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惯性约束聚变低温冷冻氘氚靶制备技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低温冷冻氘氚靶对于惯性约束聚变研究至关重要,主要有塑料微球靶、金属铍球靶、泡沫球壳靶等。根据微球球壳材质的不同,采用不同的低温冷冻氘氚靶制备技术。塑料微球靶采用“高压充氘氚-冷冻法”或“充气管充气法”;金属铍球靶采用“低温、低压冷凝法”或“高温、高压扩散连接半球壳法”;多孔泡沫球壳靶采用“球壳材料吸附氘氚液体法”。本文简述上述技术和方法的发展状况和趋势。  相似文献   

研究了激光惯性约束聚变(ICF)实验中一种基础基准靶埋点靶的制备工艺过程。埋点靶的制备过程主要包括CH膜的制备、埋点的定位和埋占材料的制备。其中,CH薄膜的制备及其性质是制备埋点靶的关键工艺环节。最后给出了埋点靶的制备工艺流程。  相似文献   

整体式空腔靶制备工艺   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
空腔靶是惯性约束聚变(ICF)研究中间接驱动靶的主要靶型之一,它由精密车削微加工工艺的结合电镀工艺完成。  相似文献   

采用广义两步法,在典型SiO2低密度泡沫材料中均匀掺入高浓度Ge元素,获得了低密度泡沫材料中掺入某些金属元素的新工艺,克服了传统溶胶-凝胶工艺制备多元氧化物混合材料所遇到的因水解速率相差悬殊而造成的困难。  相似文献   

聚合物空心微球密度匹配法制备工艺研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以聚苯乙烯(PS)为成球材料,研究了聚合物空心微球密度匹配法制备工艺中的油相(O相)有机溶剂各及配比、O相固化温度及时间、各相溶液中固体颗粒杂质、球内封装水(W1相)的置换等因素对产品微球质量的影响。制得了直径100-500μm、壁厚2-20μm、球形度≥99%、同心度相对偏差≤5%、表面粗糙度≤20nm的PS空心微球。  相似文献   

聚苯乙烯塑料微球高压充氢工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概要介绍了微球高压充氢原理及聚苯乙烯塑料微球高压充氢系统.该系统充入压力高达1×108 Pa,并利用调节液氦流速来控制系统温度.利用该系统,实验研究了高压氢气在低温下的相变行为及球壳材料的低温形变.  相似文献   

整体式空腔Cu靶的化学镀制备工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对整体式空腔 Cu 靶的化学镀制备工艺和靶表面抗腐蚀处理进行了研究。选用有机玻璃(PMMA)作芯铀,对芯轴表面活化处理,在芯轴表面化学镀 Cu,再用苯骈三氮唑(C6H5N3)溶液钝化处理Cu靶表面,溶蚀芯轴,最终获得整体式空腔 Cu靶。该法工艺简单,制备费用较低,对惯性约束聚变研究所需其它金属或合金空腔靶的制备具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

阐述了与制备惯性约束聚变(ICF)用合金薄膜靶有关的理论和方法,讨论了ICF合金薄膜靶制备中存在的问题与解决方案。对制备方法的选择、组成合金薄膜的性质与结构和成分分布的关系进行了分析及讨论。  相似文献   

The experiment is carried out using the secondary beam facility of the HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing. The experimental setup is similar to the previously illustrated. A 7Li beam with energy of 44 MeV from the tandem impinged on a D2 gas cell at pressure of 1.5×105 Pa, in which 6He ions are produced via 2H(7Li, 6He)3He reaction. The front and rear  相似文献   

在中国原子能科学研究院HI-13串列加速器次级束流线上,使用6He次级束首次测量了质心系能量为9.1 MeV的2H(6He,7Li)n反应角分布,并用扭曲波波恩近似(DWBA)进行理论分析,导出了7Li的质子谱因子为0.40±0.02。  相似文献   

The differential cross section is determined for the formation of neutrons at an angle of 0 ° in the reactions Li6(t,n) and Li7(t, n) in the 0.175–2.4 Mev triton energy range. In the reaction Li6(t,n) resonance in the neutron yield is observed at Et = 1.875 Mev, corresponding to a Be9 excitation level of 18.936 Mev.Two resonances are detected in the neutron yield of the reaction Li7(t, n): at Et = 0.765 Mev and Et = 1.735 Mev, which indicates the presence of Be10 nucleus excitation levels of 17.78 and 18.46 Mev, respectively. The cross section of the reaction Li6(t, n) in resonance is d/d(0 °)res = 37.2 mb/sr; for the reaction Li7 (t, n) the cross section at the first resonance is d/d(0 °)res = 95 mb/sr; at the second resonance d/d(0 °)res = 159 mb/sr.The angular distributions of neutrons are given for the interval of angles 0–135 ° (every 15 °) for triton energies of 0.358, 0.559, 1.006, 1.218, 1.370, 1.572, 2.123 Mev.The total cross section for the formation of neutrons at Et = 2.123 Mev in the reaction Li6 (t,n) is equal to 324±32.3 mb in the reaction Li7 (t, n) to 1332±83.3 mb.  相似文献   

用于Ge(Li)探测器的低噪声电荷灵敏放大器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文介绍用于同轴Ge(Li)探测器的QF-1105型低噪声电荷灵敏放大器,零电容噪声≤700eV(Ge)(典型值为603 eV),噪声斜率≤15 eV/pF。  相似文献   

In search of a suitable ion exchange method for the enrichment of Li-isotopes, column elutions of Li-band have been examined under various conditions. For long distance displacement of the Li-band, BaAc2 and CaAc2 were found excellent for eluant, and the Li proved to be very well retained by hydrogen bed with Dowex 50 W-X 12, 50~100 mesh. From the standpoint of resin utilization and regenerant efficiency in cyclic column operation, CaAc2 is preferable to BaAc2. Enrichment experiments were carried out with Li-isotopes, using the above exchange systems, which proved that 7Li and 6Li were well concentrated in the respective ends of the Li-adsorption band. In one run, the 7Li and 6Li were enriched to 97.09 and 14.64% respectively in the front and rear edges of the band.  相似文献   

The problem of spectral interference in large volume radioactive samples counted in a guarded Ge(Li) spectrometer is attacked by a new approach. By making the sample itself a liquid scintillator detector, and using coincidence and anticoincidence gating, the detrimental effects of self absorption can be eliminated. In addition, this technique (denoted gamma-beta coincidence and gamma-beta anticoincidence spectrum analysis) allows discrimination between modes of decay. The system design, logic, performance, and significance to low level radionuclide analysis is presented.  相似文献   

用屏栅电离室对1.85和2.67MeV中子^6Li(n,t)^4He反应的微分截面及截面进行了测量。使用氚固体靶通过T(p,n)^3He反应产生中子,利用BF3长中子管进行相对中子通量监测,绝对中子通量则用^238U(n,f)反应来刻度。测量结果与已有数据进行了比较。  相似文献   

Neutron yields have been measured in the bombardment of thin targets containing Li6, Li7, and Be9, by tritium and He3 ions, the energies of the accelerated particles ranging as high as 1.4 Mev. The neutron yield from the reactions Li6(t, n) and Be9(t, n) is proportional to the penetrability of the Coulomb barrier. In the reactions Li7(t, n) and Li7(He3, n), when the kinetic energies of the accelerated particles are small resonances are detected, corresponding to levels of the component nuclei near the threshold of these reactions. The thresholds for formation of slow neutrons have been investigated in the interaction of tritons with Li6, Li7, and Be9 nuclei. In the reactions Li6(t, n)Be8 and Li7(t, n)Be9 slow neutrons are detected, corresponding to the formation of the Be8 nucleus in excited states with energies of 16.08, 16.66, and 16.94 Mev and the Be9 nucleus in a state with energy 10.50 Mev. In the reaction Be9(t, n)B11 no slow neutron thresholds were observed.The nuclear photoemulsion method was used to measure the neutron spectra in all of the investigated reactions at zero angle of incidence. The neutron spectra are in agreement with the established data [1] on the energy levels of the Be8, Be9, Be9, B11, and C11 nuclei.The authors are grateful to all these comrades for their contribution.  相似文献   

<正>In order to study the 58keV resonance in ~(25)Mg(p,γ)~(26)Al reaction,the measurement of the~(25)Mg(~7Li,~6 He)~(26) Al*_(6.364)reaction was carried out by using a 31.5 MeV ~7Li beam from the HI-13tandem accelerator,Beijing.The 200 enA 7Li beam impinged on ~(25)MgO,~(24)MgO and ~(12)C target,  相似文献   

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