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用激波冲击(Fe0.99Mo0.01)78Si9B13非晶软磁合金,非晶相发生相变,形成纳米尺寸的a-(Si,Mo)主晶相和第二相,电子衍射详细研究了第二相。用Fe2B等的粉末衍射数据卡数据来标定第二相的单晶电子衍射谱偏离大。通过对实验数据的大量计算;第二相被确认为Si固溶于Fe2B的(Fe,Si)B,其点阵常数与Fe2B有一定差别,为a=0.48950nm,c=0.88023nm,Si的溶质成分估计为10.7%.  相似文献   

提出在Ni中掺入夹层Zr的方法来提高NiSi的热稳定性.具有此结构的薄膜,600~800℃快速热退火后,薄层电阻保持较低值,小于2Ω/□.经XRD和Raman光谱分析表明,薄膜中只存在低阻NiSi相,而没有高阻NiSi2相生成.Ni(Zr)Si的薄层电阻由低阻转变为高阻的温度在800℃以上,比没有掺Zr的镍硅化物的转变温度上限提高了100℃.Ni(Zr)Si/Si肖特基势垒二极管能够经受650~800℃不同温度的快速热退火,肖特基接触特性良好,肖特基势垒高度为0.63eV,理想因子接近于1.  相似文献   

研究了PbO3-CuV2O6(PBC)玻璃对(Pb,Ca,La)(Fe,Nb)O3(PCLFN)陶瓷微波介电性能的影响.当纯PCLFN陶瓷在1150℃烧结,介电常数εr=103,品质因数与频率之积Qf=5640 GHz,频率温度系数τf=7.1×10-6/℃.PBC玻璃添加剂能降低PCLFN陶瓷的烧结温度到1 050℃左右,同时能保持良好的介电性能.随着PBC玻璃添加量的质量分数从1.0%增加2.0%,陶瓷的Qf值减小.掺杂ω(PBC)=1%玻璃、在1 050℃烧结的陶瓷样品,能获得良好的微波介电性能为Qf=5 392 GHz,τf=8.18×10-6/℃,εr=101.  相似文献   

Interfacial defects due to a mismatch of 1.378% between substrate and epilayer were examined in a Si0.67Ge0.33/Si(001) superlattice by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Plan-view specimens from the superlattice were prepared to investigate the defects in the structure. It was observed that 60°C-type misfit dislocations associate with point contrast on and at their ends. This point contrast was found to represent threading dislocations by using tilt experiments in the microscope. Consequently, stereo electron microscopy was used to examine the threading dislocations. It was discovered that the threading dislocations are not on the {111} slip planes but can be almost parallel to the [001] zone axis.  相似文献   

sol-gel法制备的ZnO:(Al,La)透明导电膜光电性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过X射线衍射、紫外–可见分光光度计、扫描电镜和四探针仪分析等手段,考察了退火温度对ZnO:(Al,La)薄膜微观结构、光学和电学性能的影响,Al掺杂浓度对电阻率的影响。结果表明:随退火温度的升高,薄膜(002)晶面择优取向生长增强,平均晶粒尺寸增大,电阻率降低,透光率上升。在x(Al)为1%,退火温度550℃时,薄膜最低电阻率为1.78×10–3?·cm,平均透光率超过85%。  相似文献   

石墨衬底先分别浸泡于0.1~1mol/L不同浓度的硝酸铁溶液后,采用低压化学气相沉积法于700℃在石墨衬底上生长碳纳米管薄膜。根据扫描电子显微镜照片及拉曼光谱分析碳纳米管的形貌和构成。碳纳米管的场发射性能的研究采用标准电流-电压测试。浸泡于0.6mol/L硝酸铁溶液的石墨片上所生长的碳纳米管的场发射性能最佳。  相似文献   

The relative stabilities of silver neodecanoate, tungsten hexacarbonyl, and a seriesof metal acetyl- and hexafluoroacetyl- acetonates, were determined using differential ther-mal analysis (DTA) and weight loss analysis. In general, the acetylacetonates decom-pose in the solid state at relatively low temperatures (100-200° C), with several of them exhibiting appreciable vapor pressures at temperatures below which their decomposi-tion rate is significant. Hexaf luoro derivatives of these compounds are, in general, more volatile and decompose at higher temperatures. The thermal decomposition behavior of palladium(II) acetylacetonate and palladium(II) hexafluoroacetylacetonate were each investigated using DTA at atmospheric pressure and under each compound’s equilib-rium or decomposition product(s) vapor pressure in conjunction with weight loss and residue composition analysis. At the heating rates employed, ≤2° C/min, palladium(II) acetylacetonate tends to decompose upon heating in either an inert or oxidizing atmo-sphere before significant quantities volatilize. On the other hand, palladium(II) hex-afluoroacetylacetonate tends to volatilize completely before any signs of decomposition are observed under the same conditions. Heating palladium(II) acetylacetonate in ar-gon, at ≤2° C/min, shows the onset of an endotherm at approximately 196° C, at the conclusion of which a product containing 75% palladium was found, the remainder com-prised of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. In an oxidizing atmosphere at the above men-tioned heating rate, Palladium(II) acetylacetonate decomposes exothermically at 180° C yielding essentially pure palladium. Continued heating in oxygen, to 800° C results in pure PdO. At 900° C, the PdO decomposes yielding pure palladium. Depending upon the heating rates applied, one or two endotherms may be observed during the heating of palladium(II) hexafluoroacetylacetonate. Heating at 2° C/min in either an argon or ox-ygen atmosphere, results in an endothermic transition due to fusion at 105° C in argon (101° C in oxygen), followed by a second endothermic transition at 231° C in argon (223° C in oxygen), due to the normal boiling point being achieved. If heating rates are slow enough,e.g. 0.1° C/min, complete volatilization may occur before the normal boiling point is reached.  相似文献   

In this letter, we report externally confirmed total area efficiencies reaching up to 12.9% for CdS/Cu(In,Ga)S2 based solar cells. These are the highest externally confirmed efficiencies for such cells. The absorbers were prepared from sputtered metals subsequently sulfurized using rapid thermal processing in sulfur vapor. Structural, compositional, and electrical properties of one of these champion cells are presented. The correlation between the Ga distribution profile and solar cell properties is discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that a reactive co‐sputtering process using metallic CuGa and In targets; an Ar:H2Se atmosphere is well suited for the deposition of photoactive Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) absorber layers for thin‐film solar cells in a single process step. The achievement of single‐phase and well‐crystallized layers is thereby no major problem if a sufficiently high H2Se content and substrate temperatures in the range of 400–500 °C are used. However, in order to achieve the desired Cu‐poor film stoichiometry, which is crucial for the device performance, it has to be considered already that, at moderate substrate temperatures in the range of 400–500 °C, indium has a strong tendency to re‐evaporate from the film surface if the film composition is Cu‐poor. If excess indium is supplied, this effect can lead to a self‐adjustment of the film composition. This allows a very wide process window in a one‐stage process concerning the supply ratio from the two targets of [Cu]/([In] + [Ga])supply ≈ 0.35–0.8. However, the maximum efficiencies achievable with such a process are limited to 11.7% because an adequate Cu‐poor composition can only be achieved with significant Cu‐poor conditions, which allow only a low material quality. By using an improved process with an intermediate Cu‐rich composition and a final Cu‐poor stage, the absorber quality could be significantly improved; efficiencies of up to 14.3% have been achieved with CIGSe films prepared on Na‐doped Mo back contacts. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated etching characteristics of BST thin films and higher selectivity of BST over Si using inductive coupled O2/Cl2/Ar plasma (ICP) system. The maximum etch rate of BST thin films and selectivity of BST over Si were 61.5 nm/min at a O2 addition of 1 sccm, 9.52 at a O2 addition of 4 sccm into the Cl2(30%)/Ar(70%) plasma, respectively. Plasma diagnostics was performed by Langmuir probe (LP), optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS). These results confirm that the increased etch rates at O2 addition of 1 sccm is the result of the enhanced chemical reaction between BST and Cl radicals and an ion bombardment effect.  相似文献   

Microcircuit package qualification testing is used to establish the reliability of integrated circuit processes and devices as they relate to part packaging. This paper presents the results of package qualification tests conducted on plastic encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs) and plastic discrete devices (diodes, transistors) used in avionics applications. Highly accelerated stress test (HAST) and temperature cycle (TC) test results, including part failure mechanisms and associated failure rates, are provided. A variety of plastic package styles and integrated circuit functions have been tested. Examples of package styles tested include small outline (SO), plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC), thin small outline package (TSOP), plastic quad flat package (PQFP) and plastic dual-in-line (PDIP).Manufacturers' devices have been evaluated and various plastic compounds have been compared to determine which provide optimum reliability. The testing showed that package qualification performance of PEMs is affected by type of compound, passivation (including die coat) and die size. HAST failures are caused by moisture penetration of the package while temperature cycle failures result from coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch effects.  相似文献   

Recent breakthroughs in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cell energy conversion efficiency are related to the application of a potassium fluoride post‐deposition treatment (KF‐PDT) to the completed absorber. Using X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman scattering, we compare CIGS layers prior and after the KF‐PDT in the case of a deterioration and an improvement of the solar cells photovoltaic performance. The purpose is to study and model the modification of the surface in both cases and address some of the required characteristics of the absorber, grown on soda lime glass by 3‐stage process, in order to take advantage of the treatment. We show that, in both cases, KF‐PDT induces the formation of GaF3, which is removed during the subsequent chemical bath deposition of CdS, explaining the Ga depleted absorber surface, already reported in literature. However, the presence or not of an ordered defect compound (ODC), correlated with the third stage duration during the CIGS growth, is shown to be crucial in the modifications of the surface induced by the treatment. When an ODC is present prior the treatment, KF‐PDT leads to the formation of a surface layer of In2Se3 containing K, and the photovoltaic performance of completed solar cells are improved. When no ODC is present prior KF‐PDT, no trace of K is found at the absorber surface after the treatment, copper (Cu) segregates into detrimental CuxSe phases, high amount of elemental Se is formed, and the photovoltaic performance are lowered. The role of the ODC during the KF‐PDT is finally discussed.  相似文献   

CZTSSe thin‐film absorbers were grown by stacked ZnS/SnS/Cu sputtering with compound targets, and the precursors were annealed in a furnace with a Se atmosphere. We controlled the thickness of the ZnS precursor layer for the CZTSSe thin films in order to reduce the secondary phases and to improve the performance of the devices. The optimal value of the ZnS precursor thickness was determined for the CZTSSe absorbers, and this configuration showed an efficiency of up to 9.1%. In this study, we investigated the depth profiles of the samples in order to determine the presence of secondary phases in the CZTSSe thin films by Raman spectroscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy. Cu2SnSe3, ZnSe, and MoSe2 secondary phases appeared near the back contact, and the work function distribution of the CZTSSe thin‐film surface and the secondary phase distribution were different depending on the depths of the absorber layer. This phase characterization allows us to describe the effects that changes in the thickness of the ZnS precursor can have on the performance of the CZTSSe thin‐film solar cells. Although it is important to identify the phases, the effects of secondary phases and point defects are not yet fully understood, even in optimal devices. Therefore, phase identification that is based on the work function and the results obtained from the Raman spectra in terms of the depth profile are instrumental to improve the surface and interface of CZTSSe thin‐film solar cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ZnS is a candidate to replace CdS as the buffer layer in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells for Cd‐free commercial product. However, the resistance of ZnS is too large, and the photoconductivity is too small. Therefore, the thickness of the ZnS should be as thin as possible. However, a CIGS solar cell with a very thin ZnS buffer layer is vulnerable to the sputtering power of the ZnO : Al window layer deposition because of plasma damage. To improve the efficiency of CIGS solar cells with a chemical‐bath‐deposited ZnS buffer layer, the effect of the plasma damage by the sputter deposition of the ZnO : Al window layer should be understood. We have found that the efficiency of a CIGS solar cell consistently decreases with an increase in the sputtering power for the ZnO : Al window layer deposition onto the ZnS buffer layer because of plasma damage. To protect the ZnS/CIGS interface, a bilayer ZnO : Al film was developed. It consists of a 50‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al plasma protection layer deposited at a sputtering power of 50 W and a 100‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al conducting layer deposited at a sputtering power of 200 W. The introduction of a 50‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al layer deposited at 50 W prevented plasma damage by sputtering, resulting in a high open‐circuit voltage, a large fill factor, and shunt resistance. The ZnS/CIGS solar cell with the bilayer ZnO : Al film yielded a cell efficiency of 14.68%. Therefore, the application of bilayer ZnO : Al film to the window layer is suitable for CIGS solar cells with a ZnS buffer layer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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