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Four lactating Holstein cows averaging 155 d postpartum were used in a cross-over design to examine the influence of somatotropin administration (33 mg/d for 28 d) and dietary CP (11 vs. 16% CP) concentration on milk yield and kinetics of glucagon, insulin, glucose, and somatotropin. Somatotropin and dietary CP were without influence on DM intake and digestibility. Milk yields were increased by both somatotropin administration and increased dietary CP. Increased dietary CP increased turnover of glucose. Injection of somatotropin increased entry rate, pool size, and basal concentrations of somatotropin but was without effect on kinetics of glucagon, insulin, or glucose. The absence of major changes in the kinetics of hormones and glucose suggests that other factors play a role in somatotropin enhancement of milk production. However, the observed changes are consistent with the homeorhetic influence of somatotropin on milk production. Adequate dietary CP is required to obtain maximal responses to somatotropin administration.  相似文献   

The effects of bST injection and dietary protein level on blood hormone and metabolite concentrations were examined in four mature Holstein cows in a double crossover design. Cows were assigned at d 5 to 9 postpartum to receive daily injections of either a control (saline) solution or 20.6 mg of bST. Four 3-wk periods were used during which one cow from each group was fed a medium protein diet (17.1% CP), and the other received a high protein diet (23.6% CP). Injections of bST or control solutions began on d 0 of the second period. Intakes of DM were not influenced by dietary protein or bST injection. Milk yield tended to increase with increased CP level but was not affected by bST injection. Based on the rate and extent of decline in milk production after cessation of bST injection, the cows assigned to bST had lower milk production potential than control cows. Thus, the effect of bST injection apparently was to enhance milk yield to levels similar to those of controls. There were no significant CP level or bST injection effects on glucose, FFA, somatostatin, or somatotropin concentrations. Glucagon concentrations were higher in bST-treated cows. Concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I were increased with increased CP level and also with bST injection. Significant effects of days on bST were observed for insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I, glucose, and FFA. Cows given bST injections and producing equal amounts of milk as control cows did not show major physiological differences in hormones and metabolites with the exception of insulin-like growth factor-I.  相似文献   

Forty-three multiparous Holstein cows were used in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effects of protein supplementation and the use of bovine somatotropin (bST; Posilac, Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO) in late gestation on animal metabolism and productivity in the periparturient period. Treatments were initiated 28 d prior to expected calving date and continued through parturition. Diets contained either 13.3 or 17.8% crude protein and were formulated to be similar in profile of protein fractions. Within each dietary treatment, cows were assigned to receive either 0 or 500 mg of sustained released bST once every 14 d until parturition. Following parturition, all cows were subjected to the same management and dietary treatments, and production measurements were followed until 42 d in milk. The use of bST increased plasma glucose and decreased plasma nonesterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate prior to calving. Despite these changes in metabolism, bST did not affect concentrations of fat and triglyceride in the liver prepartum or postpartum. Feeding the 17.8% protein diet failed to stimulate glucose metabolism and tended to elevate plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate in late gestation. Cows treated with bST produced 3.3 kg/d more milk than did controls across the first 42 d of lactation; the difference was 4.6 kg/d in wk 6 of lactation. The use of bST in late gestation has considerable promise to alter cow metabolism positively. The results of these and other possible periparturient responses to somatotropin may increase milk production in early lactation.  相似文献   

An incomplete 8 × 8 Latin square trial (4-wk periods; 12 wk total) using 32 multiparous and 16 primiparous Holstein cows was conducted to assess the production response to crude protein (CP), digestible rumen-undegraded protein (RUP), and rumen-protected Met (RPM; fed as Mepron; Degussa Corp., Kennesaw, GA). Diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 21% alfalfa silage, 34% corn silage, 22 to 26% high-moisture corn, 10 to 14% soybean meal, 4% soyhulls, 2% added fat, 1.3% minerals and vitamins, and 27 to 28% neutral detergent fiber. Treatments were a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of the following main effects: 15.8 or 17.1% dietary CP, with or without supplemental rumen-undegraded protein (RUP) from expeller soybean meal, and 0 or 9 g of RPM/d. None of the 2- or 3-way interactions was significant. Higher dietary CP increased DM intake 1.1 kg/d and yield of milk 1.7 kg/d, 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM) 2.2 kg/d, fat 0.10 kg/d, and true protein 0.05 kg/d, and improved apparent N balance and DM and fiber digestibility. However, milk urea N and estimated urinary excretion of urea-N and total-N also increased, and apparent N efficiency (milk-N/N-intake) fell from 33 to 30% when cows consumed higher dietary CP. Positive effects of feeding more RUP were increased feed efficiency and milk fat content plus 1.8 kg/d greater FCM and 0.08 kg/d greater fat, but milk protein content was lower and milk urea N and urinary urea excretion were elevated. Supplementation with RPM increased DM intake 0.7 kg/d and FCM and fat yield by 1.4 and 0.06 kg/d, and tended to increase milk fat content and yield of milk and protein.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Yorkshire × Chester White crossbred boars, 28 days of age, were assigned to one of four diets differing in crude protein content. Dietary crude protein content was 23% initially and then adjusted to 14, 17, 20 or 23% at 9 weeks of animal age, and 12, 15, 18 or 21% at 14 weeks of age, respectively. The skatole concentrations in serum of the boars was measured at 24, 32 and 40 weeks of age. Results showed that serum skatole concentrations declined (P < 0·05) with increasing age (0·034, 0·027 and 0·021 μg/ml at 24, 32 and 40 weeks, respectively) and also decreased (P < 0·059) with increasing dietary crude protein concentration (0·033, 0·026, 0·022 and 0·021 μg/ml at 12, 15, 18 and 21% in finishing diets, respectively).  相似文献   

Feeding unsaturated dietary fat to lactating dairy cows receiving bST may effectively alter the fatty acid composition of milk fat. This was tested using 16 Holstein cows assigned to one of four treatments during midlactation. Treatments were control, control diet with 15.5 mg of bST/d per cow, dietary fat from sunflower seeds and bST, or dietary fat from safflower seeds and bST. Diets were formulated to contain 19% CP and contained 25% corn silage, 25% alfalfa hay, and 50% concentrate mix on a DM basis. Milk yield was not significantly higher when bST was administered and increased with added fat diets (29.5, 32.7, 40.0, and 34.1 kg/d for the control, control with bST, sunflower seed with bST, and safflower seed with bST treatments, respectively). Percentage of milk fat was similar for all treatments. Concentrations of long-chain and unsaturated fatty acids in milk were increased slightly by bST and substantially with added fat. Milk protein percentages were not influenced by bST but were reduced by approximately .2 unit with added fat. Added unsaturated dietary fat coupled with bST increased milk yield and produced a greater concentration of unsaturated fatty acids in milk.  相似文献   

Continuous, intravenous infusions of glucagon improve carbohydrate status in lactating dairy cows without increasing concentrations of plasma NEFA. The objective was to test whether single subcutaneous injections and multiple subcutaneous injections of glucagon delivered at 8-h intervals over 14 d improve the carbohydrate status in lactating dairy cows without increasing concentrations of plasma BHBA and NEFA. In a single-injection experiment, four midlactation cows each were injected with 2.5 and 5 mg of glucagon 1 wk apart. In a multiple-injection experiment, nine cows, assigned randomly to three treatments, were injected subcutaneously with 0, 2.5, or 5 mg of glucagon every 8 h for 14 d, beginning at d 8 postpartum. Single subcutaneous injections of glucagon increased concentrations of plasma glucagon and single and multiple subcutaneous injections of glucagon increased concentrations of plasma glucose, with larger increases at the 5-mg dosage. Injections of 5 mg of glucagon increased concentrations of plasma insulin in both experiments, whereas the 2.5-mg dosage increased plasma insulin only in the multiple-injection experiment. The response of glucose and insulin to injections of 5 mg of glucagon persisted throughout the 14-d injection period. Concentrations of plasma NEFA decreased in the single-injection experiment, and concentrations of BHBA decreased after 5 mg of glucagon was injected in the multiple-injection experiment. These results document that both single and multiple injections of 5 mg of glucagon over 14 d consistently improve the carbohydrate status of dairy cows and decrease concentrations of plasma NEFA and BHBA.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of dietary crude protein concentration on ammonia (NH(3)) and greenhouse gas (GHG; nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) emissions from fresh dairy cow manure incubated in a controlled environment (experiment 1) and from manure-amended soil (experiment 2). Manure was prepared from feces and urine collected from lactating Holstein cows fed diets with 16.7% (DM basis; HCP) or 14.8% CP (LCP). High-CP manure had higher N content and proportion of NH(3)- and urea-N in total manure N than LCP manure (DM basis: 4.4 vs. 2.8% and 51.4 vs. 30.5%, respectively). In experiment 1, NH(3) emitting potential (EP) was greater for HCP compared with LCP manure (9.20 vs. 4.88 mg/m(2) per min, respectively). The 122-h cumulative NH(3) emission tended to be decreased 47% (P=0.09) using LCP compared with HCP manure. The EP and cumulative emissions of GHG were not different between HCP and LCP manure. In experiment 2, urine and feces from cows fed LCP or HCP diets were mixed and immediately applied to lysimeters (61×61×61 cm; Hagerstown silt loam; fine, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf) at 277 kg of N/ha application rate. The average NH(3) EP (1.53 vs. 1.03 mg/m(2) per min, respectively) and the area under the EP curve were greater for lysimeters amended with HCP than with LCP manure. The largest difference in the NH(3) EP occurred approximately 24 h after manure application (approximately 3.5 times greater for HCP than LCP manure). The 100-h cumulative NH(3) emission was 98% greater for HCP compared with LCP manure (7,415 vs. 3,745 mg/m(2), respectively). The EP of methane was increased and that of carbon dioxide tended to be increased by LCP compared with HCP manure. The cumulative methane emission was not different between treatments, whereas the cumulative carbon dioxide emission was increased with manure from the LCP diet. Nitrous oxide emissions were low in this experiment and did not differ between treatments. In the conditions of these experiments, fresh manure from dairy cows fed a LCP diet had substantially lower NH(3) EP, compared with manure from cows fed a HCP diet. The LCP manure increased soil methane EP due to a larger mass of manure added to meet plant N requirements compared with HCP manure. These results represent effects of dietary protein on NH(3) and GHG EP of manure in controlled laboratory conditions and do not account for environmental factors affecting gaseous emissions from manure on the farm.  相似文献   

Glucose kinetics were measured in late gestation multiparous Holstein dairy cows fed diets with different amounts of dietary crude protein (13.3 vs. 17.8%), with and without exogenous somatotropin. The trial was conducted as a completely randomized design; 35 cows were used in the final analysis. Kinetic measurements were made using the single injection technique with uniformly labeled 13C-labeled glucose. A diet that contained 17.8% crude protein appeared to increase glucose utilization without a corresponding increase in supply. The evidence was an increased rate of glucose disposal. In contrast, exogenous bovine somatotropin (Posilac, Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO) appeared to enhance glucose conservation, as indicated by a tendency for a decreased fractional catabolic rate and an increased glucose pool size. Somatotropin appeared to modify glucose metabolism in a pattern favorable for supporting terminal fetal development and lactogenesis and for maintaining or enhancing maternal glycemia. The latter pattern could have implications for improving the health of periparturient dairy cows.  相似文献   

Ten lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas that were part of a larger feeding trial were blocked by days in milk into 2 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares. Diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase crude protein (CP) from 13.5% to 15.0, 16.5, 17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d with data and sample collection performed during the last 8 d. Digesta samples were collected from the omasum to quantify the ruminal outflow of different N fractions. Intake of DM was not affected but showed a quadratic trend with maxima of 23.9 kg/d at 16.5% CP. Ruminal outflow of total bacterial nonammonia N (NAN) was not different among diets but a significant linear effect of dietary CP was detected for this variable. Bacterial efficiency (g of total bacterial NAN flow/kg of organic matter truly digested in the rumen) and omasal flows of dietary NAN and total NAN also showed positive linear responses to dietary CP. Total NAN flow increased from 574 g/d at 13.5% CP to 688 g/d at 16.5% CP but did not increase further with the feeding of more CP. Under the conditions of this study, 16.5% of dietary CP appeared to be sufficient for maximal ruminal outflow of total bacterial NAN and total NAN.  相似文献   

The somatotropic axis, consisting of growth hormone (GH), GH receptor (GHR), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), and IGF receptors, controls growth and mammary development in heifers. Manipulation of the axis with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) improves heifer growth and reduces age at first calving. The effects of rbST are influenced by dietary energy through partially understood mechanisms. The objective was to characterize the somatotropic axis in Holstein heifers fed a diet for either low or high rate of gain and treated with or without rbST. Heifers (120 d of age) were assigned to one of 2 diets to gain either 0.8 kg/d (low, n = 18) or 1.2 kg/d (high, n = 20). Within each diet, half of the heifers (n = 9 for low and n = 10 for high) received daily rbST injections (25 microg/kg of body weight). Treatments and diets continued until slaughter (2 mo after puberty). Blood was collected 2x per week, and a frequent sampling window was performed 1 d before slaughter. Liver was collected at slaughter. Feeding a high diet or treating with rbST increased serum IGF-I and decreased serum IGFBP-2. The observed changes in serum IGF-I and IGFBP-2 were reflected in their respective liver mRNA amounts. Feeding a high diet decreased serum GH concentrations after rbST injection, but the stimulatory effect of rbST on serum IGF-I was nonetheless greater in high-diet heifers. The differential IGF-I response may be explained by greater GHR 1A in the liver of high-diet heifers. We conclude that a high-gain diet modifies the somatotropic axis in rbST-treated heifers by decreasing serum GH but increasing serum IGF-I after rbST treatment. Greater IGF-I (indicative of an increased GH response) may be a consequence of greater GHR 1A expression in the liver.  相似文献   

Eighty-two multiparous Holstein cows were enrolled 28 d before expected calving and assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments in a randomized block design experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effect of feeding a neutral or acidogenic diet varying in Ca concentration on prepartum and postpartum intake, blood mineral and metabolite concentrations, and postpartum milk production. Prepartum diets were formulated to provide a dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) of ?21 (negative, NEG) or ?2 (neutral, NEU) mEq/100 g of dry matter with either 1.3% or 1.8% Ca. After calving, cows remained on trial through 63 d in milk (DIM) and were fed a common lactation diet. Urine pH was lower for NEG compared with NEU and tended to be lower for 1.8% Ca compared with 1.3% Ca. Fractional excretion of Ca and Mg in urine was greater for NEG than for NEU. Prepartum plasma bicarbonate was lower and P was higher for NEG compared with NEU. Prepartum plasma P and blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio was higher for 1.3% compared with 1.8% Ca. Postpartum, concentrations of plasma total protein, albumin, blood urea nitrogen, Mg, and ionized Mg (iMg) were higher and Na was lower for NEU compared with NEG. An interaction of DCAD and Ca was observed for plasma creatinine, which was highest for cows fed NEU and 1.3% Ca compared with all other treatments. Interactions of DCAD and DIM were observed for plasma bicarbonate and iMg. Bicarbonate was higher at 3 DIM and lower at 14 DIM for NEU compared with NEG. Concentrations of iMg were higher at 1, 2, and 14 DIM for NEU compared with NEG. Interactions of Ca and DIM were observed for plasma Ca, Cl, and anion gap. Compared with cows fed 1.5% Ca, those fed 1.3% Ca had lower Ca and anion gap and higher Cl at 1 DIM and lower Cl and higher anion gap at 14 DIM. No differences were observed in body weight or body condition score due to DCAD or Ca. Prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) was lower for NEG compared with NEU and lower for 1.8% compared with 1.3% Ca. Postpartum DMI was not different among treatments. An interaction was observed for DCAD and DIM due to higher milk yield after 45 DIM for NEG compared with NEU. No differences were observed in milk component percentage or yield among treatments. There was an interaction of DIM and Ca for milk urea concentrations, which were higher at 5 wk and lower at 6 wk for 1.3% Ca compared with 1.8% Ca. These results suggest that feeding NEG prepartum alters plasma and urine mineral concentrations compared with feeding NEU and supports increased milk yield after 45 DIM. Feeding 1.8% Ca prepartum only improved plasma Ca at 1 DIM. Feeding either NEG or 1.8% Ca reduced DMI prepartum compared with NEU or 1.3% Ca.  相似文献   

Forty lactating Holstein cows, including 10 with ruminal cannulas, were blocked by days in milk into 8 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 8 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares to assess the effects of 5 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) on milk production and N use. Diets contained 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase CP from 13.5 to 15.0, 16.5, 17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d, with 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection. Spot sampling of ruminal digesta, blood, urine, and feces was conducted on d 21 of each period. Intake of DM was not affected by diet but milk fat content as well as ruminal acetate, NH3, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, urinary allantoin, and blood and milk urea all increased linearly with increasing CP. Milk and protein yield showed trends for quadratic responses to dietary CP and were, respectively, 38.3 and 1.18 kg/d at 16.5% CP. As a proportion of N intake, urinary N excretion increased from 23.8 to 36.2%, whereas N secreted in milk decreased from 36.5 to 25.4%, as dietary protein increased from 13.5 to 19.4%. Under the conditions of this study, yield of milk and protein were not increased by feeding more than 16.5% CP. The linear increase in urinary N excretion resulted from a sharp decline in N efficiency as dietary CP content increased.  相似文献   

Sixty-three Holstein cows were used in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of dietary protein and exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone on performance postpartum and on circulating concentrations of progesterone. The experimental diets, 14 or 20% CP (dry basis), were fed from parturition to 14 wk postpartum. Blood serum urea N was elevated in the cows fed the 20% versus 14% CP diet. Feed intake was increased, but yield and composition of milk were not affected by the higher protein diet. Circulating concentrations of progesterone were lower in cows fed 20% than 14% protein on d 12 of both the synchronized and subsequent estrous cycles. Exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone administered on d 12 of the preceding estrous cycle did not increase the concentration of progesterone on d 12 of the subsequent estrous cycle. Luteal phase concentrations of progesterone were reduced by high dietary protein, but were not affected by gonadotropin-releasing hormone given on d 12 of the preceding cycle.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone was administered to four Holstein cows (late lactation) in a Latin square. Treatments were 1) control, subcutaneous injection of placebo, 2) subcutaneous injection of 25 IU growth hormone on alternate days, 3) daily subcutaneous injection of 25 IU growth hormone, and 4) continuous subcutaneous infusion of 25 IU/d growth hormone. Intravenous challenges of epinephrine and thyrotropin-releasing hormone were administered separately on the 1st d after a 12-d interval of growth hormone treatment. Baseline concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids in plasma were not affected by growth hormone treatment. However, release of nonesterified fatty acids to epinephrine challenge was positively related to amount of growth hormone in plasma during treatment and was correlated with milk fat yield and milk energy secretion. Growth hormone release following thyrotropin-releasing hormone was negatively related to amount of growth hormone in plasma during treatment. Release of prolactin to thyrotropin-releasing hormone challenge was not related to average daily dose of exogenous growth hormone. The galactopoeitic action of growth hormone may be partly attributable to its effects on responsiveness of adipose tissue to a lipolytic stimulus but apparently is not associated with changes of pituitary sensitivity to thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Results are consistent with growth hormone functioning as a homeorhetic control of nutrient partitioning.  相似文献   

Four early lactation Holstein cows (44 to 105 d postpartum) were used in a 4 X 4 Latin square experiment in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to study effects of added dietary fat and/or bovine somatotropin on performance and metabolism. Treatments were: 1) control diet plus placebo injection; 2) 5% added dietary fat (hydrolyzed blend of animal and vegetable fat) + placebo injection; 3) control diet + 50 IU bovine somatotropin/d; and 4) 5% added dietary fat + 50 IU bovine somatotropin/d. Dietary fat reduced dry matter intake (21.6 vs. 22.7 kg/d) and elevated plasma triglycerides (34.7 vs. 29.2 mg/100 ml). Injection of somatotropin lowered blood urea nitrogen, increased plasma free fatty acids, and increased plasma somatotropin. Milk production, milk fat percent, and 4% FCM production were increased by the injection of somatotropin. Milk protein percent was decreased (3.30 vs. 3.44%) with added fat and tended to be lower with somatotropin. The percentage of short-chain fatty acids (C6 to C14) in milk fat decreased with added fat while the percentage of stearic and oleic acids in milk fat increased. Production responses for fat plus somatotropin and somatotropin treatments were similar. Under the conditions of this study, the addition of dietary fat with injection of somatotropin had little effect on production parameters compared with that found with somatotropin alone.  相似文献   

Dietary crude protein (CP) reduction is considered a useful strategy to minimize cow N excretion and NH3 and N2O emissions. The aim of the current work was to relate dietary CP modification to whole-animal N balance and subsequent NH3 and N2O concentrations on a tie-stall barn floor. The effect of temperature on NH3 and N2O concentration was also studied. Three Holstein mid to late lactating cows were confined in separate tie-stalls and randomly assigned to 3 diets with varying CP content [low CP (LCP): 14.1%; moderate CP (MCP): 15.9%; high CP (HCP): 16.9%]. Increasing N intake (from 438.6 to 522.8 g of N/d) improved milk yield (from 22.1 to 24.2 kg/d). However, N use efficiency tended to decrease with increasing dietary CP, as shown by milk N use efficiency (from 23.9 to 22.6%), milk urea N (from 15.4 to 18.7 mg/dL), and excreted N per milk yield unit (from 14.7 to 16.4 g of N/kg of milk). Because of higher N excretion, NH3 concentration on the dairy barn floor increased (LCP: 7.1 mg of NH3/m3; MCP: 10.4 mg of NH3/m3; HCP: 10.8 mg of NH3/m3). In contrast, N2O concentration did not respond to dietary manipulation (mean 1.1 mg of N2O/m3). Temperature, which ranged between 12.6 and 18.0°C, did not affect NH3 and N2O concentrations at the stall level. However, when fecal and urinary samples were incubated at 4, 19, and 29°C in the laboratory, ammonia concentration increased for all diets, especially for the MCP and HCP diets, as the temperature increased. In contrast, N2O concentration was negatively related to increasing temperature. In conclusion, data from the current trial demonstrate that lowering dietary CP minimizes NH3 concentration on dairy stall floors although temperature controls the rate of NH3 volatilization. On the other hand, N2O concentration is not affected by dietary treatments on tie-stall floors.  相似文献   

Previous research in our laboratory has indicated that the physical filling effects of high-forage diets become increasingly dominant in determining feed intake and milk production as nutrient demand increases. This effect was tested further by using 14 ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in a crossover design experiment with a 14-d preliminary period and two 15-d experimental periods. During the preliminary period, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield was 15 to 60 kg/d (mean = 40 kg/d), and preliminary voluntary dry matter intake (pVDMI) was 20.6 to 30.5 kg/d (mean = 25.0 kg/ d). Treatments were a low-forage diet (LF), containing 20% (dry matter basis) forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and a high-forage diet (HF), containing 27% forage NDF. The ability of linear and quadratic factors of pVDMI to predict the difference in responses of individual cows to treatments (YLF - YHF) was tested by ANOVA, with treatment sequence as a covariate. In contrast to results of previous research, differences in dry matter intake and fat-corrected milk yield responses to LF and HF did not depend on pVDMI. This might be because of the combined physical fill and metabolic satiety effects of LF, especially in cows with the greatest pVDMI. Digestion or passage of NDF might have been inhibited on LF among high-pVDMI cows. As pVDMI increased, NDF turnover time increased more on LF than on HF. Among high-pVDMI cows, the NDF turnover time was unexpectedly greater on LF than on HF. With increasing pVDMI, the digestion rate of potentially digestible NDF decreased at a similar rate on both diets. Passage rates of potentially digestible NDF and indigestible NDF were not related to pVDMI, regardless of treatment. Greater starch fermentation (resulting from greater starch intake) for LF as pVDMI increased likely inhibited NDF digestion through pH-dependent and pH-independent effects. Inhibition of NDF digestion might cause LF and HF to have similar effects on dry matter intake, depending on the nutrient demand of individual cows.  相似文献   

A cyclical changeover design experiment (3-wk periods; 12-wk total) was conducted to evaluate whether improving the balance of absorbable AA would allow the feeding of less crude protein (CP) without compromising production, thereby reducing the potential environmental pollution from dairy farms. Sixteen multiparous Holstein cows were assigned to 1 of 8 dietary treatments as total mixed rations (TMR) containing [dry matter (DM) basis] 45% corn silage, 5% coarsely chopped wheat straw, and 50% concentrate mixture. The 8 treatments were formulated to differ in dietary CP (14 and 16%; DM basis) and in the balance of absorbable AA achieved by changing the main protein source (MPS) of the concentrate mixtures [replacing soybean meal (SBM) with corn byproducts (CBP), dried corn distillers grains (DDG), and some corn gluten meal], and by adding a mixture of rumen-protected Lys and Met (RPLM). Feeding lactating dairy cows corn silage-based diets with 16% CP promoted significantly higher DM intakes and milk yields, and lower feed N-use efficiency than feeding diets with 14% CP. Replacing SBM with CBP significantly increased milk yields and decreased milk fat and protein concentrations, but had no effect on the efficiency of conversion of feed N into milk N. With 16% CP diets, the addition of RPLM decreased feed N use efficiency. A significant effect was observed for the MPS × RPLM interaction on milk protein concentrations. Plasma Lys concentration was lower with diets based on CBP, and plasma Met increased with RPLM. We did not find clear benefits of RPLM in facilitating a reduction of dietary protein without loss of production.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of crude protein (CP) concentration and ruminally undegraded protein (RUP) concentration on milk production and composition of dairy cows at three different stages of lactation. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 using 39, 40, and 39 Holstein cows were conducted for cows in early (wk 4 to 14 postpartum), mid (wk 19 to 29), and late (wk 34 to 44) lactation, respectively. Cows were assigned to one of four corn-based diets: high CP, medium RUP (control); low CP, low RUP; low CP, medium RUP; and low CP, high RUP. Percentages of CP in the high and low CP diets were, respectively, 17.4 and 15.2 for Experiment 1, 15.3 and 13.3 for Experiment 2, and 14.2 and 12.6 for Experiment 3. The RUP concentrations (percentages of CP) for low, medium, and high diets averaged 35.5, 41.4, and 46.5%, respectively. For Experiment 1, production of milk, 4% fat-corrected milk, milk fat, and milk protein was increased by the high protein diets versus the low protein diets. Production of milk and fat-corrected milk increased linearly as RUP in the diet increased. During Experiment 2, lactational responses were not affected by treatment. During Experiment 3, dry matter intake, body weight, and body weight change increased for cows fed the high protein diets versus those same measurements for cows fed the low protein diets. Milk fat and milk protein percentage decreased linearly as RUP in the diet increased. Because there was no effect of diet on milk production, decreasing CP in diets fed to cows in mid or late lactation can reduce the cost of the diet and waste N excreted from the cow.  相似文献   

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