same framework is presented. The performance of the multi-code (MC) system with one processing gain and the multiple processing gain (MPG) system is compared. Upper bounds for the expected value of the asymptotic multiuser efficiency of the decorrelating detector for a synchronous multirate CDMA system with three effective users are derived for a system with one and two processing gains. The numerical results show that the performance of the decorrelating detector for MC and MPG systems do not differ significantly. The bit error rates (BER) of the decorrelating, parallel interference canceler (PIC) and groupwise serial interference canceler (GSIC) with either PIC or decorrelator within the group are compared. The results show that the decorrelating and the GSIC detectors yield the best performance. For all interference cancellation schemes the BER saturates at high SNRs due to decision errors degrading the multiple-access interference (MAI) estimates.  相似文献   

This letter addresses the superimposed pilot aided multiuser channel estimation for the uplinks of multi‐input multi‐output orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing systems. To mitigate the embedded‐data effects on the performance of channel estimation, a novel combining algorithm is proposed. Optimal pilot symbols are developed with respect to the least square channel estimate's mean square error. The averaged sum‐capacity lower bound is derived and simulated. Simulation results show that on a low signal‐to‐noise ratio regime, our proposed scheme achieves better performance and higher capacity than the conventional pilot aided approach.  相似文献   

CDMA是新一代移动通信系统的关键技术,现代卫星移动通信也采用CDMA技术。多址干扰(MAI)的存在严重影响了CDMA系统的性能,需要采用多用户检测技术进行抑制。本文分析了卫星移动通信系统的模型,将线性多用户检测算法用于卫星移动通信系统,并对传统检测器、解相关检测器、MMSE检测器等线性检测器进行了性能比较。计算机仿真结果表明采用线性多用户检测技术使卫星移动通信系统的性能得到了明显的改善。  相似文献   

本文研究了基于不完全信道信息和天线选择的多用户MIMO系统下行链路性能。通过系统建模和性能分析,利用数学变换和条件概率密度函数,推导了有着不完全反馈信息时的系统误比特率(BER)准确表达式。该式可有效评估反馈时延对系统性能的影响,且包含了基于完全反馈信息的系统BER公式作为其特殊情况。为简化准确表达式中的积分计算,还利用互补误差函数的近似值推导了系统BER的近似表达式,可得到较为简单的闭式表达式。计算机仿真结果表明:所给的准确及近似理论分析可与仿真结果取得较好的一致;且当归一化时延低于0.01时,系统性能较之完全信道信息情况仅有轻微的下降。  相似文献   

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