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The authors conducted a randomized clinical trial of individual psychotherapy for women with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to childhood sexual abuse (n = 74), comparing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with a problem-solving therapy (present-centered therapy; PCT) and to a wait-list (WL). The authors hypothesized that CBT would be more effective than PCT and WL in decreasing PTSD and related symptoms. CBT participants were significantly more likely than PCT participants to no longer meet criteria for a PTSD diagnosis at follow-up assessments. CBT and PCT were superior to WL in decreasing PTSD symptoms and secondary measures. CBT had a significantly greater dropout rate than PCT and WL. Both CBT and PCT were associated with sustained symptom reduction in this sample. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigated the relationship between acute stress disorder (ASD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following cancer diagnosis. Patients who were recently diagnosed with 1st onset head and neck or lung malignancy (N = 82) were assessed for ASD within the initial month following their diagnosis and reassessed (n = 63) for PTSD 6 months following their cancer diagnosis. At the initial assessment, 28% of patients had ASD, and 32% displayed subsyndromal ASD. At follow-up, PTSD was diagnosed in 53% of patients who had been diagnosed with ASD and in 11% of those who had not met criteria for ASD; 36% of patients with PTSD did not initially display ASD. In this study, the authors question the use of the ASD diagnosis to identify recently diagnosed patients at risk of PTSD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Forty-five adults with primary insomnia received cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) implemented in a group therapy format, in individual face-to-face therapy or through brief individual telephone consultations. The results indicate that CBT was effective in improving sleep parameters with all 3 methods of treatment implementation, and there was no significant difference across methods of implementation. All 3 treatment modalities produced improvements in sleep that were maintained for 6 months after treatment completion. These results suggest that group therapy and telephone consultations represent cost-effective alternatives to individual therapy for the management of insomnia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Female assault survivors (N = 171) with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were randomly assigned to prolonged exposure (PE) alone, PE plus cognitive restructuring (PE/CR), or wait-list (WL). Treatment, which consisted of 9-12 sessions, was conducted at an academic treatment center or at a community clinic for rape survivors. Evaluations were conducted before and after therapy and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Both treatments reduced PTSD and depression in intent-to-treat and completer samples compared with the WL condition; social functioning improved in the completer sample. The addition of CR did not enhance treatment outcome. No site differences were found: Treatment in the hands of counselors with minimal cognitive- behavioral therapy (CBT) experience was as efficacious as that of CBT experts. Treatment gains were maintained at follow-up, although a minority of patients received additional treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about the usefulness of psychotherapeutic approaches for traumatized refugees who continue to live in dangerous conditions. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a short-term approach based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and testimony therapy. The efficacy of narrative exposure therapy was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. Sudanese refugees living in a Ugandan refugee settlement (N = 43) who were diagnosed as suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) either received 4 sessions of NET, 4 sessions of supportive counseling (SC), or psychoeducation (PE) completed in 1 session. One year after treatment, only 29% of the NET participants but 79% of the SC group and 80% of the PE group still fulfilled PTSD criteria. These results indicate that NET is a promising approach for the treatment of PTSD for refugees living in unsafe conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eighty clients enrolled in a managed care health plan who identified panic disorder as their primary presenting problem were randomly assigned to treatment by a therapist recently trained in a manual-based empirically supported psychotherapy (M. G. Craske, E. Meadows, & D. H. Barlow, 1994) or a therapist conducting treatment as usual (TAU). Participants in both conditions showed significant change from pre- to posttreatment on a number of measures. Those receiving panic control therapy (PCT) showed greater levels of change than those receiving TAU. Among treatment completers, an average of 42.9% of those in PCT and 18.8% in TAU achieved clinically significant change across measures. The results are discussed with reference to the dissemination of PCT and other evidence-based psychotherapies to clinical practice settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that adding cognitive restructuring (CR) to exposure therapy does not enhance treatment gains in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study investigated the extent to which CR would augment treatment response when provided with exposure therapy. The authors randomly allocated 118 civilian trauma survivors with PTSD to receive 8 individually administered sessions of either (a) imaginal exposure (IE), (b) in vivo exposure (IVE), (c) IE combined with IVE (IE/IVE), or (d) IE/IVE combined with CR (IE/IVE/CR). There were fewer patients with PTSD in the IE/IVE/CR (31%) condition than the IE (75%), IVE (69%), and IE/IVE (63%) conditions at a 6-month follow-up assessment. The IE/IVE/CR condition resulted in larger effect sizes than each of the other conditions in terms of PTSD and depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that optimal treatment outcome may be achieved by combining CR with exposure therapy in treating PTSD patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments that the article by Milling, Levine, and Meunier (2003; see record 2003-05896-014) regarding hypnotic analgesia overlooked important relevant research, including at least one study that challenges their conclusions. Milling and colleagues stated that they know of only three studies that compared the pain-reducing effects of cognitivebehavioral interventions with those that added the element of hypnosis. They further pointed out that they must examine whether their findings, "based on the analogue treatment of experimental pain, apply to the treatment of clinical pain" (Milling et al., 2003, p. 412). However, other researchers (Faymonville et al., 1995) have already compared the analgesic effects of a hypnotic and a nonhypnotic relaxation intervention in patients undergoing plastic surgery. The present author further asserts that the work of Faymonville et al., may actually be superior to the work of Milling and colleagues. It is also commented that there have also been other clinical studies in the medical literature and their omission from the article's literature review was "disappointing." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many individuals who meet criteria for borderline personality disorder have histories of childhood trauma that may have contributed to their difficulty regulating affect. Dialectical behavioral therapy focuses on helping these patients to regulate emotional states and achieve behavioral control in Stage 1 so they can tolerate therapy that is focused on trauma and emotional experiencing in a Stage 2 treatment. Although there are effective, empirically validated treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder and its subclinical presentation, there are also a significant number of patients who find these treatments difficult to tolerate. The author discusses coupling dialectical behavioral therapy, an evidence-based therapy, with internal family systems, a therapy that is both clinically promising and compatible with dialectical behavioral therapy, as a Stage 2 therapy for trauma patients who avoid other modes of treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The therapeutic alliance is an established predictor of psychotherapy outcome. However, alliance research in the treatment of eating disorders has been scant, with even less attention paid to correlates of alliance development. The goal of this study was to examine the relation between specific patient characteristics and the development of the alliance in 2 different treatments for bulimia nervosa (BN). Data derive from a large, randomized clinical trial comparing cognitive- behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) for BN. Across both treatments, patient expectation of improvement was positively associated with early- and middle-treatment alliance quality. In CBT, baseline symptom severity was negatively related to middle alliance. In IPT, more baseline interpersonal problems were associated with poorer alliance quality at midtreatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report on changes in cognitions related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among 54 female survivors of sexual and nonsexual assault with chronic PTSD who completed either prolonged exposure alone or in combination with cognitive restructuring. Treatment included 9-12 weekly sessions, and assessment was conducted at pretreatment, posttreatment, and a modal 12-month follow-up. As hypothesized, treatment that included prolonged exposure resulted in clinically significant, reliable, and lasting reductions in negative cognitions about self, world, and self-blame as measured by the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory. The hypothesis that the addition of cognitive restructuring would augment cognitive changes was not supported. Reductions in these negative cognitions were significantly related to reductions in PTSD symptoms. The addition of cognitive restructuring did not significantly augment the cognitive changes. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors explored the prognostic value of 3 different types of catastrophic cognitions in the treatment of panic disorder with and without mild-to-moderate agoraphobia using a sample of 143 participants who received either cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or imipramine in a randomized controlled trial. Stronger fears of social catastrophes both prior to and following treatment with CBT or imipramine were associated with a poorer outcome. In contrast, cognitions involving physical or mental catastrophes were unrelated to outcome, regardless of whether these thoughts were measured prior to or following treatment. These findings are consistent with the notion that although the intensity of physical catastrophe cognitions may best discriminate between panic disorder and other anxiety disorders, it is the intensity of social catastrophe cognitions that is most closely tied to success in treating this disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prevalence rates of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were estimated from a probability sample of 2,509 adults from 4 cities in Mexico. PTSD was assessed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI; WHO, 1997). Lifetime prevalence of exposure and PTSD were 76% and 11.2%, respectively. Risk for PTSD was highest in Oaxaca (the poorest city), persons of lower socioeconomic status, and women. Conditional risk for PTSD was highest following sexual violence, but nonsexual violence and traumatic bereavement had greater overall impact because of their frequency. Of lifetime cases, 62% became chronic; only 42% received medical or professional care. The research demonstrates the importance of expanding the epidemiologic research base on trauma to include developing countries around the world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Cognitive-behavioral therapies for trauma (2nd edition) by Victoria M. Follette and Josef I. Ruzek (see record 2006-02767-000). This humbly titled text actually provides exhaustive coverage of several important trauma-related areas. As suggested by the book cover, this second edition seems to go beyond updated references and leading-edge changes. The book does indeed appear to be a radical revision without departing from the core intent, which was to provide a one-stop shop for practitioners working with trauma survivors. Functioning more as a compendium than a standard text, this book acts as a single resource for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In appropriate fashion, a historical review serves to contextualize the subsequent sections and associated chapters. The majority of the book is then divided into three sections: Assessment, Interventions, and Specialized Populations and Delivery Considerations. The final chapter serves as direction for the future of applied cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in several diverse settings. Overall, the text is a comprehensive desk reference for many practitioners treating PTSD. As noted in this review, some chapters are presented in a manner that is accessible to a broad readership, whereas others are geared more towards the experienced practitioner. Notwithstanding, the sound empirical foundations provided for the assessments, interventions, and tangential issues related to PTSD make this volume a valuable compendium resource for clinicians. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous researchers have classified obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients by the themes of their obsessions and compulsions (e.g., washing, checking); however, mental compulsions have not been adequately assessed in these studies. The authors conducted 2 studies using a large sample of OCD patients (N=132). In the 1st study, they categorized patients on the basis of symptom presentation, giving adequate consideration to mental compulsions. Five patient clusters were identified: harming, contamination, hoarding, unacceptable thoughts, and symmetry. Mental compulsions were most prevalent among patients with intrusive, upsetting religious, violent, or sexual thoughts. In the 2nd study, they compared response to cognitive-behavioral therapy across symptom categories, finding poorer outcomes among patients with hoarding symptoms compared with those with other symptom themes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

If a client dealing with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) presents for psychotherapy, should you consider including his or her partner in treatment? How could couples therapy be beneficial? What framework do you have to conceptualize the relational issues and potential treatment? Although clinicians have long been encouraged to include families in the treatment of combat-related PTSD, few specific couple-family therapies exist, and outcome research is scarce. Because of the adverse effects of PTSD on relationships, couples therapy can be a powerful adjunct treatment; however, few receive this service. A new framework for conceptualizing couples therapy organizes treatment around the 3 PTSD symptom clusters (reexperiencing, avoidance, and arousal). Relationship consequences of each symptom cluster are summarized, followed by useful treatment interventions and a case study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study tested cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia in older adults with osteoarthritis, coronary artery disease, or pulmonary disease. Ninety-two participants (mean age = 69 years) were randomly assigned to classroom CBT or stress management and wellness (SMW) training, which served as a placebo condition. Compared with SMW, CBT participants had larger improvements on 8 out of 10 self-report measures of sleep. The type of chronic disease had no impact on these outcomes. The hypothesis that CBT would improve daytime functioning more than SMW was only supported by a global rating measure. These results add to findings that challenge the dichotomy between primary and secondary insomnia and suggest that psychological factors are likely involved in insomnias that are presumed to be secondary to medical conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The efficacy of (cognitive) behavioral therapy ([C]BT) for generalized anxiety disorder was investigated and compared with the efficacy of pharmacological therapy using meta-analytic techniques. A total of 65 (C)BT studies and pharmacological studies were included. (C)BT was more effective than control conditions. The results of the comparison between (C)BT and pharmacotherapy varied according to the meta-analytic methods used. Conclusions about differences in efficacy between therapy approaches are limited when all available studies are included owing to a number of factors that influence effect sizes. When only those studies that directly compared both therapies were included in the analysis, there were no significant differences in efficacy. Attrition rates were lower for (C)BT, indicating that it is better tolerated by patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several possible mediators of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depressed adolescents were examined. Six measures specific to CBT (e.g., negative cognitions, engagement in pleasurable activities) and 2 nonspecific measures (therapeutic alliance, group cohesion) were examined in 93 adolescents with comorbid major depressive disorder and conduct disorder who were randomly assigned to the Adolescent Coping With Depression (CWD-A) course or a life skills control condition. Change on the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (S. D. Hollon & P. C. Kendall, 1980) appeared to mediate treatment effects on depressive symptoms. Therapeutic alliance by the 3rd session was higher among the CWD-A participants but did not predict reductions in depressive symptoms. Findings suggest that reducing negative thinking may be the primary mechanism through which the CWD-A intervention reduces depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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