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Near total striatal dopamine denervation results in a decrease in substance P and an increase in enkephalin messenger RNA expression in the striatum. It is unknown whether partial depletions of striatal dopamine content produce similar changes in these peptide messenger RNAs. To test whether compensations in dopamine synthesis and release following partial dopamine denervation prevent the lesion-induced alterations in substance P and enkephalin messenger RNAs, varying concentrations of 6-hydroxydopamine were injected unilaterally into the substantia nigra. Seven days after injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (2-16 micrograms) or vehicle, in situ hybridization histochemistry was used to examine tyrosine hydroxylase messenger RNA in the substantia nigra and substance P and enkephalin messenger RNAs in the striatum. The extent of the dopamine depletion was determined by measuring striatal dopamine tissue content. The decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase messenger RNA paralleled the change in striatal tissue dopamine content. Substance P messenger RNA was decreased in all lesioned rats. In contrast, a significant increase in enkephalin messenger RNA was not detected until striatal dopamine was reduced to 10% of control levels. These results suggest that compensations within the residual dopamine system are not sufficient to maintain normal striatal substance P messenger RNA levels in partially denervated animals, but are sufficient to maintain normal striatal enkephalin messenger RNA expression.  相似文献   

The concentration of serotonin (5-HT) measured in rat striatum was reduced to 75% of control 1 week after a single subcutaneous administration of dl-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 20 mg/kg). This decrease was prevented by pretreating the animals with ritanserin. Eighteen hours after MDMA (20 mg/kg), striatal concentrations of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) and of dynorphin A-like immunoreactivity (DLI) were increased to 250 and 487% of control, respectively, but ritanserin failed to prevent these changes. This study supports a role for 5-HT2 receptors in the mechanism by which a single high dose of MDMA induces neuronal damage to the serotonergic system, but not the MDMA-induced increase in central NTLI and DLI concentrations.  相似文献   

Tautomycin, a protein serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor, was chemically degraded, and five derivatives were investigated for their biological activities. None of them exerted any inhibitory effects on the activity of protein phosphatase types 1 and 2A. However, one derivative, named TM2a, induced a significant morphological change (bleb-formation) of human myeloid leukemia K562 cells. TM2b, the trimethyl ester of TM2, did not induce bleb-formation. Thus, the maleic anhydride structure played an important role in the biological activity. The biological properties of TM2a toward K562 cells resembled those of a phorbol ester, rather than of tautomycin. The phorbol ester-induced bleb formation was abrogated by a non-specific inhibitor of protein kinases, staurosporine, and by an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), H-7, but TM2a-induced bleb formation was abrogated only by staurosporine. Enhanced phosphorylation of the two proteins was observed after their exposure to TM2a. This suggest that the effect was not due to any inhibition of protein phosphatase 1 or 2A, but rather to the activation of an unidentified kinase, possibly of the PKC family, or to inhibition of a protein phosphatase other than type 1 or 2A.  相似文献   

Previous results from our laboratory have demonstrated that 3-day-old rats given dopamine (DA) -depleting brain lesions are spared the severe behavioral dysfunctions seen after comparable brain damage in adults. This behavioral sparing is accompanied by a sprouting of serotonin (5-HT) -containing neurons in the striatum. The present results extend these observations by demonstrating that rats given the brain lesions as 15- or 27-day-olds continue to suckle, wean, and grow into adulthood without exhibiting any obvious behavioral dysfunctions, yet striatal 5-HT levels do not increase. Moreover, combined destruction of DA- and 5-HT-containing neurons in 3-day-old rat pups also produced no obvious behavioral dysfunctions. These and other results indicate that increases in striatal 5-HT are not necessary for the behavioral sparing observed after DA-depleting brain lesions in neonatal rats. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated increased messenger RNA expression and peptide content in an opioid system localized to hippocampal dentate granule cells in aged rats. This altered regulation of dynorphin was correlated with the emergence of an age-related impairment in spatial learning. Considerable evidence exists for additional effects of aging on systems that provide input to the dynorphin-containing dentate granule cells. Such changes have been well documented for loss of perforant path innervation from entorhinal cortex, deterioration in septohippocampal cholinergic neurons, and high amounts of glucocorticoids that have, among their targets, receptors located in the dentate gyrus. Similar to the effects of aging on hippocampal dynorphin, age-related changes in each of these systems correlate with the severity of spatial learning impairment in aged rats. This raises the possibility that dysregulation of dynorphin in the aged brain is a reactive response to antecedant change(s) in this circuitry, a hypothesis that was examined by separately manipulating in young rats the three neural/neuroendocrine systems identified above. Of the three models examined only removal of the perforant path reproduced the effect of aging on dynorphin in the hippocampal formation. An immunotoxin was used in Experiment 1 to selectively remove septo-hippocampal cholinergic neurons in young rats. No alteration in hippocampal opioid peptides was produced by this treatment. Experiment 2 examined effects of exposure to excess corticosterone. Adrenalectomized rats exhibited a significant decrease in hippocampal dynorphin-A (1-8) content, which was reversed by corticosterone replacement at a concentration approximating normal basal levels. Dynorphin-A (1-8) content, however, was not reliably increased by exposure to excess corticosterone. In contrast, perforant path removal was found to reproduce the effect of aging on dynorphin content; either aspiration of the entorhinal cortex or knife-cut transections of the perforant path reliably increased hippocampal dynorphin content. These results support the conclusion that age-related deterioration in the septohippocampal cholinergic system and evaluated exposure to corticosterone are not sufficient to induce an elevation in hippocampal dynorphin content. Only removal of the perforant path innervation was found to reproduce the elevation in hippocampal dynorphin content observed in aged rats with hippocampal-dependent learning impairment.  相似文献   

We have used a partial sciatic nerve ligation model to examine the time course for changes in the expression of mRNA for three peptides related to pain transmission at spinal sites (dynorphin, enkephalin and substance P), during the development of allodynia. Enhanced expression of mRNA for dynorphin and substance P was observed in the dorsal horn on the same side as the partial nerve ligation. Increased expression of dynorphin mRNA was biphasic. The initial increases in expression of dynorphin mRNA occurred at 3 h, and a secondary peak was observed 1-3 days after surgery. The secondary increases coincided roughly with increased substance P mRNA expression. However, both dynorphin and substance P mRNA returned to control values after 1 week despite continuing allodynia. No significant changes in expression of mRNA for enkephalin were observed. The elevation of substance P mRNA in intrinsic spinal cord neurons may be secondary to changes in immediate early genes c-fos and jun-B, whereas the expression of dynorphin and enkephalin mRNA is differently regulated. The results also suggest that changes in the expression of the three neuropeptides are not critically involved in the development and maintenance of chronic pain or allodynia.  相似文献   

Reviews studies demonstrating that cholinergic grafts can ameliorate some deficits in aged animals and in animals with basal forebrain or fimbria-fornix lesions. Additional experiments were conducted with 35 male rats in Exp 1 and 26 female rats in Exp 2. Lesions of the motor and parietal zones of dorsolateral neocortex did not affect Ss' performance on a delayed-matching-to-performance task. Transection of the fimbria-fornix disrupted task performance in a delay-dependent manner, suggesting a specific disruption of short-term retention. Data confirm involvement of the medial prefrontal cortex and its ventral striatal outputs in performance of the task and in age-related deficits in short-term memory. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In addition to CD4+ T lymphocytes, cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage are a major target for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. In vitro studies of HIV-1 infection in human monocyte-derived macrophages can be undertaken by a reproducible cell-based assay. A macrophage-based infectivity assay was developed based on the semi-quantitative scoring of HIV-1 induced cytopathology in monolayer macrophage cultures. The assay exhibited dilution-dependent linearity with all three primary macrophage-tropic isolates tested. The end-point infectivity titers determined by this assay correlated with the results obtained by detecting viral p24 antigen in the culture supernatant. The applications of the assay in both neutralization and anti-viral protocols yielded identical results with the more time-consuming and costly p24 formats. Since the assay offers a simple and low-cost method of measuring HIV-1 infectivity in human primary macrophages, it can be used quite easily for large-scale screening or evaluation of candidate vaccines and anti-viral agents.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the role of sympathetic neural activity in the hemodynamic adaptations to sepsis in pigs with an emphasis on circuit adaptations. A fall in resistance to venous return (RVR) was predicted in contrast to what was previously observed in sympathetically intact animals that had no change in RVR. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We anesthetized and ventilated 13 pigs and gave 5 mg/kg of indomethacin. We measured cardiac output (CO) by thermodilution and measured pulmonary arterial (PAP), pulmonary capillary wedge (Pcw), right atrial pressure (Pra), and arterial pressure (MAP). Intermittent inflation of a 50-mL balloon in the right atrium was used to transiently arrest the circulation for the measurement of mean circulatory filling pressure (MCFP). RVR was calculated from (MCFP - Pra)/CO. Animals were divided into two groups; 6 received 10 mg/kg of the ganglionic blocker, hexamethonium and norepinephrine to maintain MAP; 7 had their spinal cords cut at C-2. After baseline measurements, all animals received 10 microg/kg/h of endotoxin for 2 hours, and hemodynamic measurements were repeated. Plasma samples were obtained for measurements of immunoreactive endothelin-1 (ET-1), which was assayed by a radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Hexamethonium had no significant effect on hemodynamics except for an increase in heart rate. After endotoxin, MAP and SVR fell, PAP rose, and CO and RVR did not change. Spinal section resulted in an increase in heart rate and small increase in PAP and MCFR After endotoxin, there was a further increase in heart rate, PAP, and MCFP with a marked fall in MAP and CO. RVR increased from 2.1 +/- 0.46 after spinal section to 3.6 +/- 54 mm x min/L (P < .05). ET-1 in the hexamethonium group (n = 2) rose from 2.21 +/- .14 to 11.5 +/- 2.1 pg/ml at 2 hours, and in the spinal group (n = 7) from 2.04 +/- 0.77 to 6.85 +/- 3.9 pg/mL at 45 minutes. CONCLUSION: Spinal section resulted in a more profound fall in blood pressure and less increase in MCFP than in previously studied animals with sympathetic nervous system intact, but there was still an increase in RVR and PAP ET-1 is a possible mediator of the increase in RVR and PAP.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of different levels of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition on dopaminergic regulation of striatal acetylcholine (ACh) release as estimated by in vivo brain microdialysis. Systemic administration of d-amphetamine (2 or 10 mg/kg) increased the striatal output of ACh when the AChE inhibitor neostigmine (0.1 microM) was present in the perfusion fluid. In contrast, when the same experiments were conducted at 0.01 microM neostigmine, d-amphetamine failed to affect (2 mg/kg) or significantly decreased (10 mg/kg) striatal ACh output. The inhibitory action of the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole (0.2 mg/kg) was significantly greater at 0.01 microM than at 0.1 microM neostigmine. Similarly, there was a nonsignificant trend for the D2 antagonist raclopride (1 mg/kg) to stimulate ACh release to a greater extent at the low neostigmine concentration. In contrast, the stimulant effects of systemic administration of the D1 agonist A-77636 (1.46 mg/kg) on striatal ACh release were the same at the two neostigmine concentrations. These results demonstrate that the concentration of an AChE inhibitor in the perfusion solution can quantitatively and even qualitatively influence the manner in which dopaminergic agents regulate ACh overflow in the striatum. On comparing the present results with earlier reports concerning the effects of d-amphetamine on tissue concentrations of ACh, it is tentatively concluded that a low neostigmine concentration is the more physiologically relevant condition. Under such conditions, at moderate doses d-amphetamine does not appear to alter striatal ACh release, with this likely being due to the opposing actions of D1 and D2 receptors. Nevertheless, until the endogenous interstitial concentrations of striatal ACh can be measured by other methods, the physiological relevance of ACh microdialysis studies in the striatum will remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Major developmental transitions in thymocyte differentiation are accompanied by sharp alterations in cAMP metabolism. We have analyzed the cAMP accumulation responses of cell populations representing successive stages of T-cell development, namely: immature TcR- thymocytes from SCID mice, proliferating cortical blasts, small cortical thymocytes, medullary thymocytes and peripheral T cells. We find that all classes of thymocytes exhibit higher cAMP synthesis in response to forskolin than peripheral T cells. In immature TcR- thymocytes, this high capacity is buffered by efficient phosphodiesterase activity, but in CD4+CD8+TcRlow thymocytes, phosphodiesterase activity becomes much less effective. Phosphodiesterase activity then rises again after positive selection. The ability of thymocytes to respond to prostaglandin E is regulated distinctly from their ability to respond to forskolin. Unlike forskolin, PGE1 induces cAMP synthesis to similar levels in all classes of thymocytes, possibly due to partial activation of phosphodiesterase in cortical thymocytes by PGE1. Finally, we report a novel effect of Ca2+/protein kinase C signaling on cAMP accumulation, which occurs selectively in the proliferating cortical blasts.  相似文献   

Neuromedins, smooth-muscle-stimulating peptides, are commonly divided into four groups: bombesin-like, kassinin-like, neurotensin-like and neuromedins U. In the present review, current data on the synthesis and mechanism of action of neuromedins on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis will be presented. These neuropeptides and their receptors are localized to all components of the HPA axis, the only exemption seems to be neurokinin B, which is not detected in the adenohypophysis. Neuromedins exert a manifold effect on HPA axis, and their action on the adrenal suggests their involvement in the regulation of growth, structure and function of the adrenal cortex. Neuromedins may exert both direct and indirect effects on the adrenal cortex. Direct effect is proven by the stimulation of mineralo- and glucocorticoid output by isolated or cultured adrenocortical cells and by mobilisation of intracellular [Ca2+]i. Indirect effects, on the other hand, may be mediated by ACTH, arginine-vasopressin, angiotensin II, catecholamines or by other regulatory substances of medullary origin.  相似文献   

AIMS/BACKGROUND: An objective method for detecting hemifield and quadrantic visual field defects has been developed using steady state visual evoked cortical potentials (VECPs), an adaptive noise canceller (ANC), and Hotelling's t2 statistic. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the technique. METHODS: Nine subjects (mean age 44 years) were investigated with field loss due to a variety of causes including both anterior and posterior visual pathway lesions. Dynamic perimetry was performed by means of a Goldmann or Tübingen perimeter. VECP recordings were made from each visual field quadrant (23 degrees X 23 degrees) by means of a steady state reversing checkerboard (7.7 rev/s). The central 5 degrees of the visual field and the vertical and horizontal meridians were masked during these measurements. Recordings were made from three electrode sites, positioned over the visual cortex, relative to a mid frontal electrode. Each recording lasted 2 minutes, during which time fixation was monitored. The data from each recording were divided into 4 second segments, and the amplitude and phase of the VECP signal measured using the ANC. Hotelling's t2 statistic was applied to determine the probability of signal detection. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to find the optimum signal detection threshold for identification of the visual field defects. RESULTS: The results of the study confirmed patterns of subjective visual field loss. The technique had a sensitivity and a specificity of 81% and 85%, respectively, for detecting 'non-seeing' areas in the inferior visual field, and 82% and 89%, respectively, for detecting 'non-seeing' areas in the superior visual field. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that the technique is of potential clinical value to ophthalmologists and neurologists when subjective perimetry is not possible.  相似文献   

The products of the ras genes are known to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation; recently, they have been found to play a role in apoptosis. The expression of oncogenic p21(ras) in a number of cell types, including Jurkat (a human T lymphoblastoid cell line) and murine fibroblasts, makes the cells susceptible to apoptosis following suppression of protein kinase C (PKC) activity (PKC/Ras-mediated apoptosis). Engagement of Fas antigen, a potent effector of apoptosis, activates cellular p21(ras), which may be required for completion of the cell death program. To further investigate the role of p21(ras) in the regulation of apoptosis, the cellular mechanisms employed in these two apoptotic processes in which Ras activity is involved (PKC/Ras-related and Fas-triggered apoptosis), was explored. Increasing p21(ras) activity by expressing v-ras or by treatment with an antisense oligonucleotide to the GTPase-activating protein was found to accelerate the Fas-mediated apoptotic process in Jurkat and mouse LF cells. PKC/Ras-related apoptosis was associated with, and required, cell cycle progression, accompanied by the expression of the G1/S cyclins. In contrast, Fas engagement, although inducing a vigorous and PKC-independent activation of endogenous p21(ras), did not alter cell cycle progression, nor did it require such progression for apoptosis. Both the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide and cyclin E antisense oligonucleotides partially abolished PKC/Ras-mediated apoptosis but had only a moderate effect on Fas-induced apoptosis. In contrast, the CED-3/interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme (ICE) protease inhibitor Z-VADfmk efficiently suppressed Fas-induced apoptosis and only marginally inhibited PKC/Ras-mediated apoptosis. Induction of both pathways resulted in activation of the Jun NH2-terminal kinase/JUN signaling system. These results suggest that different cell death programs, such as PKC/Ras-mediated and Fas-mediated apoptosis, may be interconnected via p21(ras) and perhaps Jun NH2-terminal kinase/JUN. In response to various death stimuli, p21(ras) may act as a common intermediate regulator in the transduction of apoptotic signals.  相似文献   

Role of allatostatins in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of neuropeptides that inhibit juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by the corpora allata (CA) has verified the existence of these allatostatins, which, from much experimental evidence, have long been postulated to occur. It also makes possible new approaches for studying the role of allatostatins in the regulation of JH synthesis. Allatostatins, localized immunocytochemically, occur in lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain that innervate the CA. Presumably their effect on the CA results from the release of allatostatins at these nerve endings. Allatostatins also occur in the hemolymph in cockroaches and have been shown to act on the CA through this pathway. The ability of allatostatins to inhibit CA depends not only on the concentration of the peptides but also on the sensitivity of the CA to them. Male Diploptera punctata were treated with JH analog following denervation of CA and implanted with a previtellogenic or vitellogenic ovary or injected with saline. Animals implanted with a vitellogenic ovary, compared to the previtellogenic ovary or saline, showed significantly increased JH synthesis by their CA and a reduced amount of allatostatin in the hemolymph. The denervated CA from these JH analog treated animals, following implantation with a previtellogenic and vitellogenic ovary, showed a tendency toward increased and decreased sensitivity, respectively, to a given dose of allatostatin in vitro compared to those from saline injected controls. Experiments such as these suggest that changes in release of allatostatins and in sensitivity of CA to them could be postulated to be major factors regulating JH synthesis in the cockroach.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 167 consecutive radically treated breast cancer patients with histopathologically confirmed ductal carcinoma is presented. The aim was to establish the prognostic significance and reproducibility of histopathological grading done independently by two pathologists. Further-more, the value of measurements of mean nuclear area (MNA) in the primary tumour was assessed. The two pathologists reviewed the same histological sections using a three-point scoring system based on tubular structures, number of mitoses and nuclear pleomorphism. Grading was identical for 70% of the tumours (Kappa value 0.51). With increasing MNA, the fraction of poorly differentiated tumours increased. In the univariate analysis, tumour-related survival was significantly related to histopathological grading when G3 tumours were compared to G1/G2 tumours (p < 0.05). In the multivariate analysis, tumour size (pT category), lymph-node status and grading were the only significant factors influencing patient outcome (p < 0.05). MNA had no significant prognostic value. A combination of tumour size and histopathological grading identifies a group of node-negative patients (pT2 G2/G3) who may have a less favourable prognosis and for whom adjuvant treatment may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Argues that the relevance of behavior genetics to psychology depends upon the extent to which it can alter its fundamental axis from one centering upon genetics to one centering upon behavior. Genetic models make assumptions which in behavior as a class are generally unmet, and at best provide information only about the operations of genes. Rather than a genetics of behaviors, the best use of genotype in behavioral analysis should be sought. This change would produce a behavior genetics perceived as a genetically-aware psychology which concentrates upon mechanisms and allows for the systematic and simultaneous consideration of variables of environmental origin. 3 research strategies appropriate for a genetically-aware psychology are discussed. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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