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EJB组件技术在洪水预报网格系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
论文结合一个洪水预报系统的改进,介绍了EJB组件技术的特点及其在基于多层结构的洪水预报网格系统中的应用,并分析了EJB在该系统架构中的优劣及一些性能改进措施,最后讨论了EJB技术在网格环境下的拓展。  相似文献   

研究了山洪灾害监测预警系统中雨情数据的分布式存储和分布式预测;针对采集到的水文数据急剧增长和对预测精度和预报时效的要求不断提高,分别应用Hadoop分布式文件系统对数据进行分布式存储和 MapReduce框架结合遗传算法优化神经网络的权值和阈值进行分布式预测;采用基于BP神经网络的多因子山洪灾害雨量预测模型,结合遗传算法能够实现全局优化特点来优化神经网络的权值和阈值,并在数据并行处理过程中,采用了批处理和MapReduce工作流的方式,以误差和准确率来评估预测模型,解决了神经网络在处理海量数据时训练时间长等问题;实验表明,该方法可以在不影响准确度的前提下,大大缩短运行时间,提高预测效率。  相似文献   

当前,国民经济受电力工业发展的影响越来越大,电力负荷的准确预测显得越发重要.电力行业的投资、网络布局和运行的合理性在很大程度上取决于电力负荷的准确预测.首先介绍了电网规划中中长期负荷的预测步骤,其次分析、探讨了目前常用的负荷预测技术,最后预测了负荷预测技术未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

随着数据规模的不断增大,各个领域都需要海量高性能计算能力。网格计算效率的提高关键在于合理安排任务调度。论文在分析异态最早完成时间(HEFT )和可靠性动态水平调度(RDLS)算法的基础上,借助 HEFT 的优势对RDLS算法进行改进(HRDS),包括本地和全局可靠性驱动调度。结果表明 HRDS算法性能明显优于 HEFT 算法,而且具有很好的可靠性和效率。  相似文献   

Universal Access in the Information Society - Studies on end-user adaptable applications for rehabilitation aim to offer exercises to patients based on their therapeutic goals and individual...  相似文献   

大波动电网负荷短期预测的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷家敏  欧勇  何茜 《计算机仿真》2012,(8):287-290,400
研究大波动电网负荷短期预测问题。由于电网负荷存在频率振荡和电压摆动,不能保障安全供电,应提前预测。针对传统数据预处理方面的缺陷,导致所需数据量大,预测精确度低。为解决上述问题,提出的数据挖掘融合改进马尔科夫链预测模型。首先对冲击负荷和小水电负荷的特性进行分析,运用改进形状系数对历史数据向量进行筛选,找出共线性的指标向量,并用矩阵实验室仿真计算出预测结果。应用实例证明,采用数据挖掘融合改进马尔科夫链的负荷模型预测更加准确地预测出冲击负荷与小水电发电负荷,为大波动负荷的预测提供了设计依据。  相似文献   

为网格提供一种可扩展的机制去监控网格中的资源信息是至关重要的,文章介绍了网格的监控对象、监控事件及数据的产生,分析讨论了GMA和MDS这两种常用的网格监控体系结构,前者是一个理论上的模型,后者则是已获得广泛应用的Globus工具集中的一个重要的信息服务监控组件。  相似文献   

为网格提供一种可扩展的机制去监控网格中的资源信息是至关重要的,文章介绍了网格的监控对象、监控事件及数据的产生,分析讨论了GMA和MDS这两种常用的网格监控体系结构,前者是一个理论上的模型,后者则是已获得广泛应用的Globus工具集中的一个重要的信息服务监控组件。  相似文献   

1 Preface Since 1990' s, combing with the high performance count technology, internet work technology and mutual medium technolo- gy the third- high wave is forming after internet and Web- - - that is Grid. Grid is a resource pond of count, and grid techn…  相似文献   

基于虚拟网格的无线传感器网络高可靠性路由   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了得到能量高效、具有高可靠性的数据通信链路,在比较几种不同通信方案的链路可靠性的基础上,提出了一种基于虚拟网格单元的高可靠性路由算法(grid-based high reliability routing,简称GHRR).算法为每个网格及其簇头节点分配一个虚拟ID,节点根据该ID自主选择其多个下一跳头节点,使数据的多个拷贝在朝向sink方向上交错传播,从而提高数据传输的可靠性.通过分析及仿真进一步表明,算法提高了路由的可靠性,并具有更小的时间延迟.  相似文献   

为了实现分散的资源共享、充分利用网上的闲置资源,网格计算应时而生.本文介绍了网格技术产生背景、概念、功能、关键技术,并讨论了网格技术发展亟需解决的问题和未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Technology Forecasting has evolved from being a methodology based on emotional responses to one predicated on data collection. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is a theory based on empirical data that relates technological evolution to the same stages of biological macro‐evolution. This paper will explore the major emotional forecasting methods as well as discuss part of TRIZ Technology Forecasting called Maturity Mapping. The reader will briefly be introduced to eight evolutionary trends based on TRIZ.  相似文献   

Grid computing focuses on large-scale resource sharing. Using a general reliability model for grid computing to relax some impractical assumptions, a heuristic algorithm is presented to evaluate grid program/service reliability. The heuristic algorithm is based on two heuristic criteria that determine the significance of an entity and prune those insignificant ones. Through algorithm analysis, the heuristic algorithm is shown to have a linear complexity. This is much better than the previous algorithms, which are of exponential complexity. Another advantage of the heuristic algorithm is that the running time is controllable by adjusting the parameter of significant level (SL) and significant rate. A regression method is proposed to adjust the SL and predict the running time. Two examples are given  相似文献   

AADL模型可靠性分析评估工具   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
董云卫  王广仁  张凡  高磊 《软件学报》2011,22(6):1252-1266
主要针对AADL(architecture analysis and design language)嵌入式系统体系结构进行可靠性建模,实现AADL可靠性模型到广义随机Petri网(general stochastic Petri net,简称GSPN)可靠性计算模型的转换,并基于GSPN可靠性计算模型对嵌入式系统进行...  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了软件的可靠性技术方法,包括避错设计、查错设计和容错设计。针对指挥信息系统,给出实际实现避错、查错和容错的软件设计方法。实际应用表明,该可靠性设计的应用切实提高了系统的可靠性能。  相似文献   

Decentralized cloud platforms have emerged as a promising paradigm to exploit the idle computing resources across the Internet to catch up with the ever-increasing cloud computing demands. As any user or enterprise can be the cloud provider in the decentralized cloud, the performance assessment of the heterogeneous computing resources is of vital significance. However, with the consideration of the untrustworthiness of the participants and the lack of unified performance assessment metric, the performance monitoring reliability and the incentive for cloud providers to offer real and stable performance together constitute the computational performance assessment problem in the decentralized cloud. In this paper, we present a robust performance assessment solution RODE to solve this problem. RODE mainly consists of a performance monitoring mechanism and an assessment of the claimed performance (AoCP) mechanism. The performance monitoring mechanism first generates reliable and verifiable performance monitoring results for the workloads executed by untrusted cloud providers. Based on the performance monitoring results, the AoCP mechanism forms a unified performance assessment metric to incentivize cloud providers to offer performance as claimed. Via extensive experiments, we show RODE can accurately monitor the performance of cloud providers on the premise of reliability, and incentivize cloud providers to honestly present the performance information and maintain the performance stability.  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯的智能电能表可靠性评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对具有高可靠、长寿命特点的智能电能表,应用加速退化试验方法进行可靠性评估是一种有效的方法。开展加速退化试验过程中,在高加速应力激发下,一方面可观测到智能电能表的性能退化,也可能出现智能电能表的整表失效。如何融合智能电能表加速寿命试验过程中的整表失效数据、性能退化数据转化得到的伪寿命数据,从而进行智能电能表的综合可靠性评估,是智能电能表可靠性评估急需解决的问题。本文研究提出基于贝叶斯方法的智能电能表可靠性评估方法,给出融合智能电能表的整表失效数据、伪寿命数据的数据处理方法及计算模型,探讨了伪失效数据计算方法、整表失效数据与伪失效寿命数据相容性检验方法等。  相似文献   

针对通信栅格的网络结构和资源分布特性,提出基于服务质量的多层协作资源管理技术。将业务接入控制、路由选择、信道资源预留等相结合,通过各层之间的协作,实现信息共享,统一、充分地利用资源、最大限度地保障业务需求。仿真结果证明,业务传输质量在该项技术的保障下得以改善。  相似文献   

介绍了敏感元件与传感器的可靠性寿命试验分类及其试验数据的处理方法.并给出了实用例子。  相似文献   

Formed in 1999, Global Grid Forum (GGF) is an international organization focused on the development of common practices, agreements, and specifications that will promote interoperability and reuse of Grid technologies. To this end, GGF supports a recommendations process modeled after the Internet Standards Process and carried out through working groups. To ensure that the recommendations process operates with understanding about both research directions and end user requirements, GGF also operates a set of research groups. Finally, GGF supports a set of educational and informational activities designed to support and expand the community of Grid developers, researchers, practitioners and end-users.  相似文献   

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