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The protective effect of maternal antibody against many viral diseases has been recognized. The use of maternal immunization has been considered as a means to augment this protection in the young infant against disease. Advantages of maternal immunization include the fact that young infants are most susceptible to infections but least responsive to vaccines, that pregnant women are accessible to medical care and respond well to vaccines, that IgG antibodies cross the placenta well during the third trimester, and that immunization of the pregnant woman has the potential to benefit both the mother and the infant. Disadvantages include the potential inhibition of an infant's response to active immunization or natural infection and liability issues with pharmaceutical companies and physicians. Immunization of pregnant women with viral vaccines for poliovirus, influenza viruses, and rubella has been described and maternal vaccination with these vaccines has been found to be safe for both the mother and the fetus. An open-label study of post-partum women immunized with the purified fusion protein of RSV (PFP-2, Wyeth-Lederle Pediatrics and Vaccines, Inc., Pearl River, NY) demonstrated that the vaccine was non-reactogenic and immunogenic; RSV-specific antibody was detected in breast milk. Immunization of pregnant women with purified protein or subunit vaccines could be considered against neonatal viral pathogens, such as respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza viruses, herpes group viruses, and human immunodeficiency virus. Further studies are needed to define the safety and efficacy of maternal immunization.  相似文献   

1. Platelets bind specifically lactoferrin. 2. The lactoferrin binding to the platelets depends on the concentration of labelled lactoferrin, the number of platelets, the time of incubation and pH. 3. The binding was characterized by two types of binding site: one with high affinity and low capacity, and another with low affinity and high capacity (respectively Kaff1 = 13.6 x 10(9) l/mol and about 40 binding sites, and Kaff2 = 1.23 x 10(9) l/mol and about 135 binding sites per platelet). 4. Both human transferrin and bovine lactoferrin compete with human lactoferrin for the receptors. 5. The presence of lactoferrin receptors on the platelet membrane surface is connected most probably with the effect(s) on the cell function(s) of these cells.  相似文献   

A first or dominant immunization with one antigen markedly inhibited specific cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to a second unrelated alloantigen without suppressing antibody responses to other antigens. Suppression was induced rapidly, became systemic, and could be transferred passively with only serum. Suppression did not result from elimination of cells capable of responding to the second antigen. The mechanisms responsible for this "priority of the first response" may be the same that help protect the fetus during pregnancy, promote renal allograft survival after multiple blood transfusions, and prevent effective CTL-mediated immunity to variants of tumor cells or infectious agents that arise during tumor progression or chronic infections.  相似文献   

1. In the present study, naloxone was tested for its antiplatelet activities in human platelet-rich plasma (PRP). In human PRP, naloxone (0.1-0.5 mmol/L) inhibited aggregation stimulated by a variety of agonists (i.e. collagen, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), U46619 and adrenaline). 2. Naloxone (0.1-0.5 mmol/L) did not significantly affect cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cGMP levels in human washed platelets, whereas naloxone (0.5 mmol/L) significantly inhibited thromboxane B2 formation stimulated by collagen (5 micrograms/mL) in human washed platelets. 3. Naloxone (0.5 mmol/L) significantly inhibited [3H]-inositol monophosphate formation of [3H]-myoinositol-loaded platelets stimulated by collagen and U46619. Moreover, naloxone did not influence the binding of 125I-triflavin to platelet membranes. Triflavin is an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing specific fibrinogen receptor antagonist. 4. Addition of naloxone (0.5 mmol/L) to platelet preparations tagged with diphenylhexatriene (DPH) resulted in a considerable decrease in relative fluorescence intensity. 5. It is suggested that the anti-platelet effects of naloxone may be caused, at least partly, by the induction of conformational changes in the platelet membrane initially, followed by the inhibition of thromboxane A2 formation and phosphoinositide breakdown of platelets stimulated by agonists.  相似文献   

The effect of heterologous anti-human platelet antibody on human platelet function was examined in the presence and absence of whole plasma as an in vitro model for antibody-induced immune damage to cells. Heterologous IgG anti-human platelet antibody mediated platelet aggregation and released serotonin from both platelets in plasma and from platelets isolated by gel filtration and increased the availability of platelet acid phosphatase in a dose-response fashion. Anti-platelet antibody failed to release beta-glucuronidase (lysosomal enzyme marker) or cause lactic dehydrogenase loss (cytolysis). The effect of the antiplatelet antibody on platelets proceeded in the absence of complement. The active molecule in the anti-platelet antiserum was isolated in the IgG fraction and all three indicators of platelet injury were mediated by purified monomeric IgG. Thrombin was not required for the antibody-mediated effects, as three thrombin inhibitors failed to block the reaction. EDTA was an effective inhibitor, suggesting a cation requirement; however, as little as 38 muM calcium was sufficient for effective platelet aggregation and release. The inability of acetylsalicylic acid to inhibit the effect of the antiplatelet antibody suggests that heterologous antibody (IgG) induced platelet alteration proceeds by a different mechanism than that mediated by ADP and epinephrine and does not involve endogenous platelet prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

We previously reported that purified alpha1 chains of type 1 chick skin collagen induce platelet aggregation. We now describe immunological and biochemical evidence that the peptide binds to intact platelets as an early event in the induction of platelet aggregation and the release reaction. Antibody against alpha1 (I) was obtained by immunizing rabbits with complete Freund's adjuvant mixed with purified alpha1. Immunofluorescence studies showed that alpha1(I)-treated platelets exhibited strong immunofluorescence. The intensity of fluorescence was markedly decreased by the pretreatment of platelets with alpha1-CB5 and glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine. Dose-response curves of platelet aggregation induced by alpha1 and the binding of alpha1 by washed intact platelets are correlated. The biochemical studies showed that the binding of the alpha1 chain to washed intact platelets was platelet concentration and temperature dependent, and that it reached a maximum in 10 min. The process was reversible and specific, with an association constant of 1.7 muM. The inhibitor of alpha1-induced platelet aggregation, glucosylgalactosyl hydroxylysine, inhibited the alpha1 binding. These results suggest that alpha1(I) chains bind to specific receptor site(s) on platelet membranes to trigger aggregation and the release reaction.  相似文献   

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has evaluated the situation 3 years after implementation of Nonferrous Metals Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Plan.  相似文献   

The effect of phospholipase C (EC on human blood platelets has been studied. Phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus was purified to homogeneity as judged by analytical and sodium dodecyl sulphate disc gel electrophoresis and by immunoelectrophoresis. Human platelets isolated from platelet-rich plasma by gel filtration or by centrifugation and washing were incubated with phospholipase C. A loss of 20-45% of the total platelet phospholipid was observed, whereas 88% was hydrolyzed when platelet homogenates were submitted to identical enzyme treatment. Intact platelets lost 50-75% phosphatidylethanolamine, 20-50% phosphatidylcholine, and 20-25% phosphatidylserine. Sphingomyelin was not a substrate for the enzyme under the conditions used. The platelets contained no detectable endogenous phospholipase C activity. The loss of phospholipid was not accompanied by aggregation of the platelets, nor did the platelets lose their ability to aggregate with ADP or thrombin. Total platelet factor 3 releasable by freezing and thawing was reduced. Measurements of releasable platelet factor 4 and the efflux of serotonin showed that no release reaction was triggered even when up to 45% of the total phospholipid in the platelets was hydrolyzed. When sphingomyelinase was added together with, before, or after phospholipase C, aggregation occurred. Sphingomyelinase alone gave no aggregation. The gel-filtered platelets also aggregated upon addition of purified phospholipase C from Clostridium perfringens. The distribution of phospholipids in the platelet membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

The ADP-receptor on the surface of human platelets and cells of megakaryocytic lineage has been classified as P2T purinergic receptor for which ADP is an agonist and ATP is an antagonist. Although it is one of the earliest identified of the important cellular receptors, it has neither been purified nor cloned. We have developed an immunoaffinity method for rapidly identifying the platelet ADP-receptor and this method can be extended to the purification of the receptor. A polyclonal antibody to glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) covalently modified by 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA) recognized neither FSBA nor glutamate dehydrogenase. Immunoblot of the gel obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of solubilized FSBA-labeled platelets showed the presence of a protein band at 100 kDa and this band was absent in the immunoblots of platelets that were preincubated with ADP and ATP or covalently modified by the chemically reactive ADP-affinity analogs, 2- and 8-(4-bromo-2,3-dioxobutylthio)adenosine-5'-diphosphate (2- and 8BDB-TADP) and 2-(3-bromo-2-oxopropylthio)adenosine-5'-diphosphate (2-BOP-TADP), prior to treatment with FSBA. FSBA as well as 2- and 8-BDB-TADP and 2-BOP-TADP have been previously shown to inhibit ADP-induced platelet responses by selectively and covalently modifying aggregin (100 kDa), an ADP-receptor in intact human blood platelets. The results show that polyclonal antibody to FSBA-labeled GDH is capable of recognizing FSBA-labeled aggregin on platelets and, thus, could be used to purify aggregin by immunoaffinity column chromatography. The immunoaffinity method was found to be far more sensitive than the radiochemical methods to identify aggregin previously developed in our laboratory. Since FSBA is also capable of reacting with enzymes that require ATP for their catalytic function, the polyclonal antibody may be used to identify and purify other P2-type purinergic receptors that require binding of ATP before eliciting cellular responses.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of research into the effect of the size and depth of the implanted electric charge on the adhesion of human blood platelets. The experiments were carried out on polyethylene terephthalate PET foil of 36 microns thickness. The electret formation process was carried out in an electron-beam device. The electrization conditions were such that electrets with the excess electric charge accumulated at various depths were obtained. The selection of conditions was verified by investigating the space charge distribution with the use of the virtual electrode method. The microscopic observation of non-electrified foils and electrets as well as the quantitative examination of the adhesion of human blood platelets has explicitly confirmed the positive influence of the electret effect on the thrombogenesis of PET foil. This made it possible to define the optimum electrization conditions. The research has additionally indicated that the relationship between the amount of adherent blood platelets and the size of the electric charge is not a simple relation of the kind: the larger negative charge, the more thrombogenic material. The decisive and positive effect of the space charge has been confirmed by analysing the effectiveness of the surface and space charge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether pulmonary function in children who were lifetime residents of the highly polluted district of Teplice in northern Bohemia was lower than that for children who were lifetime residents of the cleaner district of Prachatice in southern Bohemia. Forced expiratory spirometry was measured twice (February/March and April) in approximately 235 eighth-grade students in each district. On both testing occasions, height-adjusted forced expiratory volume in 1 s and forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% forced vital capacity were significantly lower (p < .001) in children from Teplice than in those from Prachatice. These differences were not associated with parental smoking habits, presence of pets, heating/cooking fuels, private home/apartment residency, or rural/urban residency. In Teplice, no differences were observed between lung functions measured at the end of the high pollution season (February/March) and those measured after the children breathed much cleaner air for a 4-wk period (April). This result was suggestive of a condition of chronically depressed lung function. No differences across times were observed in Prachatice, indicating that our measurements were reliable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Alloimmunized refractory thrombocytopenic patients often require HLA-matched platelet transfusions. As the HLA system is very polymorphic, sufficient HLA-matched donors are not available for every patient. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In vitro elution techniques with citric acid incubation of platelets at pH 3.0 showed that platelets lose expression of HLA, whereas platelet-specific glycoproteins are preserved. This technique was modified for clinical use. Random-donor platelet concentrates were incubated with citric acid, subsequently washed, and transfused to two patients. RESULTS: Platelet-specific glycoproteins were unaffected, and HLA expression decreased generally to below 25 percent of the initial expression. One alloimmunized patient who was without compatible donors because of a rare HLA type underwent repeated transfusions with acid-treated platelets. In contrast to the results with random-donor platelet transfusions, posttransfusion increments up to 47 x 10(9) per L were obtained with acid-treated platelets, and profuse gastrointestinal bleeding was stopped, while multiple skin hemorrhages were resolved. No side effects were observed. A second patient developed a severe transfusion reaction without platelet increment after one transfusion with acid-treated platelets expressing 30 percent of the original HLA antigens. Further transfusions were not given. CONCLUSION: Standardization of the acid elution technique and validation of the technique in patients is necessary. The results suggest, however, that HLA-eluted platelets prepared under specified conditions may gain a place in platelet transfusion therapy.  相似文献   

We describe the use of graded decrements of medium osmolarity to progressively unmask respiratory capacities of whole human platelets in suspension. This departure led to the first demonstration that human platelet mitochondria are capable of tightly coupled respiration that responds to addition of mitochondrial substrates, ADP, and inhibitors in a way that other mammalian mitochondria are expected to behave. In 300 mosM media added alpha-glycerophosphate (G3P), succinate, or ADP effected only slight stimulation of base-line O2 consumption. At 180 mosM O2 consumption peaked and was not significantly affected by succinate or ADP. At 80 mosM base-line O2 consumption fell precipitously and was restored by G3P or succinate prior to being raised to its highest levels by ADP. Added NADH had no effect on O2 consumption at 80 mosM but sharply stimulated it when platelet suspensions were exposed to 60 mosM media by pretreatment with distilled water. At 80 mosM, selected compounds that inhibit or uncouple oxidative phosphorylation of isolated mammalian mitochondria from a variety of cells exerted similar influences on while platelets.  相似文献   

The iron-saturated and iron-free (apo) forms of bovine transferrin and lactoferrin were digested with trypsin and the digests analysed by column chromatography and electrophoresis. Both of the iron-saturated proteins were more resistant to proteolysis than the corresponding apoproteins, and iron-transferrin was more resistant than iron-lactoferrin. Digestion of iron-transferrin yielded two iron-binding fragments with molecular weights of 32 000 and 38 500 whereas apotransferrin yielded only the larger fragment. In digests of lactoferrin, up to five different fragments with molecular weights ranging from 25 000 to 52 700 were detected, there being no obvious qualitative difference between digests of iron-lactoferrin and apolactoferrin. The susceptibility of apolactoferrin to tryptic digestion was only slightly reduced when apolactoferrin was complexed with beta-lactoglobulin, suggesting that complex-formation is not a mechanism for protecting lactoferrin against intestinal degradation. There was no immunological cross reaction between bovine transferrin or its digestion products against anti-lactoferrin antiserum, or vice-versa.  相似文献   

We have analysed the binding of variable domain-identical mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) of the IgG3, IgG1 and IgG2b subclasses, as well as F(ab')2 fragments derived from the IgG3 and IgG1 mAb, to a multivalent glycoprotein target. Using a biosensor device (BIAcore, Pharmacia Biosensor) that measures the mass of the antibody (or other receptor molecule) deposited on a sensor chip displaying the relevant epitopes, we found that the IgG3 mAb binds more effectively than the other antibody species at a high but not a low epitope density. The greater functional affinity associated with the IgG3 mAb, at high epitope density, was correlated with both slower dissociation rate constants and faster association rate constants in comparison with the IgG1 and IgG2b mAb and the F(ab')2 fragments derived from the IgG3 and IgG1 mAb. Evidence for slower dissociation kinetics for the IgG3 mAb versus the IgG1 and IgG2b mAb was also obtained by ELISA and flow cytometry. These results demonstrate that: (1) differences in heavy chain constant (CH) domains can significantly influence apparent functional affinity for multivalent antigen, as determined without the use of covalently modified primary or secondary antibodies; (2) differences in CH domains can alter both association and dissociation rate constants for interactions between IgG antibodies and multivalent antigen; and (3) these effects of CH domains depend on epitope density. The effect of constant region differences on the apparent association rate constants suggests new approaches for achieving better binding or functional effectiveness through antibody engineering.  相似文献   

Activation of human platelets is associated with an increased level of cGMP, when total cGMP in individual samples is measured. However, by discriminating between intracellular and extracellular cGMP we were able to demonstrate that cGMP accumulates in the extracellular space only, whereas the level of intraplatelet cGMP actually decreases. Therefore, during the first minutes of platelet aggregation cGMP is released from the cell, and it thereby escapes hydrolysis by intracellular phosphodiesterases. In contrast, during direct activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase by nitrovasodilators, such as sodium nitroprusside, the newly synthesized cGMP remains mainly inside the cells. Elevation of intracellular calcium and activation of protein kinase C are likely to be involved in promoting cGMP efflux. Our results are discussed in contrast to the general hypothesis that the cGMP increase associated with platelet aggregation may represent a feedback mechanism designed to terminate early events of activating signal transduction. According to our data the apparent cGMP increase results from cGMP release from thrombocytes, rather than soluble guanylyl cyclase activation. This cGMP efflux provides a mechanism of decreasing the intracellular cGMP level upon stimulation with platelet agonists and thus favors platelet activation.  相似文献   

The following labeled compounds were isolated and identified after incubation of 8,11,14-eicosatrien [1-14C] oic acid with human platelets: 12-L-hydroxy-8,10,14-eicosatrienoic acid, 8,11,12-trihydroxy-9,14-eicosadienoic acid, 8,9,12-trihydroxy-10,14-eicosadienoic acid, 12-L-hydroxy-8,10-heptadecadienoic acid, prostaglandin E1, prostaglandin D1, and 8-(1-hydroxy-3-oxopropyl)-9,12-dihydroxy-10-heptadecenoic acid (thromboxane B1).  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to caffeine increases the number of adenosine receptors (up-regulation) but these observations have been mostly limited to animal models that study A1 adenosine receptors. The regulation of adenosine receptors by caffeine in humans and, in particular A2 receptors, remains largely unexplored. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that withdrawal from chronic caffeine administration results in up-regulation of A2 adenosine receptors in humans. The authors also wanted to determine whether caffeine induces homologous or heterologous up-regulation. Caffeine 250 mg three times daily was given orally to a total of 19 normal volunteers for 7 days. Platelets were obtained at base line and 12 and 60 hr after the last dose of caffeine and the antiaggregation responses to adenosine and prostacyclin receptors were evaluated ex vivo. Plasma caffeine levels remained elevated at 22 microM 12 hr after the last dose but decreased to 0.6 microM at 60 hr. Adenosine receptor activation with the agonist 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine and prostacyclin receptor activation with iloprost or prostaglandin E1 produced a greater antiaggregation effect at 60 hr postcaffeine. Increased responsiveness to both receptors could also be demonstrated at 12 hr after removal of caffeine by washing the platelets. Sensitization to the actions of prostacyclin, however, was reversed if caffeine was added ex vivo. These results support the hypothesis that chronic caffeine exposure induces heterologous up-regulation of adenosine and prostacyclin receptors in humans and implies that endogenous adenosine normally modulates platelet adenosine receptors in vivo. These findings may be relevant to the caffeine withdrawal syndrome observed in humans.  相似文献   

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