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硬件加速反走样体Splatting算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一个完全基于图形硬件实现的反走样体Splatting算法的全新框架利用可编程图形硬件中的顶点渲染器和像素渲染器实现距离相关的低通滤波核,获得透视投影下的Splatting体绘制算法的反走样利用规则体数据的空间分布规律和可编程图形流水线,提出一种增量式的压缩比为700 的顶点数据压缩算法,将体素几何完全置于显存实验结果表明,文中算法在512×512的图像分辨率下,每秒可绘制300万个反走样体素  相似文献   

硬件加速的数字化放射图像重建算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数字化放射图像重建技术被广泛应用于癌症放射治疗中,包括诊断、术前规划及术内辅助.提出一种两步法硬件加速数字化放射图像重建算法:第一步将光线投射的三个步骤,即几何变换、场景遍历和渲染,完全在可编程图形硬件中实现,从而快速模拟了X-光线的衰减过程;第二步利用浮点精度纹理和render-to-texture功能,快速模拟出高质量的X-光线的负片曝光效果.实验结果表明,该算法能高质量地交互重建数字化放射图像,适用于放射诊断及治疗等应用.  相似文献   

大规模点模型的实时高质量绘制   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张龙  董朝  陈为  彭群生 《计算机学报》2005,28(2):241-249
提出了一个针对大规模点模型的实时高质量绘制算法.该算法采用距离相关的自适应绘制策略,在不损失绘制质量的前提下简化了计算.在预处理阶段,对点模型进行剖分,为每一分片分别建立层次结构,并序列化为线性二叉树保存.绘制时,首先根据每片的包围盒和法向等信息进行快速视域裁剪与背面剔除.对于可见的分片,依据它与视点的距离和视线方向,选择恰当的细节层次,直接取出线性二叉树中对应的点几何数据,自适应地选择最合适的绘制模式对其进行绘制.为了减少存储空间的消耗,该文提出了一种面向保留模式图形硬件加速的点模型压缩和解压缩算法,压缩比例达到8:1.作者在可编程图形硬件中实现了该文算法,在普通微机上实现了百万数量级点模型的实时高质量绘制。  相似文献   

基于无组织结构数据集的三维表面重建算法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
严京旗  施鹏飞 《计算机学报》2001,24(10):1051-1056
三维表面重建技术具有广泛的应用前景,通用高效的重建算法是迫切需要研究的课题之一。由于三维点集分布不均匀,目前通用的基于无组织结构数据集的重建算法欠缺稳定性,应用范围受到了限制。文中提出了分布不均匀补偿的近邻点确定算法,提高了算法的稳定性和可靠性,扩展了基于无组织结构数据集表面重建算法的应用范围。实验表明通过分布不均匀补偿的离散数据集三维表面重建算法具有很好的重建效果。  相似文献   

Evolvable Hardware (EHW) has been proposed as a new method for designing systems for complex real-world applications. However, so far, only relatively simple systems have been shown to be evolvable. In this paper, it is proposed that concepts from biology should be applied to EHW techniques to make EHW more applicable to solving complex problems. One such concept has led to the increased complexity scheme presented, where a system is evolved by evolving smaller sub-systems. Experiments with two different tasks illustrate that inclusion of this scheme substantially reduces the number of generations required for evolution. Further, for the prosthesis control task, the best performance is obtained by the novel approach. The best circuit evolved performs better than the best trained neural network.  相似文献   

Efficient physically accurate modeling and rendering of woven cloth at a yarn level is an inherently complicated task due to the underlying geometrical and optical complexity. In this paper, a novel and general approach to physically accurate cloth rendering is presented. By using a statistical volumetric model approximating the distribution of yarn fibers, a prohibitively costly explicit geometrical representation is avoided. As a result, accurate rendering of even large pieces of fabrics containing orders of magnitudes more fibers becomes practical without sacrifying much generality compared to fiber‐based techniques. By employing the concept of local visibility and introducing the effective fiber density, limitations of existing volumetric approaches regarding self‐shadowing and fiber density estimation are greatly reduced.  相似文献   

This paper examines how sampling can form the basis for ultra-fast location of objects in digital images. The body-based sampling approach that is adopted is unusual in that detection speed is improved for larger objects. The fact of sampling leads initially to more imprecise object location; this poses the problem of finding methods by which object location can be refined without prejudicing the speed of the initial rapid search. In the case of circular objects this problem is straightforward to solve: it is more taxing in the case of ellipses, but a highly effective procedure has been found in the “triple bisection” algorithm, which is simply applied by the bisection of chords across the elliptical objects. These techniques have been applied successfully to the location of cereal grains, which can be modelled as ellipses with a 2:1 aspect ratio. However, the main purpose of this paper is to show that ultra-fast object location is possible with off-camera images, and to indicate the ultimate speeds that are attainable by these means.  相似文献   

基于非局部几何信号的点模型去噪算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖春霞  李辉  缪永伟  彭群生 《软件学报》2006,17(Z1):110-119
与传统的基于局部几何信号去噪方法不同,提出了一种基于非局部几何信号的点模型去噪算法.该算法通过双边滤波算子,计算出每个点的微分坐标信息作为“几何灰度值”;基于模型上每个点的邻域的微分信息进行相似性匹配计算,对点模型上的“几何灰度值”进行全局加权平均,获得该点最终的微分信号;最后重建出该点的几何信息.进一步,提出了基于混合树的加速方法,对具有相似特征的邻域进行聚类,减少了匹配的空间复杂度,提高了计算效率.实验结果表明,算法简单高效,获得了满意的去噪效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of fusing information about object positions in multirobot systems. Our approach is novel in two main respects. First, it addresses the multirobot object localization problem using fuzzy logic. It uses fuzzy sets to represent uncertain position information and fuzzy intersection to fuse this information. The result of this fusion is a consensus among sources, as opposed to the compromise achieved by many other approaches. Second, our method fully propagates self-localization uncertainty to object-position estimates. We evaluate our method using systematic experiments, which describe an input-error landscape for the performance of our approach. This landscape characterizes how well our method performs when faced with various types and amounts of input errors.   相似文献   

A Formal Object Approach to the Design of ZML   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper addresses two issues: how formal object modeling techniques facilitate the XML application development and how XML technology helps formal/graphical software design process. In particular, the paper presents a XML/XSL approach to the development of a web environment for Z family languages (Z/Object-Z/TCOZ). The projection techniques and tools from object-oriented Z (in XML) to UML (in XMI) are developed using XSL Transformations (XSLT). Furthermore, object-oriented Z is used to specify and design the essential functionalities of the web environment and the projection tools to UML. In a sense, the paper also demonstrates a formal object approach to modeling XML applications.  相似文献   

A Similarity-Based Aspect-Graph Approach to 3D Object Recognition   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper describes a view-based method for recognizing 3D objects from 2D images. We employ an aspect-graph structure, where the aspects are not based on the singularities of visual mapping but are instead formed using a notion of shape similarity between views. Specifically, the viewing sphere is endowed with a metric of dis-similarity for each pair of views and the problem of aspect generation is viewed as a segmentation of the viewing sphere into homogeneous regions. The viewing sphere is sampled at regular (5 degree) intervals and the similarity metric is used in an iterative procedure to combine views into aspects with a prototype representing each aspect. This is done in a region-growing regime which stands in contrast to the usual edge detection styles to computing the aspect graph. The aspect growth is constrained such that two aspects of an object remain distinct under the given similarity metric. Once the database of 3D objects is organized as a set of aspects, and prototypes for these aspects for each object, unknown views of database objects are compared with the prototypes and the results are ordered by similarity. We use two similarity metrics for shape, one based on curve matching and the other based on matching shock graphs, which for a database of 64 objects and unknown views of objects from the database give a recall rate of (90.3%, 74.2%, 59.7%) and (95.2%, 69.0%, 57.5%), respectively, for the top three matches; cumulative recall rate based on the top three matches is 98% and 100%, respectively. The result of indexing unknown views of objects not in the database also produce intuitive matches. We also develop a hierarchical indexing scheme to prune unlikely objects at an early stage to improve the efficiency of indexing, resulting in savings of 35% at the top level and of 55% at the next level, cumulatively.  相似文献   

雷达对可探测空间目标的快速筛选方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究提高雷达探测效率问题,空间目标的轨道参数满足一定条件时则永远不能进入雷达的探测空域,可以定为被筛选掉,并可以提高雷达探测效率.为了解决快速筛选,首先明确雷达的距离与能探测目标高度之间的关系,并且给出了星下点轨迹的计算方法,根据雷达与空间目标的相对几何关系,并引入“轨道天球”的新概念,从静态和动态两个方面深入分析了雷达对空间目标的筛选原理和过程,准确推导了雷达对可探测目标的快速筛选方法,最后根据2009年2月公布的空间目标数据进行试验,并将结果与卫星工具包可见性分析结果进行比对,结果表明,算法可以比较有效地将不进入雷达可探测范围的空间目标筛选掉,从而验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper we present our research and development experience in the context of Interactive Multimedia Documents (IMDs). We define a rich model for such documents covering the issues of interaction and spatiotemporal compositions as means of representing the functionality of an IMD. We exploit the event concept to represent interaction, while complex interactions are covered by a rich algebraic and spatiotemporal event composition scheme. Based on the model we implemented an authoring methodology. Thereafter we present a generic framework for rendering (presenting) IMDs putting emphasis to the handling of interaction and to the temporal synchronization of media objects. The rendering system is implemented as a client-server architecture using Java and accompanying technologies. The implementation is suitable for WWW enabled interactive multimedia documents.  相似文献   

加速评估算法:一种提高Web结构挖掘质量的新方法   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用Web结构挖掘可以找到Web上的高质量网页,它大大地提高了搜索引擎的检索精度,目前的Web结构挖掘算法是通过统计链接到每个页面的超链接的数量和源结点的质量对页面进行评估,基于统计链接数目的算法存在一个严重缺陷:页面评价两极分化,一些传统的高质量页面经常出现在Web检索结果的前面,而Web上新加入的高质量页面很难被用户找到,提出了加速评估算法以克服现有Web超链接分析中的不足,并通过搜索引擎平台对算法进行了测试和验证。  相似文献   

We study distributed state space generation on a cluster of workstations. It is explained why state space partitioning by a global hash function is problematic when states contain variables from unbounded domains, such as lists or other recursive datatypes. Our solution is to introduce a database which maintains a global numbering of state values. We also describe tree-compression, a technique of recursive state folding, and show that it is superior to manipulating plain state vectors.This solution is implemented and linked to the μCRL toolset, where state values are implemented as maximally shared terms (ATerms). However, it is applicable to other models as well, e.g., PROMELA models via the NIPS virtual machine. Our experiments show the trade-offs between keeping the database global, replicated, or local, depending on the available network bandwidth and latency.  相似文献   

Vanlehn  Kurt  Ball  William 《Machine Learning》1987,2(1):39-74
In principle, the version space approach can be applied to any induction problem. However, in some cases the representation language for generalizations is so powerful that (1) some of the update functions for the version space are not effectively computable, and (2) the version space contains infinitely many generalizations. The class of context-free grammars is a simple representation that exhibits these problems. This paper presents an algorithm that solves both problems for this domain. Given a sequence of strings, the algorithm incrementally constructs a data structure that has nearly all the beneficial properties of a version space. The algorithm is fast enough to solve small induction problems completely, and it serves as a framework for biases that permit the solution of larger problems heuristically. The same basic approach may be applied to representations that include context-free grammars as special cases, such as And-Or graphs, production systems, and Horn clauses.  相似文献   

针对目标交接最佳时机的确定问题,提出了一种新的交接时机的判断方法。首先,利用单应性变换和图像边界点得到图像的视野分界线,定义目标可见性判别函数集。然后,利用射影变换和有容忍误差的距离判断法进行目标交接。最后,根据交接结果设置交接成功标志位,结合目标可见性判断确定最佳交接时机。实验表明,该方法能准确把握目标交接的时机,提高了目标交接的可靠性和灵活性。  相似文献   

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