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王晓川 《城市规划》2007,31(5):78-86
综合分析和借鉴香港、新加坡以及英美等先进国家与地区房地产开发规划管理经验,认为,从总体上看,城市规划作为一项政府职能,对房地产开发具有重要的调控作用;各国家与地区对开发控制的主要技术都是围绕着城市规划而建立的;城市规划对房地产开发的调控是以城市规划控制为核心,综合运用各种干预工具;房地产开发规划管理存在着一种向综合型的混合模式发展的共同趋势,即综合型的管理模式。  相似文献   

王晓川 《规划师》2008,24(4):5-8
城市规划作为一项重要的政府职能,对房地产具有重要的调控作用.在市场经济条件下,城市规划调控房地产的基本职能有控制职能、引导职能、协调职能和保障职能.城市规划对房地产的调控机制可以概括为三个方面:房地产开发规划控制、房地产开发规划引导和房地产开发规划反馈.  相似文献   

城市规划是城市发展的蓝图,是城市建设和管理的基本依据。科学发展规适应了城市规划实践的需求给予城市规划巨大的理论支撑,赋予城市规划许多新的理念。科学发展观是城市发展规划最好的保障,大大提高城市规划工作者进行战略思维、辨证思维、系统思维和创新思维的能力,通过城市规划的调控、引导和落实,使得国家的城市发展政策与配套的行动更加准确、更加稳定。  相似文献   

利益博弈视角下的城市土地再开发与规划调控策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓辉  丁金华 《规划师》2013,29(7):85-89,100
在我国城市化进程不断加快的背景下,土地资源作为城市发展的空间基础已经趋紧,面向存量建设用地的城市土地再开发逐渐成为地方政府解决土地资源紧缺的重要途径,但由此引发的土地空间利益冲突问题也日益突出,城市规划作为调控城市空间资源的重要公共政策,应更有效地发挥平衡各方利益的职能。研究从利益博弈的视角重新审视城市土地再开发中利益主体行为范式以及相互之间的冲突焦点,剖析规划调控中存在的公众参与泛化、再开发路径单一、土地开发机制束缚等问题,重点从规划的组织、运作与管理等层面提出有针对性的规划调控策略。  相似文献   

王登嵘  李樱  梁婉琳  陈仪 《城市规划》2007,31(11):33-36
按照对城市规划政策的不同的影响程度,将其他相关部门的政策分为最相关政策、次相关政策、一般性相关政策和特别政策四类,结合规划实践,对政策如何影响城市规划编制,以及如何在规划中利用有利政策增强规划边际效益进行了阐述。认为城市规划并非单向响应政策的要求,城市规划对其他部门空间政策制定的导向作用也需要在城市编制中予以明确,使规划的实效性最终体现于"从政策中来,到政策中去"。  相似文献   

城市规划是政府调控城市土地和空间资源、推进城乡有序和健康发展、保障公共安全和公众利益的重要公共政策之一。改革开放30年来,在党中央和国务院的亲切关怀下,在市委、市政府的正确领导下,上海城市规划工作,坚持实事求是,解放思想,与时俱进,以全面实施城市总体规划为主线,充分发挥城市规划的引导和调控作用,深入贯彻国家战略,服务上海经济社会发展,  相似文献   

试论城市规划的公共政策地位与制约   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
雷诚  范凌云 《规划师》2008,24(1):87-90
目前,我国城市规划向公共政策转变过程中出现过分夸大城市规划的作用与地位的现象,通过客观分析可知,受制度供给、规划学科发展、规划师自身能力、规划官僚体系等因素的影响和制约,城市规划尚未成为我国城市政策的统领和框架.规划工作者应当通过加强城市规划对土地开发战略的控制作用和加快城市规划向公共政策引导转化等措施,提升城市规划在城市政策体系中的决策地位.  相似文献   

栗新宏 《中州建设》2006,(12):28-29
从土地取得到规划的几个重要环节,都存在钱权交易的灰色地带,大量已经公开曝光的案件和生动的例子中,都可以发现北京地产业暴利的产生方式和土壤地产调控的风暴正扫向权力地带。近期,国家对于土地审批和城市规划领域接连公布重大政策,宣布建立国家土地督察制度和城市规划督察制度。  相似文献   

城市规划分类领域索引:01城市与区域发展02城市开发与土地经济03城市设计与详细规划04城市道路交通与基础设施05城市发展历史与遗产保护06城市社会、住房与社区发展07城市规划管理与政策08城市规划技术与方法09城市生态与人居环境10景观园林与旅游规划01城市与区域发展(栾峰)规划研究(Planning Researches)The EU Wants Territorial Cohesion,CanSpatial Planners Make It Happen?可以说,区域空间格局在很长时间都是欧洲所关注的重要议题,特别是近些年来,区域空间结构和空间战略规划,又再次受到了特别的关注,有关  相似文献   

在我国,编制和实施规划,是发挥政府作用,实行城市治理的重要工具。五年规划和年度规划是中国独特的城市治理制度安排。以远景蓝图构建为价值追求的规划体系和以开发控制为核心的规划管控模式,使得城市规划难以与五年、年度城市建设体制深度融合,出现了以项目为中心的城市规划,进而产生国土空间开发失控和城市治理整体失调等问题。十多年来全国各地在五年、年度空间实施规划的探索,由于外部制度环境的局限,成效有限。厦门的五年、年度空间实施规划,基于国家改革战略部署,以"多规合一"工作构建整体性的城市空间治理体系,探索空间实施规划的运行平台和操作体系。讨论新时期的国土空间规划改革,国家层面如何将五年规划、年度规划嵌入国土空间治理体系,如何在城市层面将五年、年度规划融入城市空间治理体系,建构城市空间实施规划的运行平台和操作体系。提出规划服务应主动融入城市空间治理体系中。  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenges involved in planning the adaptation of the urban built environment. It approaches this subject by appraising a recently introduced national planning policy (the permission to convert office buildings into residential use without planning permission) in England. Drawing on interviews conducted with planning practitioners, it is possible to unravel the impact of this policy instrument at the coal face of the discipline. The office-to-residential conversion policy has removed the long-established process of local planning discretion in England in favour of a developer led planning policy. Consequently, there has been a tactical manipulation of additional planning tools, originally designed for other use, to re-exert influence at the local level by local planning authorities. Rather than greasing the wheels of office-to-residential conversion, the new policy has thrown a spanner in the works of a unique local planning process that was originally developed to manage urban change. The paper concludes by calling for local planners to reformulate their role in planning urban adaptation by reasserting their role as “market actors” through the development of city information models, the exploitation of professional communication networks and the transference of their own tacit knowledge.  相似文献   

概况国内外都市农业在城市空间发展的主要理论及设计实践,梳理发展脉络,可知其研究和应用范围已扩展至城市中的建筑空间、社区空间、城市环境、闲置空间以及更大尺度的城市空间等领域。结合中国国情,倡导结合我国城市空间特点进一步从政策管理、城市规划、建筑等方面发展这一理论和实践。  相似文献   

陈曦  汪军 《规划师》2012,28(Z1):65-70
在英国,由于地方经济的好坏会影响到国家的繁荣与否,中央政府必须通过考虑自身的合法性来保持对整个国家的控制,工业革命之后,英国政府开始重视城市问题。回顾战后英国的城市政策发展历程,可以发现其各个时期的政策都具有独特性,均代表了当时英国政府所面对的城市问题。在此基础上,我国的城市规划工作应实现城市规划向公共政策的转型,保证城市规划政策的持续性,注重城市规划政策投入的有效性,以保证我国城市政策的实时性。  相似文献   

徐泽 《国际城市规划》2012,27(3):107-112
本文认为新一轮省域城镇体系规划的编制要充分认识国家城镇化政策导向变化、国家空间格局演进、政府管活模式转型的宏观背景,注重提高城镇化发展的协调性,提高空间发展的开放性、战略性与统筹水平,理顺条块关系、加强引导和调控功能.在编制方法上要注重关联分析、注重解构分析、注重规划过程的多方协调,提高规划的综合性、针对性和协调性,探索省域城镇体系规划的新范式.  相似文献   

《Progress in Planning》2001,56(4):169-250
This paper explores the concept of urban renaissance and how it applies to the South East of England, the region where pressure for new housing development is at its most extreme and the responses of the planning process in the past have been at their most conservative. The paper initially explores the notion of urban renaissance and its probable alternative—urban malaise. This analysis is contextualised through a review of national policy on planning and sustainability, before the concept is pulled apart and a range of its key constituent dimensions reviewed. This wide-ranging policy and research review subsequently forms the basis for an analysis of South East planning policy in the second half of the paper.Initially the problems and pressures in the South East are explored before a review of the developing regional planning guidance examines how these concerns are being addressed. The key empirical work next reviews development plans from across the region as a means to gauge the extent to which the planning process is already addressing the urban renaissance agenda, and to assess the evolving nature of policy. A final chapter presents the key findings and looks to the future, discussing the role of the development plan in delivering an urban renaissance in the region and offering an agenda to take practice forward. The argument is made that the planning process provides potentially the central focus around which contributions to implementing an urban renaissance may converge. In this role the development plan can have a central co-ordinating and visionary function, although as yet examples of this potential are few and far between.  相似文献   

中国城市规划公共政策展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
冯健  刘玉 《城市规划》2008,(4):33-41
城市规划作为一项公共政策,或城市规划具有公共政策属性的论断已得到越来越多中国学者或城市政府的认可。本文从公共政策学的视角,对城市规划公共政策的内涵、构成体系、运行机制,社会学议题及公众参与和城市规划公共政策的关系等问题进行初步探讨,对中国城市规划公共政策的未来发展方向进行展望,并对其政策措施进行系统总结。  相似文献   

我国城市群空间规划方法的转变与空间管制策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市群的迅速发展成为我国快速城市化进程中最主要的地域结构特征。随着我国经济发展战略的地域转移,城市群被视为带动省域乃至国家经济区发展的战略核心,我国城市群的发展面临着城市群竞争力提升、空间协调发展、空间发展引导、以及环境与生态系统优化等问题。本文分析了城市群规划需要实现的十个转变和需要实践的新方法,并依据城市群面临的核心问题和规划采取的主要方法总结了城市群空间管制策略的四个类型,即区域协调型、一体化引导型、竞争力培育型、空间管制型,并对山东半岛城市群规划的空间管制策略进行了剖析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban time policies are public policies that intervene in the time schedules and time organization that regulate human relationships at the urban level. Urban time policies were launched in Italy at the end of the 1980s. Within a span of 10 to 15 years, 170 municipalities have been involved in time-oriented projects or timetable plans, or in studies of urban social time. There has also been a diffusion into several countries of the European Union, especially in Germany and France. Now the diffusion is starting in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. In this article, the development of urban time policies in Italy is reviewed up to the new national law of 2000. The article examines how urban and social time emerged as a new theme of public policy, and the way it has been translated into public actions. In Italy, 15 years of experience and a new national law brought urban planners, sociologists and policy makers to think over the role of these city actions and over the nature of innovation in these policies. In conclusion, the article underlines the innovative aspects of Italian urban time policies (urban and social time became a new way to examine urban transformations and a new stake for urban policies; it offered an integrated approach to planning management; experimentation has been the driver of innovation) and how urban time policies can be considered an enrichment of traditional town planning (they offered a wider problem solving articulation acting also on timetables; they provided a new concept, chronotopes, to study and design urban transformation and, finally, they encouraged social, political and institutional capacity-building in urban action and planning).  相似文献   

地域轴的概念、形成过程及其政策意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地域轴的理论与政策作为联结城市空间体系理论研究与国土规划 ,国土政策的结晶 ,已经在日本的新国土综合整治规划中得到成功的应用。本文通过地域轴概念体系的解说 ,从联合城市圈到地域轴划分方法的说明 ,以及地域轴的空间形成过程与政策效应分析等 ,力图把地域轴的理论与政策介绍到中国的城市研究与国土规划及区域政策中。  相似文献   

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