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Bovine pancreatic /S-trypsin (PDB ID-code: 1TPO) which is registeredin the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB) consists of four exons.The results of homology searches for each exon in the PDB showedthat homologous proteins were tonin (PDB ID-code: 1TON), ratmast cell protease (PDB ID-code: 3RP2_A), kaffikrein A (PDBID-code: 2PKA_B) and kallikrein A (2PKA_B) respectively. Thus,for the three-dimensional structure prediction of 1TPO, a chimeraprotein was constructed from the three proteins mentioned aboveand the 3-D structure prediction was performed using this chimerareference protein. The modelled structure of 1TPO was energeticallyoptimized by molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulationand was compared with its X-ray crystal structure registeredin the PDB. The root mean square deviations (r.m.s.d.) of mainchain atoms and the neighbouring active site (5 sphere fromHis57, AsplO2 and Serl95) between the modelled structure andthe X-ray structure were 1.66 and 0.94 respectively. Porcinepancreatic elastase (PDB ID-code: 3EST) which is registeredin the PDB was used as the reference protein and the modelledstructure from 3EST was also compared with the X-ray data. Ther.m.s.d. of main chain atoms and that of the active site were2.14 and 1.18 respectively. These results dearly support thepropriety of this method using the chimera reference protein.  相似文献   

A comparison of the solution n.m.r. structures of barley serineprotease inhibitor 2 (BSPI-2) with the X-ray structures of bothsubtilisin complexed and native BSPI-2 is presented. It is shownthat the n.m.r. and X-ray structures are very similar in termsof overall shape, size, polypeptide fold and secondary structure.The average atomic rms difference between the 11 restraineddynamics structures on the one hand and the two X-ray structureson the other is 1.9±0.2 Å for the backbone atomsand 3.0±0.3 Å for all atoms. The cor respondingvalues for the restrained energy minimized mean dynamics structureare 1.5 and 2.4 Å, respectively.  相似文献   

Engineering proteins that can fold to unique structures remains a challenge. Protein stability has previously been engineered via the observed correlation between thermal stability and eukaryotic secretion level. To explore the limits of an expression-based approach, variants of the highly thermostable three-helix bundle protein alpha3D were studied using yeast surface display. A library of alpha3D mutants was created to explore the possible correlation of protein stability and fold with expression level. Five efficiently expressed mutants were then purified and further studied biochemically. Despite their differences in stability, most mutants expressed at levels comparable with that of wild-type alpha3D. Two other related sequences (alpha3A and alpha3B) that form collapsed, stable molten globules but lack a uniquely folded structure were similarly expressed at high levels by yeast display. Together these observations suggest that the quality control system in yeast is unable to discriminate between well-folded proteins of high stability and molten globules. The present study, therefore, suggests that an optimization of the surface display efficiency on yeast may yield proteins that are thermally and chemically stable yet are poorly folded.  相似文献   

A challenge lies in identifying distant protein 3-D structuralsimilarity by rigid-body superposition. The most common measureof structural similarity is r.m.s. distance (r.m.s.d.) betweentopologically equivalent residues, and most automated methodsof protein modelling rely on the assembly of rigid fragmentsfrom known 3-D structures. A fast method of improving the definitionof a common protein fold by superposition, especially for distantrelationships, is described. The definition of topological equivalenceby the standard dynamic programming sequence alignment algorithmis extended by refining the entire structure alignment (notjust those equivalenced residues within a given cut-off distance)and determining whether the alignment can be continued at thetermini. The most appropriate distance-based definition of topologicalequivalence for a given comparison is identified. Despite thefact that hitherto the distant similarity between the globinfold and colicin A has not been recognized directly by rigid-bodysuperposition, this new approach defines more equivalent residueswith a lower r.m.s.d. between them than that obtained by thesuperposition of equivalences identified by a more elaboratemethod. A previous distance metric of 3-D structural similarityderived from rigid-body superposition has been extended to theassessment of superpositions where topological equivalenceshave been determined by methods other than rigid-body ones.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a protein determines both its final folded structure and the folding mechanism by which this structure is attained. The differences in folding behaviour between homologous proteins provide direct insights into the factors that influence both thermodynamic and kinetic properties. Here, we present a comprehensive thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of three homologous homodimeric four-helix bundle proteins. Previous studies with one member of this family, Rop, revealed that both its folding and unfolding behaviour were interesting and unusual: Rop folds (k(0)(f) = 29 s(-1)) and unfolds (k(0)(u) = 6 x 10(-7) s(-1)) extremely slowly for a protein of its size that contains neither prolines nor disulphides in its folded structure. The homologues we discuss have significantly different stabilities and rates of folding and unfolding. However, the rate of protein folding directly correlates with stability for these homologous proteins: proteins with higher stability fold faster. Moreover, in spite of possessing differing thermodynamic and kinetic properties, the proteins all share a similar folding and unfolding mechanism. We discuss the properties of these naturally occurring Rop homologues in relation to previously characterized designed variants of Rop.  相似文献   

A method for comparison of protein sequences based on theirprimary and secondary structure is described. Protein sequencesare annotated with predicted secondary structures (using a modifiedChou and Fasman method). Two lettered code sequences are generated(Xx, where X is the amino acid and x is its annotated secondarystructure). Sequences are compared with a dynamic programmingmethod (STRALIGN) that includes a similarity matrix for boththe amino acids and secondary structures. The similarity valuefor each paired two-lettered code is a linear combination ofsimilarity values for the paired amino acids and their annotatedsecondary structures. The method has been applied to eight globinproteins (28 pairs) for which the X-ray structure is known.For protein pairs with high primary sequence similarity (>45%),STRALIGN alignment is identical to that obtained by a dynamicprogramming method using only primary sequence information.However, alignment of protein pairs with lower primary sequencesimilarity improves significantly with the addition of secondarystructure annotation. Alignment of the pair with the least primarysequence similarity of 16% was improved from 0 to 37% ‘correct’alignment using this method. In addition, STRALIGN was successfullyapplied to seven pairs of distantly related cytochrome c proteins,and three pairs of distantly related picornavirus proteins.  相似文献   

An automated method, based on the principle of simulated annealing,is presented for determining the three-dimensional structuresof proteins on the basis of short (<5 Å) interprotondistance data derived from nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE)measurements. The method makes use of Newton's equations ofmotion to increase temporarily the temperature of the systemin order to search for the global minimum region of a targetfunction comprising purely geometric restraints. These consistof interproton distances supplemented by bond lengths, bondangles, planes and soft van der Waals repulsion terms. The latterreplace the dihedral, van der Waals, electrostatic and hydrogen-bondingpotentials of the empirical energy function used in moleculardynamics simulations. The method presented involves the implementationof a number of innovations over our previous restrained moleculardynamics approach [Clore,G.M., Brünger,A.T., Karplus,M.and Gronenborn,A.M. (1986) J. Mol. Biol., 191, 523–551].These include the development of a new effective potential forthe interproton distance restraints whose functional form isdependent on the magnitude of the difference between calculatedand target values, and the design and implementation of robustand fully automatic protocol. The method is tested on threesystems: the model system crambin (46 residues) using X-raystructure derived interproton distance restraints, and potatocarboxypeptidase inhibitor (CPI; 39 residues) and barley serineproteinase inhibitor 2 (BSPI-2; 64 residues) using experimentallyderived interproton distance restraints. Calculations were carriedout starting from the extended strands which had atomic r.m.s.differences of 57, 38 and 33 Å with respect to the crystalstructures of BSPI-2, crambin and CPI respectively. Unbiasedsampling of the conformational space consistent with the restraintswas achieved by varying the random number seed used to assignthe initial velocities. This ensures that the different trajectoriesdiverge during the early stages of the simulations and onlyconverge later as more and more interproton distance restraintsare satisfied. The average backbone atomic r.m.s. differencebetween the converged structures is 2.2 ± 0.3 Åfor crambin (nine structures), 2.4 ± 0.3 Å forCPI (eight structures) and 2.5 ± 0.2 Å for BSPI-2(five structures). The backbone atomic r.m.s. difference betweenthe mean structures derived by averaging the coordinates ofthe converged structures and the corresponding X-ray structuresis 1.2 Å for crambin, 1.6 Å for CPI and 1.7 Åfor BSPI-2.  相似文献   

A 3-D model of a protein can be constructed from its amino acidsequence and the 3-D structures of one or more homologues byannealing three sets of fragments: the structurally conservedregions, structurally variable regions and the side chains.The method encoded in the computer program COMPOSER was assessedby generating 3-D models of eight proteins whose crystal structuresare already known and for which 3-D structures of homologuesare available. In the structurally conserved regions, differencesbetween modelled and X-ray structures are smaller than the differencesbetween the X-ray structures of the modelled protein and thehomologues used to build the model. When several homologuesare used, the contributions of the known structures are weighted,preferably by the square of sequence similarity; this is especiallyimportant when the similarities of the homologues to the modelledstructure differ greatly. The ‘collar’ extensionapproach, in which a similar region of different length in ahomologue is used to extend the framework, can result in a moreaccurate model. If known homologues comprise more than one relatedgroup of proteins and they are both distantly related to theunknown, then alignment of the sequence to be modelled witheach group of homologues facilitates identification of structurallyconserved regions of the unknown and leads to an improved model.Models have root mean square differences (r.m.s.d.s) with thestructures defined by X-ray analysis of between 0.73 and 1.56Å for all C atoms, for seven of the eight models. Forthe model of mucor pepsin, where the closest homologue has 33%sequence identity and 20% of the residues are in structurallyvariable regions, the r.m.s.d. for the framework region is 1.71Å and the r.m.s.d. for all C atoms is 3.47 Â.  相似文献   

An analysis of a 400 ps molecular dynamics simulation of the164 amino acid enzyme T4 lysozyme is presented. The simulationwas carried out with all hydrogen atoms modeled explicitly,the inclusion of all 152 crystallographic waters and at a temperatureof 300 K. Temporal analysis of the trajectory versus energy,hydrogen bond stability, r.m.s. deviation from the startingcrystal structure and radius of gyration, demonstrates thatthe simulation was both stable and representative of the averageexperimental structure. Average structural properties were calculatedfrom the enzyme trajectory and compared with the crystal structure.The mean value of the C displacements of the average simulatedstructure from the X-ray structure was 1.1 ± 0.1 Å;differences of the backbone and angles between the averagesimulated structure and the crystal structure were also examined.Thermal-B factors were calculated from the simulation for heavyand backbone atoms and both were in good agreement with experimentalvalues. Relationships between protein secondary structure elementsand internal motions were studied by examining the positionalfluctuations of individual helix, sheet and turn structures.The structural integrity in the secondary structure units waspreserved throughout the simulation; however, the A helix didshow some unusually high atomic fluctuations. The largest backboneatom r.m.s. fluctuations were found in non-secondary structureregions; similar results were observed for r.m.s. fluctuationsof non-secondary structure and angles. In general, the calculatedvalues of r.m.s. fluctuations were quite small for the secondarystructure elements. In contrast, surface loops and turns exhibitedmuch larger values, being able to sample larger regions of conformationalspace. The C difference distance matrix and super-positioninganalyses comparing the X-ray structure with the average dynamicsstructure suggest that a ‘hinge-bending’ motionoccurs between the N- and C-terminal domains.  相似文献   

Antibodies are powerful tools for studying the in situ localizationand physiology of proteins. The prediction of epitopes by molecularmodelling has been used successfully for the papilloma virus,and valuable antibodies have been raised [Muller et aL (1990)J. Gen. Virol, 71, 2709–2717]. We have improved the modellingapproach to allow us to predict epitopes from the primary sequencesof the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.The procedure involves searching for fragments of primary sequenceslikely to make amphipathic secondary structures, which are hydrophilicenough to be at the surface of the folded protein and thus accessibleto antibodies. Amphipathic helices were predicted using themethods of Berzofsky, Eisenberg and Jahnig. Their hydrophobichydrophilicinterface was calculated and drawn, and used to predict theorientation of the helices at the surface of the native protein.Amino acids involved in turns were selected using the algorithmof Eisenberg. Tertiary structures were calculated using ‘FOLDING’,a software developed by R.Brasseur for the prediction of smallprotein structures [Brasseur (1995) J. MoL Graphics, in press].We selected sequences that folded as turns with at least fiveprotruding polar residues. One important property of antibodiesis selectivity. To optimize the selectivity of the raised antibodies,each sequence was screened for similarity (FASTA) to the proteinsequences from several databanks. Ubiquitous sequences werediscarded. This approach led to the identification of 13 potentialepitopes in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator:seven helices and six loops.  相似文献   

A new approach has been developed to reduce multiple proteinstructures obtained from NMR structure analysis to a smallernumber of representative structures which still reflect thestructural diversity of the data sets. The method, based onthe clustering of similar structures, has been tested in thehomology model building of the structure of Sox-5, a sequence-specificDNA-binding protein belonging to the high mobility group (HMG)nuclear proteins family. Sox (SRY box) genes are the autosomalgenes related to the sex-determining SRY, Y chromosomal gene.The Sox-5 protein, encoded by one of the SRY-related genes,displays a 29% sequence identity with the HMG1 B-box domainwhose structure, determined previously by NMR, has been usedin our study to predict the structure of Sox-5. Two independentensembles of HMG1 structures, each represented by closely relatedcoordinate sets, were used. Nine representative structures forHMG1 were subsequently selected as starting points for the modellingof Sox-5. The model of the protein shows close similarity tothe HMG1 fold, with differences at the secondary structure levellocated mainly in a-helices 1 and 3. A left-handed, three residueper turn polyproline II helix, forming a conserved polyprolineII/-helix supersecondary motif, was identified in the N-terminalregion of Sox-5 and other HMG boxes.  相似文献   

1.85 A structure of anti-fluorescein 4-4-20 Fab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The crystal complex of fluorescein bound to the high-affinityanti-fluorescein 4-4-20 Fab {Ka = 1010 M–1 at 2°C)has been determined at 1.85 Å. Isomorphous crystals oftwo isoelectric forms (p1 = 7.5 and 7.9) of the antifluorescein4-4-20 Fab, an IgG2A [Gibson et al (1988)Proteins: Struct. FunctGenet., 3, 155–160], have been grown. Both complexes crystallizewith one molecule in the asymmetric unit in space group P1,with a = 42.75 Å, b =43.87 Å, c = 58.17 Å, = 95.15° , ß = 86.85° and = 98.01°.The final structure has an R value of 0.188 at 1.85 Åresolution. Interactions between bound fluorescein, the complementarity-determiningregions (CDRs) of the Fab and the active-site mutants of the4-4-20 single-chain Fv will be discussed. Differences were foundbetween the structure reported here and the previously reported2.7 Å 4-4-20 Fab structure [Herron et al. (1989) Proteins:Struct. Fund., 5, 271–280]. Our structure determinationwas based on 26 328 unique reflections — four times theamount of data used in the previous report. Differences in thetwo structures could be explained by differences in interpretingthe electron density maps at the various resolutions. The r.m.s.deviations between the variable and constant domains of thetwo structures were 0.77 and 1.54 Å, respectively. Fourregions of the light chain and four regions of the heavy chainhad r.m.s. backbone deviations of >4 Å. The most significantof these was the conformation of the light chain CDR 1.  相似文献   

Many proteins have been predicted to contain domains with immunoglobulin-Iikefolds and hence to be members of the immunoglobulin superfamily(IgSF). However, several members lack the Cys residues capableof forming the disulphide bond that forms a characteristic bridgebetween the ß sheets in the Ig fold, e.g. domain 1of the lymphocyte antigen CD2. The assignment of ßstrands in CD2 by sequence analysis was tested by attemptingto introduce a disulphide bridge between the ß sheetsby mutating two residues in the relevant positions to Cys. Mutant,soluble forms of CD2 were expressed in Chinese hamster ovarycell lines and amino add sequencing showed that a disulphidebond was formed as predicted, but not in the control where oneCys residue was misplaced by four residues. Evidence that bothmutated molecules folded correctly is given by the indistinguishablebinding of three monoclonal antibodies recognising differentepftopes on CD2. The 3-D structure of rat CD2 domain 1 has beendetermined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, confirmingthe predictions from the sequence. Applications of this methodof insertion of disulphide residues for probing protein structuresare discussed, together with other structures of IgSF domainslacking the typical inter-sheet disulphide bond.  相似文献   

The availability of both EM and high-resolution crystallographic data for several membrane proteins (MPs) permits a detailed evaluation of the ability of molecular modeling techniques to complement EM data in the development of models of MPs. A protocol for this purpose is presented, consisting of (1) identifying transmembrane (TM) domains from sequence; (2) assigning buried and lipid-exposed faces of the TM domains; and (3) assembling the TM domains into a bundle, based on geometric restraints obtained from the EM data. The protocol is validated by predicting the structures of several 7- and 12-TM MPs to within 3-5 A r.m.s.d. from their crystal structures. The protocol is applied to generate a model of the oxalate transporter OxlT, for which a high-resolution structure is not yet available.  相似文献   

A model of the three-dimensional structure of the monocyte chemo-attractantand activating protein MCAF/MCP-1 is presented. The model ispredicted based on the previously determined solution structureof interleukin-8 (IL-8/NAP-1) [Clore, G.M., Appella, E., Yamada,M., Matsushima, K. and Gronenborn, A.M. (1990) Biochemistry29, 1689–1696]. Both proteins belong to a superfamilyof cytokine proteins involved in cell-specific chemotaxis, hostdefense and the inflammatory response. The amino acid sequenceidentity between the two proteins is 24%. It is shown that theregular secondary structure elements of the parent structurecan be retained in the modeled structure, such that the backbonehydrogen bonding pattern is very similar in the two structures.The polypeptide backbone is superimposable with an atomic r.m.s.difference of 0.9 Å and all side chains can be modeledby transferring the parent side chain conformation to the newstructure. Thus, the deduced structure, like the parent one,is a dimer and consists of a six-stranded antiparallel /3-sheet,formed by two three-stranded Greek keys, one from each monomer,upon which lie two symmetry-related antiparallel a-helices,24 Å long and separated by 14 Å. All amino acidsequence changes can be accommodated within the parent polypeptideframework without major rearrangements. This is borne out bythe fact that the IL-8/NAP-1 and modeled MCAF/MCP-1 structureshave similar non-bonding energies. These results strongly suggestthat both proteins and all other members of the superfamilymost likely have the same tertiary structure. Analysis of thedistribution of the solvent-exposed residues can be interpretedin the context of the different receptors involved in mediatingthe specific responses to both proteins and suggests that thedifferent activities of the two proteins, namely neutrophil(IL-8) versus monocyte (MCAF/MCP-1) activation and chemotaxis,reside in the specific arrangements of amino acid side chainspointing outwards from and lying in the cleft between the twoexposed long a-helices.  相似文献   

A novel approach to the creation of artificial and modifiedproteins has been elaborated. The approach includes a sequencedesign based on the molecular theory of protein secondary structureand folding patterns, gene expression in a cell-free systemand testing of structural properties of the synthesized polypeptidesat a nanogram level using radiolabelled chains. The approachhas been applied to a new synthetic protein albebetin whichhas been designed to form a 3-D fold which does not contradictany structural rule but has been never observed up to now innatural proteins. Using size-exclusion chromatography, urea-gradientelectrophoresis and limited proteolysis of a radiolabelled chain,it has been shown that the artificial protein is nearly as compactas natural proteins, cooperatively unfolds at high urea concentrationsand has some structural features of a definite structure consistentwith the designed one. As albebetin has been designed as consistingof two structural repeats, a ‘halfalbebetin’ (oneof these repeats) has also been synthesized and studied. Itwas shown that ‘half-albebetin’ is also compact  相似文献   

De novo protein structure prediction plays an important role in studies of helical membrane proteins as well as structure-based drug design efforts. Developing an accurate scoring function for protein structure discrimination and validation remains a current challenge. Network approaches based on overall network patterns of residue packing have proven useful in soluble protein structure discrimination. It is thus of interest to apply similar approaches to the studies of residue packing in membrane proteins. In this work, we first carried out such analysis on a set of diverse, non-redundant and high-resolution membrane protein structures. Next, we applied the same approach to three test sets. The first set includes nine structures of membrane proteins with the resolution worse than 2.5 A; the other two sets include a total of 101 G-protein coupled receptor models, constructed using either de novo or homology modeling techniques. Results of analyses indicate the two criteria derived from studying high-resolution membrane protein structures are good indicators of a high-quality native fold and the approach is very effective for discriminating native membrane protein folds from less-native ones. These findings should be of help for the investigation of the fundamental problem of membrane protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

Finding homologues for a given protein plays a major role in predicting the protein's structure and function. However, it is still difficult to find remote homologues with low sequence similarity, even with advanced sequence search methods. We propose a simple filtering method that uses predicted structural information, pertaining to secondary structures and solvent accessibilities. It filters the more promising homologues from the many candidate proteins obtained by PSI-BLAST with a less stringent threshold E-value. The final decision is made by a simple linear discrimination method, considering the E-value of PSI-BLAST and the statistical significance scores of structural matches. An in-house neural network program is used for the prediction of secondary structures and solvent accessibilities for both the query and library proteins. The performance of our filtering method was evaluated by the cross-validation method, using the SCOP superfamily relationship as the correct standard. Coverage-reliability plots show that our filtering method clearly improves the performance of PSI-BLAST. The secondary structure improves PSI-BLAST better than the solvent accessibilities, but the combination of these two features with PSI-BLAST leads to the best result. The advantage of our method is its easy implementation with fewer parameters to be tuned and faster computation. We also discuss its performance with predicted and observed secondary structures.  相似文献   

We introduce a completely automatic and objective procedurefor the comparison of protein structures. A genetic algorithmis used to search for a near optimal solution of the rigid-bodysuperposition of two whole protein structures. The specificationof an initial set of equivalences is not required. Topologicalequivalences in the final structural alignment are defined bya conventional dynamic programming routine, which is commonlyused to compare protein sequences. A least-squares fitting algorithmis then used to optimize the fit between the final set of equivalences.We have applied our method to the comparison of ribonucleicacid structures, as well as protein structures. The structuralalignments are generally consistent with those previously published.In fact, on most occasions our method defines at least the samenumber of topological equivalences as other procedures, butalways with a lower r.m.s. distance between them.  相似文献   

Designing amino acid sequences to fold with good hydrophobic cores   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present two methods for designing amino acid sequences ofproteins that will fold to have good hydrophobic cores. Giventhe coordinates of the desired target protein or polymer structure,the methods generate sequences of hydrophobic (H) and polar(P) monomers that are intended to fold to these structures.One method designs hydrophobic inside, polar outside; the otherminimizes an energy function in a sequence evolution process.The sequences generated by these methods agree at the levelof 60–80% of the sequence positions in 20 proteins inthe Protein Data Bank. A major challenge in protein design isto create sequences that can fold uniquely, i.e. to a singleconformation rather than to many. While an earlier lattice-basedsequence evolution method was shown not to design unique folders,our method generates unique folders in lattice model tests.These methods may also be useful in designing other types offoldable polymer not based on amino acids  相似文献   

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