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随着学校信息化建设的不断完善,惠州城市职业学院的业务系统也越来越多,办公系统、邮件系统、教务管理系统、学生管理系统、招生管理系统、学生实习管理系统等,由于这些系统不同时期、不同人员开发或不同公司采购,它们之间相互独立.学校教师在使用每个业务系统之前都需要使用不同的身份验证登录,因此,教师需要记住每个系统的账号以及密码,这给老师以及系统管理员带来很多的麻烦,针对目前的管理困难这一问题,特提出这一多业务系统统一身份认证解决方案.  相似文献   

庞松涛 《电信科学》2016,(2):170-174
网络认证技术是“互联网+”行动计划应用推广的关键安全保障,基于公钥密码体制的数字签名已经成为身份与信息认证的主要手段,而数字签名有赖于认证中心(CA)及其基础设施(PKI).目前,认证中心依然存在身份认证不能互信互认、投入高、安全控制及运维难度大等问题.提出一种在不降低安全程度的情况下,缩短公钥密码长度,实现公钥可视化的技术,这种技术可以不再完全依赖第三方的认证机构,是去除认证中心当前存在问题的一种有效途径.  相似文献   

基于多特征的MPEG视频认证方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更加准确地反映MPEG视频的内容,构造了一种将视频时间信息、运动特征信息以及DCT系数块能量关系信息等多种特征融合在一起的多特征数字签名算法,并以不增加MPEG编码复杂度的水印嵌入方式将数字签名嵌入到视频中,并实现了基于多特征的视频认证方案.认证实验结果证明,本方案对于如代码转换、重新压缩等常规处理较之单特征认证方法虚警概率要低,而对于如移除、替换等恶意攻击能做出有效判断,并能对篡改区域进行准确定位.  相似文献   

郑贵德  陈明 《现代电子技术》2012,35(17):89-91,95
研究集成口令认证、令牌认证、以及生物认证的机制,其创新在于利用协议消息还原用户的信任状,再利用传统的认证技术完成对后者的鉴别,从而提供一种把应用系统与其用户认证技术分离的集成身份认证机制。该机制易于标准化及推广应用,可为多租户的云环境的安全提供更好的安全保障。  相似文献   

王旖  赵其甲 《电子测试》2016,(2):174-175
随着经济的快速发展,人们对电气的依赖性越来越大,在人们广泛使用电力的过程中,也应运而生了许多的窃电违法行为。用电信息采集系统在反窃电工作中的应用可以有效的提高供电企业的反窃电工作效率。本文主要介绍应用用电信息采集系统开展反窃电工作时需要注意的要点。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的基于ElGamal签名的移动用户认证方案。与原方案相比,新方案使得网络中心的安全性进一步提高,同时通过对认证过程的改进,使得用户的计算量得以降低。分析结果表明,该改进方案不仅具有更低的计算复杂度,而且具有更高的安全性,符合移动通信系统要求。  相似文献   

In 2009 and 2011, Chen et al. and Lasc et al. proposed two separate authentication schemes for mobile satellite communication systems. Unfortunately, their schemes are unable to protect security in the event of smart card loss. In this paper, we propose a novel version that resists common malicious attacks and improves both the schemes of Chen et al. and Lasc et al. The security of our scheme is based on the discrete logarithm problem and one‐way hash function. A nonce mechanism is also applied to prevent replay attack. Furthermore, our scheme is more efficient than related schemes and thus more suitable for being implemented in satellite communication systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The security of space information network (SIN) is getting more and more important now. Because of the special features of SIN (e.g., the dynamic and unstable topology, the highly exposed links, the restricted computation power, the flexible networking methods, and so on), the security protocol for SIN should have a balance between security properties and computation/storage overhead. Although a lot of security protocols have been proposed recently, few can provide overall attacks resistance power with low computation and storage cost. To solve this problem, in this paper we propose a lightweight authentication scheme for space information network. It is mainly based on the self‐updating strategy for user's temporary identity. The scheme consists of two phases, namely, the registration phase and the authentication phase. All the computing operations involved are just hash function (h), the bit‐wise exclusive‐or operation (⊕), and the string concatenation operation (||), which are of low computation cost. The security properties discussion and the attacks–resistance power analysis show that the proposed authentication scheme can defend against various typical attacks, especially denial of service attacks. It is sufficiently secure with the lowest computation and storage costs. Furthermore, the formal security proof in SVO logic also demonstrates that the scheme can satisfy the security goals very well. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The source authentication is an important issue for the multicast applications because it can let the receiver know whether the multicast message is sent from a legal source or not. However, the previously related schemes did not provide the confidentiality for data packets. In addition, the communication costs of these schemes are still high for real‐time applications in the multicast environments. To solve the aforementioned problems, we propose a new source authentication scheme based on message recovery signature for multicast in this paper. In the proposed scheme, the encrypted data can be embedded in the digital signature, so the communication loads can be greatly reduced. In addition, the digital signature contains the encrypted data, and thus the confidentiality of data packets can be well protected. According to the aforementioned advantages, the proposed scheme is securer and more efficient than the related works for the real‐time applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

移动RFID系统中,读写器与后台数据库之间不再通过有线方式通信,而采用无线方式通信,但也存在一定的安全隐患问题。为确保通信数据的安全,提出一种基于伪随机函数的移动RFID双向认证协议。协议确保标签、读写器、后台数据库三方均进行认证,从而保障通信的安全性;采用字合成等位运算,在一定程度上能够减少总的计算量;三方认证,使得移动RFID系统具备更为广泛的运用价值。安全性及性能分析表明,所提协议具有较高的安全性及较低的成本。  相似文献   

本文将对利用用电信息采集系统的智能反窃电技术进行详细的介绍。结合自身经验对其应用加以探究,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

李维科  李方伟 《通信学报》2005,26(11):137-139
提出了一种改进的基于EIGamal签名的移动用户认证方案。与原方案相比,新方案使得网络中心的安全性进一步提高,同时通过对认证过程的改进,使得用户的计算量得以降低。分析结果表明,该改进方案不仅具有更低的计算复杂度,而且具有更高的安全性,符合移动通信系统要求。  相似文献   

黄美东 《通信技术》2008,41(2):32-34
网络教学发展非常迅速,但是相应的网络安全措施还相对滞后.文中结合网络教育的一般模式和公钥密码系统,通过对网络教学模式的通信安全需求分析,提出对网络教学过程中基于公钥系统的信息加密,身份认证、数字签名等信息安全策略应用模式,并对网络教学中的信息安全模式进行风险评价,确保教学信息的安全、学生身份的认证,保障了网络教学的安全和顺利进行.  相似文献   

闫茂昌  华中  宋占杰 《电视技术》2013,37(10):23-26
报告了数字电视机顶盒的发展现状,对Android系统的数字电视机顶盒进行了调查研究。为确保Android机顶盒软件安装和升级时数据的正确性、可靠性和安全性,引入了双密钥加密算法,针对广电运营商无法严格地管控Android机顶盒用户下载和安装软件的问题,提出了一种新的基于数字签名方法的Android软件认证系统设计方案。测试结果表明,该方案有效可行,为广电运营商对Android机顶盒智能终端软件的管控提供了一种更加安全可靠的解决思路。  相似文献   

对信息系统建设工作中的几个问题展开了探讨。分别对里程碑的制定、成本控制和管理的沉淀等三个信息系统建设过程的重要环节做了详细的阐述,充分说明了这几个环节在信息系统建设过程中并行处置的重要性。  相似文献   

Discrete cosine transform is exploited in this work to generate the authentication data that are treated as a fragile watermark. This watermark is embedded in the motion vectors. The advances in multimedia technologies and digital processing tools have brought with them new challenges for the source and content authentication. To ensure the integrity of the H.264/AVC video stream, we introduce an approach based on a content fragile video watermarking method using an independent authentication of each group of pictures (GOPs) within the video. This technique uses robust visual features extracted from the video pertaining to the set of selected macroblocs (MBs) which hold the best partition mode in a tree-structured motion compensation process. An additional security degree is offered by the proposed method through using a more secured keyed function HMAC-SHA-256 and randomly choosing candidates from already selected MBs. In here, the watermark detection and verification processes are blind, whereas the tampered frames detection is not since it needs the original frames within the tampered GOPs. The proposed scheme achieves an accurate authentication technique with a high fragility and fidelity whilst maintaining the original bitrate and the perceptual quality. Furthermore, its ability to detect the tampered frames in case of spatial, temporal and colour manipulations is confirmed.  相似文献   

面向数字电视环境的业务运营支撑系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国数字电视业务运营的特点,从业务和技术上分别分析了对业务运营支撑系统的要求,提出了系统的体系结构和功能结构,并介绍了其中的关键技术。  相似文献   

Space information network composed of a variety of heterogeneous networks is widely concerned.However,the space information network is facing more security threats and more likely to roam due to its complex topology and large user scale.Considering the characteristics of space information network,a secure authentication enhancement scheme for seamless handover and roaming in space information network was presented.The fast mutual authentication and reasonable accounting between the user and the visiting domain based on the combination of Token and Hash chain was achieved.In addition,two seamless handover mechanisms were proposed to ensure the continuity of user communication.Finally,security analysis indicates that the scheme can not only provide essential security properties,but also achieve reasonable accounting.  相似文献   

赵洁  张华荣 《电信科学》2016,(6):136-142
针对物联网(IoT)中终端设备接入网络服务器的安全性问题,提出了一种基于椭圆曲线加密(ECC)和cookie信息的物联网终端安全认证协议.协议首先将用户身份信息、服务器私钥、随机数和cookie有效期信息组成一个cookie文件,然后利用椭圆曲线加密体制对其进行加密,并将之存储在智能终端.在认证阶段,通过比对由cookie信息计算的安全参数来实现相互身份认证.性能分析表明,该协议在具有较低计算和通信成本的同时,能够有效抵抗多种攻击,提供了较高的安全性,非常适合应用于物联网中资源有限的终端设备.  相似文献   

陈伦  刘庆超  操文元 《电视技术》2016,40(8):132-138
随着技术进步和网络化发展,下一代车载乘客信息系统在传统系统的基础上,实现视频播放高清化,客室全景网络摄像机监控以及广播语音数字化.新增了无线应用子系统,为乘客提供音视频、上网等个性化服务.依托网络化,为列车系统设备维修维护提供更便捷的智能化工具,减小维修劳动强度,提高维修工作效率.  相似文献   

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