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应用于传递函数设定的交互式体绘制工具   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄汉青  唐泽圣 《计算机学报》2005,28(6):1062-1067
传递函数是体绘制过程中用以定出体数据与光学特征的对应关系,因此,传递函数的设定对成像质量有着直接的影响,文章提出一应用于传递函数设定、简单且有效的交互式体绘制工具,由于二维纹理硬件在通用的个人计算机上被普遍使用,因而该工具采用基于二维纹理硬件的体绘制方法,利用本工具,用户能根据体数据的直方图来交互地分别设定R、G、B和A四种传递函数,以定出体数据与光学特征的对应关系,并获得实时的反馈视觉信息(绘制结果),该工具亦提供一虚拟轨迹球让用户交互地改变观察体数据的视点,用户不但可以交互地控制放大或缩小比率来绘制体数据,还可以选择采用光照或由多重纹理实现的三线性插值来获得不同的绘制效果,该文描述开发此工具的各种技术,并给出利用此工具得到的一些绘制结果。  相似文献   

提出了基于min-max Octree快速分类Shear-warp的交互式海量数据场体绘制算法.主要包括根据海量数据的特征,快速读入数据以及设计适当的不透明度传递函数;建立Summed-Area表与min-max Octree数据结构,并对体数据进行快速分类,然后,利用分类的结果进行快速体绘制.实验证明该方法不仅效率高,而且显示效果好.  相似文献   

面向医学数据的分层剥离体绘制算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用直接体绘制方法显示医学数据时,一般通过修改传递函数来显示感兴趣区域,但仅通过调节传递函数很难清晰地显示被遮挡的人体组织,为此提出一种新的分层剥离直接体绘制算法.通过计算相邻的不透明度极小值和极大值之间的斜率,并根据用户指定的斜率阈值和累积不透明度阈值确定分层点,实现对体数据的分层绘制.实验结果证明,该算法可以根据不同医学数据的特征信息更精确地定位分层点,绘制效果清晰,速度较快.  相似文献   

为降低体绘制中传递函数参数选择的盲目性和设计的复杂性,提出一种基于拉普拉斯特征映射的传递函数设计方法.提取体数据中各种特征信息构建高维传递函数参数空间,通过拉普拉斯特征映射将其映射到保持了体数据局部流形结构和高维参数空间分类能力的二维参数空间,在此嵌入空间上设计一种基于k-means聚类的传递函数,得到了较好的体数据分类和绘制结果.通过在一组体数据上的实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

GPU加速的八叉树体绘制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种针对物体空间为序体绘制的空域跳过算法:采用双层次空间跳过,先以规则的数据分块作粗略地跳过,再以八叉树获得更高粒度的优化。该方法进一步解决了超过可用纹理内存容量的大规模体数据实时绘制问题,允许实时改变传递函数。针对该算法引入的CPU高负载瓶颈,提出一种新算法,在图形处理器(GPU)内快速计算采样面片,平衡了CPU与GPU间的运算负载。结合上述两种算法,实现高效的大规模体数据绘制并无损图像质量。  相似文献   

高性能GPU使得体绘制在廉价的硬件上获得良好的性能,但海量数据体绘制的效率依旧低下.本文探讨了GPU体绘制中图形硬件的瓶颈,并提出新颖的算法解决这些问题:采用数据分块和八叉树划分体数据实现空单元跳过优化.该算法解决了海量数据超过可用纹理空间的难题,同时允许实时改变体绘制传递函数.  相似文献   

基于Shear-Warp算法提出一种改进的体绘制算法,在对传递函数进行预设定时,基于边界模型并结合交互式操作,可以方便地设定最优传递函数值,在重采样过程中,结合Shear-Warp算法的特点对传递函数值进行修正,以保证重建后的图像质量.实验结果证明:该算法不仅效率高,而且显示效果好.  相似文献   

提出一种基于K均值聚类算法的体绘制多维传递函数设计方法。在利用灰度—梯度直方图分析体数据内部结构信息的基础上,应用K均值聚类算法对整个体数据进行聚类分类,对属于不同聚类中的体素值进行伪彩色映射,实现体数据与彩色编码的转换关系。实验表明,利用该方法所设计的体绘制传递函数能够揭示体数据的内部结构关系,重建的三维图像逼真、质量高。  相似文献   

岑梓源  李彬  田联房 《计算机应用》2012,32(12):3404-3407
如何将体数据中重要的信息高质量地绘制出来是医学可视化急需解决的问题。基于高维直方图的高维传递函数交互设计法是目前流行的方法,但是该方法设计复杂且效果不理想。针对高维特征的传递函数设计问题,提出一个基于改进的K均值(K-Means++)聚类的高维传递函数自动设计与交互式的体绘制方法:首先,对三维数据场进行特征提取;然后,采用基于K-Means++聚类的传递函数自动生成方法;最后,提供便捷的交互式界面给用户进行调整。还利用基于图形处理器(GPU)的体绘制方法,充分利用图形卡的强大并行计算能力,达到实时绘制的效果。实验结果表明,该方法能消除高维传递函数设计的复杂性,并且能有效地融合多种人体组织结构特征,提高渲染效果。  相似文献   

交互式实时虚拟内窥镜系统中的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析虚拟内窥镜和体数据可视化方法的基础上 ,提出了一种基于透视投影体绘制的交互式实时虚拟内窥镜算法。在微机平台上实现的基于体绘制的虚拟内窥镜系统 ,验证了该算法的实时性和所生成图像的质量。  相似文献   

Large‐sized volume datasets have recently become commonplace and users are now demanding that volume‐rendering techniques to visualise such data provide acceptable results on relatively modest computing platforms. The widespread use of the Internet for the transmission and/or rendering of volume data is also exerting increasing demands on software providers. Multiresolution can address these issues in an elegant way. One of the fastest volume‐rendering alrogithms is that proposed by Lacroute & Levoy 1 , which is based on shear‐warp factorisation and min‐max octrees (MMOs). Unfortunately, since an MMO captures only a single resolution of a volume dataset, this method is unsuitable for rendering datasets in a multiresolution form. This paper adapts the above algorithm to multiresolution volume rendering to enable near‐real‐time interaction to take place on a standard PC. It also permits the user to modify classification functions and/or resolution during rendering with no significant loss of rendering speed. A newly‐developed data structure based on the MMO is employed, the multiresolution min‐max octree, M 3 O, which captures the spatial coherence for datasets at all resolutions. Speed is enhanced by the use of multiresolution opacity transfer functions for rapidly determining and discarding transparent dataset regions. Some experimental results on sample volume datasets are presented.  相似文献   

This paper advocates the use of a group of renderers rather than any specific rendering method. We describe a bundle containing four alternative approaches to visualizing volume data. One new approach uses realistic volumetric gas rendering techniques to produce photo-realistic images and animations. The second uses ray casting that is based on a simpler illumination model and is mainly centered around a versatile new tool for the design of transfer functions. The third method employs a simple illumination model and rapid rendering mechanisms to provide efficient preview capabilities. The last one reduces data magnitude by displaying the most visible components and exploits rendering hardware to provide real time browsing capabilities. We show that each rendering tool provides a unique service and demonstrate the combined utility of our group of volume renderers in computational fluid dynamic (CFD) visualization. While one tool allows the explorer to render rapidly for navigation through the data, another tool allows one to emphasize data features (e.g., shock waves), and yet another tool allows one to realistically render the data. We believe that only through the deployment of groups of renderers will the scientist be well served and equipped to form numerous perspectives of the same dataset, each providing different insights into the data  相似文献   

Topology provides a foundation for the development of mathematically sound tools for processing and exploration of scalar fields. Existing topology-based methods can be used to identify interesting features in volumetric data sets, to find seed sets for accelerated isosurface extraction, or to treat individual connected components as distinct entities for isosurfacing or interval volume rendering. We describe a framework for direct volume rendering based on segmenting a volume into regions of equivalent contour topology and applying separate transfer functions to each region. Each region corresponds to a branch of a hierarchical contour tree decomposition, and a separate transfer function can be defined for it. The novel contributions of our work are: 1) a volume rendering framework and interface where a unique transfer function can be assigned to each subvolume corresponding to a branch of the contour tree, 2) a runtime method for adjusting data values to reflect contour tree simplifications, 3) an efficient way of mapping a spatial location into the contour tree to determine the applicable transfer function, and 4) an algorithm for hardware-accelerated direct volume rendering that visualizes the contour tree-based segmentation at interactive frame rates using graphics processing units (GPUs) that support loops and conditional branches in fragment programs  相似文献   

为克服图形硬件对传统纹理映射体绘制的限制,提出了一种在普通PC上进行大规模数据场体绘制的有效方法。该方法中,体数据被划分为合适大小的数据块,这些数据块被动态的载入图形硬件,并利用3维纹理映射进行绘制。在整个绘制过程中,仅有一个数据块存储在图形硬件上,有效地提高了对大规模体数据的绘制能力。同时,充分利用目前PC图形硬件成熟的可编程特性,通过对梯度的实时计算来减少在传统纹理映射体绘制中巨大的内存消耗。实验结果表明,该方法在普通PC上可以对超过纹理内存容量的大规模体数据进行交互式体绘制。  相似文献   

为了解决在标准PC机上对大数据进行实时体绘制的问题,提出了一种基于图形处理器的大数据高质量体绘制算法。该算法采用三维纹理映射作为核心的绘制算法,结合可见性测试、遮挡测试和模板测试来加快绘制速度。实验结果表明,对虚拟人体数据,可以在不损失图像质量的前提下,以可交互的速度进行绘制。  相似文献   

在直接体绘制中,传输函数定义了从体数据属性到光学属性的映射关系,直接决定了体绘制的效果,是体绘制研究的关键技术之一。传统的多维传输函数是基于体数据和梯度体数据进行设计的,本文提出基于K均值聚类的传输函数设计方法,并在此基础上进行气象数据的分类方法研究,实现基于GPU的气象台风数据的直接体绘制。  相似文献   

在体绘制中传递函数将体数据转换成光学参数,因此体绘制的效果直接由传递函数决定.本文提出了基于多尺度等值面设计传递函数的高效方法.该方法通过梯度阈值提取边界体元来简化数据场,然后将提取等值面的目标函数的计算化简为累加的拉普拉斯加权的直方图极值的计算.最后对直方图进行多尺度平滑,利用提取出的多尺度等值面来设计高斯型传递函数,提高了等值面的准确度和传递函数的设计效率.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm that enables real-time dynamic shading in direct volume rendering using general lighting, including directional lights, point lights, and environment maps. Real-time performance is achieved by encoding local and global volumetric visibility using spherical harmonic (SH) basis functions stored in an efficient multiresolution grid over the extent of the volume. Our method enables high-frequency shadows in the spatial domain, but is limited to a low-frequency approximation of visibility and illumination in the angular domain. In a first pass, level of detail (LOD) selection in the grid is based on the current transfer function setting. This enables rapid online computation and SH projection of the local spherical distribution of visibility information. Using a piecewise integration of the SH coefficients over the local regions, the global visibility within the volume is then computed. By representing the light sources using their SH projections, the integral over lighting, visibility, and isotropic phase functions can be efficiently computed during rendering. The utility of our method is demonstrated in several examples showing the generality and interactive performance of the approach.  相似文献   

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