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The Y-box proteins are a family of highly conserved nucleic acid binding proteins which are conserved from bacteria to human. In this report we have identified a new member of this family from Drosophila melanogaster. Degenerate-PCR was used to identify a conserved region within the highly conserved cold-shock domain (CSD) of Y-box proteins. Subsequently, the cDNA for this gene was sequenced, and the identified open reading frame was named ypsilon schachtel (yps). The expression pattern of yps indicates that this gene is expressed throughout development with the highest level of expression found in adult flies. In situ hybridization shows that the yps mRNA is maternally loaded into the egg cytoplasm. In addition, there appears to be expression of yps mRNA in mesodermal tissue during embryogenesis. YPS, while containing a conserved CSD, is novel in that it completely lacks the alternating acidic and basic regions found in the C-terminus of the other vertebrate eukaryotic Y-box proteins. The CSD of yps was purified and gel-shift analysis showed that this domain can interact with RNA. We predict that YPS would be an RNA-binding protein due to these results and the motifs which have been identified within the amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

The genes of the trithorax group (trxG) in Drosophila melanogaster are required to maintain the pattern of homeotic gene expression that is established early in embryogenesis by the transient expression of the segmentation genes. The precise role of each of the diverse trxG members and the functional relationships among them are not well understood. Here, we report on the isolation of the trxG gene moira (mor) and its molecular characterization. mor encodes a fruit fly homolog of the human and yeast chromatin-remodeling factors BAF170, BAF155, and SWI3. mor is widely expressed throughout development, and its 170-kDa protein product is present in many embryonic tissues. In vitro, MOR can bind to itself and it interacts with Brahma (BRM), an SWI2-SNF2 homolog, with which it is associated in embryonic nuclear extracts. The leucine zipper motif of MOR is likely to participate in self-oligomerization; the equally conserved SANT domain, for which no function is known, may be required for optimal binding to BRM. MOR thus joins BRM and Snf5-related 1 (SNR1), two known Drosophila SWI-SNF subunits that act as positive regulators of the homeotic genes. These observations provide a molecular explanation for the phenotypic and genetic relationships among several of the trxG genes by suggesting that they encode evolutionarily conserved components of a chromatin-remodeling complex.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of neurotoxic ibotenic acid lesion of the retrochiasmatic area on the daily profile of pineal N-acetylserotonin and melatonin synthesis and on the pineal metabolic reactivity to nocturnal short-term retinal photostimulation. Groups of rats were killed 6 h after lights off either in the dark of immediately after being photostimulated for 1 or 15 min. Additionally, groups of rats were sacrificed at six different time points throughout the 24-hour light-dark cycle. The results suggested the presence of two functionally distinct territories in the retrochiasmatic area. The basal retrochiasmatic area, an area situated immediately ventral to the third ventricle, behind the suprachiasmatic nuclei and in front of the arcuate nucleus, is implicated in the nocturnal inhibitory process induced by short-term retinal photostimulation. The lateral retrochiasmatic area, which is situated immediately lateral to the anterior periventricular nucleus, below the anterior hypothalamic nucleus and in front of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, is importantly involved in the control of the peak amplitude of the daily production of N-acetylserotonin and melatonin by the pineal gland.  相似文献   

To begin unraveling the functional significance of calcium channel diversity, we identified mutations in Dmca1D, a Drosophila calcium channel alpha1 subunit cDNA that we recently cloned. These mutations constitute the l(2)35Fa lethal locus, which we rename Dmca1D. A severe allele, Dmca1D(X10), truncates the channel after the IV-S4 transmembrane domain. These mutants die as late embryos because they lack vigorous hatching movements. In the weaker allele, Dmca1D(AR66), a cysteine in transmembrane domain I-S1 is changed to tyrosine. Dmca1D(AR66) embryos hatch but pharate adults have difficulty eclosing. Those that do eclose have difficulty in fluid-filling of the wings. These studies show that this member of the calcium channel alpha1 subunit gene family plays a nonredundant, vital role in larvae and adults.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols are quantitatively the most important storage form of energy for eukaryotic cells. Acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT, EC catalyzes the terminal and only committed step in triacylglycerol synthesis, by using diacylglycerol and fatty acyl CoA as substrates. DGAT plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of cellular diacylglycerol and is important in higher eukaryotes for physiologic processes involving triacylglycerol metabolism such as intestinal fat absorption, lipoprotein assembly, adipose tissue formation, and lactation. DGAT is an integral membrane protein that has never been purified to homogeneity, nor has its gene been cloned. We identified an expressed sequence tag clone that shared regions of similarity with acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase, an enzyme that also uses fatty acyl CoA as a substrate. Expression of a mouse cDNA for this expressed sequence tag in insect cells resulted in high levels of DGAT activity in cell membranes. No other acyltransferase activity was detected when a variety of substrates, including cholesterol, were used as acyl acceptors. The gene was expressed in all tissues examined; during differentiation of NIH 3T3-L1 cells into adipocytes, its expression increased markedly in parallel with increases in DGAT activity. The identification of this cDNA encoding a DGAT will greatly facilitate studies of cellular glycerolipid metabolism and its regulation.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of a 7997-base pair SacI fragment spanning 3643 base pairs of the upstream promoter region to exon 4 of the rat cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase gene (CYP7) have been determined. DNase I footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the proximal promoter from nucleotides -346 to +36 revealed two protected regions which specifically shifted proteins in rat liver nuclear extracts. Footprint A (nucleotides -81 to -35) contained a cluster of overlapping sequence motifs of TGT3, steroid/thyroid hormone response elements (7 alpha TRE), hepatocyte nuclear factors 1 and 4, and CAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha and has been shown to confer bile acid repression of the CYP7 gene promoter activity. Footprint B (nucleotides -148 to -129) contained a sequence motif HNF4. When footprint A (-101 to -49) or 7 alpha TRE (-73 to -55) sequence was linked upstream to a heterologous SV40 promoter/luciferase plasmid and transiently transfected into HepG2 cells, taurodeoxycholate suppressed the SV40 promoter activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that one or two bands shifted by the 7 alpha TRE or by a direct repeat sequence in 7 alpha TRE were absent when liver nuclear extracts of deoxycholic acid-treated rats were used. Similar gel shift patterns were also observed when human 7 alpha TRE or human liver nuclear extracts were used. The rat direct repeat sequence interacted with two polypeptides (M(r) = 57,000 and 116,000) in both rat and human liver nuclear extracts. These results suggest that hydrophobic bile acids may suppress the CYP7 gene expression by binding to a bile acid receptor which interacts with and prevents the binding of liver nuclear protein(s) to a bile acid-responsive element and that the core of bile acid-responsive element is a direct repeat.  相似文献   

An open reading frame (termed ORF-PR) encoding a metallothionein-like domain-including protein was found upstream of a previously identified Streptomyces chymotrypsin-type protease gene (sam-P20). Promoter and terminator activities of ORF-PR were detected using the promoterless Streptomyces tyrosinase gene as a reporter gene and expression of ORF-PR was supposed to occur before that of sam-P20 gene. Frameshift mutation analysis showed that the ORF-PR product might act as a repressive regulator of the sam-P20 gene.  相似文献   

The technique of intracranial microdialysis was used to investigate the effects of aging on the striatal dopaminergic system of the anesthetized Fischer 344 rat. Microdialysis probes were implanted into the striatum of young (2-8 months) and aged (24-28 months) urethane anesthetized rats. Striatal dialysate levels were analyzed for dopamine (DA), dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), and serotonin (5-HT) by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. As compared to the young animals, basal extracellular levels of DA and DOPAC were significantly decreased in two groups of aged animals. Stimulation with excess potassium added through the microdialysis probe produced a robust overflow of DA in the young and aged rat striatum, but the evoked overflow of DA was not diminished in the aged rat striatum as compared to young animals. In contrast, d-amphetamine-evoked overflow of DA was again robust in young and aged animals, but was greatly decreased in the aged rat striatum as compared to the signals recorded in the young rats. Taken together with previous reports, these data support the hypothesis that a major change in the regulation of DA release that occurs in aging involves changes in the function of the neuronal uptake of DA, which may be a compensatory property of DA neurons in senescence.  相似文献   

The structure of chromosomal inversions mediated by hobo transposable elements in the Uc-1 X chromosome was investigated using cytogenetic and molecular methods. Uc-1 contains a phenotypically silent hobo element inserted in an intron of the Notch locus. Cytological screening identified six independent Notch mutations resulting from chromosomal inversions with one breakpoint at cytological position 3C7, the location of Notch. In situ hybridization to salivary gland polytene chromosomes determined that both ends of each inversion contained hobo and Notch sequences. Southern blot analyses showed that both breakpoints in each inversion had hobo-Notch junction fragments indistinguishable in structure from those present in the Uc-1 X chromosome prior to the rearrangements. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of the 12 hobo-Notch junction fragments in the six inversions, followed by DNA sequence analysis, determined that each was identical to one of the two hobo-Notch junctions present in Uc-1. These results are consistent with a model in which hobo-mediated inversions result from homologous pairing and recombination between a pair of hobo elements in reverse orientation.  相似文献   

We describe a gene from Drosophila melanogaster related to the alpha-amylase gene Amy. This gene, which exists as a single copy, was named Amyrel. It is strikingly divergent from Amy because the amino acid divergence is 40%. The coding sequence is interrupted by a short intron at position 655, which is unusual in amylase genes. Amyrel has also been cloned in Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila pseudoobscura, and Drosophila subobscura and is likely to be present throughout the Sophophora subgenus, but, to our knowledge, it has not been detected outside. Unexpectedly, there is a strong conservation of 5' and 3' flanking regions between Amyrel genes from different species, which is not the case for Amy and which suggests that selection acts on these regions. In contrast to the Amy genes, Amyrel is transcribed in larvae of D. melanogaster but not in adults. However, the protein has not been detected yet. Amyrel evolves about twice as fast as Amy in the several species studied. We suggest that this gene could result from a duplication of Amy followed by accelerated and selected divergence toward a new adaptation.  相似文献   

Sex determination in Drosophila is controlled by a cascade of regulatory genes. Here we describe hermaphrodite (her), a new component of this regulatory cascade with pleiotropic zygotic and maternal functions. Zygotically, her+ function is required for female sexual differentiation: when zygotic her+ function is lacking, females are transformed to intersexes. Zygotic her+ function may also play a role in male sexual differentiation. Maternally, her+ function is needed to ensure the viability of female progeny: a partial loss of her+ function preferentially kills daughters. In addition, her has both zygotic and maternal functions required for viability in both sexes. Temperature sensitivity prevails for all known her alleles and for all of the her phenotypes described above, suggesting that her may participate in an intrinsically temperature-sensitive process. This analysis of four her alleles also indicates that the zygotic and maternal components of of her function are differentially mutable. We have localized her cytologically to 36A3-36A11.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the major cause of morbidity and death after lung transplantation. Therapy has focused on augmented immunosuppression with a variety of agents. Although transient responses are often achieved, sustained remission has been unusual. The outcome of cytolytic therapy for BOS at our center has been analyzed and is reported. METHODS: Between July 1988 and July 1994, 233 patients underwent lung transplantation at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Among 207 recipients (88.8%) who survived more than 3 months, 81 recipients (39%) had development of BOS; 48 of these patients underwent 64 courses of treatment with a cytolytic agent (antilymphocyte globulin, antithymocyte globulin, or OKT3 monoclonal antibody). The cases of BOS were retrospectively analyzed to determine the impact of cytolytic therapy. RESULTS: The 4-year survival rate was significantly greater in recipients without BOS than in those with BOS (82.8% vs 46.0%; p < .05). Various clinical factors, including diagnosis, forced expiratory volume in 1 second at onset of BOS, presence or absence of pathologically proven bronchiolitis obliterans, type of transplant operation, cytomegalovirus serologic status, and cytomegalovirus pneumonia, were examined, but no significant predictor of survival after the development of BOS was discerned. The mean decrement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second was significantly reduced by cytolytic therapy (-23.5% +/- 2.3% in the 3 months before therapy vs -9.9% +/- 3.5% in the 3 months after the therapy; p < .002). Nevertheless, the stage of BOS progressed over time in spite of therapy in most cases, and only 4 recipients (4.9%) with BOS remained in a lower BOS stage 2 years after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Recipients with BOS had a significantly lower survival rate than recipients without BOS. No predictor of survival after the onset of BOS was identified. Although cytolytic therapy decreased the rate of decline in pulmonary function in the 3 months after treatment, the stage of BOS ultimately progressed in most patients.  相似文献   

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