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The uptake of trace metals in the leaves of fast-growing woody species is a crucial factor in ecological risk assessment and in the evaluation of phytoextraction potentials. In this study, we present a long-term data series of foliar Cd, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations in poplar (Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides). Leaves were collected every three weeks from 2001 until 2007 on three sites, (i) a new plantation on an alluvial soil polluted by river sediments, (ii) a new plantation on an unpolluted soil and (iii) a 10-year old plantation on a polluted dredged sediment soil. In addition, tree rings were measured on the alluvial soil in order to better assess growth over the past seven years. Foliar concentrations of Cd, Zn and Mn decreased considerably with time in the new plantation on polluted soil. Concentrations of Zn and Mn decreased in the new plantation on unpolluted soil as well. The older plantation on polluted soil did not show changes in foliar concentrations for Cd, Zn or Mn. Foliar Cu concentrations slightly increased for all sites. Within one growing season, foliar concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu and Mn increased towards the end of the season. The tree ring data of the poplars on the alluvial soil indicated a strong decrease in growth due to declining tree condition from 2005 onwards, the same year that foliar Cd and Zn concentrations markedly decreased. Lower transpiration rates probably induced a lower uptake of dissolved trace metals. It is concluded that stand health and growth rate have a strong impact on the variation of foliar trace metal concentrations over time.  相似文献   

We examined methylmercury (MeHg) bioavailability in four of the most predominant wetland habitats in California's Central Valley agricultural region during the spring and summer: white rice, wild rice, permanent wetlands, and shallowly-flooded fallow fields. We sampled MeHg and total mercury (THg) concentrations in two aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa at the inlets, centers, and outlets of four replicated wetland habitats (8 wetlands total) during two time periods bounding the rice growing season and corresponding to flood-up and pre-harvest (96 total samples). In general, THg concentrations (mean ± standard error) in Notonectidae (Notonecta, back swimmers; 1.18 ± 0.08 µg g− 1 dry weight [dw]) were higher than in Corixidae (Corisella, water boatmen; 0.89 ± 0.06 µg g 1 dw, MeHg: 0.74 ± 0.05 µg g 1 dw). MeHg concentrations were correlated with THg concentrations in Corixidae (R2 = 0.80) and 88% of THg was in the MeHg form. Wetland habitat type had an important influence on THg concentrations in aquatic invertebrates, but this effect depended on the sampling time period and taxa. In particular, THg concentrations in Notonectidae, but not Corixidae, were higher in permanent wetlands than in white rice, wild rice, or shallowly-flooded fallow fields. THg concentrations in Notonectidae were higher at the end of the rice growing season than near the time of flood-up, whereas THg concentrations in Corixidae did not differ between time periods. The effect of wetland habitat type was more prevalent near the end of the rice growing season, when Notonectidae THg concentrations were highest in permanent wetlands. Additionally, invertebrate THg concentrations were higher at water outlets than at inlets of wetlands. Our results indicate that although invertebrate THg concentrations increased from the time of flood-up to draw-down of wetlands, temporarily flooded habitats such as white rice, wild rice, and shallowly-flooded fallow fields did not have higher THg or MeHg concentrations in invertebrates than permanent wetlands.  相似文献   

Metal concentration of plants growing on contaminated soils among other factors may depend on changes in the hydrological regime of the soil. Foliar and stem metal concentrations in Salix cinerea (grey sallow) were measured in 2 consecutive growing seasons on a submerged sediment-derived soil that underwent gradual terrestrialisation. Foliar and stem cutting concentrations for Cd, Zn and Mn increased on plots that were submerged during the first year, but emerged in the second year of monitoring. The litter layer was sampled under the shrubs of a plot with a recent abrupt change in hydrological regime and on the reference plot. It was separated in three size fractions through sieving. Analysis of the litter fractions suggested that Cd and Zn concentrations remained constant during fragmentation. However, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb concentrations increased, which was attributed to adhesion of mineral soil particles on the fine fraction. After correction for the metal content in the mineral fraction, an increase in Cd, Mn and Cu concentration during fragmentation of the organic part of the litter layer was observed for the polluted plot. Net litter layer decomposition rate was low, which may indicate low colonisation by the decomposing community. Terrestrialisation resulted in higher Cd, Mn and Zn uptake by willows. The deviant litter layer metal concentrations for Cd, Zn and Mn and low decomposition rate must be further monitored. Feasibility of measures aiming at re-establishing wetland conditions for the dredged sediment landfill must be considered.  相似文献   

Mercury cycling in the water column and upper sediments of a contaminated area, the Largo do Laranjo, Aveiro (Portugal), was evaluated after determination of reactive and non-reactive mercury concentrations in the water column and pore waters of sediments, collected in several places of this bay. In the water column, reactive mercury concentrations varied between 10 and 37 pmol dm(-3), the highest values being observed near the mercury anthropogenic source. However, reactive mercury was a narrowly constrained fraction of the total mercury, making up only 4-16% of the total, showing evidence of the importance of dissolved organic matter on mercury transport. In sediments, higher concentrations of mercury were also determined near industrial discharges. Results indicate the existence of an equilibrium between solid and liquid phases, determined by solid sediment/pore water distribution coefficients. Much of the mercury present in the solid fraction is associated with organic matter (r=0.837) and iron oxyhydroxides (r=0.919), but as oxides begin to dissolve in reduced sediments and organic matter decays, the adsorbed mercury is released. In fact, the mercury concentrations in pore waters of those contaminated sediments largely exceeded the values determined in the water column. As molecular diffusion may contribute to the dissolved mercury distribution in the overlying water column, this phenomenon was evaluated. However, the pore waters of Largo do Laranjo do not enrich the water column substantially in terms of reactive and non-reactive mercury. In fact, pore waters can contribute only to 0.2% and 0.5% of the reactive and non-reactive mercury present in the water column, respectively, showing that as long as mercury is being incorporated in sediments, it stays in stable forms.  相似文献   

Active sediment caps represent a comparatively new technology for remediating contaminated sediments. They are made by applying chemically active amendments that reduce contaminant mobility and bioavailability to the sediment surface. The objective of this study was to determine if active cap amendments including organoclay, apatite, and biopolymers have the potential to harm benthic organisms. Methods included laboratory bioassays of amendment toxicity and field evaluations of amendment impacts on organisms held in cages placed within pilot-scale active caps located in Steel Creek, a South Carolina (USA) stream. Test organisms included Hyalella azteca, Leptocheirus plumulosus, Lumbriculus variegatus, and Corbicula fluminea to represent a range of feeding modes, burrowing behaviors, and both fresh and saltwater organisms. In addition to the laboratory and field assays, chemical extractions were performed to determine if the amendments contained harmful impurities that could leach into the ambient environment. Laboratory bioassays indicated that 100% apatite had minimal effects on Hyalella in freshwater and up to 25% organoclay was nontoxic to Leptocheirus in brackish water. Field evaluations indicated that pilot-scale caps composed of up to 50% apatite and 25% organoclay did not harm Hyalella, Lumbriculus, or Corbicula. In contrast, organisms in caps containing biopolymers died because of physical entrapment and/or suffocation by the viscous biopolymers. The extractions showed that the amendments did not release harmful concentrations of metals. These studies indicated that apatite and organoclay are nontoxic at concentrations (up to 50% and 25% by weight, respectively) needed for the construction of active caps that are useful for the remediation of metals and organic contaminants in sediments.  相似文献   

Sources of Cd,Cu, Pb and Zn in biowaste   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Biowaste, the separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid waste, can be reused for soil conditioning after composting. In this way, environmentally harmful waste management strategies, such as landfilling or incineration, can be reduced. However, frequent application of composts to soil systems may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in soils, and therefore legal criteria were laid down in a decree to guarantee the safe use of composts. The heavy metal content of biowaste-composts frequently exceeds the legal standards, and thus raises a conflict between two governmental policies: the recycling of solid waste on the one hand, and the protection of natural ecosystems and public health on the other hand. In this study, the heavy metal content (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) of biowaste was compared with the natural background content of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the different constituents of biowaste. For this, the physical entities of biowaste were physically fractionated by wet-sieving and subsequent water-elutriation. In this way, organic and inorganic fractions of different particle sizes were obtained and the content of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn and the organic matter content of the different fractions were determined. On the basis of particle size, density and visual appearance, the particle-size fractions were assigned to various indoor and outdoor origins of the biowaste. It was found that a large amount of biowaste was not organic, but over 50% was made up of soil minerals due to the collection of biowaste constituents from gardens. The heavy metal content of the various fractions in biowaste was compared with the natural background contents of heavy metals in the constituents of biowaste, i.e. food products, plant material, soil organic matter and soil minerals, by collecting literature data. The heavy metal content in the fractionated physical entities of biowaste corresponded with the natural background concentration of its constituents and indicated that biowaste was not contaminated by other sources. However, the natural background content of biowaste constituents will result in heavy metal contents for biowaste-compost that will exceed the legal standards. It is advised that the legal standards for composts should be critically re-examined. The protection of soil systems could be better guaranteed if the input of heavy metals was evaluated for all inputs of fertilisers and soil conditioners, i.e. animal manures, various types of compost and artificial fertilisers.  相似文献   

The use of sequestering agents for the transformation of radionuclides in low concentrations in contaminated soils/sediments offers considerable potential for environmental cleanup. This study evaluated the influence of three types of phosphate (rock phosphate, biological phosphate, and calcium phytate) and two microbial amendments (Alcaligenes piechaudii and Pseudomonas putida) on U mobility. All tested phosphate amendments reduced aqueous U concentrations more than 90%, likely due to formation of insoluble phosphate precipitates. The addition of A. piechaudii and P. putida alone were found to reduce U concentrations 63% and 31%, respectively. Uranium removal in phosphate treatments was significantly reduced in the presence of the two microbes. Two sediments were evaluated in experiments on the effects of phosphate amendments on U mobility, one from a stream on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site near Aiken, SC and the other from the Hanford Site, a Department of Energy facility in Washington state. Increased microbial activity in the treated sediment led to a reduction in phosphate effectiveness. The average U concentration in 1 M MgCl(2) extract from U contaminated sediment was 437 microg/kg, but in the same sediment without microbes (autoclaved), the extractable U concentration was only 103 microg/kg. The U concentration in the 1 M MgCl(2) extract was approximately 0 microg/kg in autoclaved amended sediment treated with autoclaved biological apatite. These results suggest that microbes may reduce phosphate amendment remedial effectiveness.  相似文献   

Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The consumption of contaminated seafood has been reported as an important route of human exposure to metals in Taiwan. We consider the concentrations of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd, As, and the consumption of oysters of Taiwanese to be the important information related to public health in Taiwan. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the public health risks associated with TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As from shellfish for the general population and fishermen of Taiwan. In general, TBT concentrations in various oysters ranging from 0.32 to 1.51 microg/g dry wt. varied with sampling locations. The highest TBT, Cu, and Zn geometric mean (GM) concentrations in oysters of 1.51, 1180 and 1567 microg/g dry wt. were obtained from the Hsiangshan coastal area. The values of oyster consumption for fishermen were 94.1 and 250 g/day for typically and maximally exposed individuals, respectively. In particular, the highest intake (250 g/day) from fishermen was almost two times greater than that of the general population (139 g/day). The THQ (target hazard quotient) values of Hsiangshan's fishermen are 3.87 and 20.50 for TBT and Cu for maximally exposed individuals are higher than other oyster culture areas. It is interesting that those consuming oysters from Hsiangshan, Lukang, Taishi caused abnormally high THQs of TBT and other metals (100% over 1.0), and TBT was attributed to only 3-21% of the total THQs in different fishermen of Taiwan. Our results suggest that current environmental levels of TBT and other metals are associated with a significant potential threat to human health for fishermen resident in coastal areas of Taiwan.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the putative association between chemical contamination in western Lake Ontario and high prevalences of fish tumors, sediments from Hamilton Harbour and Oakville Creek in Lake Ontario and reference sites in non-polluted areas of Ontario, Canada were collected and extracted for organic contaminants. Sediment extracts from Hamilton Harbour had the highest concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine insecticides (ppb) and contained very high concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (ppm); although the levels of these compounds varied widely with sampling location in the harbor. A sediment extract from Hamilton Harbour was mutagenic in the Ames bacterial assay, both with and without microsomal activation. High levels of aromatic DNA adducts were induced in cultured mouse C3H1OT1/2 cells after in vitro exposure to Hamilton Harbour sediment extract. In two separate carcinogenicity experiments involving a sac fry microinjection assay with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Hamilton Harbour sediment extract induced hepatocellular carcinomas in fish. No hepatic neoplasms were observed in fish that had been treated with sediment extract from Oakville Creek, or with extract from a reference sediment. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the distribution of neoplasms in feral fish within western Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

In this paper, an assessment strategy is introduced which allows one to evaluate the ecological hazard of contaminated sediments in connection with the risk of in-stream erosion. Special techniques for sediment sampling, non-intrusive density profiling, and depth related measurement of erosion are presented, which, in combination with ecological aspects, lead to a comprehensive risk assessment of fluvial sediments. The strategy was applied to a lock-regulated reach of the River Neckar in Germany. The spatial pattern of contamination in the river reservoir was found to be remarkably heterogeneous. At some sites, very high heavy metal concentrations were detected at the sediment surface. A sudden increase in contamination with depth at other sites could be attributed to an erosional unconformity. The critical shear stress of erosion for old contaminated sediments is higher than for recently deposited material. Nevertheless, during major flood events, bottom shear stress in the river exceeds the critical shear stresses of erosion of all sediments. Accordingly, there is a substantial risk that old contaminated sediment can be mobilised from the reservoir and transported downstream.  相似文献   

Differences in bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) between fjords characterized by different water masses were investigated by comparing POP concentrations, patterns and bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) in seven species of zooplankton from Liefdefjorden (Arctic water mass) and Kongsfjorden (Atlantic water mass), Svalbard, Norway. No difference in concentrations and patterns of POPs was observed in seawater and POM; however higher concentrations and BAFs for certain POPs were found in species of zooplankton from Kongsfjorden. The same species were sampled in both fjords and the differences in concentrations of POPs and BAFs were most likely due to fjord specific characteristics, such as ice cover and timing of snow/glacier melt. These confounding factors make it difficult to conclude on water mass (Arctic vs. Atlantic) specific differences and further to extrapolate these results to possible climate change effects on accumulation of POPs in zooplankton. The present study suggests that zooplankton do biomagnify POPs, which is important for understanding contaminant uptake and flux in zooplankton, though consciousness regarding the method of evaluation is important.  相似文献   

Rates of oxygen consumption were obtained for four soils and six reservoir sediments using sediment-water reaction chambers and a differential respirometer. Determination of microbial activity as measured by [14C]glucose metabolism was also performed on these soils and sediments. To study the transformation of newly flooded soils into aquatic sediments, we examined the effects of prolonged submergence and temperature upon oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide formation and methanogenesis. Newly flooded soils initially had high biological oxygen consumption rates, ranging from 67.2 to 76.6% of the total oxygen demand. Established reservoir sediments, in contrast, exhibited extremely high chemical oxygen demands, ranging from 62.7 to 89.9% of the total oxygen demand and had proportionately lower biological oxygen demands. Newly flooded soils had the capacity for high rates of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide formation, and methanogenesis. However, these rates were extremely temperature-dependent and subject to rapid decline with prolonged submergence due to leaching and degradation of biologically available organic carbon (BAOC). With aging, the amount of BAOC released from the flooded soils decreased, the proportion of reduced inorganic chemical species increased, and a distinct aerobic-anaerobic double layer developed at the soil surface during aerobic conditions in the overlying water column.  相似文献   

Field data for sediment pH, Eh, sulphur and organic matter were analysed to determine their relationship with measured dissolved and particulate metals from sites in the Fly River affected by mine‐derived wastes. The above‐background concentrations of dissolved metals correspond to various concentration groups as demonstrated by copper for background (< 70 mg/kg), moderate (70–500mg/kg) and severe (> 500mg/kg), respectively. Dissolved Cu (r = 0.7431, p < 0.0005) and Mo (r = 0.7133,/> < 0.0005) were significantly correlated with their sediment component. Dissolved Al, Cd, Cu and Mo were positively correlated with sediment pH. Significant negative correlation between dissolved copper and sediment (SOM) organic matter (r = ‐0.3821, p < 0.05), and positive correlation with dissolved Al (r = 0.9358, p < 0.0005) suggest that dissolved Cu is present as a complex with either organic matter, Al/Fe oxyhydroxides, or oxyhydroxide‐organic matter colloids. Significant interrelations between dissolved Al, Cu and Mo with organic matter and the ratio of Fe/SOM also suggests that sediment physico‐chemical characteristics are important in the processes occurring in the Fly River floodplain sediments. These processes appear to be responsible for the significantly increased metal concentration in the water column.  相似文献   

Gelatinous macroplankton organisms were collected in May 1984 in Villefranche-sur-Mer Bay and analysed for cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. Analyses were carried out by polarography for Cd, Cu and Pb and by flame atomic absorption for Zn. Phosphorus was also measured in the samples as a biomass parameter due to difficulties inherent in measuring dry weight of gelatinous organisms. The samples belong to the Tunicates, the Cnidarians (Hydromedusae, Siphonophores and Scyphomedusae), the Ctenophores and the Molluscs. Crustaceans living on some Tunicates were also sampled.As regards cadmium, copper and lead, mean concentrations did not show significant differences among the phyla studied: especially for Tunicates with mean values of 0.1 ng Cd μg P−1, 2.0 ng Cu μg P−1 and 0.9 ng Pb μg P−1 and for Cnidarians with mean values of 0.5 ng Cd μg P−1, 2.0 ng Cu μg P−1 and 0.9 ng Pb μg P−1 and for Cnidarians with mean values of 0.5 ng Cd μg P−1, 2.0 ng Cu μg P−1, 1.0 ng Pb μg P−1. On the other hand, mean zinc concentrations were significantly lower in Tunicates (7.9 ng Zn μg P−1) than in Cnidarians (36.8 ng Zn μg P−1).Zinc seems to be preferentially concentrated in organisms which are rich in collagen, constituting the mesoglea, such as the Cnidarians, the Ctenophore and the gelatinous Mollusc studied, rather than in organisms rich in tunicin such as the Tunicates.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine if use of the Sequential Elution Technique (SET) improves interpretation of data on the total concentrations of elements in the moss Pseudoscleropodium purum, obtained in a regional network, by providing information about the cellular location, bioavailability and temporal representativeness of different elements. In total, 147 sites located at the vertices of a 15 × 15 km network were sampled. The total, extra- and intracellular concentrations of K, Na, Cd and Zn were determined and the spatial structure was analysed by use of robust variograms. The percentage of intracellular K was high (85%) compared with that of the extracellular K (15%), whereas those of the extra and intracellular Na and Cd were similar, both close to 50%. Zinc comprised a higher percentage of extracellular metal (61%). Spatial structure was clearly observed in both the total and intracellular concentrations of Na and in the total and extracellular concentrations of Zn. These results demonstrated that use of the SET improves interpretation of the total concentrations of elements, with differences between the elements that are metabolically regulated and those that possibly are not. Despite problems regarding particles deposited on the moss surface, the extracellular concentration of elements may provide information about the potential risks associated with possible solubilization of these particles and their posterior absorption. However, the intracellular concentration, which is not influenced by the presence of particles on the moss surface, provides more realistic toxicological information, as it may be related to metabolic processes in the moss. We therefore recommend prioritizing the use of the intracellular fraction when using mosses in environmental monitoring networks.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the feasibility of using existing data sets of total soil metal concentrations and soil parameters, such as pH, to predict available metal concentrations on a regional or national basis. The attraction of such an approach is that it would provide valuable data for initiatives requiring information on the availability and mobility of metals in soils without the need for costly soil sampling and analysis. Ninety-seven topsoil and subsoil samples were collected from 6 soil series in a catenary sequence in north Wales to provide data for the development of an empirical model. These were analysed for total, 0.01 M CaCl2-extractable and porewater metal concentrations and for a range of soil properties including pH, solid and dissolved organic matter and cation exchange capacity. Regression analysis showed that, of the soil parameters measured, pH was the most important predictor variable for the estimation of CaCl2-extractable Cd, Pb and Zn. pH accounted for up to 86% of the variance in the proportion of 'total' metals which were extracted by CaCl2, a reagent that is commonly used to estimate plant uptake of elements. However, the relationships recorded between soil parameters and Kd (total metal/porewater metal) were much weaker, indicating that porewater metal concentrations can less readily be predicted from total soil metal concentrations and soil properties.  相似文献   

Contamination of heavy metals represents one of the most pressing threats to water and soil resources as well as human health. Phytoremediation can be potentially used to remediate metal-contaminated sites. This study evaluated the potential of 36plants (17species) growing on a contaminated site in North Florida. Plants and the associated soil samples were collected and analyzed for total metal concentrations. While total soil Pb, Cu, and Zn concentrations varied from 90 to 4100, 20 to 990, and 195 to 2200mg kg(-1), those in the plants ranged from 2.0 to 1183, 6.0 to 460, and 17 to 598mg kg(-1), respectively. None of the plants were suitable for phytoextraction because no hyperaccumulator was identified. However, plants with a high bioconcentration factor (BCF, metal concentration ratio of plant roots to soil) and low translocation factor (TF, metal concentration ratio of plant shoots to roots) have the potential for phytostabilization. Among the plants, Phyla nodiflora was the most efficient in accumulating Cu and Zn in its shoots (TF=12 and 6.3) while Gentiana pennelliana was most suitable for phytostabilization of sites contaminated with Pb, Cu and Zn (BCF=11, 22 and 2.6). Plant uptake of the three metals was highly correlated, whereas translocation of Pb was negatively correlated with Cu and Zn though translocation of Cu and Zn were correlated. Our study showed that native plant species growing on contaminated sites may have the potential for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Metals are transferred into the food web by ground-dwelling organisms, among others. This study aimed to identify the most important factors that determine the bioavailability of heavy metals to the spider Pirata piraticus living in the intertidal sediments of the Scheldt estuary (Flanders, Belgium). At five locations, which represent a varying degree of metal contamination and salinity, the superficial layer of sediments was characterised for physico-chemical properties and heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Zn) content and extractability. Spiders were sampled at the same locations and analysed for Cd, Cu and Zn. Higher Cd, Cu and Zn contents were found in spiders on sites with lower total metal contents in the sediment. These sites were closest to the river mouth and were characterised by a higher salinity. Significant, positive correlations were found between the chloride content of the sediments and the Cd, Cu and Zn content of P. piraticus. Similarly, a strong relationship was observed between the ratio of exchangeable Cd and Zn to the total cation exchange capacity and the contents of these elements in P. piraticus. These field data indicated that salinity, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable metal contents were of most importance in determining bioavailability of heavy metals in these intertidal sediments.  相似文献   

Dissolved ( < approximately 4 nm, dialysis in situ), colloidal ( < 0.45 microm filtered, minus dissolved) and particulate (total, minus < 0.45 microm filtered) concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, (Al) in eight (three) mining polluted rivers were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (flame and graphite furnace). The metal size distribution in the rivers was compared to pH, Ca concentration, alkalinity, conductivity, and total organic carbon (TOC). Data plots based on the present and other studies also yielded information about the interrelations between TOC, pH and metal adsorption in rivers and lakes. Less than 10% of Cu, Zn, and Cd were sorbed on particles or colloids in two rivers with average pH at 3.1 and 5.1, whereas 46%, 21%, and 21% of Cu, Zn, and Cd, respectively, occurred in sorbed form in six pH neutral rivers. In three pH neutral rivers, on average 55% of Al was in colloidal form, whereas the dissolved and particulate fractions were 21% and 23%, respectively. Our data combined with data from similar studies support conclusions from other research suggesting that the percent fraction of metals adsorbed on particles rises steeply from almost zero to nearly 100% within a narrow and element specific pH range. Changes in TOC concentration seem capable of shifting the pH to % metal absorption curves in the order of one pH unit.  相似文献   

A hydroponics experiment was carried out in greenhouse to study the genotypic differences in Mn uptake and subcellular distribution in response to Cd toxicity. Increased Cd level in medium caused a significant reduction in plant height and fresh weight, and ZAU3 and Wumaoliuling being the least and the most affected genotypes, respectively. There was a marked difference in proportion of Mn accumulation in different fractions relative to the total Mn amount in tissues among the 4 fractions, with the soluble fraction FIV showing the largest proportion in shoots, followed by organelle containing fraction (FIII), while cell wall (FI) and chloroplasts FII being the smallest. Meanwhile, Cd significantly increased FIII Mn accumulation proportion, but decreased FIV proportion, with significant genotypic difference of Wumaoliuling being the least increase in FIII and the greatest decrease in FIV among the 4 genotypes. In roots, the major pool of Mn content was FI, FIV, and FIII, and Cd induced no significant changes. Furthermore, Cd caused a significant reduction in subcellular Mn concentration of FI and FIV fractions in shoots and the 4 fractions in roots, with more pronounced in Cd-sensitive cultivar Wumaoliuling in root FII, FIII and FIV, and shoot FI, FII, and FIII, while little difference in both Mn concentrations of root FI, and shoot FIV.  相似文献   

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