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Combination treatments for preservation of irradiated pork were investigated with respect to vitamin loss. Ground pork was prepared under nitrogen and packaged in anaerobic foil. The samples were enzyme denatured by heating before and after irradiation, then cooked and stored. Irradiation resulted in thiamin loss, but neither riboflavin nor α-tocopherol was affected. Neither thiamin nor riboflavin was affected by heat denaturation, cooking or storage, but heating and cooking increased the measured α-tocopherol. The lack of loss of the vitamins was attributed to the exclusion of oxygen.  相似文献   

Vacuum-packaged ground fresh pork samples absorbed gamma radiation doses of 0. 0.57. 1.91. 3.76. 5.52. or 7.25 kGv at 2°C. Samolcs were analyzed after 1, 7, 14, 21, 28,‘or 35 days itorage at 2°C’for presence and number of aerobic and anaerobic mesophiles and endospore formers, and aerobic psychrotrophs. Conventional plate counts did not detect surviving microflora in any sample that received an absorbed dose of 1.91 kGy or higher, even after refrigerated storage for up to 35 days. The microflora in the control were predominantly Gram-positive for the first 21 days; however, Serratia predominated at 28 and 35 days. Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and yeast species predominated in samples that received 0.57 kGy.  相似文献   

Color changes in irradiated meat were species-dependent. Irradiated pork and beef became less red as a result of irradiation and display time. The redness values of turkey increased after irradiation but decreased during display time. The yellowness of the irradiated samples, for all species, increased as a result of irradiation and display. Visual evaluation of irradiated pork and beef indicated an increase in brownness, whereas turkey increased in redness as dose increased. The surface color of irradiated pork became less uniform than unirradiated pork. Reflectance spectra indicated that irradiation induced a metmyoglobin-like pigment in pork and beef, whereas the pigment in turkey was unchanged.  相似文献   

辐照对Pen a1抗原表位免疫原性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辐照处理刀额新对虾中主要过敏原Pen a1,采用SDS-PAGE,MOLDI-TOF MS方法分析辐照处理对虾致敏蛋白Pen a1分子质量的影响,同时利用表位抗体进行免疫印迹及间接竞争ELISA法评估Pen a1中5种抗原表位免疫原性的变化情况。结果显示:与未处理相比,6.7 k Gy辐照处理能够破坏部分Pen a1蛋白结构,导致裂解和聚合现象的发生。5种抗原表位免疫原性均未降低,并有不同程度的增加,其中Epitope1,2,3,4的IC50值约为对照的4/5,Epitope5的IC50值变化不大,说明其对辐照处理较稳定。低剂量的辐照处理不能降低Pen a1抗原表位的免疫原性。  相似文献   

Fabricated extruded steaks were prepared from turkey meat, salt, phosphate, and water plus 15% beef, pork, lamb, or turkey fat. The grilled samples recieved relatively high hedonic scores from a sensory panel. The flavor, juiciness, and overall quality of the samples made with pork, beef, and turkey fat were preferred significantly over the samples made with lamb fat. Panel members tended to consider all samples as being pork flavored. Beef, pork, or turkey fat could be used as the fat in a fabricated, extruded steak without affecting the relative acceptability of the cooked product.  相似文献   

When irradiated, increasing the water content of pork by partial rehydration of freeze-dried L. dorsi muscle resulted in increasing rate of thiamin loss from zero in dry tissue to ca 6%/kGy of irradiation in tissue with 70% water. Conversely, the rate of loss of α-tocopherol decreased, from 44%/kGy at 0% to 32%/kGy at 70% water. Decreasing water activity in buffers or in ground or freeze-dried pork by salt or sucrose had no effect on rate of loss of either vitamin following irradiation. Salt decreased the loss of both vitamins in pork due to competition for the hydroxyl radical by chloride ions.  相似文献   

辐照技术是一种新型的冷杀菌技术,具有无残留、无污染、高效、节能等优点,因此在食品保藏中广泛应用。辐照处理不仅能有效提高肉品的卫生安全性、延长其保质期,并可最大程度地保持肉品的原有营养价值和感官特征,因此备受人们关注。本文主要介绍了食品辐照技术的原理、优点及辐照对肉品营养成分的影响、辐照肉品的安全性、辐照技术的在肉品保藏中的应用,并对辐照技术在肉品保藏中应用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of 0.5 and 1.0 kGy gamma irradiation on microbial and sensory characteristics of diced celery were compared to conventional treatments such as acidification, blanching, and chlorination. Aerobic plate counts for the irradiated celery did not exceed 107 CFU/g, in contrast, the acidified, blanched, chlorinated, and control samples surpassed aerobic microbial counts of 108 CFU/g in 22, 19, 12, and 8 d, respectively. Importantly, the 1.0-kGy treatment eliminated inoculated Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli. While the acidified and blanched samples had significantly different sensory profiles compared to the other treatments, the irradiated samples maintained their color, texture, and aroma longer and were preferred in the sensory tests. The sensory shelf life of the 1.0-kGy-treated celery was 29 d compared to 22 d for the control, chlorinated, and 0.5 kGy, and 15 d for the acidified and blanched celery.  相似文献   

Zinc concentration was measured in four muscles from beef, pork, and lamb: longissimus dorsi (LD), biceps femoris (BF), gluteus medius (GM), and triceps brachi (TB). Within a species, BF, GM, and LD had similar zinc concentrations but TB was significantly (P<0.01) higher in zinc. The means for the four muscles ranged from 39.8–53.5, 13.9–28.0, and 28.2–36.9 μg Zn/g wet weight for beef, pork, and lamb, respectively. The zinc concentration of muscle may relate to protein synthesis and the predominant type of energy metabolism occurring in the muscle. The mean zinc concentration of the four muscles between species was significantly (P< 0.01) different.  相似文献   

冷却肉低剂量辐照后的理化和感官特性变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究真空包装冷却猪肉经保鲜液处理和未经过保鲜液处理,再分别经1kGy、2kGy和3kGy低剂量辐照后的理化和感官特性变化,进而确定最佳的辐照处理方式以延长冷却猪肉的货架期。结果表明:经过2kGy辐照的处理组,在贮藏的过程中,鲜红色泽保持相对的稳定。冷却猪肉经过保鲜液处理 2kGy剂量辐照 冷藏(4±1℃),可以有效的延长冷却猪肉的货架期。  相似文献   

辐照处理对魔芋葡甘聚糖肠道益生作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究辐照改性技术对魔芋葡甘聚糖(konjac glucomannan,KGM)肠道益生性的影响,以60Co为辐射 源制备0、10、20、30 kGy辐照剂量的KGM样品,采用健康志愿者粪便体外厌氧发酵,比较不同辐照剂量KGM 体外发酵液pH值、短链脂肪酸含量、有益菌及有害菌数目、双歧杆菌数量/大肠杆菌数量(B/E值)、益生元指数 (prebiotic index,PI)的差异。结果表明:相对于葡萄糖阳性对照,不同辐照剂量KGM均能有效降低发酵液pH 值,维持酸性环境,促进短链脂肪酸生成,同时改善发酵液微生物构成,提高B/E值及PI。在0~30 kGy辐照范围 内,随辐照剂量增大,KGM发酵液短链脂肪酸生成量增加,PI升高,0、10、20、30 kGy KGM的PI分别为0.48、 0.61、0.76、0.78。综上,KGM具有良好的肠道益生元作用,γ-辐照改性有助于进一步提高KGM的肠道益生性,综 合考虑辐照效率及KGM肠道PI,推荐20 kGy作为制备KGM低聚糖的适宜辐射剂量。  相似文献   

采用选择性培养基初步筛选,结合16S rRNA同源性分析的方法,对北京市农贸市场及超市中所销售的生鲜猪、牛肉中含有的有害细菌的分布情况进行考察。对分离得到的细菌针对7种常见抗生素进行耐药表型检测。同时,利用特异性PCR扩增法检测了2个常见红霉素耐药基因和7个常见四环素耐药基因在分离细菌中的分布情况。结果表明:市场中购买的生鲜肉中分离得到的细菌耐药情况较之超市中的更为严重;猪肉和牛肉中分离的细菌耐药情况均十分严重;分离得到的不同细菌中包含某些条件致病菌的Escherichia/Shigella以及Aeromonas属细菌耐药情况更加严重。同时,研究还发现在北京市售鲜肉中分离得到的细菌中,绝大多数细菌对不止1种抗生素表现出非敏感(耐药及中介),且一些菌株携带多种不同的耐药基因。因此,市售生鲜肉中分离得到的细菌耐药情况较为严重以及普遍,应得到监管部门以及普通消费者的足够重视。  相似文献   

TBA values and carbonyl content for irradiated samples of ground chicken meat were higher than for nonirradiated samples. Addition of antioxidants tocopherol (natural) or BHT (synthetic) resulted in retardation of oxidative rancidity (p<0.05). Meat treated with antioxidants prior to irradiation had lower TBA values as compared to untreated irradiated counterparts. Free fatty acid (FFA) values decreased after irradiation. Addition of antioxidants prior to irradiation showed a synergistic effect in decreasing FFA content. TLC of muscle lipids indicated a reduction in the triacylglcerols content with concomitant increases in FFA of all samples during storage. All irradiated meats were acceptable for consumption up to 4 wk of storage.  相似文献   

The effects of 0·15 kGy gamma irradiation on the content of volatile compounds in garlic bulbs during storage at room temperature were evaluated. The content of diallyl disulphide decreased immediately after irradiation. However, at the end of 8-month storage both irradiated and unirradiated samples showed a significant increase in diallyl disulphide.  相似文献   

Unwashed carcasses of swine (58), sheep (59), and beef (58) were assessed for the incidence of Campylobacter fetus spp. jejuni. The potential pathogen was present on 38% of the swine, 24% of the sheep, and 2% of the beef carcasses examined. This study serves to point out the association of the pathogen within food marketing channels.  相似文献   

Thermal Gelation of Myofibrils from Pork, Beef, Fish, Chicken and Turkey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Myofibril gels with 5, 7, or 10% protein and 2% NaCl were prepared from pork, beef, fish, chicken and turkey muscles using a heating rate of 0.7°C/min and pH 6.0 to compare the thermal gelation properties of myofibrillar protein from different species. The force required to rupture gel (Pf), force required to move plunger through gel (Fp), viscosity index (Ni), and elasticity (Ea) increased and cooking loss decreased with increasing protein contents. Myofibrils of chicken breast and thigh had lower and fish and turkey thigh had higher cooking loss at protein contents of 7% or 10%.  相似文献   

低剂量γ辐照对牛肉肌内脂肪酸组成及牛肉质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取8头黄牛的半腱肌,在60Co源下辐照,剂量分别1.13,2.09及3.17kGy,牛肉在7℃环境下储存10d,评估不同辐照剂量和储存时间(0d或10d)条件下肌内脂肪酸组成及牛肉质量的变化.肉样储存10d后,未辐照的肉样中SFA和MUFA含量比未储存未辐照的牛肉(0d,0kGy)显著上升,而辐照过的肉样SFA和MUFA含量基本不变.辐照后多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)、n-3PUFA、n-6PUFA含量和P/S显著下降(0d或10d).不同辐照剂量对脂肪酸的影响差异不显著.辐照后0d,牛肉样滴水损失及TBARS与辐照剂量呈正相关,随着辐照剂量的增加(从0kGy到3.17kGy),滴水损失及TBARS逐步升高;而10d储存后,滴水损失和TBARS则与辐照剂量呈负相关.辐照后牛肉样细菌总数随辐照剂量的增大显著下降.牛肉肌内脂肪脂肪酸组成和比值因辐照而产生变化,而辐照剂量的增加(1.13kGy到3.17kGy)对脂肪酸组成没有显著的影响.3kGy左右的低剂量辐照可以很好的确保牛肉质量,而不会引起脂肪营养较大的损失.  相似文献   

The α-tocopherol (Vit E) and ascorbic acid (Vit C) supplementation of pig diets increased (P<0.05) liver α-tocopherol concentrations. After heating, the liver samples of both treated groups and the longissimus dorsi muscle samples of the vitamin C group showed increased riboflavin retention (P<0.05). The supplemented and control groups did not show differences regarding retention of α-tocopherol, retinol and thiamin in heated liver and longissimus dorsi. Dietary vitamin C resulted in higher liver vitamin E and was most effective in protecting riboflavin against loss during heating of liver or longissimus dorsi.  相似文献   

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