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Three theorems are proven which reconsider the completeness of Hoare's logic for the partial correctness of while-programs equipped with a first-order assertion language. The results are about the expressiveness of the assertion language and the role of specifications in completeness concerns for the logic: (1) expressiveness is not a necessary condition on a structure for its Hoare logic to be complete, (2) complete number theory is the only extension of Peano Arithmetic which yields a logically complete Hoare logic and (3) a computable structure with enumeration is expressive if and only if its Hoare logic is complete.  相似文献   

We give an axiomatic system in first-order predicate logic with equality for proving security protocols correct. Our axioms and inference rules derive the basic inference rules, which are explicitly or implicitly used in the literature of protocol logics, hence we call our axiomatic system Basic Protocol Logic (or BPL, for short). We give a formal semantics for BPL, and show the completeness theorem such that for any given query (which represents a correctness property) the query is provable iff it is true for any model. Moreover, as a corollary of our completeness proof, the decidability of provability in BPL holds for any given query. In our formal semantics we consider a “trace” any kind of sequence of primitive actions, counter-models (which are generated from an unprovable query) cannot be immediately regarded as realizable traces (i.e., attacked processes on the protocol in question). However, with the aid of Comon-Treinen's algorithm for the intruder deduction problem, we can determine whether there exists a realizable trace among formal counter-models, if any, generated by the proof-search method (used in our completeness proof). We also demonstrate that our method is useful for both proof construction and flaw analysis by using a simple example.  相似文献   

The logical correctness of security protocols is important. So are efficiency and cost. This paper shows that meta-heuristic search techniques can be used to synthesise protocols that are both provably correct and satisfy various non-functional efficiency criteria. Our work uses a subset of the SVO logic, which we view as a specification language and proof system and also as a “protocol programming language”. Our system starts from a set of initial security assumptions, carries out meta-heuristic search in the design space, and ends with a protocol (described at the logic level) that satisfies desired goals.  相似文献   

An elementary and unified approach to program correctness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present through the algorithmic language DHL (Dijkstra-Hehner language), a practical approach to a simple first order theory based on calculational logic, unifying Hoare and Dijkstra’s iterative style of programming with Hehner’s recursive predicative programming theory, getting the “best of the two worlds” and without having to recur in any way to higher-order approaches such as predicate transformers, Hoare logic, fixed-point or relational theory.  相似文献   

Checking the correctness of software is a growing challenge. In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of Partial Order Trace Analyzer (POTA), a tool for checking execution traces of both message passing and shared memory programs using temporal logic. So far runtime verification tools have used the total order model of an execution trace, whereas POTA uses a partial order model. The partial order model enables us to capture possibly exponential number of interleavings and, in turn, this allows us to find bugs that are not found using a total order model. However, verification in partial order model suffers from the state explosion problem – the number of possible global states in a program increases exponentially with the number of processes.POTA employs an effective abstraction technique called computation slicing. A slice of a computation (execution trace) with respect to a predicate is the computation with the least number of global states that contains all global states of the original computation for which the predicate evaluates to true. The advantage of this technique is that, it mitigates the state explosion problem by reasoning only on the part of the global state space that is of interest. In POTA, we implement computing slicing algorithms for temporal logic predicates from a subset of CTL. The overall complexity of evaluating a predicate in this logic upon using computation slicing becomes polynomial in the number of processes compared to exponential without slicing.We illustrate the effectiveness of our techniques in POTA on several test cases such as the General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP)[18] and the primary secondary protocol[32]. POTA also contains a module that translates execution traces to Promela[16] (input language SPIN). This module enables us to compare our results on execution traces with SPIN. In some cases, we were able to verify traces with 250 processes compared to only 10 processes using SPIN.  相似文献   

We extend process algebra with guards, comparable to the guards in guarded commands or conditions in common programming constructs such as if — then — else — fi and while — do — od.The extended language is provided with an operational semantics based on transitions between pairs of a process and a (data-)state. The data-states are given by a data environment that also defines in which data-states guards hold and how atomic actions (non-deterministically) transform these states. The operational semantics is studied modulo strong bisimulation equivalence. For basic process algebra (without operators for parallelism) we present a small axiom system that is complete with respect to a general class of data environments. Given a particular data environmentL we add three axioms to this system, which is then again complete, provided weakest preconditions are expressible andL is sufficiently deterministic.Then we study process algebra with parallelism and guards. A two phase-calculus is provided that makes it possible to prove identities between parallel processes. Also this calculus is complete. In the last section we show that partial correctness formulas can easily be expressed in this setting. We use process algebra with guards to prove the soundness of a Hoare logic for linear processes by translating proofs in Hoare logic into proofs in process algebra.Supported by ESPRIT Basic Research Action no. 3006 (CONCUR) and by RACE project no. 1046 (SPECS).Supported by RACE project no. 1046 (SPECS).  相似文献   

Martin-Löf's type theory contains a logic, a specification language and a programming language, so it is a tool with different uses. Although it is traditionally used as anintegrated programming logic, it may well be used as anexternal logic, which is necessary if one wants to use the formalism of type theory to verify the correctness of an external program. Different tools, such as well founded recursion, measure functions, or the separation of correctness into termination and partial correctness, may be used to obtain a correct type theory program. Type theory is viewed as anopen system with respect toinductively defined types and predicates, which makes it easy to represent an external program as agraph. Formal proofs have been edited using Larry Paulson's ISABELLE.  相似文献   

Summary Hoare's logical system for specifying and proving partial correctness properties of sequential programs is generalized to concurrent programs. The basic idea is to define the assertion {P} S {Q} to mean that if execution is begun anywhere in S with P true, then P will remain true until S terminates, and Q will be true if and when S terminates. The predicates P and Q may depend upon program control locations as well as upon the values of variables. A system of inference rules and axiom schemas is given, and a formal correctness proof for a simple program is outlined. We show that by specifying certain requirements for the unimplemented parts, correctness properties can be proved without completely implementing the program. The relation to Pnueli's temporal logic formalism is also discussed.  相似文献   

We claim that a continuation style semantics of a programming language can provide a starting point for constructing its proof system. The basic idea is to see weakest preconditions as a particular instance of continuation style semantics, hence to interpret correctness assertions (e.g. Hoare triples {p} C {r}) as inequalities over continuations. This approach also shows a correspondence between labels in a program and annotations. Received July 1997 / Accepted in revised form August 1999  相似文献   

Proving pointer programs in higher-order logic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Building on the work of Burstall, this paper develops sound modelling and reasoning methods for imperative programs with pointers: heaps are modelled as mappings from addresses to values, and pointer structures are mapped to higher-level data types for verification. The programming language is embedded in higher-order logic. Its Hoare logic is derived. The whole development is purely definitional and thus sound. Apart from some smaller examples, the viability of this approach is demonstrated with a non-trivial case study. We show the correctness of the Schorr–Waite graph marking algorithm and present part of its readable proof in Isabelle/HOL.  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the temporal propositional logic of linear time which is useful for stating and proving properties of the generic execution sequence of a parallel program or a non-deterministic program. The formal system we present is exactly that same as the third of three logics presented by Lehmann and Shelah (Information and Control53, 165–198 (1982)), but we give it a different semantics. The models are tree models of arbitrary size similar to those used in branching time temporal logic. The formulation we use allows us to state properties of the “co-meagre” family of paths, where the term “co-meagre” refers to a set whose complement is of the first category in Baire's classification looking at the set of paths in the model as a metric space. Our system is decidable, sound, and, complete for models of arbitrary size, but it has the finite model property; namely, every sentence having a model has a finite model.  相似文献   

为了准确描述离散事件控制系统对象之间的逻辑关系和编写控制程序,提出了一种基于规则的语言——逻辑规则描述语言(LRDL)。用EBNF给出了LRDL的语法定义,基于Hoare逻辑的公理系统,形式化地给出并证明了LRDL的公理语义,为用LRDL编写的程序的正确性证明提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In this paper a proof outline logic is introduced for the partial correctness of multi-threaded object-oriented programs like in Java. The main contribution is a generalization of the Owicki& Gries proof method for shared-variable concurrency to dynamic thread creation. This paper also provides a formal justification of this generalization in terms of soundness and completeness proofs.  相似文献   

We consider a language for reasoning about probability which allows us to make statements such as “the probability of E1 is less than ” and “the probability of E1 is at least twice the probability of E2,” where E1 and E2 are arbitrary events. We consider the case where all events are measurable (i.e., represent measurable sets) and the more general case, which is also of interest in practice, where they may not be measurable. The measurable case is essentially a formalization of (the propositional fragment of) Nilsson's probabilistic logic. As we show elsewhere, the general (nonmeasurable) case corresponds precisely to replacing probability measures by Dempster-Shafer belief functions. In both cases, we provide a complete axiomatization and show that the problem of deciding satisfiability is NP-complete, no worse than that of propositional logic. As a tool for proving our complete axiomatizations, we give a complete axiomatization for reasoning about Boolean combinations of linear inequalities, which is of independent interest. This proof and others make crucial use of results from the theory of linear programming. We then extend the language to allow reasoning about conditional probability and show that the resulting logic is decidable and completely axiomatizable, by making use of the theory of real closed fields.  相似文献   

We develop the proof theory of Hoare's logic for the partial correctness of while- programs applied to arithmetic as it is defined by Peano's axioms. By representing the strongest postcondition calculus in Peano arithmetic PA, we are able to show that Hoare's logic over PA is equivalent to PA itself.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is about the Floyd-Hoare Principle which says that the semantics of a programming language can be formally specified by axioms and rules of inference for proving the correctness of programs written in the language. We study the simple language WP of while-programs and Hoare's system for partial correctness and we calculate the relational semantics of WP as this is determined by Hoare's logic. This calculation is possible by using relational semantics to build a completeness theorem for the logic. The resulting semantics AX we call the axiomatic relational semantics for WP. This AX is not the conventional semantics for WP: it need not be effectively computable or deterministic, for example. A large number of elegant properties of AX are proved and the Floyd-Hoare Principle is reconsidered.  相似文献   

Versions of Hoare logic have been introduced to prove partial and total correctness properties of programs. In this paper it is shown how a Hoare-like proof system for while programs may be extended to prove properties of the computation time as well. It should be stressed that the system does not require the programs to be modified by inserting explicit operations upon a clock variable. We generalize the notions of arithmetically sound and complete and show that the proof system satisfies these. Also we derive formal rules corresponding to the informal rules for determining the computation time of while programs. The applicability of the proof system is illustrated by an example, the bubble sorting algorithm.  相似文献   

We show how codatatypes can be employed to produce compact, high-level proofs of key results in logic: the soundness and completeness of proof systems for variations of first-order logic. For the classical completeness result, we first establish an abstract property of possibly infinite derivation trees. The abstract proof can be instantiated for a wide range of Gentzen and tableau systems for various flavors of first-order logic. Soundness becomes interesting as soon as one allows infinite proofs of first-order formulas. This forms the subject of several cyclic proof systems for first-order logic augmented with inductive predicate definitions studied in the literature. All the discussed results are formalized using Isabelle/HOL’s recently introduced support for codatatypes and corecursion. The development illustrates some unique features of Isabelle/HOL’s new coinductive specification language such as nesting through non-free types and mixed recursion–corecursion.  相似文献   

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