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This paper introduces a new representation for planar objects which is invariant to projective transformation. Proposed representation relies on a new shape basis which we refer to as the conic basis. The conic basis takes conic-section coefficients as its dimensions and represents the object as a convex combination of conic-sections. Pairs of conic-sections in this new basis and their projective invariants provides the proposed view invariant representation. We hypothesize that two projectively transformed versions of an object result in the same representation. We show that our hypothesis provides promising recognition performance when we use the nearest neighbor rule to match projectively deformed objects.  相似文献   

A new method for the representation and comparison of irregular two-dimensional shapes is presented. This method uses a polar transformation of the contour points about the geometric centre of the object. The distinctive vertices of the shape are extracted and used as comparative parameters to minimize the difference of contour distance from the centre. Experiments are performed, more than 39 000 comparisons of database shapes, provided by Sebastian et al. (ICCV (2001) 755), are made and the results are compared to those obtained therein. In addition, 450 comparisons of leaf shape are made and leaves of very similar shape are accurately distinguished. The method is shown to be invariant to translation, rotation and scaling and highly accurate in shape distinction. The method shows more tolerance to scale variation than that of Sebastian et al. (ICCV (2001) 755) and is less computationally intense.  相似文献   

This paper describes a relaxation algorithm without a parameter for shape matching of partially occluded two-dimensional objects. This technique is based on a relaxation labelling process of Rosenfeld et al. for reducing or eliminating the ambiguity. The shapes are represented by polygonal approximation. The proposed relaxation method is used to find acceptable line segment pairs of polygons.  相似文献   

Strategies for shape matching using skeletons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Biological and psychological evidence increasingly reveals that high-level geometrical and topological features are the keys to shape-based object recognition in the brain. Attracted by the excellent performance of neural visual systems, we simulate the mechanism of hypercolumns in the mammalian cortical area V1 that selectively responds to oriented bar stimuli. We design an orderly-arranged hypercolumn array to extract and represent linear or near-linear stimuli in an image. Each unit of this array covers stimuli of various orientations in a small area, and multiple units together produce a low-dimensional vector to describe shape. Based on the neighborhood of units in the array, we construct a graph whose node represents a short line segment with a certain position and slope. Therefore, a contour segment in the image can be represented with a route in this graph. The graph converts an image, comprised of typically unstructured raw data, into structured and semantic-enriched data. We search along the routes in the graph and compare them with a shape template for object detection. The graph greatly upgrades the level of image representation, remarkably reduces the load of combinations, significantly improves the efficiency of object searching, and facilitates the intervening of high-level knowledge. This work provides a systematic infrastructure for shape-based object recognition.  相似文献   

连玮 《计算机应用》2012,32(9):2564-2567
针对旋转不变的弹性点匹配问题,提出一种基于图匹配的算法。对两点集分别构造边集合,然后定向的形状上下文距离和边长度的差别被用于度量两点集的边之间的相似性。基于边的相似性,点对应关系通过求解一个图匹配问题而恢复。实验结果表明该算法可以获得很好的配准结果并且鲁棒、高效。  相似文献   

We describe a new algorithm that detects a set of feature points on the boundary of an 8-connected shape that constitute the vertices of a polygonal approximation of the shape itself. The set of feature points (nodes) is a ranked subset of the original shape points whose connected left and right arm extents cover the entire shape. Nodes are ranked based on their strength (in terms of their importance to other boundary points), length of support region, and distance from the centroid. The polygon obtained by linking the detected nodes approximates the contour in an intuitive way. The proposed algorithm does not require an input parameter and works well for shapes with features of multiple sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a shape space based approach for invariant object representation and recognition. In this approach, an object and all its similarity transformed versions are identified with a single point in a high-dimensional manifold called the shape space. Object recognition is achieved by measuring the geodesic distance between an observed object and a model in the shape space. This approach produced promising results in 2D object recognition experiments: it is invariant to similarity transformations and is relatively insensitive to noise and occlusion. Potentially, it can also be used for 3D object recognition.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and unconditionally stable method which allows the deformation of very complex stiff cloth models in real-time. This method is based on a shape matching approach which uses edges and triangles as 1D and 2D regions to simulate stretching and shearing resistance. Previous shape matching approaches require large overlapping regions to simulate stiff materials. This unfortunately also affects the bending behavior of the model. Instead of using large regions, we introduce a novel multi-resolution shape matching approach to increase only the stretching and shearing stiffness. Shape matching is performed for each level of the multi-resolution model and the results are propagated from one level to the next one. To preserve the fine wrinkles of the cloth on coarse levels of the hierarchy we present a modified version of the original shape matching method. The introduced method for cloth simulation can perform simulations in linear time and has no numerical damping. Furthermore, we show that multi-resolution shape matching can be performed efficiently on the GPU.  相似文献   

经典稀疏表示目标跟踪算法在处理复杂视频时不免出现跟踪不稳定情况且当目标发生遮挡时易发生漂移现象。针对这一问题,提出一种基于子区域匹配的稀疏表示跟踪算法。首先,将初始目标模板划分为若干子区域,利用LK图像配准算法建立观测模型预测下一帧目标运动状态。然后,对预测的目标模型区域进行同等划分,并在匹配过程中寻找最优子区域。最后,在模板更新过程中引入一种新的模板校正机制,能够有效克服漂移现象。将该算法与多种目标跟踪算法在不同视频序列下进行对比,实验结果表明在目标发生遮挡、运动、光照影响及复杂背景等情况下该算法具有较为理想的跟踪效果,并与经典稀疏表示跟踪算法相比具有较好的跟踪性能。  相似文献   

顾理  庄镇泉  郑光勇  王再见 《计算机应用》2005,25(10):2286-2288
手形识别是生物特征识别的重要组成部分,手形匹配是手形识别的关键。目前常用的方法有特征矢量法(CVM)和点匹配方法(PPM)两种,这两种方法在对手形进行匹配时各有优点,也有局限性。提出一种多特征融合的手形识别算法,使得两者能够有效的结合起来,提高了手形匹配的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于特征点和最小面积的曲线描述和匹配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张桂梅  任伟  徐芬 《计算机应用》2009,29(4):1159-1161
为了对关键特征点相同而子曲线曲率不同的曲线进行识别,提出一种新的平面曲线的描述和匹配方法。基于关键特征点进行粗匹配,根据精度要求设定最小面积阈值在子曲线上重新采样点,定义了一种新的采样点的识别向量,并根据子曲线上采样点的识别向量构造了新的识别向量矩阵,最后根据识别向量矩阵的差异度度量子曲线的相似性。通过对所有子曲线的识别实现对整条曲线的识别。该识别方法逐层筛选、由粗到精,避免了冗余操作。实验表明该方法高效、可行。  相似文献   

Symmetry is an important shape feature. In this paper, a simple and fast method to detect perfect and distorted rotational symmetries of 2D objects is described. The boundary of a shape is polygonally approximated and represented as a string. Rotational symmetries are found by cyclic string matching between two identical copies of the shape string. The set of minimum cost edit sequences that transform the shape string to a cyclically shifted version of itself define the rotational symmetry and its order. Finally, a modification of the algorithm is proposed to detect reflectional symmetries. Some experimental results are presented to show the reliability of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive framework for the recognition of untextured 3D models in a single image. The method proposed here is capable of recovering a 3D pose in a few hundred of milliseconds, which is a difficult challenge using this type of model.  相似文献   

The morphological skeleton transform, the morphological shape decomposition, and the overlapped morphological shape decomposition are three basic morphological shape representation schemes. In this paper, we propose a new way of generalizing these basic representation algorithms to improve representational efficiency. In all three basic algorithms, a fixed overlapping policy is used to control the overlapping relationships among representative disks of different sizes. In our new algorithm, different overlapping policies are used to generate shape components that have different overlapping relationships among themselves. The overlapping policy is selected dynamically according to local shape features. Experiments show that compared to the three basic algorithms, our algorithm produces more efficient representations with lower numbers of representative points.  相似文献   

针对目前图像表示中引入空间位置信息的空间金字塔匹配方法缺乏对图像中视觉物体平移、缩放和旋转的考虑,提出一种基于视觉词汇形状描述模型的图像表示方法。该方法相对于每个视觉单词的几何中心建立空间几何模型,保证平移不变性;给出对数极坐标空间金字塔匹配,对对数极半径做归一化,保证缩放不变性;在空间金字塔划分过程中确定极角的主方向,从而保证旋转不变性。分别在Caltech-101数据集和自建图像数据集上对该方法进行了验证和比较。实验结果表明,该方法提高了分类识别准确率,特别是对于包含明显平移、缩放和旋转变化的图像数据集;该方法的方差较小,说明其鲁棒性更强。  相似文献   

针对图像间特征点匹配的SURF算法在图像遮挡、旋转和亮度改变等复杂情况下误匹配率较高的问题,本文提出了一种新的匹配算法.通过分解SURF特征点描述子向量,重新构造了匹配基准,在此基础上运用关联规则的支持度判定策略,提高了复杂情况下图像间特征点匹配的精度.计算机仿真实验表明,与SURF算法相比,本文算法的图像匹配正确率有明显提高.  相似文献   

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