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A poor scope definition in an engineering design project disrupts project rhythm, causes rework, increases project time and cost, and lowers the productivity and morale of the workforce. A quantitative measurement of the project scope is the basis for productivity modeling that involves the measurement, estimation, control, and evaluation of productivity. This paper proposes a conceptual model, the quantitative engineering project scope definition (QEPSD), to standardize the measurement of engineering project scope in construction projects, within a computer aided design environment. The QEPSD quantitatively measures engineering project scope, in terms of the complexity of design items by defining design categories and complexity functions appropriate to the particular discipline. The proposed method was originally verified and implemented specifically for steel drafting projects. Actual data was analyzed and used to demonstrate the benefits of historical data prepared using QEPSD for project scope definition. It was found that the new method led to increased utilization of previously untapped values in historical data, improving the accuracy of project scope definition, and productivity modeling. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of adopting the QEPSD method, and its implications upon various project management functions.  相似文献   

This paper details how construction labor efficiency is affected by deviations from the normal flow of work. A methodology is presented to estimate the loss of labor efficiency, based on variations in the percentage of labor hours used each week. The procedure can be used without the need for contractor production records. The theoretical basis for the method rests on the assumption that the rate of manpower utilization is consistent with the amount of work available for the contractor to perform. Using productivity data from three electrical projects that were accelerated, the labor efficiency is shown to be correlated to changes in the percentages of weekly work hours. Loss of efficiency curves are developed for various project phases. A case study is presented of an actual electrical construction project. Losses of efficiency are calculated for each phase, and it is shown that the contractor incurred an estimated loss of productivity of 25%. The analysis is validated by comparing a weekly inefficient work-hour profile to the chronology of events that occurred on the project.  相似文献   

Variability is common on construction projects and must be managed effectively. New management thinking, like that of lean production, has suggested that better labor and cost performance can be achieved by reducing output variability. Efforts to utilize lean thinking in construction, so far, have generated limited evidence to support this claim. This paper investigates the relationship between variability and project performance to test the notion that reducing output variability will result in improved labor performance. Using productivity data from concrete formwork activities on multiple projects, various measures of output variability are tested against construction performance. It is shown that variability in output is inevitable and that there is little correlation between output variability and project performance, but that variability in labor productivity is closely correlated to project performance. It is concluded that lean improvement initiatives should be redirected to adaptable workforce management capabilities to reduce variability in labor productivity instead of output in order to improve project performance.  相似文献   

There have been many studies on different aspects of the construction process in regard to how they each impact construction productivity. In reviewing the documentation of this research, very few articles were located that dealt with heavy/highway construction in general, and even fewer were found that dealt with bridges in particular. In addition, very little was found in the literature dealing with the effect that the quality of workforce management has on construction productivity. This paper describes the results of four case studies of highway bridge construction performed by established contractors with little bridge building experience, in which workforce management had a significant negative effect on labor productivity. The contractors’ lack of experience in bridge construction seemed to be the cause of several problems that plagued each of the four projects. The baseline productivity of each project was calculated, and the loss of labor efficiency was estimated to be 80, 75, 32, and 70%, respectively. The schedule slippage on the four case study projects was estimated to be between 127 and 329%.  相似文献   

This paper presents a regression model that relates job site productivity to process improvement initiatives (PIIs) executed both before and during construction. Applied during early project stages, this model helps industry practitioners to predict the expected value of labor productivity based on certain inputs related to preconstruction planning and construction execution. The model demonstrates the strong relationship of project performance to a variety of PIIs including design completeness, definition of a project vision statement, testing oversight, and project manager experience and dedication. The correlational research methodology targeted 75 projects representing approximately $274.53 million in civil construction. The data collection effort considered 45 PIIs (independent variables) using quantitative and qualitative measures. The modeling technique involved the use of multiple linear regression, a method that exploits available data from multiple, independent sources to focus on specific outcomes. The model was developed directly from contractor specific information and subjected to rigorous statistical analysis. The model provides project managers as front line industry practitioners with a deliberate yet practical approach to project management and productivity enhancement. The modeling results include verification analysis and a discussion of the model’s usefulness and limitations.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) has been used to increase automation and integration of information systems on construction projects for over two decades. However, evidence that overall costs have been reduced or project performance has been improved with IT in construction is limited and mostly focused on application specific studies. A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between IT and project performance helps industry practitioners better understand the likely outcomes of implementation of IT application and likewise benefits researchers in improving the effectiveness in their IT development efforts. An opportunity to examine new evidence exists with the emergence of the Construction Industry Institute’s Benchmarking and Metrics database on construction productivity and practices. This article presents an analysis of that data to determine if there is a relationship between labor productivity and level of IT implementation and integration. Data from industrial construction projects are used to measure the relationships between the automation and integration of construction information systems with productivity. Using the independent sample t-test, the relationship was examined between jobsite productivity across four trades (concrete, structural steel, electrical, and piping) and the automation and integration of various work functions on the sampled projects. The results showed that construction labor productivity was positively related to the use of automation and integration on the sampled projects.  相似文献   

Design/build has become one of the favored project delivery methods in the engineering construction industry. Numerous studies have advocated the use of design/build over the traditional design/bid/build delivery approach. A comprehensive analysis of 67 global projects from the Construction Industry Institute's database shows that design/build projects may not provide all the benefits to project performance. The study found timesaving was a definitive advantage of design/build project delivery, but, the positive effects of cost and productivity changes were not convincing. Based on the results of the study, the project management expertise and experience of the contractor may have a greater impact on project performance outcomes than focusing on project delivery strategy only.  相似文献   

An integrated methodology is developed for planning construction projects under uncertainty. The methodology relies on a computer supported risk management system that allows for the identification, analysis, and quantification of the major risk factors and the derivation of their probability of occurrence and their impact on the duration of the project activities. Using project management estimates of the marginal cost of activity starting time disruptions, a heuristic procedure is used to develop a stable proactive baseline schedule that is sufficiently protected against the anticipated disruptions that may occur during project execution and that exhibits acceptable makespan performance. We illustrate the application of the methodology on a real life construction project and demonstrate that our proactive scheduler generates baseline schedules that outperform the schedules generated by commercial software packages in terms of robustness and timely project completion probability.  相似文献   

This paper measures the value of best practices based on data taken from the Construction Industry Institute Benchmarking and Metrics database. A three-step process provides the basis for measuring the potential benefits of increased best practice use. First, a practice use index is derived to model the way in which best practices are utilized on actual projects. The index combines data from eight best practices to create a single measure of practice utilization. Second, a project performance index, combining cost and schedule metrics, is derived as an indicator of overall project performance. Third, the practice use index is correlated with cost, schedule, and overall project performance metrics. Both owners and contractors benefit from increased practice use. Potential cost savings for owners range from $1.7 to $3.4 million, depending on industry group and project size. Potential cost savings for contractors are higher, averaging $7.2 million for the typical $88 million heavy industrial project. Benefits from schedule reductions are most apparent for owners. On large building projects, schedule reductions for owners average 27 weeks. Finally, improvements in overall project performance on the order of 30% are observed for both owners and contractors.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of three case studies in which the subcontractor-fabricator relations had a significant negative effect on labor productivity of the subcontractor. Late vendor deliveries, fabrication or construction errors, and out-of-sequence deliveries plagued each of the three projects. On two projects, there were work stoppages because there were no materials. Unsequenced deliveries caused unnecessary crane movements and rework. On the third project, the output of the fabrication shop was not compatible with the output of the erection crew. The baseline productivity was calculated, and the loss of labor efficiency in each case was estimated to be 16.6, 28.4, and 56.8%. These percentages were compared with similar percentages calculated from other published articles that described inefficient site storage conditions and delivery methods. The labor inefficiencies caused by material management range from a low of 5.4% to a high of 56.8%. The schedule slippage on the three case study projects was estimated to be between 50 and 129%.  相似文献   

Materials resources constitute a large portion of a project’s total cost and this makes them an important and attractive subject to control. Proper control and management of materials can meaningfully increase productivity by 6%, or more. A model based on automatic, or semiautomatic, data collection for materials management and control was developed. Based on project plans, the model initiates and manages the ordering of materials automatically and monitors both the actual flow of materials and the current stock at the construction site. The model permits real-time control, enabling corrective actions to be taken. In this manner, costs and unnecessary handling of materials are reduced. In addition, up-to-date information regarding materials flow is available and different statistical analyses are enabled: materials acquired from a specific supplier; materials used for a specific activity; and materials used during a specific month, etc. The information generated by the model enables the updating of a historical database to be used for planning of future projects.  相似文献   

Change is inevitable on construction projects, primarily because of the uniqueness of each project and the limited resources of time and money that can be spent on planning, executing, and delivering the project. Change clauses, which authorize the owner to alter work performed by the contractor, are included in most construction contracts and provide a mechanism for equitable adjustment to the contract price and duration. Even so, owners and contractors do not always agree on the adjusted contract price or the time it will take to incorporate the change. What is needed is a method to quantify the impact that the adjustments required by the change will have on the changed and unchanged work. Owners and our legal system recognize that contractors have a right to an adjustment in contract price for owner changes, including the cost associated with materials, labor, lost profit, and increased overhead due to changes. However, the actions of a contractor can impact a project just as easily as those of an owner. A more complex issue is that of determining the cumulative impact that single or multiple change orders may have over the life of a project. This paper presents a method to quantify the cumulative impact on labor productivity for mechanical and electrical construction resulting from changes in the project. Statistical hypothesis testing and correlation analysis were made to identify factors that affect productivity loss resulting from change orders. A multiple regression model was developed to estimate the cumulative impact of change orders. The model includes six significant factors, namely: Percent change, change order processing time, overmanning, percentage of time the project manager spent on the project, percentage of the changes initiated by the owner, and whether the contractor tracks productivity or not. Sensitivity analysis was performed on the model to study the impact of one factor on the productivity loss (%delta). The model can be used proactively to determine the impacts that management decisions will have on the overall project productivity. They may also be used at the conclusion of the project as a dispute resolution tool. It should be noted that every project is unique, so these tools need to be applied with caution.  相似文献   

Construction engineering is all about production, and producing something useful is the very reason for projects to exist. How then to explain why construction engineering has progressively fallen out of focus in construction project management education and research? For an answer, the development of the discipline of construction management since the 1950s must be understood, a development that yielded a non-production-oriented approach to project management, one that provides the currently accepted operating system for managing the work in projects. This paper first traces the history of the development of the traditional operating system and related commercial terms and organizational practices. It argues that traditional practices rest on an assumption that careful development of a project schedule, managing the critical path, and maximizing productivity within each activity will optimize project delivery in terms of cost and duration. Subsequently, an alternative operating system, developed and proposed by the Lean Construction community, is described. In contrast to the traditional approach, lean defers detailed planning until closer to the point of action, involves those who are to do the work in designing the production system and planning how to do it, aims to maximize project performance (not the pieces), and exploits breakdowns as opportunities for learning. The history of this development will be traced in broad strokes.  相似文献   

Labor-intensive industries such as the electrical and mechanical trades are considered high risk due to the high percentage of labor costs. Because of this high risk, it is important for contractors in these industries to closely track labor costs on projects and compare these costs to industry benchmarks. In this paper, benchmark indicators for these industries are established on the basis of actual project data. These benchmarks include the relationship between the percent complete or percent time and cumulative work hours or cost, project size and duration, project size and average man power, project size and peak man power, and average versus peak man power. These relationships were developed using regression analysis. Man power loading charts and the related S-curves were developed from actual project data. The man power loading charts and the related S-curves are useful for resource planning and for tracking progress on a construction project. They can be used to show the cause-and-effect relationship between projects impacted by outside factors and normal labor productivity.  相似文献   

This article presents a generic project risk management process that has been particularized for construction projects from the point of view of the owner and the consultant who may be assisting the owner. The process could also be adapted to the needs of other project participants, and many points referred to in the article can be directly applied to them. Any project risk management process must be tailored to the particular circumstances of the project and of the organization undertaking it. First, the article explains a complete or generic project risk management process to be undertaken by organizations with the highest level of risk management maturity in the largest and most complex construction projects. After that, factors influencing possible simplifications of the generic process are identified, and simplifications are proposed for some cases. Then the application to a real project is summarized. As a final validation, a Delphi analysis has been developed to assess the project risk management methodology explained here, and the results are presented.  相似文献   

The severity of interface issues and the necessity of interface management (IM) have not received adequate recognition from both industry and academia. The understanding of interface issues is still insufficient and the proposed or employed measures are unilateral, which result in unsatisfactory IM performance in construction projects. After establishing IM’s importance in the construction industry, this paper presents a multiperspective approach that systematically explores comprehensive cause factors for various interface issues. From six interrelated perspectives, namely people/participants, methods/processes, resources, documentation, project management, and environment, hierarchical cause factors are identified and presented in a structured way. These cause factors are further converted into a series of interface management and control elements that allow for the development of an object data model and a systematic model-based IM strategy dealing with all interface issues. The multiperspective approach outperforms other research methods that analyze selected interface issues in a loose and isolated way. The findings contribute a holistic view of what causes interface issues as well as provide a solid theoretical basis for practitioners and researchers to seek all-around IM solutions.  相似文献   

The management process of any construction operation usually can be defined as a chain of decisions. A decision-maker can bid, plan, and organize the bored pile projects based on an accurate estimate of productivity. To estimate productivity efficiently, piling process qualitative and quantitative factors have to be considered. This paper focuses on assessing the effect of subjective factors on bored pile construction productivity. A productivity index (PI) model is developed to represent this subjective effect in refining productivity assessment using simulation and deterministic techniques. The analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy logic are used to develop the proposed PI model that relies on the actual performance of 10 main piling process subjective factors. Subjective data were collected from bored pile (drilled shaft) contractors considering these subjective factors. The developed PI model implementation to piling process resulted in PI=0.7. This value has been validated using simulation model outputs.  相似文献   

针对深部岩体工程科学前沿的岩爆研究难题,分析了制约其动态定量及智能化预警研究的挑战性问题。为突破挑战问题制约,采用面向对象的B/S+C/S结构,建立了岩爆数据库管理系统,包含岩爆案例数据库、微震波形数据库、微震时序数据库,具备多工程管理、详细数据采集、查询分析、结果导出等功能的岩爆数据库管理系统,成功实现了多工程、多源岩爆灾害信息的详细采集与有效管理。利用多个具有岩爆灾害的深埋岩体工程,对岩爆数据库管理系统进行了应用,取得了较好的效果。结果表明建立的岩爆数据库管理系统具有较好的适用性,可为不同工程岩爆类比研究、岩爆智能预警研究等提供科学、可靠的数据基础与参考。   相似文献   

Trenchless technology (TT) includes a large family of methods utilized for installing and rehabilitating underground utility systems with minimal surface disruption and destruction resulting from conventional excavation. Productivity of TT techniques is affected by a number of subjective factors that need to be evaluated. A productivity index (PI) model is developed in order to represent this subjective effect in refining productivity assessment. The analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy logic are used to develop the proposed PI model that relies on the actual performance of 12 subfactors under three main categories: management, environmental, and physical conditions. The developed PI model resulted in PI equal to 0.7323 and 0.7251 for microtunneling and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) projects, respectively. Multiattribute decision support system software is developed to determine the PI for a specific TT technique using Visual Basic. The PI model is tested, which shows reasonable results. This research is relevant to both industry practitioners and researchers. It provides practitioners with a model that justifies their productivity calculation by quantifying subjective factors effect, which will affect their schedule and cost estimation for trenchless projects. In addition, it provides researchers with the development methodology for the PI model.  相似文献   

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