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The authors propose an innovative Internet of Things (IoT) based E-commerce business model Cloud Laundry for mass scale laundry services. The model utilises big data analytics, intelligent logistics management, and machine learning techniques. Using GPS and real-time update of big data, it calculates the best transportation path and update and re-route the logistic terminals quickly and simultaneously. Cloud laundry intelligently and dynamically provides the best laundry solutions based on the current state spaces of the laundry terminals through the user's specifications and thus offers local hotel customers with convenient, efficient, and transparent laundry services. Taking advantage of the rapid development of the big data industry, user interest modelling, and information security and privacy considerations, cloud laundry uses smartphone terminal control and big data models to maintain customers’ security needs. Different from the traditional laundry industry, cloud laundry companies have higher capital turnover, more liquidity, and stronger profitability. Therefore, this new generation of smart laundry business model could be of interest to not only academic researchers, but E-commerce entrepreneurs as well.  相似文献   

Trends toward the globalization of the manufacturing industry and the increasing demands for small-batch, short-cycle, and highly customized products result in complexities and fluctuations in both external and internal manufacturing environments, which poses great challenges to manufacturing enterprises. Fortunately, recent advances in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the widespread use of embedded processors and sensors in factories enable collecting real-time manufacturing status data and building cyber–physical systems for smart, flexible, and resilient manufacturing systems. In this context, this paper investigates the mechanisms and methodology of self-organization and self-adaption to tackle exceptions and disturbances in discrete manufacturing processes. Specifically, a general model of smart manufacturing complex networks is constructed using scale-free networks to interconnect heterogeneous manufacturing resources represented by network vertices at multiple levels. Moreover, the capabilities of physical manufacturing resources are encapsulated into virtual manufacturing services using cloud technology, which can be added to or removed from the networks in a plug-and-play manner. Materials, information, and financial assets are passed through interactive links across the networks. Subsequently, analytical target cascading is used to formulate the processes of self-organizing optimal configuration and self-adaptive collaborative control for multilevel key manufacturing resources while particle swarm optimization is used to solve local problems on network vertices. Consequently, an industrial case based on a Chinese engine factory demonstrates the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed model and method in handling typical exceptions. The simulation results show that the proposed mechanism and method outperform the event-triggered rescheduling method, reducing manufacturing cost, manufacturing time, waiting time, and energy consumption, with reasonable computational time. This work potentially enables managers and practitioners to implement active perception, active response, self-organization, and self-adaption solutions in discrete manufacturing enterprises.  相似文献   

The development of science and technology has led to the era of Industry 4.0. The core concept is the combination of “material and informationization”. In the supply chain and manufacturing process, the “material” of the physical entity world is realized by data, identity, intelligence, and information. Industry 4.0 is a disruptive transformation and upgrade of intelligent industrialization based on the Internet-of-Things and Big Data in traditional industrialization. The goal is “maximizing production efficiency, minimizing production costs, and maximizing the individual needs of human beings for products and services.” Achieving this goal will surely bring about a major leap in the history of the industry, which will lead to the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” This paper presents a detailed discussion of industrial big data, strategic roles, architectures, characteristics, and four types of innovative business models that can generate profits for enterprises. The key revolutionary aspect of Industry 4.0 is explained, which is the equipment revolution. Six important attributes of equipment are explained under the Industry 4.0 perspective.  相似文献   

刘芳  王遵富  梁晓婷 《包装工程》2021,42(14):1-8, 39
目的 基于对文化大数据平台和智能设计平台的发展现状研究,阐述多源异构融合文化大数据平台建设面临的挑战,提出文化大数据智能设计平台的系统架构,在传承和保护文化的同时,探索文化数据在设计领域的再开发与再利用.方法 通过对相关文献的收集、整理和分析,了解文化大数据平台和智能设计平台的国内外研究进展,综合对比分析其技术原理、研究难点与挑战,并提出文化大数据智能设计平台的基础架构.结论 文化大数据平台的发展促进了文化的保护利用,但是仍存在利用率低、使用较困难等问题;人工智能技术在设计领域的应用,为设计学科引入了新的设计方法和路径,可以有效提升设计效率与质量,但当前的智能设计工具及平台仍然存在功能较为单一、缺乏灵活性等问题,有待进一步提升;文化大数据智能设计平台的研发,可以提升文化大数据的利用效率,探索文化大数据在设计不同阶段、不同方向的应用,提升设计作品的文化底蕴与质量.  相似文献   

对于链路状态数据库的网络传输异常数据检测存在检测数据不完整、较为敏感、检测效率差的问题,提出基于机器学习的分布式网络传输异常数据智能检测方法,通过K最近邻分簇算法对分布式网络节点实施分簇,利用贝叶斯分类算法检测簇头是否出现异常;确定异常簇后,选取小波阈值降噪方法对异常簇内数据进行降噪处理,在此基础上,采用遗传算法检测降...  相似文献   

Warehouse operations need to change due to the increasing complexity and variety of customer orders. The demand for real-time data and contextual information is requried because of the highly customised orders, which tend to be of small batch size but with high variety. Since the orders frequently change according to customer requirements, the synchronisation of purchase orders to support production to ensure on-time order fulfilment is of high importance. However, the inefficient and inaccurate order picking process has adverse effects on the order fulfilment. The objective of this paper is to propose an Internet of things (IoT)-based warehouse management system with an advanced data analytical approach using computational intelligence techniques to enable smart logistics for Industry 4.0. Based on the data collected from a case company, the proposed IoT-based WMS shows that the warehouse productivity, picking accuracy and efficiency can be improved and it is robust to order variability.  相似文献   

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in a smart society, in which the analysis of human habits is mandatory, requires automated data scheduling and analysis using smart applications, a smart infrastructure, smart systems, and a smart network. In this context, which is characterized by a large gap between training and operative processes, a dedicated method is required to manage and extract the massive amount of data and the related information mining. The method presented in this work aims to reduce this gap with near-zero-failure advanced diagnostics (AD) for smart management, which is exploitable in any context of Society 5.0, thus reducing the risk factors at all management levels and ensuring quality and sustainability. We have also developed innovative applications for a human-centered management system to support scheduling in the maintenance of operative processes, for reducing training costs, for improving production yield, and for creating a human–machine cyberspace for smart infrastructure design. The results obtained in 12 international companies demonstrate a possible global standardization of operative processes, leading to the design of a near-zero-failure intelligent system that is able to learn and upgrade itself. Our new method provides guidance for selecting the new generation of intelligent manufacturing and smart systems in order to optimize human–machine interactions, with the related smart maintenance and education.  相似文献   

Big data is increasingly available in all areas of manufacturing and operations, which presents an opportunity for better decision making and discovery of the next generation of innovative technologies. Recently, there have been substantial developments in the field of patent analytics, which describes the science of analysing large amounts of patent information to discover trends. We define Intellectual Property Analytics (IPA) as the data science of analysing large amount of IP information, to discover relationships, trends and patterns for decision making. In this paper, we contribute to the ongoing discussion on the use of intellectual property analytics methods, i.e artificial intelligence methods, machine learning and deep learning approaches, to analyse intellectual property data. This literature review follows a narrative approach with search strategy, where we present the state-of-the-art in intellectual property analytics by reviewing 57 recent articles. The bibliographic information of the articles are analysed, followed by a discussion of the articles divided in four main categories: knowledge management, technology management, economic value, and extraction and effective management of information. We hope research scholars and industrial users, may find this review helpful when searching for the latest research efforts pertaining to intellectual property analytics.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing becomes a more and more important technology for production, mainly driven by the ability to realise extremely complex structures using multiple materials but without assembly or excessive waste. Nevertheless, like any high-precision technology additive manufacturing responds to interferences during the manufacturing process. These interferences – like vibrations – might lead to deviations in product quality, becoming manifest for instance in a reduced lifetime of a product or application issues. This study targets the issue of detecting such interferences during a manufacturing process in an exemplary experimental setup. Collection of data using current sensor technology directly on a 3D-printer enables a quantitative detection of interferences. The evaluation provides insights into the effectiveness of the realised application-oriented setup, the effort required for equipping a manufacturing system with sensors, and the effort for acquisition and processing the data. These insights are of practical utility for organisations dealing with additive manufacturing: the chosen approach for detecting interferences shows promising results, reaching interference detection rates of up to 100% depending on the applied data processing configuration.  相似文献   

In this study, abnormalities in medical images are analysed using three classifiers, and the results are compared. Breast cancer remains a major public health problem among women worldwide. Recently, many algorithms have evolved for the investigation of breast cancer diagnosis through medical imaging. A computer-aided microcalcification detection method is proposed to categorise the nature of breast cancer as either benign or malignant from input mammogram images. The standard mammogram image corpus, the Mammogram Image Analysis Society database is utilised, and feature extraction is performed using five different wavelet families at level 4 and level 6 decomposition. The work is accomplished through firefly algorithm (FA), extreme learning machine (ELM) and least-square-based non-linear regression (LSNLR) classifiers. The performance of the classifiers is compared by benchmark metrics, such as total error rate, specificity, sensitivity, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, precision, F1 score and the Matthews correlation coefficient. As validation of the classifier results, a kappa analysis is included to determine the agreement among classifiers. The LSNLR classifier attains a 3% to 7% improvement in average accuracy compared with the average classification accuracy of the FA (86.75%) and ELM (90.836%) classifiers.  相似文献   

The solution of instrumented indentation inverse problems by physically-based models still represents a complex challenge yet to be solved in metallurgy and materials science. In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) tools have emerged as a feasible and more efficient alternative to extract complex microstructure-property correlations from instrumented indentation data in advanced materials. On this basis, the main objective of this review article is to summarize the extent to which different ML tools have been recently employed in the analysis of both numerical and experimental data obtained by instrumented indentation testing, either using spherical or sharp indenters, particularly by nanoindentation. Also, the impact of using ML could have in better understanding the microstructure-mechanical properties-performance relationships of a wide range of materials tested at this length scale has been addressed.The analysis of the recent literature indicates that a combination of advanced nanomechanical/microstructural characterization with finite element simulation and different ML algorithms constitutes a powerful tool to bring ground-breaking innovation in materials science. These research means can be employed not only for extracting mechanical properties of both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials at multiple length scales, but also could assist in understanding how these properties change with the compositional and microstructural in-service modifications. Furthermore, they can be used for design and synthesis of novel multi-phase materials.  相似文献   

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