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Cyclins are essential proteins in cell cycle control, and their deranged expression has been reported to be associated with malignant transformation. Involvement of cyclins in the development of endometrioid carcinomas of the endometrium was studied immunohistochemically using antibodies against both cyclin A and tumor suppressor gene product p53, and their expression was compared with that of Ki-67 antigen. Sixty-two cases of endometrial endometrioid carcinoma and 20 cases of normal endometrium (10 proliferative and 10 secretory phase) were examined. Of the 62 endometrioid carcinomas, atrophic endometrium and hyperplasia were found adjacent to the cancers in 30 and 19 cases respectively. Cyclin A was expressed in < 1% of the glandular cells of normal endometrium in the proliferative phase and in hyperplasia, but was negligible in normal secretory phase and atrophic endometrium. p53 was almost always negative in normal endometrium and hyperplasia. Of the 62 endometrioid carcinomas, 12 tumors (19.4%) overexpressed cyclin A and 21 tumors (33.8%) overexpressed p53 (positive cells > 1%). Cyclin A and p53 were more frequently expressed in poorly differentiated tumors than in well differentiated tumors (cyclin A, p = 0.002; p53, p = 0.016). In addition, cyclin A-positive cells were topographically related to those cells positive for p53 as well as Ki-67. In conclusion, the abnormal expression of cyclin A and p53 is associated with high-grade endometrial endometrioid carcinomas.  相似文献   

A model for estimating the peak dynamic response distribution of a nonlinear beam, based on a special class of non-Gaussian stochastic processes, is proposed in this paper. It is shown that the stochastic response of a cantilever beam with geometrically nonlinear behavior can be accurately calibrated with translation processes. Different models to describe the significant bimodal features in the marginal probability density functions of the response time histories are proposed. Finally, two of these models are used to estimate the response peak value distributions and the results are compared. This comparison demonstrates the effects of inaccurate models for the parent response processes on the peaks estimation.  相似文献   

The vibration problem of a simply supported beam subjected to a moving elastic structure is investigated. The model consists of two Euler-Bernoulli beams which are assumed to be connected by flexible springs at two discrete points. The dynamic response of the simply supported beam subjected to the moving elastic beam at a constant speed is studied by the modal superposition method. The elastic stiffness and the inertial effect of the moving beam are included in the analysis. By solving the ordinary differential equations governing the motion of the model, some approximate analytical results are derived and influence factors on the dynamic response of the simply supported beam are discussed in details, including the stiffness ratio, which is defined as the stiffness of the moving beam to that of the simply supported beam, the moving velocity and the connection spring stiffness between the two beams. Results of the study imply that the connection stiffness has an apparent influence on the dynamic behavior of the simply supported beam.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We used a novel technique for explanting an improperly oriented silicone intraocular lens. METHODS: The elastomeric property of silicone was used to deform the optic and remove the intraocular lens in one piece. RESULTS: We explanted a flexible intraocular lens without compromising the integrity of the original wound, posterior lens capsule, or corneal endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: The technique offers a superior means of intraocular lens explantation while retaining the benefits of small-incision cataract surgery.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mechanical model is developed to predict the global and local buckling of a sandwich beam, using classical elasticity. The face sheet and the core are assumed as linear elastic isotropic continua in a state of planar deformation. The core is assumed to have two deformation modes: antisymmetrical and symmetrical with respect to the core geometric midplane. Characteristics of the two deformation modes and the corresponding buckling behavior are shown and it appears that they are identical when the buckling wavelength is short. The present analysis is compared with various previous analytical studies and corresponding experimental results. On the basis of the model developed here, validation and accuracy of several previous theories are discussed for different geometric and material properties of a sandwich beam. The results presented in this paper, verified through finite-element analysis and experiment, are an accurate prediction of the overall buckling behavior of a sandwich beam, for a wide range of material and geometric parameters.  相似文献   

There is growing concern in the United States about avoidable, unjust differences in health associated with sociodemographic characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity. This concern has sparked research to identify how disparities develop and how they can be reduced. Studies showing that disparities occur at all levels of socioeconomic status, not simply at the very bottom, suggest that psychosocial factors play an important role. The author discusses both content and process issues in psychological research on disparities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dithranol has been used successfully in the treatment of psoriasis for more than 75 years, and much in vitro and in vivo research has been done on the elucidation of the mode of action of this potent and safe antipsoriatic therapy. In vivo research has revealed major effects of dithranol on epidermal proliferation and inflammation. Information on the in vivo effects on epidermal differentiation is limited. Therefore, the dynamics of a set of differentiation markers (keratin 16, filaggrin, keratinocyte transglutaminase, involucrin) and markers for proliferation and inflammation (Ki-67, T lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leucocytes) were studied in skin biopsies of six patients with psoriasis during 4 weeks of dithranol therapy. The treatment regimen involved a short contact protocol at our out-patient day treatment centre with an easily washed off cream. Treatment resulted in a decrease of the PASI score of 48% in 4 weeks. Immunohistochemically, a major decrease of keratin 16 content and virtually complete restoration of the filaggrin positive cell layer were seen. These changes proved to be significant by comparison of the markers over the group of six patients. Although many other topical treatments for psoriasis (occlusive therapy and vitamin D3 analogues) result in a prominent reduction in the amount of transglutaminase and involucrin positive cell layers, the effect of dithranol on these markers is minimal.  相似文献   

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