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Keang-Po Ho 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2000,18(7):915-921
The crosstalk variance of stimulated Raman crosstalk in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) systems is derived analytically in a closed-form formula for all systems with different walkoff length. The probability density function (pdf) of stimulated Raman crosstalk is found to be lognormal distribution (Gaussian distribution in decibel scale). Both power penalty and power limit induced by Raman crosstalk are evaluated and can be applied to single- and multispan WDM systems 相似文献
We present extensive numerical studies on the determination of coherent wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) crosstalk penalties for ultradense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems, focusing on carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (CSRZ) as well as on 67% duty cycle differential phase-shift keying (67% RZ-DPSK) at a spectral efficiency of 0.8 b/s/Hz. Our analyses reveal large statistical variations in the predicted required optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) when changing the WDM channels' interference conditions, in particular their relative optical phases and their relative time shifts. The strong impact of the exact WDM interference conditions can lead to simulation inaccuracies of many decibels when using standard OSNR simulations techniques. In measurements of DWDM system performance, the long averaging time of bit error ratio (BER) test sets can hide these burst-error generating penalty variations, and may, therefore, lead to wrong interpretations, especially for systems employing forward error correction (FEC). To overcome the DWDM simulation problem, we introduce and thoroughly assess a new simulation technique that allows us to efficiently and accurately capture the average required OSNR penalty for DWDM systems with negligible statistical error. 相似文献
Crosstalk in an analog polarization modulation (PolM) system is studied analytically and experimentally. It is shown capable of producing dramatically lower crosstalk levels than intensity modulation (IM) at higher modulation frequencies (greater than 1 GHz) for a system with 200 GHz channel spacing. Calculations based on the developed analytical model show excellent agreement with experimental results and allow us to determine the necessary launch conditions for low-crosstalk transmission in a polarization modulation link. 相似文献
Forghieri F. Tkach R.W. Chraplyvy A.R. Marcuse D. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1994,6(6):754-756
Crosstalk due to four-wave mixing (FWM) is the dominant nonlinear effect in long-haul multichannel optical communication systems employing dispersion-shifted fiber. A technique to design the channel frequency allocation in order to minimize the crosstalk due to FWM is presented. It is shown that suitable unequal channel separations can be found for which no four-wave mixing product term is superimposed on any of the transmitted channels. This is obtained at the expense of some expansion of the system bandwidth. Simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of this technique in a 10-channel, 10-Gb/s per channel, system 相似文献
G. Goeger M. Wrage W. Fischler 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2004,16(8):1858-1860
Cross-phase modulation (XPM) is a major performance-limiting effect in high bit-rate wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) networks with narrow channel spacing. In this paper, we present closed expressions for fast and accurate calculation of both XPM-induced amplitude and phase distortions of WDM channels. This is of particular importance for network optimization and examination of advanced modulation formats. By comparison with simulations, we demonstrate the wide application range of the novel method. 相似文献
Performance limitation due to statistical Raman crosstalk in a WDM system with multiple-wavelength bidirectionally pumped Raman amplification 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A general theoretical model of statistical Raman crosstalk and its impact on system performance in a multiwavelength bidirectionally pumped Raman fiber amplifier (RFA) is developed for the first time, where we have taken modulation statistics, dispersion-induced pulse walk-off and signal-induced pump depletion into account. Two kinds of statistical Raman crosstalk, from signal-induced forward-pump depletion and from signal-signal Raman interaction, are included in one model. Formulas for normalized Raman crosstalk, Raman crosstalk-induced relative intensity noise spectral density, and its variance and system performance impact in terms of Q penalty are presented for both a single-span system and a dispersion-compensated multispan wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) link. Based on these formulas, we numerically investigate the impact of Raman crosstalk on system performance in a three-wavelengths bidirectionally pumped 40 /spl times/ 40-Gb/s WDM system for various fiber types. In addition, Raman crosstalk in a four-wavelength bidirectionally pumped RFA was experimentally measured. The results agree well with our theory. 相似文献
Crosstalk in fiber Raman amplification for WDM systems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Weijian Jiang Peida Ye 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1989,7(9):1407-1411
The crosstalk between channels in Raman amplification for two-channel WDM system is calculated. Theory shows that severe crosstalk can occur even in the linear amplification (or pump undepletion) region. To ensure small crosstalk, the signal gain and injected pump power should be limited to values well below the threshold of Raman amplification. As a numerical example, a 30-dB gain penalty and 3-dB pump power penalty occur when a 30-dB signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is required. Thus, the conversion efficiency of Raman amplification in WDM systems is very low 相似文献
Cross-phase modulation in multispan WDM optical fiber systems 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The spectral characteristics of cross-phase modulation (XPM) in multispan intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM-DD) optical systems are investigated, both experimentally and theoretically. XPM crosstalk levels and its spectral features are found to be strongly dependent on fiber dispersion and optical signal channel spacing. Interference between XPM-induced crosstalk effects created in different amplified fiber spans is also found to be important to determine the overall frequency response of XPM crosstalk effects. XPM crosstalk between channels with different data rates is evaluated. The crosstalk level between higher and lower bit rate channels is found to be similar to that between two lower bit rate channels. The effect of dispersion compensation on XPM crosstalk in multispan optical systems is discussed and per span dispersion compensation was found to be the most effective way to minimize the effect of XPM crosstalk 相似文献
为了有效抑制SCM/WDM光纤通信系统中的群速度色散和非线性效应,利用SCM/WDM光纤通信系统中信号经过两次调制这一特性,提出了一种在SCM/WDM系统中容易实现的抑制载波的光学单边带调制技术。抑制载波的光学单边带调制信号具有很大的调制深度,即通过抑制载波可以有效的增大了调制深度,进而可以减小调制器的外加电压升高而激发的一系列有害的非线性效应。实测的调制信号的频谱只剩下了半个边频,有效地减小了光信号的频带宽度,从而可以有效地减小群速度色散对信号的劣化。接收机灵敏度的实测图表明,利用文中所述的抑制载波的光学单边带调制技术可以有效地提高接收机的灵敏度达3-5dB。 相似文献
In wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) optical systems, cross-phase modulation induced by Kerr effect gives rise to nonlinear phase modulation of each channel, which depends on the overall power in all the other channels. In this letter, the fiber propagation of WDM optical signals affected by cross-phase modulation is analyzed. In particular, the effect due to fiber chromatic dispersion is evaluated after that cross-phase modulation has arisen and stabilized 相似文献
Wei Ding Zhangyuan Chen Deming Wu Anshi Xu 《Electronics letters》2002,38(21):1265-1267
The Raman crosstalk in wavelength division multiplexing transmission systems is analysed in respect of modulation statistical property and dispersion walk-off effect. Both the mean nonlinear depletions/gains and crosstalk variances experienced by individual channels are found to be asymmetric for intensity-modulated systems. The asymmetry increases with the number of channels and input power. 相似文献
The impact of modulation frequency on the crossphase modulation (XPM) effect in intensity modulation (IM)-direct detection wavelength-division multiplexing systems is investigated theoretically and numerically. A simple expression for IM is derived, verified by simulation and its validity is presented. The dependence of XPM-induced IM on the fiber length, fiber dispersion, channel separation and pump modulation frequency is assessed. It is shown that at very low frequency the walkoff effect has almost no influence on the XPM-induced IM efficiency which increases with the square of the frequency; at higher frequency the IM efficiency can be reduced significantly by the walkoff and scales linearly with modulation frequency 相似文献
The applications of Raman amplifiers as repeater amplifiers or post-transmitter amplifiers in a high-density WDM system are theoretically investigated. There exists an optimum pump power which results in maximum amplifier gain. The result shows that amplifier gains up to 50 dB and 20 dB are achievable for use as a repeater and a post-transmitter amplifier, respectively.<> 相似文献
The crosstalk effect of aerosol backscatter on the performance of a wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) optical wireless communication (OWC) system is investigated, analyzed, and quantified. An OWC link could be a segment within a metropolitan area network (MAN) or a ground-station-to-space link of a satellite communication system. In these cases, a WDM transmitter and receiver are housed in one transceiver unit with parallel, or near-parallel, optic axes. The crosstalk at the receiver is caused by light from the transmitted signal of the same transceiver, which has been backscattered by molecules and aerosols in the atmosphere. This is exacerbated in the presence of fog and haze, in which case both the desired signal from another transceiver is attenuated by scattering and the backscatter-induced crosstalk increases. A bit-error-rate (BER) model is derived that takes into consideration the dominant noise sources, including backscatter-induced crosstalk and signal mixing with amplified stimulated emission (ASE) from an optical preamplifier at the receiver. The numerical calculations in this paper indicate that, in moderate fog, the BER may increase by an order of magnitude or more due to backscatter, depending upon the atmospheric extinction coefficient. 相似文献
Statistical analysis of crosstalk accumulation in WDM networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Accumulation of inband crosstalk in all-optical networks is studied. By applying statistical methods, we have investigated how inband crosstalk accumulation influences the performance of optical networks of different configurations. Our study shows that there exists a delicate dependence between network topology and robustness with respect to accumulation of inband crosstalk. A method is proposed to design optical networks with optical paths satisfying a certain level of inband crosstalk performance 相似文献
Observation of WDM crosstalk in passive semiconductor waveguides 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
van Thourhout D. Doerr C.R. Joyner C.H. Pleumeekers J.L. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2001,13(5):457-459
We show that passive InP-InGaAsP waveguides exhibit high nonlinear loss due to the highly energetic carriers generated by two-photon absorption. We have further demonstrated, for the first time, that due to this effect, severe crosstalk occurs between wavelength channels when they are transmitted through a semiconductor waveguide operated in the transparency region, at power levels used in typical wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) systems. Some solutions are proposed 相似文献
Modeling of in-band crosstalk in WDM optical networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Iannone E. Sabella R. Avattaneo M. De Paolis G. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1999,17(7):1135-1141
In this paper, we analyze three different simulation models which allow the impact of in-band crosstalk on the transmission performances of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks to be evaluated: an accurate simulation (AS), a Gaussian correlated noise (GCN) model, and a Gaussian white noise (GWN) model. In the AS, an interfering channel is generated at each node and added to the signal after an optical filtering. The final result must be averaged with respect to the message transmitted on the interfering channels and to the phases of the optical carriers. In the GCN the crosstalk term is modeled as a Gaussian correlated noise, whose spectrum coincides with that of the interfering channel. This model can be further simplified if the noise is also assumed uncorrelated (GWN approximation). The results obtained by these simulation models are also compared with those produced by an analytical model allowing to evaluate the in-band crosstalk penalty 相似文献
WDM系统中的光纤非线性效应及其对系统的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
光纤非线性效应是限制波分复用(WDM)通信系统发展的主要因素,文章系统地讨论了WDM光纤系统中各种光纤非线性效应,着重于多信道非线性效应及其对系统的影响,提出了各种有效地抑制非线性效应的措施,供系统设计者参考。 相似文献